Effective Leadership An Interview with Carly Fiorina, Founder and Chairman, Carly Fiorina Enterprises, and Founder and Chairman, Unlocking Potential EDITORS’ NOTE Carly Fiorina Unlocking Potential (upleader I think that was the most important revela- started out as a secretary for a ship.org) provides community lead- tion for me. When I got out of the secretarial nine-person real estate business ers with the tools and resources to pool and got an M.B.A. and landed in a huge and eventually became the first strengthen their leadership and prob- corporation called AT&T, which at the time had woman ever to lead a Fortune 50 lem-solving skills. Its curriculum is 1 million employees, there was nothing about company when she was recruited built on Fiorina’s deep experience me that earmarked me for success. I didn’t have to lead Hewlett-Packard (HP) in developing leaders in every context and an expectation of moving through the ranks or 1999. During her tenure at HP, is based on her philosophy that leaders getting a promotion; my desire was to do a the company received numer- are made, not born; that everyone can good job. ous civic recognitions, including be a leader; and that the people clos- I found out that to do a good job, in my being named one of the 100 Best est to the problem are best positioned to mind, meant I had to solve the problems that Corporate Citizens by Business solve it. Its goal is to ensure that every were right in front of me, not let them fester, not Ethics magazine, one of the 100 Carly Fiorina member of the team, from executives to ignore them or pretend they didn’t exist. It was Best Companies for Working front-line employees, becomes a world about solving them, and the only way I could Mothers by Working Mother Magazine, receiv- class problem-solver. solve the problems that were right in front of ing a 100 percent rating by The Human Rights me was to work with the people who were all Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality What were the keys to your success in busi- around me. Index, and being named one of the World’s ness and did you imagine in the early days That focus on problem solving, results, Most Respected Companies by the Financial that you would have had the opportunities and collaboration in order to change things and Times and PricewaterhouseCoopers. After leav- you were presented? make them better is what propelled me forward ing HP, Fiorina focused her efforts on giving I didn’t imagine it, which is why I in the corporate world and also what has ani- back. Prior to founding Unlocking Potential, always tell young people in particular, don’t mated me and motivated me and given me joy she served as the Chairman of Good360, the map your life out. Part of life’s adventure is in my life. world’s largest product philanthropy organi- seeing what opportunities come your way Do you feel that leadership can be zation, and as Chairman of Opportunity and focusing on doing the very best you taught or is it something that you are born International, a Christian-based organization can with the opportunity that’s right in front with? that lifts millions out of poverty around the of you. I think it’s defi nitely something you can globe through microfi nance. She also founded learn. In fact, I think leaders are made, not the One Woman Initiative in partnership with born, and I think everyone is capable of lead- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to engage ership. Not everyone knows they’re capable and empower women in Pakistan, Egypt, of it and not everyone has the opportunity India and the Philippines through increased to develop it. I think part of the problem is access to economic opportunity. Fiorina was the word itself. When people hear the word appointed by President Bush and CIA Director “leader” they tend to think about position Michael Hayden to serve as the Chairman of and title, so we call people leaders because the External Advisory Board of the CIA after I’ve spent my career they’re in a big position. When I was starting 9/11. In 2015, she launched her campaign for out, I thought the leader was someone with President of the United States. Fiorina is a best- building effective the title, position and offi ce, but a lot of times selling author of Tough Choices, Rising to the people with positions and titles are managers, Challenge and her latest book, Find Your Way. not leaders. Many times they’re not changing In February 2019, Fiorina and The Busch teams and solving anything for the better, and they’re actually School of Business at The Catholic University taking advantage of the status quo, which is of America began an academic partnership different than leadership. where she will serve as Distinguished Clinical problems and it is I’ve learned through experience. I have Professor in Leadership. met people who have been motivated to what brings me joy. become leaders, sometimes by very diffi cult cir- ORGANIZATION BRIEFS Carly Fiorina cumstances, sometimes by enormous challenge Enterprises (carlyfi orina.com) helps clients iden- as well as enormous opportunity and some- tify and develop new perspectives that will help times because they’ve been lifted up by others. solve critical problems in the areas of diversity Anyone is capable of leadership and leadership and inclusion, leadership development, can be learned. strategic planning, communication, manag- Was the creation of Carly Fiorina ing stakeholders, developing project manage- Enterprises a natural extension of your ment skills, culture and values. career and how do you defi ne its mission? 22 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © 2020 LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 43, NUMBER 1 Often in the process of change, leaders focus all of their attention on the resisters, but this doesn’t work and eventually some of the resisters have to go. You don’t change something because the resisters change their minds. You change something because the skeptics get on board. It has been a natural extension of my that’s been true for a long time. George Washington What were the keys that led to the trans- career. I’ve spent my career building effec- in 1789 said to the nation, “Beware the rise of formation at HP under your leadership? tive teams and solving problems and it is what political parties because politics will become all The fi rst key was that we all had to agree brings me joy. When I look at our communities, about winning and not about governing.” on what the problems were. I did not come in as when I look at our companies, when I look at I think one of the things we have to do to CEO and say “here is the problem.” What I did our nation, when I look at our world, what I solve the problems in front of us is to recognize instead was interview scores of customers and see are a lot of problems, and I know we need where problems aren’t getting solved. Problems employees and I let them do the talking. The more problem-solvers, which is to say we need are not getting solved in Washington. Every elec- thing about problems is that everyone knows more leaders. tion is animated by the same set of problems what they are. The question is, do you agree During my career, having done this in every time. People differ as to the solutions, on solving them, and to start to solve them you many sectors and over many decades, the cur- but we argue about the same things every time. have to agree on what they are and then agree riculum that we’ve developed gets to the essen- I am not optimistic looking at Washington D.C. that you’re going to do something about it. tials of leadership; what are the essential tools I’m very optimistic when I go into communities From that point forward, we began to work that you need to use to change something for across this country, whether it’s Boston or Salt together to address the problems that HP was the better and solve a problem? Lake City or Washington D.C. or Dallas. When I facing. It doesn’t mean we didn’t get resistance What is Unlocking Potential? go into communities and I see community lead- and pushback when we started down that path. Unlocking Potential is the nonprofi t arm ers and company employees coming together Were you able to drive change at HP of Carly Fiorina Enterprises. In the Unlocking and focusing on the challenges they have in with the people who were already at the Potential Foundation, we are focusing our lead- common, I’m optimistic because problem-solv- company or did you need to bring in new ership training, team effectiveness, and problem- ers are emerging. talent? solving capacity on the social sector. We do so It goes back to what I said earlier; we I’ll answer that question in two ways. First, in some cases with corporate partners such as think that leaders are the people with posi- I purposely came to Hewlett-Packard alone. I American Express and MassMutual among others. tion and title and will therefore solve the didn’t bring anyone new with me and that When you look at the many challenges problems. I think we’ll make more progress was a deliberate decision because I wanted to facing the world today, are you optimistic when we realize that it is for all of us to signal to the organization my belief, based on for the future? solve.
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