Curriculum Vitae ~ Fenwick McKelvey Contact Information Department of Communication Studies 7141 Sherbrooke Street West CJ 3.230, 3rd F!oor Montréal, Quebec Canada H4B 1'( Website: http)**fen+ickmckel,ey.com .hone: (514) 848-2424 Emai!: fen+ick.mckel,[email protected] Academic Positions 6ssociate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia Uni,ersity, June 2018 – present 6ssistant .rofessor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia Uni,ersity, Ju!y 2013 – 2018 9isitin: Scho!ar & Instructor, Department of Communication, Uni,ersit- of Washin:ton, =ctober 2012 – June 2013 Education Doctor of Phi!osoph- (2008-2012) 'yerson Uni,ersity & York Uni,ersity, Toronto, O@ Joint Graduate Pro:ram in Communication & Cu!ture Dissertation Tit!e: Internet Routin: A!:orithms, Transmission and Time: To+ard a Concept of ?ransmissi,e Contro! Super,isor: Dr. Greg Elmer Dissertation Committee: Robert Latham, Barbara Cro+ and Darin &arney (external1 unded by a Joseph36rmand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scho!arship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counci! Comp!eted: 27 September 2012 'ecipient of the C. Ravi Ra,indran Outstandin: Doctoral Thesis (2013) for best dissertation across al! discip!ines at Ryerson 7ni,ersity. Master of 6rts (2006-2008) 'yerson Uni,ersity & York Uni,ersity, Toronto, O@ Joint Graduate Pro:ram in Communication & Cu!ture Desis Tit!e: The Code and Po!itics of De Pirate Bay and Drupal: A!ternati,e HoriEons of Web2.0 Super,isor: Dr. Greg Elmer Desis Committee: David Skinner and Judy Rebick 27 January 2020 &achelor of Arts with Honours in Mu!tidiscip!inary Studies with emphasis in Po!itical Science and Spanish (2000-2004) 7ni,ersit- of Fin:s Co!!ege, Halifax, @S .o!itical Science Honours Thesis) The Potential for State Contro! of the Internet 'ecipient of the James H. Aitchison A+ard (2004) for best under:raduate honours essay in .o!itical Science. Summary of Publications and Professional Contributions Works in pro:ress (3) &ooks (1) Journals /20) .eer3reviewed book chapters /01 Contributin: author in books (1) Contributin: author in book chapters (3) Contributin: author in refereed conference proceedin:s (2) &ook reviews (2) Conference presentations (51) Conference posters (2) Feynotes and in,ited talks (21) Workshops and roundtab!es (21) 'eports (7) @on3referred pub!ications (16) .o!ic- inter,entions /01 Works in Progress %unt, R. & McFel,ey, F. (forthcomin:1. A!:orithmic regu!ation in media and cu!tural po!icy: a framework to evaluate barriers to accountabi!ity. Journal of Information Po!icy. McFel,ey, F. (in preparation1. De other Cambrid:e analytics) 6 pre-history of A< in po!itics. or submission to Critical A< Studies, edited book under contract with .al:ra,e McMi!!an. McFel,ey, F. & Rajabiun, R. (in preparation1. To+ard national standards for latenc- in Canada. or submission to Telecommunication Po!icy. Books McFel,ey, F. (2018) Internet Demons: The .ro:rams OptimiEin: Internet Communications. 7ni,ersit- of Minnesota .ress. 