Company Address 1 City Postcode Contact Phone Web Site 38 South Boat Sales 5/227 Wells Rd CHELSEA HEIGHTS 3192 Rohan Veal (03) 9772 8976 www.38southboatsales.com.au Albert Park Yachting & Angling Club PO Box 11 ALBERT PARK 3206 Patrick Hutchinson (03) 9690 5530 www.apyac.org.au Alberton Marine P.O. Box 18 ALBERTON 3971 Bob & Rhonda Kuhnell 03 5183 2344 www.albertonmarine.com.au Alfab (Aust) Pty Ltd 130 Bamfield Road HEIDELBERG WEST 3081 Leigh Maddison 03 9459 1333 www.alfab.com.au All Sat Communications 30 Tresise Avenue WANTIRNA SOUTH 3152 Ian Veitch (13) 0074 7587 www.allsat.com.au Allnex Resins Pty Ltd 49/61 Stephen Road BOTANY BAY 2019 Andrew Hurd www.nupol.com.au AMSA GPO Box 2181 CANBERRA 2601 Sarah Cameron (02) 6279 5888 www.amsa.gov.a Anchor Marine Pty Ltd PO Box 48 SANDRINGHAM 3191 Andy Warner 03 9598 8077 www.anchormarine.com.au Anchor Right Australia Pty Ltd 27 Dunstan Road AVONSLEIGH 3782 Rex & Joy Francis 03-5968-5014 www.anchorright.com.au Anchorage Houseboats Factory 8 EILDON 3713 Phil Gourlay 03 5774 2705 www.anchoragehouseboats.com.au Anchorage Marina 34 The Strand WILLIAMSTOWN 3016 Ella Pardaruru (03) 9397 6977 www.aussieboatsales.com.au Aqua Power Marine 9 Hi Tech Place SEAFORD 3198 Simon Teitge 03 8796 3900 www.aquapower.com.au Aquatek Marine 242 Port Arlington Road MOOLAP-GEELONG 3221 Nick Edgerton www.aquatekmarine.com.au Aussie Boat Covers (Vic) Pty Ltd St Kilda Marina ELWOOD 3184 Neil Hancock (04) 1394 2050 www.aussieboatcovers.com.au Aussie Boat Sales 266 Nelson Place WILLIAMSTOWN 3016 Dani Limback (03) 9397 6977 www.aussieboatsales.com.au Austrailian Sailing 3 Aquatic Drive ALBERT PARK 3206 Gavin Wall (03) 9597 0066 www.yachtingvictoria.com.au Australian Boating College 65 Levanswell Rd MOORABBIN 3189 John McCormick 03 9555 5177 www.abcboating.com Australian Border Force 5 Constituition Ave CANBERRA 2601 Stacey Ward (02) 6198 7796 www.homeaffairs.gov.au Australian Powerboat Association PO Box 8096 CROYDON 3136 Arthur Clark www.apba.com.au Australian Volunteer Coast Guard PO Box 64 SANDRINGHAM 3191 Ray Campbell 03 9478 1857 www.coastguard.com.au Bait and Tackle Direct Factory 6 DANDENONG 3175 Hong Lu (03) 9706 8588 www.tackledirect168.com Baldwin Boats PO Box 1678 MILDURA 3502 Chris Baldwin 03 5022 7596 www.baldwinboats.com.au Bar Crusher Boats 5 Quality Drive DANDENONG SOUTH 3175 Peter Cleland 03 9792 2999 www.barcrusher.com.au BayMarine Chelsea 8 Ashley Park Drive CHELSEA HEIGHTS 3196 David Tao (03) 9772 1999 www.baymarine.com.au Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron PO Box 45 BLACK ROCK 3193 John Firth 03 9589 5156 www.bmys.com.au Bell Marine Factory 1 CARRUM DOWNS 3201 Steve Lagos (03) 9708 2846 wwww.bellmarine.com.au Bella Marine 13 Wattle Park Avenue MOOLAP-GEELONG 3224 Justin Date www.bellamarine.com.au Bellingham Marine Aust Pty Ltd Suite 11A PORT MELBOURNE 3207 John Spragg (03) 9646 6744 www.bellinghammarine.com Bendigo Ski Boat Centre/Classique Ski Boats P.O. Box 1024 BENDIGO 3550 Phil Morrison 03 5441-4488 www.classiqueskiboats.com.au BL Marine 612-614 Plenty Road PRESTON 3072 Craig O'Donnell 03 9478 1420 www.blmarine.com.au Blairgowrie Marina Services ~ Sealegs PO Box 34 BLAIRGOWRIE 3942 Peter Sargeant www.sealegs.com Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron PO Box 13 BLAIRGOWRIE 3942 Amanda Jacobs 03 5988 8453 www.bys-asn.au Blue Nautilus Marine 47 Enterprise Circuit CARRUM DOWNS 3201 Toni Hawken 03 9775 0417 