THE PATER NEWSLETTER A PUBLICAT I ON OF T HE INTERNATION A L WAL TER PATER SOCIETY EDITOR Mcgan Becker-Leckronc, University of Ncvacla, Las Vcgas EDITORIAL BOARD James Eli Adams, Cornell University Barfie Bullen, University of Reading Laurel Brake, Birkbeck College, University of London Lesley Higgins, York University Bi ll ic Anclrew l nman, University of Arizona, Emerita Franco Marucci, Universita dcgli Studi di Venezia Catherine MaxweIJ, <2.!Jeen Mary College, University of London Noriyuki Nozue, Osaka City University Robert Seiler, University of Calgary Paul Tucker, Universita degli Studi cli Pis a Hayden Wa rd, West Virgin ia University, Emeritus BOOK REVI E W EDI T OR Carolyn Williams, Rutgers University BIBLIOGRAPHER Kenneth Daley, Columbia College, C hi cago ANNOTATORS Kit Andrews,Western Oregon University Kenneth Dale)" Columbia College, Chicago Andrew Eastham, j(jng's College, University of London Mcghan A. Freeman, Tu1ane University Noriyuki Nozue, Osaka City Univers ity EDITORIAL C ORRESPONDEN C E Megan Becker- Leckrone, Department of English, Box 455011 , 4505 Maryland Parkway, UNLV, Las Vegas, NV 89154-5011 e-mail [email protected] lel 702895 1244 l ax 702 895 4801 IWPS OFFICERS President, Laurel Brake, Birkbeck College, University of London Vice-President, Lesley Higgins, York University INTERNATIONAL WALTER PATER SOCIETY CORRESPONDEN C E Laurel Brake, Centre for Extramural Studies, Birkbeck College Russell Square, London, UK WCIB 5DQ e-mail [email protected] lax 44207631 6688 Lesley Higgins, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada e-mai/[email protected] le! 4167362100, x22344 lax 4167365412 The Paler N ewsletter (ISSN 0264- 8342) is published twice yearly by the 1nternationaI W aIter Pater Society. Items appearing in The Pater Newsletter may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the Editor, except in accordance with copyright laws and except for class room use in colleges and universities. Current subscription rares are 58.00 (or £4.00) for one year and 515.00 (or £ 8.00) for two years. Please send subscriptions, and changes in subscription information, to the Editor. Subscriptions can also be purchased or renewed via PayPal at <www.paternewslettcr.org>. The Pater Newsletter accepts articles, reviews, review essays, and notes on WaIter Pater. Submissions via e-mail are encouraged, in Microsoft Word format only, please. Formal aspects of manuscripts should follow the prescriptions of The MLA Style Manual, 5,h edition, and include all of the author's current contact information. Contributors may request style sheets from the Editor ([email protected]) or the Bibliographer, Kenneth Daley ([email protected]). © 2008 by The International Waiter Pater Society. All Rights Reserved. THE PATER NEWSLETTER I SSUE 53 SPRING 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS EDITOR'S NOTE I BOOK R EV IEWS HI GG INS, LESLEY, Eo. THE COllECTED WORKS OF C£f<ARD 3 MANLEY H OPKINS: VOLUME IV: OXFORD ESSAYS AND NOTES. OXFORD AND NEW YORK: OXFORD UP, 2006. MOl/reen Moran LEIGHTON, ANGELA. ON FORM: P OETRY, AESTI-IE17CISM, AND THE 7 LEGACYOFA WORD. OXFORD AND NEW YORK: OXFORD UP, 2007. Kale Hex! ESSAY T H E QyEER ATAVI SMS OF HIPPOLYTUS 13 Kevin Ohi RESOURC ES A WALTER PATER WEB LIOGRAP H Y 23 Lesley Higgins PRIMARY SOURCES 24 Manuscripts, Published Books SECONDARY SOURCES 25 Bartleby to Wikipedia RELATED TOPICS 26 Aestheticism to the Pre-Raphaelites PHILOSO PHICAL TOPI CS 31 Auguste ComIc 10 the Pre-Socratics LITERARY TOPICS 34 Nineteenth-Century Journals, General Literary Studies PATER'S "CIRCLES" 35 Sidney Co/vin to Oscar Wi/de QyEER STUDIES AND LITERATURE 42 Homosexuality in History to Queer Studies Reso urces VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE 4 3 From the BBC to the Victorian Web GENERAL ART AND MUSEUM I NFORMATION 44 Art Galleries to Virtual Museums LIBRARY INfORMATION 47 Electronic Books to Virtual Libraries RECENT PUBLICATIONS 52 ESSAYS 52 ESSAYS WITH NOTABLE REFERENCES TO P ATER 61 DISSERTATIONS 62 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS: SPECIAL I SSUE 55, SPRI NG 2009 EDITOR ' S NOTE UR SPRJNG 2008 ISSUE, NUMBER 53, of The Pater News/etter comes well - or more precisely, far - on the heels of our last special issue on "Q;Jeer Parer Srudies" (Number 52, Spring 2007). We expecr that unfortunate break in the publication schedule (namely, the absence of a Fall 2007 issue) to be our last, as new editorial and production protocols come morc smoothly into place. Perhaps the biggest aid in streamlining all facets of the Newsletter's production is, we are proud to announce, the launch of our new wcbsitc, <http://www. paternewsletter.org>. The website will serve as a portal of information fo r both '!he Pater Newsletter and the International WaIter Pater Society, including current editorial board and officer information, recent and current tables of contents, calls for papers, conference announcements and updates, and a fully-linked Web version of Lesley