in the news 'heId8y MIIyU,ltn I .... CIty, ..... IZUt briefly. VII. 115, No. lIZ Gunman shot 11c PORTLAND, Ore. (AP, - FBI marksmen MQIlday shot and killed a gunman who seized a hostage and threatened to blow up an aviation Senators listen to ,area vets fuel tank at the airport. Authorities said William Howard Abernathy. an employe at the airport, was killed as he de­ scended a spiral ladder on the 840,OOO-gallon tank. He had threatened to blow up the tank if his Viet bonus bill reconsidered children and divorced wife were not brought 10 him. By MICHAEL WEGNER "It's hard to believe we're may not mean much," he said, -modification 01 all state Abernathy's hostage, Gene Lloyd, 56, excaped' News EdItor only 120 miles apart," she said. "but for lack of a better alter­ buildings for handicapped per­ unharmed. He had been .held at gunpoint by Two members Of the Iowa Cusack pleaded for facts and native I am for it." sons Abernathy for a1roost eight hours. Senate Monday night got an ear· statistics to get some new Input The most comprehensive -enlarged hellcopter service ful of ideas-mostly from Viet­ Into the bill and added, "In the proposal for using the money for accident victims nam veterans--as to what they House, veterans from other came from Craig Garrett, M2, -instaHation of highway Trucking long could do with a proposed $28 wars have paraded their 1402 LaUrel St. He proposed: safety features million Vietnam veterans patriotism until it was -the creation of large park -any service to benefit DES MOINES, Iowa-The Iowa House, bonus. sickening. " areas CoatiDued 011 pa,e Ihree passed a bill Monday 10 allow transports Suggestions ranging from In addition to alternatives for carrying automobiles or boats on the highways to creating parks, establishing a how the money could be spent, have an over·alliength of 65 feet. veteran's loan fund, aiding the the other dominant theme of Rep. Glen Bortell, R-St. Charles, said the elderly and handicapped and hearing focused on whether Wirephoto measure is necessary unless the legislature wan· buying buses for the Veterans veterans who didn't serve .in *** ts to force Iowans to pay higher than necessary Hospitals were bandied about in Vietnam should be eligible. Small: make parks, prices for their new cars. the first of a series of a Senate ROllald Scott, of Marlon, sald 1be problem, Bortell explained, is that the 1973 Appropriations sub-commit~ he oppoaed paying bonuses to automobile models are longer than their hearings. anyone who served OQtslde com· predecessors by about seven Inches, largely be, Sens. Bart Schwieger, bat zones. Scott, an Army Sig. not vet bonus cause of the length added by the new retractil1l R-Waterloo, and MInnette 1)8! officer from 1~1, said, bumpers. and boats also are getting harger. "You're forgetting and DES MOINES. Iowa (API - Rep. Arthur Small. D-Iowa City, leader· Doderer, D-Iowa City, memo That means truckers who haul motor vehicles bers of the Human Resources disparaging those who fought proposed Monday that Iowa use the $28 million the House has voted unless the can't get as many on a single transport and still from 1953-M." to pay a Vietnam veterans bonus to establish a series of veterans American Sub-committee were joined by comply with the present 6O-foot length limit, he Reps. Arthur Small, D-Iowa He said the arguments used in memorial parks across the sta(e. said. the House for paying those who receive City, and Gregory Cusack, "Here, kid. Go buy yourself He said the bonus plan, which is backed by Gov. Robert Ray and Lrlr/,nno'tllD The bill would still set a maximum 6O-foot leng­ D-Davenport, at the Civic Cen­ served outside combat zones is pending in the Senate. "lies apen to the charge that we are expen­ th for the transport itself. ter hearing attended by should be extended to the '53-'64 dlng $28 million as a mere political ploy to buy votes ... But it would allow the load to extend up to three approximately 75 persons, era to include those who saw some new dandn' shoes." If the money were used Instead to set up a series of parks - feet over either the front or rear bumper If the mostly veterans. action in the BerIiq,Cuba and perhaps named after those killed in Vitenam - they "would stand over,aJl length of behicle and load ~ not Doderer said sev~ral senators Congo crises. He said, "What I One Marion infantry veteran Sen. Doderer mentioned a not only for use by veterans and their families and the current exceed 65 feet. have been hearing from really favor is a good substan­ said he was proud to have ser­ plan being used