www.pcmdistributors.com.au Blue Reef Eyewear 3/38 Investigator Drive UNANDERRA 2526 Gisu Mobarhani 02 4271 8382 www.bluereefvision.com.au Boat Catch Indigo Sierra Pty Ltd 406/20 Pier Lane MARIBYRNONG 3032 Greg Staples www.boatcatch.com Boat Point.com.au Level 4 RICHMOND 3121 Petra Sprekos 03 9093 8600 www.boatpoint.com.au Boating Central (formerly known as Power Drive Marine Pty Ltd) 24 Bellerine St GEELONG 3220 Andrew Neilson 03 5229 4632 www.boatingcentral.com.au Boats & More Pty Ltd 207 Numurkah Road SHEPPARTON 3620 Simon Ryan 03 5822 2108 www.boatsandmore.com.au BR & SM Webber Pty Ltd 9 Orange Street WILLIAMSTOWN 3016 Bernie Webber 03 9397 4003 www.brsmwebberboatbuilders.com.au Breon Enterprises 6 Lillee Crescent TULLAMARINE 3043 Tyson Hateely (03) 8336 3333 www.breon.com.,au BRP Australia PO Box 315 TULLAMARINE 3043 David Heyes 02 9794-6600 www.brp.com Brunswick Asia Pacific Group (Mercury Marine) 41-71 Bessemer Drive, DANDENONG SOUTH 3164 David Meehan 03 9767 6417 www.mercurymarine.com.au Bulte Marine Group PO BOX 110 BELGRAVE 3160 Graeme Bulte 03 9754-2922 www.aquaterro.com Bundoora Boat Upholstery 39 Commercial Drive THOMASTOWN 3074 Adam Gillatt 03 9465-3441 www.boatupholstery.com.au CH Smith Marine Pty Ltd P.O Box 1020 COLLINGWOOD 3066 Rod Smith 03 9403 4800 www.chsmith.com.au Chelsea Yamaha 13 Ashley Park Drive CHELSEA HEIGHTS 3196 Robert Neely 03 9772 1212 www.chelseamarine.com.au Chelsea Yamaha 13 Ashley Park Drive CHELSEA HEIGHTS 3196 Robert Neely 03 9772-1277 www.all-covers.com.au City of Greater Geelong 100 Brougham Street GEELONG 3220 Andrew Ross 03 5227 0835 www.geelongaustralia.com.au Club Marine Limited 40 The Esplanade BRIGHTON 3186 Simon McLean 03 8591-1939 www.clubmarine.com.au CMAP Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 1021 LANE COVE 1595 Peter Webster 02 9420 3800 www.c-map.com.au Coastal Insurance Brokers 878 Springvale Road BRAESIDE 3195 Julia Grivas 03 9706 3688 www.coastalins.com.au Coastline Marine PO Box 401 PATTERSON LAKES 3197 Nick Purvis (03) 9708 2149 www.coastlinemarine.com.au Composites Constructions Pty Ltd 59 MacBeth Street BRAESIDE 3195 Stephen Campbell (03) 9587 8555 www.compositeconstructions.com.au Corsair Boats Pty Ltd 2/200 Boneo Road ROSEBUD 3939 Mark Abbott (03) 5981 2451 www.corsairboats.com.au Cover Craft Boat Covers 23 Edelmaier Street BAYSWATER 3153 Brigitte Easton 03 9729-3030 www.covercraft.net.au Cranbourne Boating Centre 1A Bowen Street CRANBOURNE 3977 David Avard 03 5996 2206 www.cranbourneboatingcentre.com.au Crawford Marine 71-75 Chickerell Street MORWELL 3840 Terry Raymond 03 5134 6522 www.crawfordmarine.com.au d'Albora Marinas Suite 5 PORT MELBOURNE 3207 Brett Greer 03 9646-1200 www.dalboramarinas.com.au d'Albora Marinas Victoria Harbour 13/55 Victoria Harbour Promenade DOCKLANDS 3008 Brett Geer 03 9602-4511 www.dalboramarinas.com.au Deja Vu Ski 5 River End Road BANGHOLME 3175 Ian Clark 03 8587-1111 www.dejavuski.com Dockside Boat Sales 54 Slip Road PAYNESVILLE 3880 Peter Blainey 03 5156 7033 www.docksideboatsales.com.au Drystack Australia Pty Ltd Suite 36 ULTIMO 2007 Peter Dawson www.drystackaustralia.com.au Dunbier Marine Products 136-164 Boundary Road BRAESIDE 3195 Michelle Reid 03 9580 2455 www.dunbier.com Eade's Xtreme Marine PO Box 1051 ECHUCA 3564 Paul Eade (03) 5482 2333 www.xtrememarine.net.au Easytow Boat Trailers PO Box 421 HEATHCOTE 3523 Lenn Mulhall 03 5433-2461 www.easytow.com.au Edencraft International Pty Ltd