Universita` degli Studi di Padova Sede Amministrativa: Universit`adegli Studi di Padova Dipartimento di Matematica DOTTORATO DI RICERCA IN MATEMATICA INDIRIZZO: MATEMATICA CICLO XXVI On a generalization of affinoid varieties Direttore della Scuola: Ch.mo Prof. Paolo Dai Pra Coordinatore d'indirizzo: Ch.mo Prof. Franco Cardin Supervisore: Ch.mo Prof. Francesco Baldassarri Dottorando: Federico Bambozzi arXiv:1401.5702v2 [math.AG] 20 Jun 2016 Dicembre 2013 2 Contents 0 Introduction 11 1 Bornological structures 17 1.1 Bornological sets . 17 1.2 Bornological groups . 23 1.3 Bornological rings . 30 1.3.1 Convexity on bornological rings . 32 1.4 Bornological modules . 35 1.5 The language of halos and the tropical addition . 36 2 Bornological spectra and power-series 39 2.1 Spectra of bornological algebras . 39 2.1.1 Bornological convergence and topologically nilpotent elements 54 2.2 Bornological strictly convergent power-series . 57 2.3 The ring of bornological overconvergent power-series . 68 2.4 Weak power-bounded elements and algebraic monads . 76 2.5 Spectra of locally convex algebras . 79 3 Dagger affinoid spaces 87 3.1 Overconvergent analytic functions on polydisks . 87 3.2 The category of dagger affinoid algebras . 95 3.3 Complex dagger algebras as Ind-Stein algebras . 105 3.4 Dagger affinoid spaces . 111 3.5 Dagger affinoid subdomains . 113 4 Tate's acyclicity for dagger rational subdomains 119 4.1 Tate's acyclicity theorem . 119 5 The Gerritzen-Grauert theorem 125 5.1 Archimedean dagger affinoid subdomains . 125 5.2 The Gerritzen-Grauert theorem . 139 6 Dagger analytic spaces 157 6.1 Coherent sheaves over a dagger affinoid space . 158 6.2 Dagger analytic spaces . 170 6.3 Sheaves over dagger analytic spaces . 179 3 4 CONTENTS 6.4 Relations with classical analytic geometries . 187 6.4.1 The non-archimedean case . 188 6.4.2 Complex analytic case . 194 6.5 Flatness for k-dagger analytic spaces . 197 7 Addendum: applications 199 A The pro-site 201 A.1 Pro-objects and Ind-objects . 201 A.2 Sites . 203 A.3 The pro-site and pro-analytic spaces . 204 B Generalized rings of Durov 211 B.1 Monads and generalized rings . 211 B.2 Monads given by multiplicative submonoids of rings . 214 C The bornology of coefficientwise convergence 217 C.1 The bornology of coefficientwise convergence . 217 Abstract In this thesis we develop the foundations for a theory of analytic geometry over a non-trivially valued field, uniformly encompassing the case when the base field is equipped with a non-archimedean valuation and that in which it has an archimedean one. We will use the theory of bornological algebras to reach this goal. Since, at our knowledge, there is not a vast literature on bornological algebras on which we can base our results, we will start from scratch with the theory of bornological al- gebras and we will develop it as far as we need for our scopes. In this way we can construct our theory of analytic spaces taking as building blocks dagger affi- noid algebras, i.e. bornological algebras isomorphic to quotients of the algebras of germs of analytic functions on polycylinders. It turns out that for the category of dagger affinoid algebras we can show the analogous of all the main results of the category of classical affinoid algebras and hence we obtain a good theory of dagger affinoid spaces. Indeed, these spaces behave very similarly to affinoid spaces used to construct rigid analytic spaces. We emphasize that the archimedean case has special features, that we study in the first section of the fifth chapter, and that these special properties allow us to prove the generalization, in archimedean context, of the main result of the affinoid algebras theory: the Gerritzen-Grauert theorem (we remark that our proof is inspired by the new proof of Gerritzen-Grauert theorem in Berkovich geometry given by Temkin in [62]). After proving that we have a good affine theory, we end this thesis by constructing the global theory of dagger analytic spaces. We use the theory of Berkovich nets and hence a Berkovich-like approach to the globalization, as done in [12]. In this way we obtain the category of dagger analytic spaces and we study the relations of the spaces we have found with the ones already present in literature. In particular, we see that our spaces are very strongly related to dagger spaces of Grosse-Kl¨onne, [32], and that, in the archimedean case, the category of classical complex analytic spaces embeds fully faithfully in the category of complex dagger analytic spaces. In conclusion, in this work we obtain a complete affinoid theory of dagger spaces over any valued field and we show that on this theory a good theory of dagger analytic spaces can be developed, which deserves to be strengthened in the future. Riassunto In questa tesi vengono sviluppate le basi per una teoria degli spazi analitici su campi valutati con valutazione non-banale, che comprende in modo uniforme il caso in cui il campo base sia archimedeo o non-archimedeo. