■gBiawyii 4t^^^if/::r:';rT-: \'■■&'£&=: :v:;;n; ; iins??r ■^w%\‘yi.u= gS P ^ iSg3fe a ^ ,9Bg , *sS ;: ^il& l ■ : -::r‘:rn:r vv -.• - n -:- :tr— .-- _■*■» 'rtrr^ssscjK;*.:sA . |frrr; jjs;:: :. -gr:- :7 rir^ H •; r.1:.: -:-• inir. ^ ssacnc^ggsaga _ ^gagfg -i:^>jb^huiZL........... ...................... *•"..... ...*-■: " ::ri:: ;•.:*.--.r=;-;=? "rr^f"-~ . ■ •*. ::• ru-;::r:v.:.:; *•:.nrrr-i-:" .. :?~r -': »■ :* ;5=r - - - - III25Steigri^^^Siar9tog5j^j^Syr>.a t -*'J5t=V’-*rS';- ‘-~::::*s::L ;’ u■•“ r*. >' *s?s. ?®tJ : . .. ::al.*yr:r!* r^gggg^ ^ i* w5o^ ^ ,nu,gae#hBBM ~ jsssiSSjsgi- _isytrt^rrtr sgiSa '3§g3J ..S *;-,’ . ;-. --rS*/ g@ VOLUME TWENTY-TWO PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF WHITEHORNE HIGH SCHOOL VERONA, NEW JERSEY FOREWORD This year the world is beseiged by war and life no longer bears the peace and calm that we have known in the past. Instead, our lives are filled with anxiety, un­ rest, fear, and anguish. Although our Alma Mater has given up many of her boys to fight for the right and freedom which we Americans have so long prized, we still have memories of them which will always be cherished and will remind us of them until the joyous day of their return home. In the years to come, every page of this book will recall to us some memory of our high school days — a memory that we will be able to cherish and retain forever. 4 • DEDICATION For his patience, his leadership, and his genuine interest in Verona High’s activities, we, the staff of the 1943 “ Shadows,*1 dedicate this issue to our friend and adviser, Mr. Clifford D. W ilkin. It is especially appropriate that we dedicate “ Shadows” to Mr Wilkin because this year he is celebrating his twenty-fifth year at Verona High School. During these years, Mr. W ilkin has given his time, advice, and friendship as a teacher and, more recently, as Dean of Boys, to many students who will not soon forget his friendly personality. We are happy to have this opportunity to thank him for all he has done, and to wish him much happiness and success in the years to come Helen F. Batchelder Edith M. Burton Harold Butterworth William H. Sampson Principal Murial W. Lewis Viola Lissner Helen V. Meixell Harriette Prince W e send our best wishes, our hopes, and our prayers to those fac­ ulty members who are now serving in the armed forces— Lieutenants Axel Johnson and Paul E. Dim­ mers, Army; Ensign Clar- inda Keir, W A V ES; Major Charles Brush, Marines; and Clarence Smith, Navy. Walter Wermuth Clifford D Wilkin Margaret H. Wood • 7 F AC ULTY E. Herman Anderson ................................... Biology, Physics Ernest V. Kanzler ...................... U. S. History. Economics Upsala, A B. Lafayette. B.A.; Columbia, M.A. Ernesteen L. Bartlet ................................... Home Economics Roberta Kautzmann .................... English, Current History N.J.C., B.S. N.J.C., A.B. Helen F Batchelder ............................................................. Art Harry J. Lape .............................. Mechanical Drawing, Shop Art Institute of Chicago. B of A.E. Pratt. B of Arch. Claremont. Cal.. M.A. Muriel W . Lewis .............................................................. Music Edith M Burton ............................................................. English Trenton State Teachers College. B.S. Mt. Holyoke, Columbia. B.S. Viola Lissner ........................................................ Social Studies Harold Butterworth .......................................................... Math Montclair State Teachers, B.A. Montclair State Teachers. A.B., M.A. Helen V. Meixell ................................................ School Nurse Lillian A Callahan ........................................................ Spanish N. Y. Presbyterian Hospital, R.N. Oklahoma U., B.A., Columbia, M.A. Harriette Prince Alice C. Cheney ............................................. French, English Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Occupational Civics Pennsylvania, A B ; N.Y.U., M.A. Elmira, B.S.; Columbia, M.A. M. Imogene Cook ................................................ Mathematics Shirley Anderson Robertson ...................... School Secretary Wellesley, A.B. Verona High School W ilma M. Cope ............................................................. English Ruth Root...... Shorthand, Typing, Commercial Geography University of Michigan, A.B. Rider, B.S. Maurice K. Dwyer ................... Mechanical Drawing, Shop William H. Sampson ................................................... Principal Columbia, B.S. Columbia, B.S., M.A. Irene Ehrmann .......... General Science, Biology, Chemistry Edmund Schill ..................................................................... Music Montclair State Teachers, B A., M.A.; N.Y.U. N .Y .U ., B.S. C. Vincent Geiger ................................ Supervising Principal Nelson Smith ........................................ .. Physical Education Penn State, B .S.; Columbia. M.A. N .Y.U ., B.S. Paul W . Goeltz ........................................... Physical Education Aline B VanHouten ........... Physical Education, First Aid Savage Trenton States Teachers, B.S. in Ed. Mary E. Hamer W alter M. Wermuth ...... General Science, Mathematics Shorthand, Typewriting, Salesmanship, Filing Lafayette, A.B. Bloomsburg State Teachers, Penna., B.S.; Columbia. M.A. Clifford D. Wilkin ................................ Latin, Dean of Boys Anna V. Howell ...................... European History, Guidance Rutgers, A.B. Mt. Holyoke. B A.; Columbia, M.A. Margaret H. Wood ...................................... Home Economics Trenton State Teachers; N.Y.U. .^ X T s — . “ M im i” Shadows I - IV, Editor IV; White Hornet 11 -1V; Class Secretary I; Or­ chestra I - IV; Student Council III; I S.S. II- I V ; Clee Club I, II; Opera Club I, II; Social Committee IV. “ H ilda" International Students’ Society II; Hall Patrol IV. EWr\ CoU'ins “ Eben” Came to Verona High in his Senior year. “ N ud" Debating Club I; Dancing Club II; Girls’ A.A 11 - IV ; White Hornet IV; Typist for Service Men’s Committee IV. Band and Orchestra I-IV , President IV; Student Council I -1V; White Hor­ net 11-IV, Editor-in-Chief IV; Dra­ matic Club IV; Track Team III, IV; Bowling Team III, IV; Shadows II, IV; Forum Club III; Social Commit­ tee II, “ T e rry " Coif Team I - IV ; Baseball Team 10 III. IV; I.S.S. II; Rifle Club I; Dancing • Club I, II; Intramural Sports I - 1V. Baseball l-IV ; Soccer ll- IV , Captain IV ; Basketball II - IV ; Lightweight champ, Boxing Club II - IV; Intra­ murals— Basketball, Football, Volley­ ball l-IV; Orchestra l-lll. “ F its " Track l-IV; Intramurals — Basket­ ball, Volleyball, Football I - 1V; Dancing Club III. “ Jim " Ping-Pong Club I; Travel Club I; Intramurals — Volleyball. Softball, Ping-Pong ll-IV; Bowling Team IV. Glee Club I, II; Swimming Club I’l ; Golf Club I, II; Tennis III; Intramural Football II; Debating Club I; Intra­ mural Baseball III. “ N an" Glee Club I. II; t.S.S. II. Ill; Chair­ man of Locker Patrol IV ; Student Council I. IV ; Traffic Patrol II; Opera Club I, I I; Dramatic Club IV. “ P at" Came from Montclair in January, 1942; while at • Montclair, Pat was active in sports and was a member of the Traffic Committee. “ Dorrie” Shadows I, If; Glee Club I, II; )pera Club I, II; Hall Patrol IV ; Or- bestra I. Football Team I-IV ; Track Team l-IV . Dramatic Club I, II; l.S.S. II; Dance Club II, III; Cheer Leader IV. Junior Red Cross IV ; Came to Ve- ona High in her senior year from \kron, Ohio. “ M ill” Girls' A.A. IV; Dance Club I; White Hornet Typing Staff IV; Typist for Service Men's Committee IV. Class president I; dee Club I, IV; Student Council I, II, IV; Traffic Com­ mittee IV ; Hall Patrol IV ; Dramatic • 1 9 Club IV. “ Don” Science Club II; Rifle Club I; Box­ ing Club II; Traffic Patrol IV ; Hall He rv ry uaiiicrm S Patrol IV. “ H ank” Came to V.H.S. in sophomore year; Intramural sports— 11-IV; Band and Orchestra 11 -I II; Rifle Club II; Glee Club IV; Student Council IV; Drama­ tic Club IV ; Hall Patrol IV. ‘G il’ Swimming Team I; Tennis Team I; Orchestra l-lll; Track II-IV; I.S.S. II, III; Camera Club II; White Hornet III, IV; Shadows III. IV. “ M arion” Dancing Club II, III; Art Club I; Cooking Club I, II; Marionette Club I ; Lost and Found Department IV. • 21 WITH UNCLE SAM SEN IO RS Thomas Brighton, Navy John DeWitt, Navy Paul Livelli, Merchant Marine Richard Long, Navy Robert Nelson, Navy C. B. David Oster, Army Air Corps George Reitz. Army Air Corps Joseph Shaw, Navy Robert Chestnut (P.G.) Air Corps THOMAS BRICHTON & UNDERCLASSMEN Charles Benz, Navy Robert Bresnahan, Marines Terry Goepfert, Navy Chester Huey, Navy Frank Miller, Marines Jack Penndorf, Navy Donald Rolandelli, Navy Edward Rolandelli, Navy Clarence Thyren, Navy 22 • SENIOR HISTORY September 1939 — remember? New feet scurried up the white steps; new eyes reflected the stately columns and conspicuous tower; new bodies twisted in the wooden desks; new hands held and leafed the worn books; new steps were heard in the hall. Yes, a new class of freshmen had entered the portals of Verona High School — a class slightly bewildered in these foreign surroundings. Books, schedule cards, lockers, gym suits, Mr. Crane, pencils, detention, study halls, dances— and everything came showering down on these poor freshmen. But soon, however, this mass became lighter— we didn’t forget our books, we found our classrooms, we discovered what detention was, and we became accustomed to Mr. W ilkin’s iterative jokes. As soon as a faint light began to glimmer, we were herded together at which time we elected
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