Friday, October 1, 1993 • Vol. XXVI No. 25 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S , Dallmayr Bosnian family leaves its war-torn home speaks on By ELIZABETH REGAN Assistant Saint Mary's Editor The once quiet town of equality Pesang. Bosnia is now in the front line of the hostile fighting By W.HUDSON GILES taking place in the former News Writer Yugoslavia. forcing over two­ hundred fifty thousand "Equality without mediation" Bosnian families to take refuge typifies "Modes of Cross­ elsewhere. I Cultural Encounter .. according Nusret and Jasminka Bahtic to Government Professor Fred and their four-year-old son Dallmayr in his recent thesis Denis were not alone when f and mono-symposium topic. they packed two small satchels Dallmayr spoke at the with their personal belongings Hesburgh Center for and left their family members r International Studies on behind to pioneer a new life in Thursday focusing on the inte­ the United States. gration of Western cultures The Bahtics. secretly spon­ during the Age of Exploration. sored by a division of Catholic The seminar. conducted and Charities in Zagreb. Croatia, sponsored by the Kroc were able to flee to the safety Institute. directed its attention of South Bend on September toward comprehending the 1 7. where they were met at the attitudes of different cultures airport by many people willing during the exploration peri­ to help. including translator od using such examples as the Anne Ivanis. Catholic Charities Spanish worker Caroline Nacakanja, i -KH Inquisition into Central and and Saint Mary's seniors Ann The Observer/Elmer Danch South America in the early Grant. Jennifer Toth. and Nusret and Jasminka Bahtic along with their four-year-old son Denis seek refuge in South Bend. The fam­ 1500's. Mollie Wheeler. ily escaped their war-torn home in Bosnia to start a new life in the United States. Dallmayr elaborated on the "Everyone is so anxious to family. according to Hank. Bahtic. Bosnians have found a some- Spanish Inquisition claiming. help out." Ivanis said. "We "We told Catholic Charities Mr. Bahtic, a former sales- what safer environment. "Their aim was to create a don't realize the extent of the that we would help them in man and whole sale dealer in Many men have sent the global empire under a guiding freedom that we have in this any way that we can." Hank Bosnia, is open to any entry women of their families into mission. not a haphazard oper­ country." said. level position. He has had safe zones similar to ation." Augusta Hall residents are The Bahtics are living in a some experience as a painter Makarska. due to the number Dallmayr also specified that sponsoring the Bosnian family garage apartment in South and a carpenter's apprentice. of rapes and killings being both Islam and Christianity as their Hall Service Project for Bend with host family Dave "Really. I will take any posi- committed by the armies on deeply believed they had a mis­ the 1993-94 school year. and Susan Nakielski and their tion available," Mr. Bah tic the front line. according to Mr. sion to globalize during that "We are sponsoring our three children. said. Bahtic. expansion era. time." Grant said. "We are "This has been a very re- "They are such industrious. Although these coastal towns Military conquest relating di­ really excited about this ser­ warding experience," Mrs. smart. and hardworking peo- are safer. they are still lacking rectly to the Spanish vice project and we hope to Nakielski said. "They are very pie," Mrs. Nakeilski said. "I severely in food, medical care. Inquisition. Dallmayr cited. make their transition form appreciative and just a joy to have a lot of admiration for toiletries. and items that most was based on asymmetry or Bosnia to America as smooth as possible." have." them. Completely starting Americans take for granted. hegemonic power relation with The Bahtics hope to assimi- over is so courageous." "At home. almost everyone is examples such as Columbus' Augusta board members late to life in the United States The Bahtics left her parents mostly worried and sad. and and Cortes' conquest over the plan to fit residents into week­ by getting their own apart- in Pesang and his mother and without hope," Mrs. Bahtic Americas and the attempted ly volunteer slots. They will be ment. learning English and sister in Makarska. a coastal available for babysitting, tutor­ conquest of the Philippines. getting jobs. according to Mr. town in Croatia. where many see BOSNIA 1 page 3 Dallmayr called this "out­ ing and errand running for the right domination" and said, "Different cultures have to be assimilated into dominant cul­ tures." Ruffner and Rafaj win He said that that 70 million SAINT MARY•s Native American inhabitants including those from central SMC freshmen