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo useremo la teoria delle algebre bornologiche. Siccome non sembra essere disponibile una ampia letteratura riguardo le algebre bornologiche, la prima parte della tesi si occupa di stabilire alcuni risultati fondazionali a riguardo. In questo modo `epossi- bile costruire una teoria degli spazi analitici prendendo come mattoni fondamentali le algebre dagger affinoidi, i.e. algebre bornologiche isomorfe a quozienti delle alge- bre dei germi di funzioni analitiche su policilindri. Si ottiene quindi che la categoria delle algebre dagger affinoidi cosi definite soddisfa l'analogo di tutte le propriet`api`u importanti della categoria delle algebre affinoidi classiche e che di conseguenza si ottiene una buona teoria degli spazi dagger affinoidi la cui categoria `eanaloga alla categoria degli spazi affinoidi usati in geometria rigida. C'`eda sottolineare che il caso in cui il campo base `earchimedeo gli spazi dagger affinoidi hanno propriet`apar- ticolari, studiate all'inizio del quinto capitolo, e che queste propriet`apermettono di ottenere anche per spazi dagger affinodi archimedei il principale risultato strutturale della teoria delle algebre affinoidi: il teorema di Gerritzen-Grauert (la dimostrazione qui data di questo teorema `eispirata dalla nuova dimostrazione data da Temkin in [62] valida in geometria di Berkovich). Dopo aver ottenuto una buona teoria affine, la tesi si conclude discutendo la teoria globale degli spazi dagger analitici. Verr`autilizzato un approccio analogo a quello usato da Berkovich in [12] per la globalizzazione. Dopo aver definito la categoria degli spazi dagger analitici verranno studiate le relazioni tra questi spazi e gli spazi analitici presenti in letteratura. In particolare si vedr`ache questi spazi sono fortemente correlati agli spazi dagger di Grosse-Kl¨onne e che nel caso archimedeo la categoria degli spazi analitici complessi classica si immerge in modo pienamente fedele nella categoria degli spazi dagger analitici complessi. In conclusione, in questo lavoro si ottiene una teoria affinoide completa per spazi dagger su ogni campo valutato sulla base della quale viene proposta una teoria degli spazi dagger globali la quale dovr`aessere approfondita in futuro. Acknowledgements My utmost gratitude goes to my advisor, prof. Francesco Baldassari who gave the fascinating topic of my thesis. It has been an honour and pleasure to work with him, and it would not have been possible for me to do this thesis without the useful discussions that we had during the three years of my Ph.D. A special thanks goes to Velibor Bojkovic for his help in checking arguments of proofs on earlier versions of this work and the help he gave me in order to understand Berkovich geometry. I also wish to thank the referees of my Ph.D. dissertation, Oren Ben-Bassat and Elmar Grosse-Kl¨onne, for their comments (especially Elmar's critics which spurred me to give a better form and presentation to the text) and their encouragements without which I probably would not have had the energies to finish the last chapter in time for the bureaucratic deadlines. I am also very greatful to J´er^omePoineau for pointing out several small mistakes and for useful comments. I also would like to thank Florent Martin for useful and insightful discussions about non-archimedean analytic geometry. I also would like to acknowledge Mauro Porta, Fr´edericPauguam and Kobi Kremnizer for several interesting discussions. Last, but not the least, a special thanks goes to Walter Gubler and Klaus K¨unne- mann for their support and for giving me the time to finish improving the material I wrote during my Ph.D during my post-doc in Regensburg. Carrying out this project would not have been possible without the financial support of the University of Padova by MIUR PRIN2010-11 \Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory", and the University of Regensburg with the DFG funded CRC 1085 \Higher Invariants. Interactions between Arithmetic Geometry and Global Analysis". I am very grateful for the support I received by both institu- tions. 8 Notation • We shall follow standard notations: N is the set of natural numbers (with zero), Z the set of integers, Q the set of rational numbers, R the set of real numbers, C the set of complex numbers, Qp the set of p-adic numbers and we consider on them the usual operations. We shall use the notation R¥0 “ tx P R|x ¥ 0u and R` “ tx P R|x ¡ 0u. • k will always denote a fixed base field which is always supposed to be complete with respect to a non-trivial absolute value, archimedean or non-archimedean. • By an extension of valued fields K{k we mean a valued field K equipped with an embedding kãÑK which is an isometry onto its image.
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