PO Box 23 NEWCOMB 3219 Josie Maher (03) 5248 5662 www.edencraft.com. au Eildon Boat Club P O Box 11 EILDON 3713 John Hodge 03 5774 2040 www.eildonboatclub.com.au Eildon Outboard Service Pty Ltd P O Box 105 EILDON 3713 Tony Keddell 03 5774 2132 N/a Every Battery Pty Ltd 5/305 High Street ASHBURTON 3147 Francis Collins (03) 9005 2020 www.everybattery.com.au Fishing Getaways PO Box 116 WATSONIA 3087 Gordon Howlett 03 9036 3696 www.fishinggetaways.com.au Frank Marine Pty Ltd Unit 8 KNOXFIELD 3180 Frank Lee (03) 9758 5829 www.frankmarine.com.au Geelong Boating Centre Pty Ltd 88 Barwon Heads Road BELMONT 3216 Cameron MacDonald 03 5241 6966 www.geelongboatingcentre.com.au Geelong Marine World 401-409 Port Arlington Rd MOOLAP 3224 Jake Broadhead (03) 5248 1752 wwww.geelongmarineworld.com.au Gippsland Boat Supplies Pty Ltd PO Box 583 TRARALGON 3844 Ray Duxbury 03 5174 1223 www.gippslandboatsupplies.com.au Gippsland Lake House PO Box 888 EAST MELBOURNE 3002 Abigal Levin 03 5156 0432 www.gippslandlakehouse.com.au Gippsland Ports P.O. Box 388 BAIRNSDALE 3875 Nick Murray 03 5150 0500 www.gippslandports.vic.gov.au GME PO Box 96 WINSTON HILLS 2153 John McConaghy 03 9558 9999 www.gme.net.au Goodall Design International Pty Ltd 50-52 Craig Street BENDIGO 3550 Greg Goodall 03 5443 6910 www.goodalldesign.com.au Haines Hunter PO Box 4094 HOPPERS CROSSING 3029 John Haber 03 9394 1540 www.haineshunter.com.au Hard Corr Lighting 25 Old Pacific Highway YATALA 4207 Zac Buckley (07) 3801 8332 wwww.hardcorrlighting.com High Country Houseboat Sales 124 Acheron Road ACHERON 3714 Mike Dalmau (04) 1758 8455 www.highcountryhouseboatsales.com.au Hobsons Bay Yacht Club 270 Nelson Place WILLIAMSTOWN 3016 Tony Dawson (03) 9397 6393 www.hbyc.org.au Honda MPE 1954-1956 Hume Highway CAMPBELLFIELD 3061 Andrew Wenzel 03 9270-1111 www.hondamarine.com.au Hot Tackle 85 Cary Street TORONTO 2261 Daley Martine www.hottackle.com.au Hurrey's Marine Services Pty Ltd 3-5 Boundary Road MORDIALLOC 3195 Steve Hurrey 03 9580 6670 www.hurreysmarine.com.au ICOM Australia Pty Ltd Unit 1, 103 Garden Road CLAYTON 3168 Jason Shaw 03 9549-7500 www.icom.net.au Inflatable Boat Worx 6 Capital Court BRAESIDE 3195 Jeremy Wiggs (03) 9580 0442 www.inflatableboatworx.com.au International Marine 1278 Ferntree Gully Road SCORESBY 3179 John Barbar 03 9763-7233 www.caribbeanboats.com Inverloch Marine 2 The Esplanade INVERLOCH 3996 Tim Edney 03 5674-1502 www.inverlochmarine.com.au J R Nautical PO Box 3106 NEWTOWN 3220 Anthony Heath www.jrnautical.com.au JJ Savage & Sons of Savages Wharf Pty Ltd PO Box 309 WILLIAMSTOWN 3016 John Savage 03 9397 6513 www.savageswharf.com.au JPM Shipwrights Pty Ltd Unit 7, 19-25 Grange Road CHELTENHAM 3192 JP Marquet www.jpmshipwrights.com.au JV Marine World 878 Springvale Road BRAESIDE 3195 Mark Stav 03 9798 8883 www.jvmarine.com.au Key Business Advisors Pty Ltd PO Box 385 ESSENDON NORTH 3041 Colin Wilson (03) 9325 5900 www.keyba.com.au Krash Industries 1/7 Sir Laurence Drive SEAFORD 3198 Nick Barton (03) 9021 8933 www.krashindustries.com Lake Eildon Houseboat Industry Association 190 Sugarloaf Road EILDON 3713 Mike Dalmau www.lehia.com.au Leisuresports Marine 42 Brasser Avenue DROMANA 3936 David Meades (03) 5981 9400 www.leisuresportsmarine.com.au Lone Star Marine Factory 3/16 CARRUM DOWNS 3201 Malki Ary (03) 8774 4582 www.lonstarmarine.com.au Luxford's Marine Ind Solutions P.O.
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