'e,iewed in International Journal of Communication, Internet Histories, and Journal of the Association for Information Science and ?echno!o:y. Winner of 2019 Gertrude J. 'obinson &ook PriEe awarded by the Canadian Communication Association 27 January 2020 First author in Refereed Journals McFel,ey, F. (20201. Cranks, C!ickbait and Cons: On the Acceptab!e Use of Po!itical En:agement P!atform. Internet Policy Review, 8(4). https)**doi.or:*10.14763*2019.4.1439 McFel,ey, F., & Macdonald, M. (2019). ArtiIcial Intel!i:ence Po!ic- Inno,ations at the Canadian Federal Go,ernment. Canadian Journal of Communication, 44/2), 43–50. https)**doi.or:*10.22230*cGc.2019v44n2a3509 McFel,ey, F., & Hunt, R. (2019). Disco,erabi!it-) To+ard a Definition of Content Disco,ery Drou:h P!atforms. Social Media + Society, 5(1), 2056305118819188. https)**doi.or:*10.1177*2056305118819188 McFel,ey, F., & Piebiak, J. (2018). Portin: the po!itical campai:n: The Nation&ui!der p!atform and the g!obal flo+s of po!itical techno!o:y. New Media & ociety, !"/3), 901–918. https)**doi.or:*10.1177*1461444816675439 McFel,ey, F. (2015). We Like Copies, Just Don’t Let the Others Foo! You: The ParadoC of De .irate Bay. Televi$ion and New Media. 16(21. 734-750. McFel,ey, F., Tiessen, M. & Simcoe, L. (2015). A Consensual %al!ucination No More? De <nternet as Simu!ation Machine. %uro&ean Journal of Cultural tudie$. 18(4-01. 577-594. McFel,ey, F. (2014). 6!:orithmic Media Need A!:orithmic Methods) Why Pub!ics Matter. Canadian Journal Of Communication, 39/4). 597-613. McFel,ey, F. (2011). 6 Pro:rammab!e .!atformM Drupal, Modu!arit- an d the Future of the Web. (i)reculture, (18). McFel,ey, F. (2010). Ends and Ways: The A!:orithmic Po!itics of Net+ork Neutralit-. Glo)al Media Journal — Canadian %dition, 3(1). 51-73. McFel,ey, F. & O’Donnel!, S. (2010), =ut from the Ed:es) Mu!ti3site Videoconferencin: as a .ub!ic Sphere in First Nations. Journal of Community Informatic$. 5(2) Peer-reviewed Book Cha#ters McFel,ey, F., & Piebiak, J. (2019). Does the DiNerence Compute? Data-Dri,en Campai:nin: in Canada. In M. Lalancette, V. Raynau!d, & E. Crandal! (Eds.), ,-at.$ trendin/ in Canadian &olitic$01 2nder$tandin/ tran$formation$ in &ower, media, and t-e &u)lic $&-ere (pp. 194–215). 9ancou,er: U&C Press. McFel,ey, F. (2018). Hi!!ary 2016. In J. W. Morris & S. Murray (Eds.), 3&&i4ed1 Mundane oftware and t-e Ri$e of t-e 3&&$ (pp. 246–256). Ann Arbor: 7ni,ersit- of Michi:an .ress. McFel,ey, F., COté, M., & Raynau!d, V. (2018). Scandals and Screenshots) Social Media 4!ites in Canadian Po!itics. In A. Mar!and, ?. Giasson, & A. Law!or (Eds.), Political %lite$ in Canada: Power and In5uence in In$tantaneou$ #ime$ (pp. 204–222). Vancou,er: U&C .ress. McFel,ey, F. (2015). Openness CompromisedM Questionin: the Ro!e of Openness in Di:ital Methods and Contemporary Critical Praxis. In G. Elmer, G. Lan:!ois, & J. Redden /Eds.), Com&romi$ed 6ata: (rom ocial Media to 7i/ 6ata (pp. 126–146). New York, N>: 27 January 2020 &!oomsbury Academic. McFel,ey, F. (2011). Makin: TraPc .ub!ic) A Proposal for a Pub!ic Study of Internet Usage in Canada. In M. Mo!! & L. R. Shade (Eds.), 8e Internet Tree1 8e tate of Telecom