!( !( !( !( Wah Keeney Park Sullivan Idledale !( Kittredge !( Edwards !( Morrison !( !( SheridanEnglewood Silverthorne Cherry Hills Village Avon !( !( Dillon Evergreen 106°37'30"W 106°30'0"W 106°22'30"W 106°15'0"W 106°7'30"W !( 106°0'0"W 105°52'30"W 105°45'0"W 105°37'30"W 105°30'0"W Brookv10a5l°e22'30"W !( 105°15'0"W 105°7'30"W Bow Ma1r05°0'0"W 104°52'30"W 104°45'0"W 104°37'30"W !( 39°37'30"N 5S 82W 5S 72W Indian !( 5S 79W 5S 78W 5S 65W 5S 81W 5S 80W Hills 5S 66W !( Tiny Town 5S 68W 5S 67W BEAVER CREEK VAIL 5S 77W 5S 75W CLEAR CREEK 5S 71W 5S 69W 5S 64W Eagles Nest 5S 76W 5S 70W !( 5S 74W Arapaho NF 24 !( Montezuma 5S 73W ¤£ !( ARAPAHOE Frisco KEYSTONE Mount Evans Fenders 6S 79W 6S 78W !( Gilman 6S 73W 6S 82W 6S 81W 6S 80W 6S 77W 6S 70W 6S 76W 6S 75W 6S 74W 6S 69W 6S 68W 6S 67W !( Redcliff 6S 71W !( Conifer !( Parker 6S 65W 6S 64W 39°30'0"N 6S 72W 6S 66W EAGLE SUMMIT 39°30'0"N BRECKENRIDGE £285 COPPER !( Breckenridge ¤ MOUNTAIN Louviers !( 25 White River NF Grant ¨¦§ !( JEFFERSON Singleton 7S 79W 9 !( Holy Cross 7S 80W 91 (! 7S 77W 7S 75W 7S 70W 7S 67W 7S 81W (! 7S 74W 7S 73W 7S 71W 7S 68W Sedalia !( 7S 65W 7S 64W 7S 82W Kokomo !( 7S 76W 7S 72W 7S 66W 7S 78W Pine 7S 69W !( Bailey !( !( South Platte Franktown 67 !( 39°22'30"N !( (! !( Meredith Climax Jefferson !( Buffalo Creek !( 8S 80W 8S 77W 39°22'30"N !( 8S 64W Castle Rock SKI COOPER 8S 79W !( 8S 74W 8S 70W 8S 69W 8S 67W Elizabeth Kiowa 8S 78W 8S 75W 8S 72W !( 8S 81W 8S 76W 8S 73W 8S 71W 8S 68W 8S 66W 8S 65W 8S 82W ELBERT !( DOUGLAS PITKIN Como Lost Creek Alma !( 9S 73W 9S 81W 9S 76W 9S 75W 9S 70W 9S 80W 9S 79W 9S 78W 9S 68W 9S 67W 39°15'0"N 9S 82W 9S 74W 9S 69W 9S 65W !( Leadville 9S 77W 9S 72W 9S 66W 9S 64W Pike NF 39°15'0"N Hunter- LAKE !( Fairplay Larkspur !( 9S 71W !( Fryingpan Elbert Mount ¤£24 10S 80W 10S 71W 10S 82W 10S 79W 10S 78W Massive 10S 77W 10S 76W 10S 75W 10S 74W 10S 70W 10S 67W 10S 66W 10S 65W 10S 64W 10S 81W 10S 72W 10S 69W 10S 68W !( 10S 73W Westcreek 39°7'30"N 39°7'30"N 11S 80W Tarryall !( !( Palmer Lake ¤£285 Garo !( PARK 11S 82W 11S 81W 11S 79W Twin Lakes 11S 77W !( 11S 78W 11S 76W 11S 75W 11S 74W 11S 72W 11S 71W 11S 70W 11S 69W 11S 68W 11S 65W 11S 64W 82 11S 73W 11S 67W (! 11S 66W 67 Granite !( (! Peyton !( 12S 69W !( Buffalo 12S 67W 39°0'0"N 12S 82W Hartsel 12S 81W 12S 79W 12S 76W 12S 74W 12S 72W 39°0'0"N Peaks 12S 77W 12S 75W 12S 68W 12S 66W 12S 65W 12S 64W 12S 80W 12S 78W 12S 73W 12S 71W ¤£24 Lake George !( !( Woodland 12S 70W Park EL PASO !( Crystola 13S 70W !( Florissant !( 24 Divide 13S 69W ¤£ !( Falcon Collegiate Peaks 13S 68W 13S 82W 13S 80W 13S 79W 13S 81W 13S 76W 13S 75W 13S 74W 13S 73W 13S 72W Florissant Fossil Pikeview !( 13S 65W San13S 78W 13S 77W 13S 64W 13S 67W 13S 66W Beds NM !