Behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:12. VOLUME 20. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1893. NUMBER 3. hundred of an evening, and the sectional tation a thing to be grasped or seized, but ,*Igns of fite giunts meetings abandoned, and others very small. emptied himself of himself, that God, might One speaker had three and spoke well, an- fill him with all the fullness of the Godhead PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA. other only one for an audience." Certainly (Col. 2 : 9 ; 1 :19), and that thus he might the people are not interested in devotional, manifest in the flesh God to the world (1 TERMS: • practical Christianity, or that which approxi- Tim. 1 :16; John 1 :14); and he could only Single Copy, one year (50 numbers), $1.50 In clubs of 10 or more copies to one address, each, 1.25 mates it most closely. Some noted men do this as God was in him (2 Cor. 5 : 19 ; 9'n foreign countries in postal union, ($2) - • 8s might draw, but it is the men, not the mes- John 14 :9-11). It is well known that the Sample copieS free. gav-See note at beginning of last page. Address, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, sage. The great Congress of Religions, judged whole life of Christ was a life of self-denial Twelfth and Castro Sts., OAKLAND, CAL., U. S. A. by such conditions as the above, present, as for others' good ; but in this he was only de- (Entered at the Post Office in Oakland.) the Observer says," a very sorry picture." claring the love of God. " No man bath But will not the Congress and Parliament seen God at any time ; the only-begotton MILTON C. WILCOX, EDITOR. have their effect?—Most certainly; they are Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, a mighty step towards the last great confed- he hath declared him." John 1 : 18. See THIS is the advice which Archbishop Ire- eracy of religions under the Sunday banner. also John 6: 46; Luke 10 :22. And what land gave to workingmen at the Labor Con- And'ilius have the prophets presented it. Christ did declare was love, infinite love for gress in Chicago; we 'quote from the New York all. Observer of October 19:— TWO PRINCIPLES. But not so with Satan. A being created Workingmen, hold fast to the observance of the TWO MANIFESTATIONS. of God, gifted with wondrous capabilities of Sunday; it is your day more than the day of men of TWO RELIGIONS. other conditions of life. The Sunday effaced or di- God, clothed with beauty from God, filled with wisdom from God, none should have minished, you are in abject perpetual slavery, or WE have considered in foregoing numbers been more grateful, loyal, and devoted than rapidly moving thither. Heed not the specious the two great powers in the universe,—God pleas addressed to you in the name of your interests and Satan,—actuated by, as well as personi- he. And such would have been the case if by men pagan in mind and barbarous in heart, who lie had been moved by the principle of love. seek to win you over to the profanation of Sunday fying, two great principles,—love, or unself- But no; all the gifts, the beauty, the wisdom, in order to be able to gratify their own lust of ishness, and hatred, or selfishness. These the light and glory which God had bestowed greed. two principles have been set before us in upon him, he took to himself, as though they It was the same prelate who said, a few the word of God in the personalities of Mi- were his by his own creation and not gifts years ago, that "the violator of ft Sunday chael and Lucifer. In Michael, "the One of God. So the prophet speaks of him-un- law is the worst of criminals." Protestants like God," we have manifested the principle der the figure of the King of Tyre :— and Roman Catholics are together on the of love, unselfishness, and self-denial for " Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, Sunday question. Protestantism, so called, others' sake; in Lucifer we have the opposite thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy is going over to Roman Catholicism. Sunday principle of hatred, selfishness,• and self- brightness." Eze. 28 : 17. belongs to Rome. exaltation. Love is the positive term,denoting And this selfishness—and that is the case pure affection for all, working for others' with all selfishness—stops short of nothing, This Religious Age.—But how religious? or good ; unselfishness is the negative side of even to-the destruction of the throne of the uni- what religion ? is well worth asking. The love, while self-denial for the sake of others verse. For, looking upon his wisdom, and Chicago World's Fair was well attended, im- is the carrying out of this principle. Self- beauty, which were wholly from God, he took mensely so when railroads reduced their ishness is the positive term of the opposite all as wholly from himself, and considered fares; and it would have been immensely at- principle; self-exaltation or profit is its ob- that his ability and wisdom entitled him to a tended on Sundays if half of the exhibits ject, while hatred is the other side of the higher place. And therefore he said: "Twill had not been covered on that day. It is safe principle, the side toward all opposed to self- ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne to say that Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show exaltation. It is thus that the two principles above the stars of God; I will sit also upon received its best patronage on Sunday. The are manifest in the two characters, as set the mount of the congregation, in the sides of Parliament of Religions, another great show, forth in the Scriptures:— the north,- I will ascend above the heights of was well attended. One correspondent to the LOVE AND SELF-DENIAL. SELFISHNESS AND SELF•EXAL- the clouds; I will be like the Most High." New York Observer, of October 19, and whonrth at - "Have this mind in you, TATION. This is what Satan said. I, I, I, will do all paper pronounces accurate in statement and which was also in Christ Jesus, "How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer [margin; these things. This meant the very destruc- observation, said that the Buddhists, the Ma- who, being originally in the form of God, thought it not " daystar 1, son of the morn- tion of the government of God; for there can hommedans, and the Theosophists attracted ing! how art thou cut down be-but one Most High; therefore, for Satan to a thing to be grasped to be on to the ground, which didst the greatest crowds, and, "with smooth, glib an equality with God,but emp- weaken the nations for thou be like the Most High meant that he would tied himself, taking the form tongues, made their false religions appear to hest said in thine heart, I will be sole ruler. This is selfishness; this is ha7. of & servant, being made in the ascend into heaven, I will be on a level with Christianity." And why likeness of men ; and being exalt my 'throne above the tred of all that opposes self. not? Were they not called here as Bud- found in fashion as a man, he stars of God ; I will sit also The end of this is destruction ; for the tri- upon the mount of the con. d Ilists, Theosophists, etc., to meet Christianity' humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, gregation, in the sides of the umph of the law of selfishness inevitably on a level, in the one common "brother- the death of the cross. Where- north ; I will ascend above the leads to destruction. If Satan had been able heights of the clouds; I will hood "? fore also God highly exalted to have become like the Most High and infuse him." Phil. 2 :5-9, R. V., mar- be like the Most High, yet shalt On the other hand, wlien the Christian Al- gin. thou be brought down to hell." in every responsible being in the universe the liance put forth its best men, they could not Isa. 14 : 12-15. same spirit as in himself, his throne would have get a hearing. The same writer, a friend of Michael, or Christ Jesus, the only being in been in perpetual peril from others who, like the Alliance, said that the "Alliance meetings the universe who had the right to aspire to himself, were ambitious to be.first. The rule were lamentably small, two hu ndred or three be equal with God, did not think such exal- of selfishness is, ultimately, only as strong as 34 r21 THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Vol. 20, No. 3. the individual is strong to maintain it. And, God. We will not submit; voluntarily sub- cieties circulating documents from door to therefore, the Lord pronounces the fate of Lu- mit, to God (for the religion of Christ knows door, the Y. M. C. A. securing voluntary dos- cifer in the following words: "Yet shalt thou no other submission than voluntary submis- ' ing agreement among clothing stores, the W. be brought down to hen." "I will destroy sion) if we do not have simple, implicit trust, C. T. U., among provision and dry goods stores, thee, 0 covering cherub." and we will not hold simple, implicit trust while another committee provides half a column of Sabbath Refoim matter per week TWO RELIGIONS.
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