Policy in Canada 3." (pp. 143-152). =ttawa: Canadian Centre for Po!ic- A!ternati,es. Contributing Author in Books 4!mer, G., Lan:!ois, G, & McFel,ey, F. (2012). The Permanent Campai:n: New Media, New .o!itics. New York: .eter Lan:. E$ual Co-author in Refereed Journals %unt, R. & McFel,ey, F. (forthcomin:1. A!:orithmic Regu!ation in Media and Cu!tural .o!ic-) 6 Framework to E,aluate Barriers to Accountabi!ity. Journal of Information Policy. Dubois, E., & McFel,ey, F. (2019). Po!itical Bots: Disruptin: Canada’s Democracy. Canadian Journal of Communication, 44/2), 27–33. https)**doi.or:*10.22230/cGc.2019v44n2a3511 McFel,ey, F., & Drisco!!, K. (2018). A'.6@4? and its boundary devices) modems, I".s, and the inter3structuralism of infrastructures. Internet Histories, 0(0), 1–20. https)**doi.or:*10.1080*24701475.2018.1548138 Geh!, R., & McFel,ey, F. (2019). Bu::in: out: darknets as parasites of lar:e-scale media obGects. Media, Cu!ture ; Society, 41(2), 219–235. https)**doi.or:*10.1177/0163443718818379 McFel,ey, F. & Beyer, J. L. (2015). >ou are Not Welcome Amon: Us: Pirates and the State. International Journal of Communication. :. 890-908. Contributing Author in Refereed Journals 'ajabiun, R., & McFel,ey, F. (2019). Comp!ementary realities: Pub!ic domain Internet measurements in the development of Canada’s uni,ersal access po!icies. 8e Information ociety, 35(2), 81–94. https)**doi.or:*10.1080*01972243.2019.1574533 Ban:!ois, G., McFel,ey, F., Elmer, G, & Werbin, K. (2009). Mappin: Commercial Web 2.0 Wor!ds) To+ards a New Critical Onto:enesis. (i)reculture 14. Ban:!ois, G, Elmer, G., McFel,ey, F., & DevereauC, Q. (2009). @et+orked Pub!ics) the Doub!e 6rticu!ation of Code and Po!itics on Facebook. Canadian Journal of Communication 34(3). pp. 415-434. 4!mer, G., Lan:!ois, G., DevereauC, Z., Ryan, P. M., McFel,ey, ., Redden, J., & Cur!ew, B. /2009). “&!o:s I ReadS: Partisanship and Party Loyalt- in the Canadian Po!itical &!o:osphere. Journal of Information Tec-nolo/y & Politic$, ;/2). 4!mer, G., Ryan, P. M., DevereauC, Z., Lan:!ois, G., Redden, J., & McFel,ey, F. (2007). 4!ection B!o::ers: Methods for Determinin: Po!itical Influence. (ir$t Monday, <!/4). Contributing Author in Book Cha#ters Dubois, E., & McFel,ey, F. (2018). Canada: Bui!din: Bot Typo!o:ies. In S. Woo!!ey & P. N. 27 January 2020 %o+ard (Eds.), Com&utational &ro&aganda1 &olitical &artie$, &olitician$, and &olitical mani&ulation on $ocial media (pp. 64–85). New York, N>, 7nited States of America: =Cford Uni,ersit- Press. 6c!and, C., & McFel,ey, . (2016). Termino!o:ical Traffic in the Mo,ie Business. <n C. Ac!and, ; E. Hoyt (Eds.) 8e 3rcli/-t Guide)oo= to Media >i$tory and t-e 6i/ital >umanitie$. almer: R4 '6"4*.roGect Arc!i:ht. http)**proGectarc!i:ht.or:*book. 4!mer, G., Lan:!ois, G. & McFel,ey, F. (2013). The Permanent Campai:n: On!ine Po!itical Communication. in F. KoEo!anka (Ed.), Pu)licity and t-e Canadian tate1 Critical Communication$ Per$&ective$./pp. 242-263). Toronto: 7ni,ersit- of Toronto Press. Ban:!ois, G., McFel,ey, F. & Elmer, G. (2011).
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