Crimson and White Vol. XXIII, No. 1 THE MILNE SCHOOL, ALBANY, N. Y. OCTOBER 9, 1953 15 Milnettes Selected New Faculty Welcomed Dr. Roy York has announced the Five Supervisors names of this year’s Milnette group. The girls were chosen especially Join Staff early, because Dr. York has ac­ Mr. Edward Fagan is a new addi­ cepted an engagement for them. tion to the English department. He previously taught at Washington Milnettes Named Irving high school, Tarrytown, New First sopranos of the group are: York, and before that, at the Uni­ Virginia Pitkin ’56, Sheila Fitzgerald versity of Wisconsin at Madison, 55, Tobey Scher ’55, Nancy Redden Wisconsin. Mr. Fagan states, with ’54v and Ann Crocker ’55. Joan reference to the new collegiate dic­ Canfield ’56, Jerry. Kane ’55, Cynthia tionary, that Milne is “Real Gone.” Berberian ’55, Judith Cotter ’54, and Sandra Stegman ’55, are second Another newcomer is Miss Harriet sopranos, while Pat Canfield ’54, Sartwell who heads the Latin de­ Judy Young ’55, Jackie Bonczyk ’56, partment. Originally from Mooers, Ann Oetjen ’54, and Connie Olivo New York, she taught at various schools which included: Sherburne ’55 will sing the alto part. Central school, Sherburne, New Something New Is Added York; Phoenix, New York; Water- Dr. Fossieck welcomes the new supervisors. Left to right are: Miss port, New York, and South Otselic, Cynthia Berberian and Beryl Scott New York. Miss Sartwell graduated will accompany the girls. While one Harriet Sartwell, Mr. Arthur Soderlind, Dr. Fossieck, Mr. Edward Fagen, Dr. Mauritz Johnson, and Miss Mary Lynch. from Houghton college and received plays the other will sing with the her masters degree at Syracuse, New triple quartet. Dr. York plans to York. Her comment on how she have 12 girls performing each time, likes Milne was “Very much, Mi’lne and at each performance three Seniors Enter has been most friendly and helpful different girls will be missing. At Milnites Greet to newcomers.” one or two of the performances, Sanctuary the entire 15 may sing. In past State College Graduates On Wednesday, September 23, at years Dr. York has felt that the approximately 11:45 a.m. the seniors Newcomers Miss Mary Lynch is an addition Milnettes were seriously affected became really seniors! For at that to our mathematics department. She when one of their members was un­ time, the door to the senior room The school year opened with hails from Cohoes, New York and able to perform. The added per­ was opened to the class of ’54. This many new faces in the halls. In is a graduate of New York State sonnel, he believes will solve the hall-shaking event has produced the eighth grade are Suzanne Bald­ Teachers college. Miss Lynch taught problem. many changes in the corridors of win, Samuel Vice, Thomas Olivo, at Schoharie, New York for two A brand new addition to the music Milne. For example, have you and Clayton Knapp. years and also at Aruba, Nether­ department this year is a double noticed how few seniors have been Joining the big wheels of the lands in the West Indies, about 20 male quartet called the Milne Men. late or absent from school lately? junior high this year are: Terri miles from Venezuela. Her remark This gi'oup consists of Leonard Ten The reason? Simply that they want about Milne was that she enjoyed Lester, Sandra Wurst, Dale Metzger, it very much. Eyck ’54, and Jim Myers ’54, who to enjoy as much time as possible Kenneth Jarret, and Gertrude Frey. will sing first tenor; Don Smith ’54, in the “haloed” chamber. Sophs Welcome New Members The social studies department has Ronnie Killilea ’56, and Laurence The first comment of each mem­ The 10th grade is glad to have accredited Mr. Arthur Soderlind to Culver ’56, singing second tenor. ber of the class, as he madly dashed, six new members. These new its staff. He, also, was graduated Martin Wolman ’54, John Reynolds or peered timidly, into the room sophomores ai’e Elizabeth Korman, from New York State Teachers col­ ’55, and Paul Howard ’56 will sing was, “Well, we’re here, now what Joyce Miller, Constance Edwards, lege and, received his B.A. and M.A. bass,- while Richard Green ’55, do we do?” Needless to say this Maomi Brown, Courtney Brown, and there. He has done graduate work Donald Wilson ’54, and ' Creighton awesome attitude soon departed. As Charles Currey. at the University of Iowa and also Cross ’54 will sing baritone. the seniors began to feel at home, Connie, a former Michigan stu­ taught at State Teachers college in they hastened to personalize it with dent, says her favorite subject is Minot, North Dakota. Mr. Soderlind Programs Planned characteristic signs and announce­ choir, while Betty