APARTHEID POLICY PREVAILS Orange C'fy cops SOUTH AFRICA BARS ENTRY OFNISE I PSWNise i Rela s U-NO MINISTER FROM CANADA FOR VISIT 7 h H Yd' mar ks s a ere PENTICTON, BC. - A Japa­ " In order to avoid dlffl- PACIFI Bar nese Canadian minisler bas culties on future trips, we ITIZEN been refused entry into South would recommend thai you LOS ANGELES-5even rec­ '!.<I~~~~~rr S t, and as Las Angel ... y r,f 90012: (213) MA 6-6936 Africa and declared 8 Ifpro_ arrange through the South ords teU two were tied By RAYMOND UN O hibited immigrant". a United African Dept. or interior, Orange County JACL won the Nallon. ' JACL President Cburch of Canada provincial either ill P re loria or in Johan­ 20th annual PSWDC Nisei Re­ conference meeting at nearby nesburg, that your papers are lay. championsWp wIth an ag­ VOL. 72 NO. 23 When the J ACL National gregate total of 210 points. FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1971 12 CENTS Board meets on July 23, 1971, Naramata was told recently. In ordet· tor re-entry to South The Rev. Garth W. Legge, Africa." Gardena Valley JACL was the ilrsl 360 days of my ad­ second with 144 2/3 and West mInIstration will bave run its associate secretary ot the Dr . .Legge termed the reply church's board 01 wodd mis­ Los Angeles JACL third with course. 'Ve will have an in as "mealy-mouthed, lackey­ 91 2/3. depth review of wbal we have sion. of Toronto said the Rev. like .. without any sU'ong G<!orge Pagan of Orange done and wbat we are going Tadashi Mitsui, now a chap­ protesl ot any kind", Accord­ County broke the oldest rec­ laln to Protestant students at ingly, he wrote to MItchell HIBINO NO. ONE JACL A · to do, t t ord In the books, tile open the University of Botswana­ Sharp, minister of external AI prevIously mentioned in Lesotho-Swaziland In Les<>­ mlIe belonging to J apan's K1. IN SALINAS CITY . ,Slans es use affairs, and his executive as­ pro one of my !lrst articles, all tbo, was met by Soutb Afri­ kuo Moriya since 1952, by al­ National Committee reports sistant explained Iflt in no most six seconds, touring tile can security police upon hIs way means that the Embassy ,bould be prepared and sent arrival Jan. 3 at Johannes­ four laps ot Eagle Rock High accepts or condones the South In 4m.29.8s. burgh Intern~tion.1 Airport. African practice ot discrimi­ COUNCIL VOTING of epithet in New York ad First The onetime minister of the nation between person. be- Mo.t scintillating was the The 360 Day. Japanese congregation at the cause of race or justifies in- triple victory and a wlnnlng Renfrew United Church in consistency of treatment ae- eflort with the relay by Tony JACLer Led in NEW YORK - The designer Fifth Ave. & 5th St. store. At week'a end, Asian ~ to the Executive Commiltee Vancouver was told by police corded to (Rev. MItsui) for no Krzyzosiak of Orange County named, Kenzo, who is the The boutique is called Icans for Al:tlOIlS were plel!:­ member who is in charge of he had eight hours io leave :v~ ~ ~d t~e n~~e~~I~~ s a ~ !~: 14 or 19 Precinctl latest darling of the London "Kenzo for JAP". etlng the store to protest the the supervision o( the Nalion­ apparent reason". the country. R e ~. in June Election and Paris boutique patrons, It was not long before the use ~ the d~tory ~ al Committee one month prior Dr.. Legge admitted in 21.5s. He eased up on the 1 is about to find out w h • t telepbone of the store's pub­ lIIJoisler Prolests Mltsw probably made :t 440, winning at 50.9s and took Attorney Moonray Kojima, to the National Board meet­ know~ ~urch might be considered a swing- lic relations department was local JACL past president, Ing. The Executive Commit­ Rev. MItsui protested to the Ws and the s the long jump with 21-11. ringing with complalnts from ~ ab,horl ~nce of apartheld and · The Garden Grove High TNAS-Henry Hlblno, 36- ing label on the Continent is called the office the pre­ tee member sbould have the Canadian Embassy at Pretoria wa~ year old Nisei farmer, \V a s regarded as pure. uncut ana­ numerous Asian caUers. It was sident of Bonwit Teller to reports submitted to the Na­ and received a brief reply, sa.d tblS und,?ubtedly at lIash had won the state Inter­ ohe ot three successful candl- thema within these shores. not very surprising to learn the root of h.s bam slunent. scholastic 440 championship in make a series or demands, In­ tional Board two weeks prIor w hich said In part: dUes elected June 1 as a Sa- When the New York