The Piano Trio Repertoire Discography & Review Index: “H” Composers Compiled by David Barker Project Index Christophe Hache ?? Ernesto Halffter 1905-1989, Spain Désinstallation Hommages (1922) Trio Leos (+ Beethoven 1-3, Hache) Trio Mompou de Madrid Klarthe KLA021 (+ Fernandez Blanco, Gerhard, Homs: Impromptu) RTVE Classics 65012 Henry Hadley 1871-1937, USA Haflidi Hallgrimsson 1941-, Iceland Trio 2, op. 132 (1933) Metamorphoses, op. 16 (1993) Rawlins Trio (+ Cadman; Bloch: Nocturnes; Mason: Fidelio Trio Sentimental Sketches) (+ Epigrams, Note from a diary) Albany TROY305 Delphian DCD34059 Daron Hagen John Harbison 1961-, USA 1938-, USA Trio 1 "Trio concertante" (1984) Trio 1 (1968) Finasterra Trio Amelia Piano Trio (+ Trios 2-4) (+ Trio 2, Cello suite, Gatsby etudes, Violist's Naxos 8.559657 [review] notebook, Microwaltzes, Cucaraccia and Fugue) Trio 2 "J'entends" (1986) Naxos 8559243 [review] (in "Class of '38" collection) Finasterra Trio Naxos 8572087 (+ Trios 1, 3 & 4) Naxos 8.559657 [review] Francesco Trio (+ Imbrie 2, Powell, Shifrin) Trio 3 "Wayfaring Stranger" (2006) Music & Arts CD4756 Finasterra Trio Wheaton Trio (+ Trios 1, 2 & 4) (+ Bermuda Triangle, Songs of Experience) Naxos 8.559657 [review] CRI 313 Trio 4 "Angel band" (2007) Trio 2 "Short Stories" (2003) Finasterra Trio Amelia Piano Trio (+ Trios 1-3) Naxos 8.559657 [review] MusicWeb International Last updated: March 2021 The Piano Trio Repertoire: “H” Composers (+ Trio 1, Cello suite, Gatsby etudes, Violinist's Johann Peter Emilius Hartmann notebook, Microwaltzes, Cucaraccia and 1805-1900, Denmark Fugue) Naxos 8559243 [review] Andantino & Variations (1849) Tre Musici Roy Harris (+ Gade: Trio movement, Henriques: 1898-1979, USA Children's Trio; Lange-Muller, Langgaard: Mountain flowers) Piano Trio (1934) Dacapo DCCD9310 (in collection "The best of Danish golden age Alfredo Casella, unknown violinist & cellist music") (+ in "The complete Casella Pianist" collection) Dacapo 8224020 Fono Teca 971103 (in collection "JPE Hartmann: The key masterpieces") Dacapo 8226103/4 Elisabeth Harnik 1970-, Austria Jonathan Harvey schatten.risse 1939-2012, Britain Haydn Trio Eisenstadt Trio (1971) (in “Dedicated to Haydn”) Capriccio C7020 Fibonacci Trio (+ other chamber works) Atma Classique ACD22254 Lou Harrison 1917-2003, USA Johann Hässler Trio (1990) 1747-1822, Germany Mirecourt Trio Trio in e, op. 15/2 (1802) (+ Double concerto) Music & Arts CD1073 Trio Pleyel (+ Cooper: Parameta, Svoboda: Passacaglia, (+ Pleyel; Beethoven: Violin sonata 7; White: Elegy, Miniatures) Hummel: Cello sonata; Music & Arts CD4687 Christophorus CHR77241 Emil Hartmann John Hawkes 1836-1898, Denmark 1942-, USA Trio in B flat, op. 10 (1867) Bright Hair, Falling Eskar Trio Casals Trio (+ Barnekow, Heise) (in “Moto Eterno”) Classico CLASSCD609 Navona NV6341 Hyperion Trio (+ Mendelssohn 1 & 2) Joseph Haydn – listed separately Thorofon CTH2561 MusicWeb International p2 The Piano Trio Repertoire: “H” Composers Lars Hegaard 1950-, Denmark Robert Helps 1928-2001, USA Like a Cube of Silence (2010) Trio 1 (1957) Trio Ismena (+ Koch, Norholm 3, Gudmundsen-Holmgreen: Atos Trio Moments musicaux, Nielsen: Divertimento) (in "Helps in Berlin" collection) Dacapo 