8 THE ST. PAUL GLOBR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1904 MINTER IS REDUCED ADDITIONAL"SPORTING NEWS REMAINS ANOTHER GENUINE BARGAIN TALK Former St. Paul Attorney Is NIGHT IN THE TOMBS TT isn't often we shout price—we would ;rather talk \ quality. But _ teenth miles—Barklemore. 105. C. Harris, Fined at Norfolk •*• once in a while we feel like sticking the Regal $3.50 right under yournose - 5• to 1. won; \u25a0 Lee 1King. 102, Cocolo. 15 to and saying," LOOK ! Where else in the worldcan you equal it?" >1;1 second; Merry Acrobat, 105, r. Schilling, \u25a0 In a few $6.00 shoes, maybe, but ifyou understood the ;. even, third. Time. 2:03. Bengui, New Mrs. Chad wick, Comparatively ' M| PLAYERS LOSE " \u25a0\u25a0A ; shoe business as we do. you would know that a man has FORM Amsterdam and Bourke Cockran ran. Special also to The Globe - 1 pay Sixth race. six furlongs—Lily Tranquil, May to NORFOLK, Va., Dec. 9.—Frank Min- jK« to $6.00 for six-dollar shoes simply to enable the 97,"\u25a0-' J.- Hennessy. 14 to = s,won; Girl&from Go Cleve- ~ tery a graduate of Yale and the Uni- ?--j£^J ';/."*_ v lEß retailer to help the jobber to help the manufacturer to Dixie, 97. Crimmins. 12g. to 1, second; " versity prac- \u25a0 tanner Birque, 97, A. ? Breittian. 17 to >*Hthird.i land Today of Minnesota, a former \SS help the leather-dealer to help the ON Time, Halcyon Days*- Lamplight,- titioner In supreme court of Minne- make his business pay. MUDDY OAKLAND 1:20.•--*"_; '-" the ffißjv ~" Martha.7 Celia' Caseonre, Miss-Nannie :-X>\ sota, and formerly an editor on the J '.:':: '.-•:'"\;% hßy the Regal tannery-to-consumer method ;-;-v- \u25a0 . -'\u25a0'-"•''.\u25a0*--' and Triumphtress also ran. V Sir Lee left' Northwestern Law Reporter, published ""'/^N^^^s"^ at post. "\u25a0tjr-i'.-'j^r-": ->v>;;v.;- ; S^§lnl^«v ou Pajr a *air Price *°r first-class material :"--""t-!V~- NEW YORK, Dec, 9.—After a day at St. Paul, was sent to jail here today --/ anc* first-class labor, but one Ascot Bookies Also Clean Up $2.75 / not cent full of disagreements with her coun- in default of a fine of imposed / *V^Om&\*°r useless profits and commissions. sel as to whether she should waive ex- upon him by Police Justice Simmons Sums WILL CANVASS MINOR on drunkenness \u25a0'JjlJl'flfiß/ Neat From the _and go to Cleveland, the charge of and are LEAGUE SITUATION amination Mrs. sleeping, on the street. Friends paid / | which the fashionable standards of -£: Chad wick finally consented remain i^^^^ iBMHr in which can't nnHE mo£ beautiful and inter- Betting Public to the fine and Minter was released. "'""'J^' [Q illW^ - the world, fit quarter sizes -^ another night In. the Tombs, but ex- to ' b; bettered even in made-to-order shoes Ban Johnson £ Leaves for Cincinnati tot Minter left St. Paul and went ; Jam vexing; of all the Christmas pressed. the hope that she might leave JbSL\ -: and materials and which *~~ Start Something JX Puget sound. Losing all interest in wWfo\ JQ';ijj/ workmanship li?i.S>r'-&-\ '::^fo^ ~-~~ \u25a0i > is the great there tomorrow. She had made up life, he there enlisted in the United B "\u25a0\u25a0'•" mB -'\u25a0 have been proven best over and over again. periodicals SAX FRANCISCO. Cal., Dec. 9.—Out- CHICAGO. Dec. 9.—President Ban John- her mind to ignore the advice of her States marine corps and was sent t£ « E&Nafci\ ', Q_jsMk Regals are the only shoes sold at the again Oakland son, t riders were in evidence at of . the , American ? Baseballi. league, counsel, -Carpenter and this naval station. He was on liberty r • ' one unvarying; price of everywhere left tonight to confer local Messrs. \u25a0x-~*wSSßßßa&.*~ :_r.-^^»^: $3.50 touay. The rain of the early morning for-Cincinnati with' go last night, when he was robbed Of all Garry'Herrmann \u25a0 Fowers, Cleveland staii<l- an<^ always. made the track somewhat muddy and , , regarding- the situation and to to money put steps Bp'jSaß \ ®jfc \u25a0 his on the j of a H^'x the Mr. Jorinson^ there,' in the T and • It's not a matter ofprinciple but of form players were at fault. Robert 'among .minor?leagues. trial when late afternoon house wliece paid to spend the Hf^lHfllß^ifr'v \&m sys- fis :invested Iwith full :power 4to deal , with telegram her he had \u25a0 the Regal one-profit system Christmas rsfae received a from which Mitchell at 10 to 1 Jed all the way of the Mr. Herrmann as a representative of the . .night..He'went to sleep against a pub- Ifi^l — failed league, expected' Gleveland counsel* Judge Albaugh, ; : v brings >to you 'at this remarkable price first race. Andvari, ihe favorite, National s zand -itris not lic stable. He was