election and southern regions were killed as a result of violent con­ By NICOLE MCGRATH place by gaining 27 percent of flict or indirectly by disease ELECTION RESULTS Saint Mary's News Editor the votes. said Broghammer. due to the western invasion. "We definitely could have "There is a natural superiority Saint Mary's freshman class done a lot more."said vice-pres­ between men of different cul­ voted Emily Ruffner and Anna idential candidate. Kellogg. tures", he went on to say. Rafaj their new president and "We are disappointed that we Dallmayr touched on other vice-president at yesterday's lost. Hopefully. we can partici­ related topics such as assimila­ run -off elections. according to pate in other ways like hall tion and acculturation. conflict Elections Commissioner council or freshman board." and class struggle. as well as Elizabeth Broghammer. The Leslie Field/ Jennifer liberalism and minimal The Ruffner/ Rafaj ticket se­ Augustine ticket received 26.5 engagement including dialogi­ cured 45.5 percent of the votes. percent of the vote and came in cal engagement. said Broghammer. third place, according to "We are aware of the strains Broghammer. and limitations of the Melting "We campaigned until mid­ Pot". he said in response to a night by hitting almost every "We gave it our all and we question regarding the failure freshman's room... said wish them the best." said presi­ of the Melting Pot theory. Ruffner. dential candidate. Field. "We Dallmayr attended the According to Ruffner. she still want to start an envi­ University of Munich in hopes to start an interhall foot­ ronmental club on campus and Germany ball program. "We would like I think the freshman class is a and later went on to receive to get this project started right great group of women." his doctorate degree from Duke away while the weather's still According to Broghammer. University. He has taught at nice," she added. 52 percent of the freshman Purdue, Oxford. and the Other goals include having a class voted in today's run-off University of Hamburg to name Ann Miller/ SMC/ND freshman women's elections and one percent ab­ a few. He travels extensively Becky Kellogg luncheon in order to better re­ stained from voting. and has spent many years in lations between the two fresh­ "A lot of the times between the Far and Mid-East studying 27% man classes. Ruffner also hopes first elections and run-offs. it's the various cultures. particu­ to start service projects which pQssible that somebody's origi­ larly India. involve visiting senior citizens. nal ticket lost and they did not His social theory of moderni­ The Beth Ann Miller/ Becky bother to vote." said ty and post-modernity has been Kellogg ticket came in second Broghammer. widely acclaimed. ' - page2 The Observer • INSIDE Friday, October 1, 1993 INSIDE COLUMN WORLD AT A GLANCE Tryout the Quake kills 16,000 people in India UMARGA A major earthquake shattered the dawn quiet Thursday. collapsing campus bands mud and mortar homes onto sleeping families in villages across south­ ern India. More than 16.000 died and many more cried for help from Ahhhh ... another Friday. What should we do the wreckage. tonight? 1Oth floor Flanner? A particularly Authorities feared the death toll would rise substantially in India's raucous 2nd floor Stanford party? Perhaps one worst quake in a haH century. of the women's dorms? Hit-------­ Many villages were leveled so quickly as the earth shook violently and an off -campus joint or the opened crevices that people were crushed inside their homes while bars even? Regardless of sleeping. news agencies reported. what you choose. the ''The rising sun created darkness for us this morning. swallowed up option of going to the our villages. and made our houses into tombs." a survivor told a Samples concert is reporter. gone ... that was last Friday. Some survived when frantic rescuers heard them shouting for help The Samples. who were beneath toppled walls and roofs or saw a hand reaching out from the accepted as a "major wreckage. band" this summer when Friends, neighbors and police strained to lift stone. brick and wood by hand to free victims. they toured with the Rob Adams H.O.R.D.E. festival. did Soldiers and policemen rushed to the remote area of southwestern not sell out the Notre Day Editor India, bringing stretchers. tents. medical supplies. earth movers. bull­ Dame show last weekend. dozers and mobile hospitals. But relief workers had trouble reaching In fact. only some 1175 tickets were sold out of some villages that recently lost their roads and bridges to heavy mon­ a possible 2000 and the SUB Music Committee soon rains. suffered a 6000-dollar loss. The quake. which measured at least six on the Richter scale.
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