8226583 [review] Naxos 8.559696/7 [review] Francesco Trio William Heilman (in “Contemporary American Piano Trios v2”) 1877-1946, USA Music & Arts CD4933 Trio in C, op. 7 (1923) Trio 2 (1997) Rawlins Trio Atos Trio (+ Adler 1; Parker: Suite) (in "Helps in Berlin" collection) Albany TROY107 Naxos 8.559696/7 [review] Peter Heise Fini Henriques 1830-1879, Denmark 1867-1940 , Denmark Trio in E flat (1863) Children's Trio, op. 31 (1904) Eskar Trio Tre Musici (+ Barnekow, E Hartmann) (+ Gade: Trio movement, J Hartmann: Classico CLASSCD609 Andantino & Variations, Lange-Muller, Langgaard: Mountain flowers) Brenno Ambrosini, Luigi Mangiocavallo, Dacapo DCCD9310 Claudio Ronco (+ Gade) Symphonia 95137 Adolf von Henselt 1814-1889, Germany Barbara Heller Trio in a, op. 24 (1851) 1936-, Germany Claudius Tanski, Benjamin Schmid, Clemens Arriba! (2014) Hagen (+ Nocturnes, Duet, Variations) Gesa Lücker, Susanne Stoodt, Katharina MDG 3121022 Deserno (+ Minutentrio, String quartets, Duos) Wergo WER51232 [review] Hans Werner Henze 1926-2012, Germany Minutentrio (2008) Adagio adagio, Serenade (1993) Gesa Lücker, Susanne Stoodt, Katharina Deserno Boulanger Trio (+ Arriba, String quartets, Duos) (+ Bloch: Nocturnes, Bonis: Soir & matin, Wergo WER51232 [review] Boulanger: Soir, Matin, Enescu: Serenade, MusicWeb International p3 The Piano Trio Repertoire: “H” Composers Grieg: Andante, Part: Mozart-Adagio, Oehms OC730 Schubert: Notturno, Suk: Elegy) Cavi Music 8553345 [review] Heinrich von Herzogenberg Igor Ardašev, Edna Michell, Michel Kaňka 1843-1900, Austria (in collection "Compassion") Warner Classics 5571795 Trio 1 in c, op. 24 (1877) Jean-Pierre Collot, Melise Mellinger, Arensky Trio Asa Akerberg (+ Trio 2) (+ String trio, Sonata for 6 players & other solo Antes 319152 works) Wergo WER67272 ATOS Trio (+ Trio 2) Unknown players CPO 7773352 (in "Ruhr Piano Festival Vol. 15") C-Avi Music 8553053 Vienna Piano Trio (+ Trio 2) Kammersonate (1948/63) MDG 94220176 [review][review] Baird Trio Trio 2 in d, op. 36 (1884) (in “Thoughts and Dreams”) Albany TROY908 Arensky Trio (+ Trio 1) Trio Rafale Antes 319152 (+ Debussy, Rachmaninov 1, Shostakovich 1; Giger: Caprice) ATOS Trio Coviello COV91703 (+ Trio 1) CPO 7773352 Unknown players (in "Ruhr Piano Festival Vol. 15") Vienna Piano Trio C-Avi Music 8553053 (+ Trio 2) MDG 94220176 [review][review] Paul Hermann 1902-1944, Hungary Jennifer Higdon 1962-, USA Trio (1921) Trio "Yellow/Red" (2003) Andrei Banciu, Burkhard Maiss, Bogdan Jianu (+ Cello concerto, Duo, piano works, String Lincoln Trio trio, songs) (+ Auerbach 1, Tower; Garrop: Seven, Etcetera KTC1590 [review] Schwendinger: Ce la Luna, Thomas: Moon jig) Cedille CDR90000126 [review] Philippe Hersant Muses Trio 1948-, France (+ Beach: Romance, Bingham: Chapman's Pool, N Boulanger: Pieces, Denson: Boleros, Trio "Variations sur la Sonnerie de Sainte- Elton: Tango, Kapralova: Elegy, Kats-Chernin: Geneviève-du Mont de Marin Marais" (1998) Spirit & the maiden, Neal: Comb man) Self published [review] Trio Cérès (+ Faure, Ravel) MusicWeb International p4 The Piano Trio Repertoire: “H” Composers Theresa Bogard, John Fadial, Beth Vanderborgh Helmuth Hödl (+ Dash, Trumpet songs, Saxophone