Easter A. H. Hall

Easter A. H. Hall

•^ •‘r*' !•« 4 P a g e 7 . ' Efitablishoi » BEESET. fifn4 VILLA, ba tti* -n'-a beat N o. 3 1 0 1 I Regiiiictered at the General Poet 9 ( TELBPHONB ................... M3 L. ^^'‘>m^iuon'8, and to* 01R-;e as A New#paL.er. | SATURDAY, litARCH 24, 1917. THREB HALFPEKGB ip APFArel of otS; Childraa** I PoKi free 2*. M p«r qakrtar. ONE ADDRESS^ aescnptiba. I bommmii.atioiia ahoul<, ^illa,. Enttle-ioad, st. j ^>rlv atteadod to. anar<^ n Olj'.ct. .in. ST. HELEN'S □ Send youiT Curtains, various □ FRED SHIT!, i'.i n •!. ni I • articles which require i,.: articles which require R I D G E L A U N D R Y , HASTINGS, QHOBK HEALER, , . special S''S ' R O All, IIASTING.S. S pring C lbanink n Quilts, Blankets treatment to iiix'-l prieca triron foi _ CLOTHING, Lndiii* ■ iiieela ttlu-'d aud mojiaj Curtains i rutorii^ Public Notices. Public Notices. Ion n;,oipt of Poatcara. \v.\R 'n;MPERAM'’r; association. G a i e t y T h e a t r e , H a s t i n g ^ lA HINT. B|orGHt ROBERTSON STREET CONGREGATIONAL. MILLINERY. “Ifanasfr; MR. H. W. ROWLAND. I CHURCH, HASTINGS. E. LOCOCit, Rceidetit Manager; MR. U. i:. SCDI7 . jjKES’S ROAD, HASTli?^ JrcUa?^ to any RTuount (S.\TrnDAN"i, MARCH 24tb.. lit. :..W anC Xiia VencTuble Arebdeaeon! ■ul (UiiUIrc-nV CLOTH ^NG ls«. BUmkets, Cu *U(. JERROLD ROBERTSHAW AND COMI’ANY aio«, and 111 Hie LrilUuut ComAIv, G e o r g e L l o y d , D G - . LTD. Ko-rs' Unifivruib^ Old G <i. SilTef* PHOEBE MELMOTH, I'fuily valued ^ prompt (of Saskntooai, Canada}, ; 1 Dt^jioF.'rs or rurchas.«i8 “T h e S t o r m y P e t r e l . ’* ‘^■establiciic(L .'vlto Serran i Preceded by ••.IN OBJECT LESSON." PrSfeiiicLt c.f the D-.'jmir.ion Alliance, GREAT ANNUAL W'ill eyc-ak in the ahote OhiiTch on 1 & 2, SAXON MANSIONS, ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA. march 2SUi, six nights end THUILSDAY M:XT, march 39th, .1917, on MATINEE SATURDAY at 2.30;- iST PRICE^ MR. c. W. SOMERSET AND COMPANY, CANADA AND THE DRINK TRAFFIC.'^ lacCoiiiJit Ml. Wait-r Guy, M,r. W, O. Billington. |ES\ CHILDREN'S, nnd GENT^ aiil ORGAN RECITAL Ly M^REGINALD E. GROVES, plNG, ,.f a;J tiiifla. Lad es Mias -Aiaies Riwecll, p»V't':tr-L i^.\uly cosli, >r Paro#l« In t'ho ©Ter iwpulax p.uy:— 7 to 7.39. Hiul bt.-t- I rict» eeiit per xeiuxiL 90 Soloist: MADAME RUBY WILLIAMS, Phoebe Melmoth is now showing a choice selection of EASTER |alib.d .of addrese.: — T h e S i l v e r K i n g Chair to l-o tok-m «t 7.'.® br Rer. R. Ta\LBOT, M.A. OE JS. BESXIS. Bs iTENRY ARTHUR JONES. (Vicar ol St. Muxy-iL'tbc-C'a'at-ief, euijpcrtcd by ClPigy Aud; Ministers of tiio town. p.mbe road north. ^Doofip open 6.45, Commence 7,15. Price* 4e. j{o C<L |SILVERHILL, S9L 617. ADMISSION FREE. SPRING MODELS CHim. H M l»DIIIIIDNGERy,T»lll!i.Sc. ST. LEONAHOS-6N.SEA. Subsctiiber* to th© "War Temperance A^eooiation (ininimnm Ik.) will haTo eeaia leeerTed for them on. applioation to the Hon. ^aretary: —Mr. IV. Aixetin JEJ a s t i n g s P i e r P a v i l i o n ^ Hubbard, 37, Quarry- It<^, Htwtiirge. l u s a r t i c u e s - vv>l n t e o . Suitable, for the Easter Season. 