( Cascade 38°52'30"N 13S 71W Isabel !( 38°52'30"N Papeton 14S 81W TELLER NF!( Buena Vista 14S 66W !( 14S 82W 14S 80W 14S 78W 14S 71W 14S 67W !( Colorado Springs 14S 77W 14S 76W 14S 74W 14S 72W 14S 70W 14S 65W 14S 64W 14S 75W 14S 79W 14S 73W 14S 68W 14S 69W CHAFFEE Broadmoor !( 15S 77W 38°45'0"N !( Security 15S 82W !( Nathrop !( Guffey 38°45'0"N 15S 81W 15S 80W 15S 78W 15S 73W 15S 71W Cripple Creek !( 15S 69W 15S 76W 15S 75W 15S 74W 15S 72W 15S 68W 15S 67W 15S 66W 15S 64W 15S 70W 15S 65W 15S 79W GUNNISON !( Victor 51N 3E 51N 4E 51N 6E 51N 5E 51N 7E 51N 8E 51N 9E 51N 12E 51N 10E 51N 11E 16S 73W 16S 72W 16S 66W 16S 71W 16S 67W 16S 65W 16S 64W 16S 68W 38°37'30"N (!9 16S 70W 16S 69W 38°37'30"N !( Pitkin 50N 10E 50N 3E 50N 4E 50N 5E 50N 6E 50N 7E 50N 9E 17S 72W !( Ohio 50N 8E 50N 11E 50N 12E Garfield 17S 71W 17S 70W 17S 68W 17S 67W 17S 66W 17S 65W 25 17S 64W !( 17S 73W 17S 69W ¨¦§ Maysville !( !( !( Wigwam 49N 6E Salida 49N 4E 49N 5E MONARCH Poncha Springs !( 38°30'0"N 49N 8E 49N 9E 38°30'0"N 49N 10E 49N 11E 49N 12E FREMONT Gunnison NF !( Parkdale ¤£50 18S 72W 18S 73W 18S 70W 18S 67W 18S 66W 18S 65W 18S 64W 49N 7E 18S 71W 18S 69W 18S 68W !( Howard !( Stone City Canon City !( 48N 3E 48N 4E !( Penrose 48N 5E 48N 7E 48N 8E 48N 10E !( 48N 6E 50 Sargents 48N 9E 48N 11E !( ¤£ 48N 12E Texas Creek 19S 71W 19S 73W Portland 38°22'30"N 19S 72W 19S 70W Florence !( !( 19S 67W 19S 66W 19S 65W 19S 64W 19S 69W 38°22'30"N 47N 4E !( 19S 68W Coaldale !( Cotopaxi 47N 6E ¤£50 ¤£285 (!67 47N 3E 47N 8E 47N 5E 47N 10E 47N 7E 47N 9E 47N 11E 47N 12E 20S 70W 20S 73W 20S 64W 20S 72W 20S 67W 20S 65W Bonanza City !( 20S 69W 20S 68W Sangre 20S 71W 20S 66W !( 38°15'0"N de Hillside 96 !( !( Villa Grove (! Pueblo 38°15'0"N 46N 4E 21S 69W 46N 7E 46N 8E 21S 72W Wetmore !( !( 46N 5E 46N 6E Cristo 46N 12E 46N 9E 46N 10E 21S 73W 21S 71W 21S 68W 21S 67W 21S 66W 21S 65W 21S 64W 46N 11E 21S 70W San !( Greenwood Rio Isabel PUEBLO 45N 4E Grande 96 45N 5E 45N 6E 45N 7E 45N 9E (! 45N 8E 45N 11E 45N 12E NF 38°7'30"N 22S 73W Westcliffe !( !( Silver Cliff 22S 70W 22S 65W NF 22S 71W 22S 69W 22S 67W 22S 66W 22S 64W 38°7'30"N 45N 10E 22S 72W 44N 5E !( Rosita 44N 6E !( 22S 68W Saguache Beulah 44N 4E 44N 12E Sangre 23S 73W !( 44N 7E 44N 8E 44N 9E 44N 10E CUSTER 23S 69W 44N 11E 23S 68W de 23S 71W 23S 67W Rio Grande NF 23S 72W 23S 66W 23S 65W 23S 64W Cristo 23S 70W 38°0'0"N **Map Key** 43N 11E !( 69 38°0'0"N SAGUACHE Crestone 43N 12E (! 43N 4E (! Towns/Cities 24S 70W 43N 5E 43N 6E 43N 7E ¤£285 43N 8E 43N 9E 24S 73W Major RSoaawdlosg 43N 10E 24S 72W 24S 71W 24S 69W 24S 68W 24S 67W 24S 66W 24S 65W 24S 64W !( Cedarwood Rivers/Streams !( Rye Lakes/Reservoirs Greenhorn !