Krisis 2018, Issue 2 91 Marx from the Margins: A Collective Project, from A to Z www.krisis.eu References Judenfrage Ido de Haan Dean, Jodi. 2016. Crowds and Party. London/New York: Verso. Furet, François. 1991. Interpreting the French Revolution Translated by Deborah Furet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Guilhaumou, Jacques. 2002. “Jacobinisme et Marxisme: Le libéralisme politique en débat.” Actuel Marx 32 (2): 109-124. Hallward, Peter. 2009. “The Will of the People: Notes Towards a Dialectical Voluntarism.” Radical Philosophy 155: 17–29. Higonnet, Patrice. 2006. “Terror, Trauma and the ‘Young Marx’ Explanation of Jacobin Politics.” Past & Present 191 (1): 121–64. Kaplan, Steven Laurence. 1995. Farewell, Revolution: The Historians' Feud, France, 1789/1989. Ith- aca: Cornell University Press, In the Spring of 1843, the Young Hegelian Bruno Bauer published two articles on Löwy, Michael. 2005. The Theory of Revolution in the Young Marx. Chicago: Haymarket. “Die Judenfrage”, which were an intervention in a then current debate on the promise and limits of Jewish emancipation, as well as a step in the critique of Marx, Karl. 1990. The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Translated by C.P. Dutt. New York: Hegel’s ideas on the state, religion and civil society (Bauer 1843a; 1843b). Re- International. sponding to Hegel’s idea that the state had replaced organized religion as the em- Talmon, Jacob. 1952. The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy. London: Secker & Warburg. bodiment of ethical life, the Young Hegelians tried to overcome the Hegelian lim- itation of a sacralized state without an ethically organized civil society. Bauer and Losurdo, Domenico. 2015. War and Revolution: Rethinking the Twentieth Century, tr. Gregory El- his pupil Karl Marx were therefore first of all concerned with a critique of religion. liott. London & New York: Verso, 2015. In order to enjoy a truly rational freedom, humanity should reject not only the Christian state, but also the religious prejudices within society. Their aim to prop- Robespierre, Maximilien. 2007. Virtue and Terror. Edited by Slavoj Žižek. London/New York: Verso. agate these ideas in a new journal, devoted to atheism, came to nothing, and in 1842, shortly after Marx had followed Bauer to the University of Bonn, the latter Vovelle, Michelle. 1999. Les Jacobins. De Robespierre à Chevènement. Paris: La Découverté. was dismissed from the university because of his subversive ideas, leaving Marx without a mentor and forcing him out of academia. Marx accepted a position as an editor of the Rheinische Zeitung which made him the pivot of radical thought in Germany. It brought him into conflict with the Prussian censor, but also led to a growing distance from Bauer as a result of the latter’s support to Die Freien. This was a group of radical critics of religion, whose manuscript Marx refused to publish, not only because Marx no longer believed in religion as a subject in its own right, Judenfrage Krisis 2018, Issue 2 92 Ido de Haan Marx from the Margins: A Collective Project, from A to Z www.krisis.eu but also because he feared anti-religious tracts would anger the authorities and Jews? Huckstering [der Schacher]. What is his worldly god? Money.” (Marx 1843, endanger the Rheinische Zeitung (Rosen 1977, 131-132; Stedman Jones 2011, 564). 169-170). The final sentence of “Zur Judenfrage” sounds positively horrifying: “The Marx’s response to Bauer in “Zur Judenfrage”, published in February 1844 in the social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.” (Marx Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, confirmed that mentor and pupil had gone differ- 1843, 174). With this position, Marx fell into step with earlier socialists, like ent ways, but it also revealed a crucial divide between a cultural and a social-eco- Charles Fourier, who had argued that “the Jew is, so to speak, a traitor by defini- nomic critique that remains a festering wound in leftist thought to the present day. tion” (quoted in Silberner 1946, 248). It had an ominous resonance in the work of later social critics, such as the German Otto Glagau, who in the 1870s blamed the First of all, “Zur Judenfrage” was a highly controversial contribution to the debate Jews for the collapse of the European stock exchange markets in 1873, and in on Jewish emancipation. The essay still preoccupies Marx commentators today. Deutsches Handwerk und historisches Bürgertum (1879) argued that “die soziale Frage Some see it as testimony to the messianic core of the Marxist program. In this ist die Judenfrage”, calling upon all working men to unite against exploitation and vein, Karl Löwith argued that it “is the old Jewish messianism and prophetism – the degradation of human labor, particularly against the hateful domination of “a unaltered by two thousand years of economic history from handicraft to large-scale foreign race” (Volkov 2012, 86). Together with Wilhelm Marr, who had introduced industry – and Jewish insistence on absolute righteousness which explains the ide- the term ‘antisemitism’ in Der Weg zum