0«M»; Manogaru MR. CHARLES HAWKER. Commencing MONDAY, MARCH 26th. ■: 'iriMB for Wardrobae. — Hany -Ashford. my 13 •AXLY ttf, 3. WEDNESDAY, ''SATURDAY, a*d r ^ mres lu^htat prioet SUNDAY at LSO;-' , . Prices are at present strictly nioderqte^ especially cqnsifde^^ ^ • I«ft*oS W«ttinr 'el; elM leaput-ed-et., Ashford, K< ci.i -m31 M unicipal ORCHESTRiji, M r s . P a n k h u r s t CHINA AN& GLASS.' A fW oiT y o f the h pTOCk wanted for iarge ot high cost materials & the increasing difficulty in obtaining supplies. 15001, “ ObBerrer’^ OiBc«, HaaUitt ' Oondootor: MR. HIRAM HENTON. mil Vociliet iSatuTdivy and Sunday), .AT HOME. Phenomenal Bargains. iToPe Dealer, UO, Ssaigate-dt.-« Doreri [for all kinds of ieti-ofl clotlua^l k^.aW:aited on; ^oaiey or orders br M r. E rnest C lerc MASONIC HALL. ST. LEONARDS, LOT 1 — 372 pieces of CRWN DERBY WARE, a2S (Tenor), com pricii^: / Ited: best price, os. per WTe* WHBNESDAY, MARfcBE^th. a t 3 end 7.36:—> THURSDAY, MARCH 29tli, at 3 p.in.. Ige clean Skins; any Quau;itity . largo Public Notice. fconoy by lelura of post.- Hill, 13, MR. HIRAM HENTON*8 BENEFIT MRS. PANKHURST BISCUIT BARRELS 3/111, SALAD BOWLS 3,i1 , ART POTS: faBtings. ________ , m24 (See Si*eciaJi Bille). Win give tin addTecs o» iteR, FALSE TEETH, Et^ FiVttl ar Prices a© uAnjii. from 4/11, DESSERT PLATES lOfd., DESSERT COMPORTS hHenney, Jewsliex. 14, ~ wantoA L>ndi^on-id,. Dancing in the Shod-® PnriUotn niglstiy at 7.^0. 4/11, VASES4/11 pair, CRESS DISHES 3/6, CHEESE STANDS 4/11 m31 AAiaMPioxL 6d. L of etery d^cription. — , '. RnlSil ‘‘T h e ^ V V a r S i t u a t i o n |9 end 61. Mount Pleasant^j•rd., Tuft. Whiet Driree erery TneaJay and Friday in tita The above are LESS THAN HALF Usual Prices. iho higlieat ■ price for all kinds o i Baa Rooms at 7.30. At 3.15. •' ktabcs. Chains,' Cigarette . Cases or A. H . H A L L I «oUi. whaterer its condi-J ion. For Box Ball AUeyiL Rifle Saloois. LOT 2.—Important Purchase of ENGLISH GLASS, na oiler by return. Dianonds and Application for Inriteition TicketB by letter ■only to;- L a n d H e g i s t r y .—N o t i c e , Manufacturers* Stock, giWii for uid GoW, J«-w ellerv, MISS TRISTRAM, is making a special show this week of Ladies’ [or amail qiuujtitie*; aleo • 68, CHURCH ROAD. Comprising— FINGER BOWLS 1/-, FLOWER VASES 4^d., Ruby 1 piucuuis olonoa.~Ros9 a C i n e m a D e L u x e , {Leonards. toI5 ST. LEONARDS. h e following: person is nbo'iO to iw and Green HOCK GLASSES 6d. each. Open MARMALADE. LING.