In Wisconsin public, but for use by future generations ... veteran$ who don't "quite like tial bonus to the men that faced ved his country and would not where veterans are loaned "We know that you don't use money to honor brave men, " Small the bill" which passed the the bullets." object to the bonus. However, money for housing, business said . "The United States doesn't go out and buy Its heroes . Proseeutor House on a 93-1 vote recenUy. Another veteran said if the he said if "some guy who served and education at 3 per cent "A system of parks, in contrast to a cash bonus, could be a lasting WASHING TON (AP, - Two sitting judges are As a result, the sub-commit­ bonus has to be paid it should go In Germany gets more money interest. She said over the symbol of a new beginning, a new direction for our resources, a among the four persons under final consideration tee scheduled the Iowa City to those disabled by the war. than I do, I'll go to Gov. Ray's generous repayment period symbol contructed on and honoring the efforts of our veterans of the • to be special prosecutor in the Watergate affair, hearing plus similar meetings John Green, G. m Hawkeye office, tear up my check and put veterans could get their $500 in Vietnam connict. .. It was disclosed Monday. in Waterloo tonight and Des Ct., said he was opposed to the it on his desk." Interest saved. Small said the bonus bill as it was passed by the House would give Atty. Gen.-designate Elliot L. Richardson also Moines Wednesday. bonus but would really push for Lyle Seydel, 445 Garden, told Jim Engler, of Burlington, a each individual a maximum of $500, which he called "a mere drop confirmed he is considering the names of a Doderer commented late in something for the disabled vet. !bose who don't want the moaey member of the Iowa Association In the bucket. " retired New York state judge and a former the hearing that she couldn't Steve Beck, M2, 117 Ferson, to not take It. "I'll take mine of Collegiate Vets, said his He said he has had second thouehts since the bonus biD wu JustJce Department official. believe the different ideas said, " If the money is going to and say thank you, Iowa." group favors a bill similar 10 passed and other lawmakers also have re-thought the issue. Richardson told the Senate Judiciary Commit· thrown out here as opposed to be used for the wrong reasons. Other discussion focused on one adopted in Illinois where Small said he offered his memorial park suggestion "as a means tee, during the third day of hearings on his - what she has been hearing on at least let it be spent for those how the $28 mUllon should be Vietnam veterans get a bonus of stimulating this body 10 consider other alternatives to the bill appointment, that the selection could be made as The Hill . who were hurt by the war. " used. and free tuition . "The Iowa bill which passed this assembly this week . early as Tuesday. It could take longer, he said. depending on his getting affirmative answers from the person on the top of his list. 'Cranky panels' force 5.day delay Groin denl WASHINGTON lAP) - Former Secretary of Skylab hits snags Agriculture Orville L. Freeman said Monday the Soviet Union benefited from poor U.S. handling of last year's biUion-dollar grain deal, but there is "no evidence 01 hanky-panky." CAPE KENNEDY, FLA. ployed too early and been be lengthened to the planned 28 The Soviet purchasers got better prices than (AP, - A cranky set of solar ripped away by the jolting days by curtailing activities. circumstances warranted, Freeman told the power panels failed 10 deploy forces of the launch. Schneider also said it was House Ways and Means Committee, largely properly Monday on Skylab I, Loss of the panels, he said, " too early 10 assess the effect" because information about the extent of their forcing 18 five-day delay in the cut the amount of power avail· on the second and third needs was bottled up in the Agriculture Depart­ launch of the astronallts and a able on the $294 million Skylab maruted Skylab missions, both ment. severe curtailment of their to about half. To help carry the of which were scheduled 10 last 1 Freeman, a Democrat who served under eventual mission. load , he said, power will be 56 days . Sky lab program director WiI· transferred from the Apollo Presidents John F. Kenney and Lyndon B. John­ He emphasized that power son, said he does not think there were any lIam Schneider announced the command ship which will ferry decision after the nation's first the astronauts to Skylab.
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