arrested, and, ''~:^"- ~T* * " >^ - \u25a0- to show any speed. Pelham, an'B to 1 "that there, will be i any. friction in the: Na- r asking her not to return to Cleveland though the arresting officer declared "^^-J^^vßEt""^-1"'*'^'\u25a0^^^^': every virtue in shoe making. ;' ,: \u25a0-.";"; chance, beat The Mighty in the five fur- tional ; baseball commission."";. The minor just yet. This telegram caused 'her to that he was guilty of nothing offensive, . >3Hk\ shoe made by any maker will give leagues = been making' threats, es-: * ' iTrtQi longs race and Flying Torpedo, at 6 to 1,. have night. the jail, -\u25a0 : • longer or more satisfactory wear than pecially in the matter of drafting players." remain over court fined and sent him to: - '-"-\u25a0\Blsbs.:,' ' 7~2Jem&!L-i**° Metropolitan led the field ?':• the second race. Sum- ~.-: Prom the talk of the American league Lawyer Carpenter then notified saying- the fine'should have been much ma r1«?<?: J^|rr- 75 New magnates who are still in the city after shal Henkel of her intention .and the larger than it Was. This case brought \ftfc£^K§k. T\%£\ *<lAWTP" First race, selling. Futurity course— the meeting of the league which closed out the Winter VH 3££, 1 HI? you ; sto- won; i marshal and United States Comnts- fact that the federal authori- lUHlls in which willfind stirring Robert Mitchell. 100. Larsen. 10 to 1. yesterday it is. believed that the Washing- ties will in a few days make complaint a«y* *\u25a0» ".: Kunz, 6 to 1, second; ton club has been to persons residing sioner Shields announced that they against \^pi^^^^ last of loni is the straieht- :ries and Rossbourne. 106. sold. manner in ' \u25a0" *" " H^^-Theest *Hgn-" up articles by Thomas Nelson Boy. 1,. in ; city. nothing \u25a0 the which marines Each in we but is made from Fisher Im3 Travers 25 to. third. that While: a /definite would not remain at their officesf ,ais?E : V^BfeS^P!IMPS««H^ <^ very graceful and sailors from the :"-.'- .of •\u25a0 Time, 1:13>4. Andvari, Bear Skin, Hor- character has been : published, it is % gen- closing on her account, Norfolk navy 288 fittings, ' '- a * combination .:: Page, W. A.Fraser, E. S. Martin, ; the usual hour yards aye' by sale '^SHraBBP'^^SSBBn^ • lines conforming to correct con- thus. Calculate, San Jose and Royal erally thought - that B. S. r Minor," who rep- as they did last night. treated the civil authori- are en H^^^B Sweepstakes Washington i ties -\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 in REGAL ,-\u25a0- ' *M servative style. Imported Patent a?so ran. resented • the i club; at the an- In regard to- here. ' ' Chandler Harris, Richard Le Second race; <oi;ii:g. mile and sev- nual meeting, was given full.power: to act to what would be done :':\u25a0"\u25a0 7- Stores. .. Leather soft and light, but Joel one morrow Carpenter -T^SS^SJ^t^^^S^m. — enty yards?—Flyh.-g Torpedo. 111, for the league in th« transfer of the" stock : Mr. was non-com- • Gallienne, CharlesG.D.Roberts, Ander- The man is._unknown in St. Paul, and PRICE.FRICt rkfi'"yJgßK ' .wrinkle.wrinkle. Ideal for the careful son, I; Gaflatitusr, 107, Helgeson, of " the club and ; that • j mittal.. \u25a0\u25a0 6 to won: a definite announce- the supervising ;'. • custom j.^' i ; second; 106. Michaels, 12 ment of plans ?of;. the club will- "Nothing will be done before noon," editor of the house .^- i-ALWAYS '^j^^^^*g;gs.gyj[i°>dresser.whodenianda Alfred Henry Lewis, Harrison 6 to 2 Senarezo. the future' - publishes -\u25a0; \u25a0"''-\u25a0- :"' appearance and fit in footwear tc 1, third. Time Achilles, Chick- in a time. „ ~, ".; -\u25a0-•".\u25a0 Carpenter. which the Northwestern Re- ;A'Weo' -/ -\u25a0. - 1:483 be made short continued Mr. '"I. do not porter i^SB as w^U as clothes. Rhodes, adee, Allopath. G.iucho. Petrolea. Tann^ care to say whether we given said that no such a man had $35P •'' and ;many others. The . have ever by " liauser. Ethel G ard Libbie Candid also Standing of Bicycle Teams at 1 A. M. ', up the question of securing bail or not, been empldyed the company. 150 illustrations, intwo,three and ran. anybody will- Style race, furiongs—Hooligan, 107, , NEW YORK, Dec. '9.—At 1 o'clock this but if you know who is Send for Book. Mail Orders promptly filled. Third six morning ing along. - colors, are by Rhead, - leading \u25a0 four Guerin, Fountain, JO to 1. won; Squire Johnson, the two teams, the-Van-- to go on her bond send him tannery to largest :..\u25a0.," : '-, derstuyft-Stol .today REPEAT TESTIMONY '. Bold direct from consumer. The retail shoe business r 110, P to 1. second; Corn Blos- and; the Root-Dorlon.
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