Higgins' webliography. We are also very happy to announce that we will now be able to manage subscriptions, new and renewed, online. PayPal, a secure and reputable payment system, will accept all forms of international currency. \vith automatic conversions of our current rates. ~Ihe new website will also allow you to verifY and update your subscription address and co ntact information. In its conception, the primary aim was to have the website streamline subscription management, to obviate the unwieldy and impractical sys tem of sending and converting international checks, and more effiCiently to keep track of the individual needs of subscribers whose addresses span at least four continents. But we are also commitred to developing it as a multi-faceted research and archival tool, an active work in progress. We conceive of the website as a complement to, not a replacement for, the print 2 THE PATER NEWSLETTER 53 publication of 1he Pater Newsletter. Nevertheless, its function and scope surely has potential beyond our current conception of it. To that end, we eagerly seek input and suggestions from all. We also continue actively to seek content of all kinds - from article annotations to full-length articles - for each of our twice-yearly print publications. You will see that we are seeking contributions to the planned Spring 2009 special issue on "Pater and Cosmopolitanism" (sce page 64 for details). In the meantime, we are still accepting material for our next issue, Fall 2008. Please send submissions or queries to mc, Megan Becker-Leckrone at <[email protected]>. Those interested in article or book chapter annotations should contact our Bibliographer, Kenneth Daley, at <[email protected]>;Carolyn Williams, <[email protected]>, is our Book Review Editor. SPRING 20081 B OOK REVIEWS 3 BOOK REVIEWS Maurcen Moran HIGGINS, LESLEY, ED. THE COLLECTED W ORKS OF GERARDMANLEY H OPKINS: VOLUME IV: O XFORD ESSAYS AND NOTES. OXFORD AND NEW YORK: OXFORD UP, 2006. 392 PP. ERARD MANLEY HOPKl S'S undergraduate career at Balliol College, Oxford was seminal to his intellectual, spiritual, artistic, and psyc hological development. Some thirtee n years after hi s study for the BA in Literae Humaniores (classics), he still thought of the University as the "very button of my being" (8), and Lesley Higgins's impressive introducti on to the first published volume in the new Co!lected Works oJGerord Manley Hopkins establishes just what H opkins must have meant. Between April 1863 and June 1867 Oxford enabled this clever young man to engage with the most important and up-to-the-minute thinking about an astonishingly broad range of di sciplines including classical languages, literature and culture, the "sciences" of language, hi story, economics and the natural world, philoso phy, myth, comparative religion, and Christianity. Diligent participation in the sys tem of weekly essays and tutorials honed Hopkins's critical methods, logic and argumentative skills and inducted him into the "scientificiz[ing] and hi storiciz[ing]" (22) di scursive practices that shaped knowledge production in the Victorian age. Oxford also brought Hopkins into direct contact with the fi erce religiOUS "warfare" waged by different fa ctions within the University fa culty and played out among the students: the rational Broad Church approach of the (to some) "heretical" Master of Balliol, Benjamin Jowctt; the Anglo-Catholicism of Pusey and Liddon; the agnostic secularism of coaching tutors like WaIter Pater. The intense homosocial co mmunity of college li fe in Oxford offered both the comfort of like-minded friends and the gu ilt of homoerotic desire. Throughout hi s life - in memory and im agination - Oxford continued as a central reference point. 1t was the in spi red 4 T HE P ATER NEWSLETTER 53 place of intellectual validation and spiritual "rebellion" (for it was here that H opkins achieved a firs t class degree and converted, boldly, to Roman Catholicism) . And yet, it was reconstructed also as the melancholy place of promise unfulfilled, of "beginnings of things ... ruins and wrecks" (31). In these paradoxical ways, Oxford shaped Hopkins as man, priest, critic, and poct. Ir is fitting, therefore, that the first book to appear in the projected eight­ volume Collected Works, should be devoted to H opkins's Oxford essays, lecture notes, reading annotations, and co mmonplace book, together with the notes he prepared for his teaching post at Newman's Oratory school in Birmingham the year after graduation. ""This diplomatic editi on based on twelve extant notebooks is rich wi th material that will fascinate H opkins scholars, but it has much to offer also to those with research interests in his tutors, in Victorian higher education, and in the cultural milieu of the mid-Victorian intelligentsia. Forty-five essays which H opkins prepared for hi s tutorials are now made available (only a fraction of which have been previously published).
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