( 37°52'30"N 42N 5E 42N 6E Township/Range 42N 7E 42N 8E 42N 9E 42N 10E Greenhorn 37°52'30"N 42N 4E 25S 70W 25S 69W La Garita 25S 73W 25S 67W 25S 66W 25S 65W 25S 64W County Boundary 25S 71W 25S 72W Mountain !( La Garita (!17 25S 68W State Boundary 26S 73W Ex4i1sNt 5inE g Permitte41dN 6SEki Areas 41N 7E 41N 4E 41N 8E 41N 9E 41N 10E Gardner Great Sand !( 26S 68W Proposed Colorado Roadless 41N 11E 41N 12E 26S 71W 26S 70W 26S 69W 26S 67W 26S 65W 26S 64W 26S 66W 37°45'0"N Areas (CRAs) 26S 72W Dunes NP 37°45'0"N Alternative 2 Upper Tier Acres Hooper !( 40N 4E Al4t0eNr 5nEative 4 Upper Tier Acres 40N 6E 40N 7E 40N 8E 40N 9E 40N 10E 40N 12E 27S 73W 40N 11E National Forest System Lands: 27S 72W 27S 71W 27S 70W 27S 69W 27S 68W 27S 67W 27S 66W 27S 65W 27S 64W !( WildernDeel Nsosrte A!( reas National Forest System Lands: Sangre HUERFANO Administrative Boundaries Mosca !( 37°37'30"N 39N 7E de 28S 72W 28S 70W 39N 4E 39N 5E 37°37'30"N Department of t3h9eN 6IEnterior: 39N 8E 39N 9E 39N 10E 39N 11E 39N 12E Walsenburg !( 28S 73W National Park Service Lands 28S 69W 28S 68W Cristo 28S 67W 28S 66W 28S 65W 28S 64W !( 1:240,000 25 The USDA Forest Service manages this data for planning purposes only, and ¨¦§ provides no warranty, nor accepts any liability occurring from any other use of this ¤£160 data. It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine whether or not the data ALAMOSA are suitable for any other purposes, and to apply this data in an appropriate and conscientious manner. Map Created: March 2012. 0 5 10 20 Miles 38N 4E 38N 5E 38N 6E 38N 7E ± 29S 68W 38N 9E 38N 11E 29S 73W 38N 8E 38N 10E 38N 12E 29S 69W !( 29S 67W 37°30'0"N La Veta 29S 66W 29S 65W 29S 64W 37°30'0"N 37N 13E Alamosa !( 30S 69W 12 37N 5E 37N 5 1/2E 37N 6E 37N 12E (! - Pike 37NN 7E ati37No 8E na37Nl 9E Fo37Nr 10Eest37N 11E& Blanca !( !( San Isabel NF Rio Grande NF 30S 67W 30S 66W 30S 65W 30S 64W Fort Garland 30S 68W !( San Isabel National Fores36N t12E - Aguilar 37°22'30"N !( Estrella Cuchara 37°22'30"N 36N 4 1/2E 36N 5E !( 36N 4E 36N 6E Spanish Peaks 36N 7E 36N 8E 36N 9E 36N 10E 36N 11E COSTILLA 31S 64W Colorado Roadless Areas with 31S 69W 31S 67W 31S 66W 31S 65W Ludlow !( 31S 68W !( Gulnare Alternatives 2 & 4 Upper Tier Acres !( !( La Jara LAS ANIMAS 37°15'0"N 35N 6E 35N 7E 35N 8E 35N 9E 32S 69W 35N 10E 35N 11E South 32S 68W 32S 67W 32S 66W 32S 65W 32S 64W 37°15'0"N San Juan 35N 5E CONEJOS 34N 7E 34N 4E 34N 5E 34N 6E 34N 8E 34N 9E 34N 10E 34N 11E !( Boncarbo San Luis 106°30'0"W 106°22'30"W 106°15'0"W 106°7'30"W 106°0'0"W 105°52'30"W 105°45'0"W 105°37'30"W 105°30'0"W !( 105°22'30"W 105°15'0"W 105°7'30"W 105°0'0"W 104°52'30"W 104°45'0"W 104°37'30"W Romeo Manassa !( !( Trinidad Vigil !( San PedroChama !( Jansen !( !( !( San Pablo Stonewall !( !( !( !( !( !(.
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