Korman and thinks -a lot of Milne and says “I This year’s choir consists of 50 ments. For example, would anyone Maomi Brown who come from wouldn’t be back if I didn’t like’it.” members, which is the largest group care to contribute rocks of rare Albany schools, like fishing out Last but not least, is another since 1949. The junior choir has minerals to the collection? amoebas on the biology field trips. member in the mathematics depart- 76 members. Dr. York has several The senior room, however, is not All the new Milnites like the free mtnt. He is Dr. Mauritz Johnson tentative plans for the coming year. merely a plaything for the highest and easiness they find at Milne. of East Schodack, New York. He He would like to take a select group class in the school. Perish the There are only three newcomers has worked in the State Education of 30 senior choir members and’ 30 thought! Having it teaches the to the class of ’55, two of whom depai tment, Division of Research of the junior choir members to do seniors to assume responsibility in come from Albany public schools. and, again, we have an alumnus of two television shows. He plans to caring for a room “All their own.” They are Sally Cook and Jon New York State Teachers college. feature Cynthia Berberian and As each senior is personally en­ Benediktsson, who hail fi’om Albany Dr. Johnson has taught here before Leonard Ten Eyck as soloists. The joined with maintaining the good high. The class welcomed back and states, “I feel right at home.” shows would fall one in each sem­ conduct of himself and others in John Brennan, a Milnite two years ester. Perhaps more than two might the room, the students develop a ago who transferred back to us Look What’s Coming be possible, but as yet all plans are more mature outlook on life. How from C.B.A. These juniors like the in the experimental stage. The else could they learn to parade friendliness of the teachers and the Friday, October 16 annual Christmas program, Spring around the table to the tune of school. Half day of school , concert, and Commencement pro­ “Teddy Bear’s Picnic”? Seniors Greet New Classmate Friday, October 30 gram, will be held as in previous All is not light and carefree in The lone entrant in the senior Report cards years if all goes well with the this sanctuary of seniors. There is class is Virginia Edwards, who came Saturday, November 7 groups. always the threat of being bad little from Michigan along with her sister Junior high party Tuesday, November 17 The entire music department is seniors; then, click goes the lock Connie. Ginny is an addition who looking forward to a vei’y successful once more and blight over takes should help brighten the newly Parents night for seniors year and hopes that the school will the halls of Milne. However, as gained jenior room. She thinks the Tuesday, November 24 Pep assembly enjoy their performances. long as the radio is not too loud, “kids” are great and the school the room is kept in order, and all friendly. Wednesday, November 25-30 the seniors get their homework Let’s all welcome these new stu­ Thanksgiving vacation Congratulations to Dr. Hudson on done, the hallowed portal shall re­ dents and show them that Milne is Saturday, December 5 receiving her doctor’s degree. main open to all. All seniors, that is. a friendly school. Senior class play PAGE 2 CRIMSON AND WHITE OCTOBER 9, 1953 Will We Be Ready0 c53fe Inquiring It’s October, 1953, in a decisive year. A Reporter’ year in which the world is like a pendulum, swinging between war and peace. Although By MIMI and NORMA the Korean war is now over, no one is quite Question: What are you looking sure what the future holds. ^Round forward to this year in school? Brenda Sandberg: “Off campus Life in Milne during this period, is not the Hi! Hilnites privileges.” entirely happy time that we would choose it Are you glad to be here? Ellen Hopner: “School dances.” to be. Upper classmen face military service This issue, we hope Will begin a prosperous year. Alice Erwin: “Keeping my ap­ after graduation, and there are many added pendix.” problems and worries for all of us. Today s Surprise! Surprise! This was the cry when Sally trials and tribulations are not of our making, Simmons gave a surprise birthday party for Pat Can- Peter Pappas: “Junior high bas­ field. Some of the senior girls present were: Ann ketball games.” but they will be ours to solve in the days ahead. Oetjen, Judy Cotter, Nancy Redden, Ginny Edwards, Hannah Kornreich: “Graduating.” De De Davison, Hannah Kornreich, Beryl Scott and The beginning of a new school year is a fine Brenda Sandberg.
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