Times that laler callers tound all ot cluding (I) removal ~ t b e to the National Board meet­ "It is our underslanding that A follow-up letler from the 46.7 the previous day at UC­ liDO S city councilman with a carried a seven...column ad in the PR stalt ''in a meeting" word "Jap" t r om the sign ing. National Board members only Canadian citizens of Canadian government indi- . LA a tenth ot a second off leading vote-getting total ot its May 27 edltion from Bon- and onavailable for immedi­ over the Kenzo boutlqne, (2) .hould have read, evaluated European origin may enter cated no (urther action was the' state record. Papers say 4,633 Two others elected were wit Teller touting their new· ate comment. removal ~ all public displays and digested the contents of being taked, he's headed for Colorado. South Africa without visas J ames Barnes with 3,826 and est boutique, neither The Protesla Slream in wblch the offensive term t b e reports to be ready to and that Canadian citizens of Dr. Lagge regretted that no Councllman Tom Bradley, Ed Norris with 3,622. Times nor Bonwlt (as their is used and (3) rewording of discuss and vote on various non-European ethnic origin special intervention was 00- a quartermiler of note dUl'ing The first non-Caucasian to spokesmen claim) realJzed the Others also called The all future advertising rot' the motions Intelligently and on require visas for enLry to ing attempted and that no Ws prep and college days, was elected to tbe City Coun- incredible goof they were Times man who passes on ad­ Kenzo line, specifically ex­ the basis o( knowledge secur­ South Africa. strong protest had been made. on hand to greet lhe 200 par­ cll, Hibino's victory was all commitlng in the eyes of vertising acceptability, and cluding the perjorative "Jap". ed from tbe reports and perti­ ticipants and about 150 spec­ the m 0 r e noteworthy as it everything Japanese American the New York NicWbel (the Sbortly thereafter, Boowit nent discussions arising from tators. He presented trophies comes in a city t hat bad who saw the ad or who sub­ Japanese American weekly) arranged an appointment few the pros and cons of the re­ 1972 JACL CONVENTION- June 27.Julyl to the Nisei Relays queen and spearheaded a statewide cru· sequently heard about it. learned one woman was told a meeting ot store officials port or related, but relevant, court: sade against the return of Ja- Xeroxed copies of the ad he saw nothlng particularly and members of the Japanese information. Marla MaaunakB IPas). queen; panese residents from deten- were being handed to those offensive about the term and American community I a • t G all Abe (East L.A.); Ch eryl Mt­ Too often, Executive Com­ Five special events for delegates zuluka (Gar). J ulie Manaka (LB). tion camps to the west coast who had not caught the ad only begall to h a v e second week (June 1). mittee members and National Maureen Nakazawa (SFV). Mer· ill 1945. the evening after it appeared. thoughts when asked wbether Whether a similar ad al>­ Board members are asked to Uynn Yamada (Venice). One of the major reasons The ad in question carried he would let pass a sign read­ peared In local newspapers vote on mallers which are Other record breakers were for this stand was the fact the usual drawings ot long­ ing '"Boutique for Niggers". wbere Bonwit Teller hu poorly or Inadequately pre­ planned by Washington, D.C., hosts shot putter Paul J ohnson (OC) that a National Guar d unit of limbed women gotten up in Among the local organiza­ stores in Philadelphia, Chlca­ pared, and poorly or inade­ breaking a 1958 mark \vith a Salinas area men called up designs by Kenzo, an ot whicb tions protesting were the New go, Cleveland, Boston and before World War \V ere may be seen in Bonwit's York J A C Land tbe Asian Troy (N.Y.) remained to be quately presented. The proce­ J) I ~ 'a'a~ ~~a{~~don~ ~A~"e bers to see as mucb 01 Wasb­ Continued on Page 3 n dure for processing and vot­ ington's attractions as pos­ "enl to the Philippines wbere fourth-floor boutique at their Americans for Action. seen. Council meets In Washlns:ton, it had been overwhelmed and ing on reports has been set D.C., the Com'enLlon Boud sible during the daylight out. Unless the reports follow publi cist. Che rry TsuLSumlda. wlll hours, the Convention Board captured by J apanese early the established procedures, keep OUt readers advised or the in the war.
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