sonata, 1968-, Austria Legacy) Albany TROY1395 An Haydn Adam Neiman, Anne Akiko Meyers, Alisa Haydn Trio Eisenstadt Weilerstein (in “Dedicated to Haydn”) (+ Voices, Impressions) Capriccio C7020 Naxos 8.559298 [review] Ernst Theodor Amadeus (ETA) Hoffmann Ferdinand Hiller 1776-1822, Prussia 1811-1885, Germany Grand Trio in E (1809) Serenade 1 (Trio 4), op. 64 (1855) Trio Bamberg Göbel Trio Berlin (+ Beethoven 5) (+ Bruch, Widor: Quatre Pièces) Musicaphon M56896 Thorofon 884463119468 Beethoven Trio Ravensburg Serenade 2 (Trio 6) in c, op. 186 (1879) (+ Harp quintet, Duettini italiani) CPO 9993092 [review] Rautio Trio (+ Beethoven 5, Schubert: Notturno) Trio à cordes Francais Resonus Classics RES10203 (+Harp quintet) Charlin CL19 Matthew Hindson Jean Paul Trio 1968-, Australia (+ Beethoven 6) Ars Musici AM13372 Trio (2007) Trio Margaux Benaud Trio (+ Harp quintet, Fortepiano sonatas) (+ Buc: Trailer music, Edwards, Stanhope) Profil PH07063 [review] Melba MR301139 [review] 1915 (2015) Dulcie Holland 1913-2000, Australia Benaud Trio (+ Rush; Grandage: In memoriam, Grainger: Trio (1944) Colonial Song; Vine: Village; Stanhope: Lorca Songs) Apollo Trio ABC Classics 4817165 (+ Edwards: Cradle song, Nock: Fictional realities, Sculthorpe: Irkanda III, Night song, Rush (2015) Smalley) Wirripang WIRR054 Benaud Trio (+ 1915; Grandage: In memoriam, Grainger: Eggner Trio Colonial Song; Vine: Village; Murphy: Spinning (in “Women of Note”) top; Stanhope: Lorca Songs) ABC Classics 4817995 ABC Classics 4817165 Montefiore Trio MusicWeb International p5 The Piano Trio Repertoire: “H” Composers (+ Allworth: Reminiscences of people I have (+ Gerhard, Schoenberg: Verklarte nacht) known, Preludes, Beath: Given the time, Carr- Columna Music 1CM0185 Boyd: The and variations, Gross: Mandolin concerto, Mageau: Flute trio) Jade Records JADCD1027 (+ Brumby: Violin Concerto 2, Allworth: Trio Mompou de Madrid Visions of Mary Immaculate, Gross: Prelude To (+ Fernandez Blanco, Gerhard, E Halffter: Paradise) Hommages) Jade Records JADCD1066 RTVE Classics 65012 Vagn Holmboe Arthur Honegger 1909-1996, Denmark 1892-1955, Switzerland Trio, op. 64 (1954) Trio, H6 (1914) Jalina Trio Trio Nota Bene (+ A Koppel 1, Nordentoft: Doruntine, (+ Bloch: Nocturnes, Martin, Raff 1) Norgard: Spell, Nyvang: ...erosion) Claves 502912 Classico CLASSCD485 (in “Spirales” Prospero Trio Documents 233317 (+ Cello sonata, Violin sonata 1, Violin sonatine) Trio Ondine Centaur CRC3437 (+ Nuigen Trio, Nielsen, Nordentoft: Doruntine, Norgard: Spell) Pascal Devoyon, Dong-Suk Kang, Raphael Dacapo 8226009 Wallfisch (Sonatas & sonatines for cello, viola & violin) Nuigen, op. 129 (1976) Timpani 2C1009 (in Complete chamber works) Trio Ondine Timpani 4C1079 (+ Trio, Nielsen, Nordentoft: Doruntine, Norgard: Spell) Dénes Várjon, Gábor Takács-Nagy, Rafael Dacapo 8226009 Rosenfeld Dacapo 8226101/2 (+ Veress: Canti, Introduzione, Memento, Quadris, Trio, ) Hungaroton HCD32013 Gustav Holst 1874-1934, Britain Katherine Hoover Short Trio in E (1894) 1937-, USA Pirasti Trio Trio (1978) (+ Bax, Stanford 2) ASV CDDCA925 [review] Rogeri Trio (+ String quartets 1 & 2) Parnassus PACD96045 Joaquim
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