Siege des Germanenthums über das Juden- alistic basis of Marx’s materialism” (Löwith 1949, 44). This interpretation was first thum (1880), Glagau became a central figure in the antisemitic movement of the presented by the French Bernard Lazare, who in L’antisemitisme. Son histoire et ses 1880s, described by the leading German socialist, August Bebel, as “der Sozialismus causes (1894) had argued that Marx was a “talmudiste qui fit de la sociologie […] der dummen Kerls” (Battini 2016, 7). animé de ce vieux materialisme hébraïque.” (Lazare 1894, 346). As a Jew, he occu- pied one of the two poles of capitalist society: “À Rothschild correspondent Marx At first sight, though, Marx appears to sketch a more benign perspective for Jews, et Lassalle; au combat pour l’argent, le combat contre l’argent, et le cosmopolitisme at least more promising than Bauer’s outlook. The latter’s essays were a response de l’agioteur devient l’internationalisme prolétarien et révolutionnaire.” (Lazare to the spread of Jewish emancipation decrees in the German lands. After the Aus- 1894, 343). Even though Lazare and others after him were right to point out that trian Toleration Patent which Emperor Joseph II issued in 1782, and the emanci- many Jews were attracted to the socialist movement, there is according to Enzo pation of the French Jews in 1791, Jews had received equal citizenship (Staatsbür- Traverso, one of the more recent commentators on Marx and the Jewish Question, gerschaft) in the French-occupied Confederation of the Rhine, but also in Prussia nothing in Marx’s predominantly Lutheran and liberal cultural background that (1812), Württemberg (1828), Hessen (1833) and Hannover (1842). Each of these would justify the assumption of some millenarian Wahlverwandschaft between his decrees were contested: in 1808, Napoleon issued his so-called Infamous Decree, program and Jewish eschatology (Traverso 1997, 38-9). restricting their rights, no longer on the grounds of religious intolerance, but on the basis of public order, which Jews were said to disturb by their role as money However, the reference of Lazare to two poles of Jewish involvement in capitalism lenders and their apparent nuisance to non-Jewish society. At the Congress of Vi- points to another interpretation of Marx’s “Zur Judenfrage”, as a manifestation of enna Jewish emancipation was also a controversial issue, leading to an article in the leftist antisemitism (and in so far as Marx had adopted this position, a symptom of constitution of the German Confederation of 1815 declaring that its “Federal As- Jewish self-hate). Especially in the final part of the essay, in which he claimed to sembly will deliberate on how in the most uniform way possible the civic improve- reveal “the actual, worldly Jew, not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday ment of those confessing the Jewish faith in Germany is to be effected”, yet until Jew”, Marx uses classical antisemitic tropes: “What is the worldly religion of the an agreement was reached “those confessing this faith will retain the rights already Judenfrage Krisis 2018, Issue 2 93 Ido de Haan Marx from the Margins: A Collective Project, from A to Z www.krisis.eu granted to them in the individual federal states” (translation by Vick 2014: 185). Hegelian ethical state remains incomplete as long as civil society is divided by both The formulation of the article indicates the influence of Christian Wilhelm privatized religion (already initiated by the Reformation) and by private interest. Dohm’s Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Juden (1781), which gave a strong im- The “Jewish question” thus revealed the “sophistry of the political state itself”: petus to Jewish emancipation, yet framed it in terms of their “civil improvement”, political emancipation resulted in a bourgeois, dressed in “the political lion’s skin” suggesting that emancipation could only succeed in combination with a civilizing of the “citoyen” (Marx 1843a, 154). Political emancipation covered the material mission. inequality of civil society, which only could be overcome by a truly human eman- cipation. Bauer intervenes in this debate with a scathing criticism of the ambition to eman- cipate the Jews by granting them equal citizenship. While Christianity was able to The arguments in “Zur Judenfrage” have often been interpreted as contributions adapt to the separation of state and church by privatizing religious practices, Jews to Marx’s general intellectual development, preparing his Critique of Hegel’s Philos- could only be emancipated by rejecting Judaism altogether. The reason was that ophy of Law (1844) and his Theses on Feuerbach (1845), both written shortly after Christianity, notably in its Protestant manifestation, was based on faith, which was “Zur Judenfrage”. From that perspective, Marx’s remarks on Jews were merely il- ultimately private, while the Jewish religion was based on law and therefore irre- lustrations of a more general point, or as Marx states: the sophistry of the state is ducibly public: “Der Jude z.B.
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