P1: TIX/XYZ P2: ABC JWBT558-IND JWBT558-Krosinsky October 3, 2011 18:51 Printer: Yet to Come Index A animal testing, 13 Abberley, Paul, 251 anticorruption measures, 309–10 Aberdeen Trust, 316 antisweatshop movement, 307 ABN AMRO India, 362 anti-trust Sherman Act, 193 Access to Medicine Index, 377 Apple, 42 ACGA. See Asian Corporate Governance aqua. See water Association (ACGA) Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 142 Acuity Brands, 109 Ardour Global Alternative Energy Index, 99 ADM Capital Foundation (Hong Kong), Arisaig Partners, 313, 320 313, 316, 318 Asiainvestor, 154 AFL-CIO, 50 Asian Association of Independent Research Africa Providers, 318–19 future tends, 352–53 Asian Corporate Governance Association, indexes, role of, 350 318 international exposure, 350–52 Asian countries investing case, 346–48 about, 301–2 markets, 346 corruption and human rights, 309 sustainability issues, 348–50 CSR alignment, 305–6 sustainable investing, 345 CSR reports, 302–5, 310 Africa Green Fund, 350 disclosure, lack of, 314–15 African Development Bank, 350, 352, 406 environmental laws, 309 Agarwal, Mr., 250 ESG research, funding, 317–18 agriculture climate change risk, 225 ESG risk and integration, 315–17 agrochemicals, 22 exchanges, 314 Agua Caliente project, 110 hours of work, maximizing, 308 AkzoNobel, 72–73 http://www.pbookshop.comindicies, benchmarking, 319–20 alcohol production, 86, 135, 319 industrial action, 308 All Pension Group, 318 institutional capacity, 318–19 alternative labor and environment, 306–8 energy targets, 283 labor practices, 307–8 energy technologies, 118 shareholder value, 309 fuels, 266 COPYRIGHTEDAsian Sustainability MATERIAL Rating, 314, 320 Amazon, 31 asset allocation, 385 American Funds, 102 asset class, 386 American Water Works, 151–52 As You Sow, 121, 141 Amgen, 143 at-the-money options, 207 Anglo-Australian mining, 330 Australia, 304 Anglo-Iranian, 82 Australian Council for Overseas Aid, 331, Anglo-Persian, 81–82 335 animal cruelty, 31 automotive fuel standards, 361 455 P1: TIX/XYZ P2: ABC JWBT558-IND JWBT558-Krosinsky October 3, 2011 18:51 Printer: Yet to Come 456 INDEX aviation, 264, 266 Data, 196 Aviva New Energy Finance, 14, 238 asset classes, 249–51 World Water Index, 146 Corporate Governance and Responsibility Bloomberg, Michael, 235 policy, 242 Blue Wolf Capital Management Engagement Management System, 250 challenges and opportunities, 419 Green Tires case study, 246–48 labor relations CODA, 421–22 history and investment philosophy, 242 result generating, 420–21 investment process, 242–43 board dynamics, 212 SRI portfolio, 243, 246 Bombay Stock Exchange, 359 supply chain, responsible, 248–49 Boston Common Asset Management, 316 sustainability matrix, 243–44 BOVESPA, 367, 378 Sustainable Future funds, 242 BP. See British Petroleum (BP) Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative, 251 BPA. See bisphenol-A (BPA) thematic analysis, 244–45 BQ-MQ rating, 257 valuation, 245 brand management, 236 British Petroleum (BP) B about, 53, 71–73, 81–84, 87–89, 101 Baldinger, Michael, 56 “Beyond Petroleum” strategy, 83, 89 Baldwin, Michael, 36–39, 44–45 Brown, Farnum, 238 Baldwin Brothers Inc., 35–39, 42–44 Brown, Neil, 247–48 banking sector in Canada, 324 Brundtland Commission, 12, 48 Bank of Ayudhya, 315 Buffett, Warren, 211–12, 435 basic needs of workers, 308 Bugg-Levine, Antony, 436, 438, 440 Baue, Bill, 92 building materials companies, 266 bauxite mine (Niyamgiri), 251 Bursa Malaysia exchange, 314 benchmarking performance, 5 Burt’s Bees, 8 Berkwits, Ethan, 112 business model, 31 best-performing companies, 366 butterfly effect, 211 best practices, 8 buyout, 404 big-box retailers, 31 biobreeding, 293 C biodiversity, 16, 58, 229 California Public Interest Research Group, BioExx Specialty Proteins, 109 134 biofuels, 264, 268–69 CalPERS, 411 Biofuels Corp., 269 http://www.pbookshop.comCalvert Foundation, 92–93 biomass energy, 293 Calvert Investments biomedicines, 293 Alternative Energy Solution Fund, 95, biomimetic production, 29 98–100 Bioneers Conference, 36 “Ambassador Program,” 94 biotechnology company, 143 “Calvert Letter,” 94 bisphenol-A (BPA), 141 ESG criteria, 95 Black Economic Empowerment, 348 Global Water Fund, 99–100 BlackRock, 102–3 High Social Impact Investments, 92 Mid Cap Growth Equity fund, 104 history, 91–93 Black-Scholes model, 207 large-cap growth fund market, 100–101, black swan, 205, 212 103–4 Blood, David, 433, 439 Large Cap Value Fund, 101, 103–4 Bloomberg Large Cap Value SAGE Fund, 101 about, 235–38, 352 methodologies, 96–102 P1: TIX/XYZ P2: ABC JWBT558-IND JWBT558-Krosinsky October 3, 2011 18:51 Printer: Yet to Come Index 457 mid-cap growth fund market, 103 Centrica Renewables, 24 Mid-Cap Growth Funds, 103–4 CEO Water Mandate, 75 people, 93–96 CERES, 121 performance, 102–5 Investor Network on Climate Risk, 238 SAGE