—M-w. -Medflurtt, HAS1T.NG8. T r» Ladies’, Gent’s, apij 5, Lonii. riigisteriHl i.s Proprietor <if the follow'- The above lots are Children's iiig land, n plan of which can bo laMin at JARS 6d., etc., etc. less than half cost price. |o :_c*arriag6 forward. m31 iSATURDAY), Last Pay of faaioaB playi— [anted pnreiaae.—State the Land Jbegistry, Lincoln’s Inn Pielcls, 175 doz. KITCHEN CUPS and SAUCERS 31d. Icr, " Obserrdr " Offl^ quantity STOP THIEF." Hastim;*, H a s t i n g s M u s i c a l P e s t i v a l W.C. Objections (if any) must bo made Dainty White Underwear. m31 ,HONDA7'. TUESDAY, aivd WEON'ESDAY', MiVRqiH 93 doz. BREAKFAST CUPS and SAUCERS 4fd. HE; Sir.«ers; nand ajid before tho expiration of one month from treadli*! tM i, lith , and 28th : — M.(kY 3brt, 23iui. "imd ?3rf3, 1917. 35 Tea SETS, 2 1 pieces (gold edge) 4 /II, [utely; essential; cheat) fe t cash.** the appea.rance of this notice. Information Uehlleld. ml6e AaN OTHER NEW COMEDY COMPETITORS, Pliea-*^ Note: — as to registration, and the mode and cost of 15 DINNER SETS, 2(3 p ie c e s , 1411. Wety, (innautiM, and l^ararobea by application for it, can bs obtaintxl at; the See the windows where are displayed many loe,; Taine p_o. b r reinm ENTRIES CLOSE 193 TOILET SETS, 5/11, 6/11, 8 11, 12(,i1. Bargains. 2tl. Oneen’t-rd.. Hmrt-nss. tcia IJogi.stry. 300 White VEGETABLE DISHES, 1/91 each. [st6 ck wanted; large o r £inalIi-« C h a r l i e C h a p l i n . M o n d a y , A p r i l 1 6 t h . WITH ABSOI.ETE TITLE. charming and useful garments at prices which lObaerrer*’ Office. Haatin w- ml7 ** CHARLIE THE COUNT.’* 27 White SOUP TUREENS, 2/111 each. PUGHTb Linen, Boote, < ; oaa^ Tha SvJlubu^ may KtlF. b? obtained nt Tllcwic Sh'^*:* and COUNIW OF SUSSEX. ^xce^a; bankers’ isierej •■Fimitfal Canada," Ni^ht Clerks" (Mutt and Jeta, frean the Hon. Secretjxidb; — ’Baskets of Oddments at id., 2d., 3d. and 6d. IWeat, Canterbury. ttCA IB* Pathc Oazett^i, “ Ambrose's Cud of Woe" (2-p<it rESTlV-^L OFFTCF.. \ o . PARISH SAI.EHrBST.— cannot be repeated when sold. A few Broom Txiaz^e Keystone.', and a drama of a mother’s dooiaiozL 47, IIAVELOCTC ROAD, FK.ANK TRIER, of Uplands, Chamiiion t—l^rsnois and Son, \Voo<* Bxokem,' HASTINGS. Kill, S.E. ,'i. Civil Engineer, as Proprietor xn23e i’oet I-'rM lid. IRONMONGERY. Important purchase of p}d NEWSPAPERS; g 'd piioa T h e C h i l d r e n i n t h e K o u ^ e of the E’reehold I,a.nd foriininR part are mentioned below. ttongex, near Memorial, Hastingi. LADY I3HAM of tX’KHAM FARM, BUSitBARN, —mlf jrjICKSDAY:- ' JOHN LOCKEY ROBERTSBRIDGE. Enamel Ware, best British make. or cheanlv. to » 5. unner ia Hoc. Sce:etaric<'. •■SWEET SEVENTEEN," KNJO'—W.J.C., 7, Plimli mnon-rd,.

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