funds, 95–96, 100–102 principles, 172 Signature funds, 95–98 Chaoda Modern Agriculture (CMA), 42 small-cap growth fund market, 104 chemical industry supply and demand, 197 Small-Cap Growth Funds, 104 Chevron, 143 Social Investment Fund, 92 Chicago Board Options Exchange, 185 Solution funds, 95–96, 98–100 child labor, 219, 307–8, 318–19 Women’s Principles, 94 China World Values International Equity Fund, alternative energy targets, 283 92 carbon dioxide emissions, 278–79 Canada CSR, 303 banking sector, 324 emission reduction, 296 industry, sustainable investment, 325 energy breakdown by source, 287 investment scene, 324 energy consumption, 282 natural resources, 325–26 energy-efficiency norms, 288–90 oil sands of Alberta, 123, 127–30, 143 energy reserves, 284 tar sands, 89, 101, 143 energy trade balance, 285 US trade relationship, 326 environmental policies, 292–96 Canon, 31 environmental targets, 282 cap-and-trade, 185–87, 190 industries, new and emerging, 293 capital allocation, 235 policy setting, 290–92 carbon power generation, 281–82 capture and storage, 110, 266 rapid industrialization, 14 credits, 187 resource scarcity, 280–88 exposure, 236 solar companies, 43 footprint, 89, 178, 194, 397 suicides in factories, 307 pricing, 387 China-Africa Development Fund, 351 risk, 191–93 China Securities Index, 318 carbon dioxide Chipotle Mexican Grill, 43 abatement, 267 Christian Science organizations, 432 emission cuts and caps, 224 Churchill, Winston, 82 emissions, 2, 7, 89, 183, 185–86, 191–92 Ciba-Geigy, 148 emissions, China, 278–79http://www.pbookshop.comCisco, 39, 120 emissions, energy-related, 281 Citigroup, 126 Carbon Disclosure Project Citigroup Global Markets, 237 about, 75, 176, 238, 316, 325, 353, 371, Citizen Lobby of New Jersey, 134 408 City Developments (Singapore), 315 Leadership Index, 174, 376 City of London, 178 Carbon Leaders Index, 377 Clayton Act, 193 Carlyle Group, 405, 408 clean Carmax, 98 air, 134 cars, plug-in hybrid, 293 coal, 293 Cathay Pacific Airways, 302, 311 drinking water, 148, 152–53 CDC/Oxfam study, 407 energy, 14, 108, 139, 146, 186 Celtel/Zain, 409 fuels, 16 Center for Responsible Business, 429 technologies, 139, 279 Centre for Environmental Rights, 351, 370 water, 134, 146–47, 156 P1: TIX/XYZ P2: ABC JWBT558-IND JWBT558-Krosinsky October 3, 2011 18:51 Printer: Yet to Come 458 INDEX Clean Air Act, 82 “Corporate Environmental Management and “clean-tech” investment, 324 Credit Risk,” 396 Clean Water Act, 82 Corporate Governance Watch, 309 climate change corruption, 31, 309, 329, 335, 338 about, 2, 17–18, 28, 32, 145, 169, 235, Corruption Perceptions Index, 350 264, 387 Corston-Smith Asset Management, 313 adaptation, 224–25, 227, 230, 270 cost accounting, 5 mitigation, 224, 349 cost green index, 5 policy, 88 cost per watt economics, 292 politics, 281 Coulson, Jennifer, 126, 129 risks, 266 Cranswick plc, 11, 22–23 Climate Counts’ Company Score Cards, Crawford Chemicals, 181–83 174 Crawford’s carbon risk, 194 Clorox’s Greenworks, 8 credit default swaps, 106 CME Group Inc., 55 credit ratings, 396 coal crop damage, 286 burning utilities, 87 CSRHUB’s Company Ratings, 174 consumption, 285 customer satisfaction, 30 fired power plants, 268, 278 cycle power plants, 266 mining industry, 318 reserves, 284 D Coca-Cola, 141, 208 Danone, 153 Code for Desirable Corporate Governance D’Arcy, William, 81 (India), 363 DAXglobal Alternative Energy Index, 369 Colorado Public Interest Research Group, Deane, Michael, 149 134 debt obligations, collateralized, 212 Columbia, 102 decarbonizing economies, 291 Commission Guidance Regarding Disclosure de Cordova, Michelle, 128 Relating to Climate Change, 176 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 53, 71, 81, 320, commodity pricing shocks, 286 429 complementary medicines, 16 Deere and Company, 120 ConAgra, 141 Del Monte, 141 Confederation of Indian Industry, 363 demographic change, 277 ConnPIRG Citizen Lobby, 134 “Demystifying Responsible Investment ConocoPhillips, 143 Performance” (Mercer/UNEP), 394 consumer consumptionhttp://www.pbookshop.com patterns, 16 Denbury Resources, 110 consumer goods, throw-away, 29 depreciation of principal, 207 Cookie Crunch, 32 de Roett, Chris, 35, 42–43 Cooperative Asset Management, 316 desalination, 145 core business transformation, 4 Desjardins Group (Quebec), 131, 324 corporate development finance institutions, 352 governance, 262–63, 265, 274 DeWine, Mike, 435, 440 governance screening, 315 diabetes, type 2, 32 governance standards, 361 discrimination against women, 219 liability and risk, 15 distressed capital, 404 performance, 21, 217 DJSI. See Dow Jones World Sustainability responsibility, 263, 265, 274 Index (DJSI) risk, 270, 273, 275 dMASS, 424–28 social responsibility, 159 Dodge and Cox, 102 transparency, 142 Domini
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