- gEAlIr" .\F-,".*:. ;;44, Government of West Bengal ..Q.e*#a;..ffi9p District Health & Family Welfare Samiti Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health North 24 Parganas, Barasat ru emoIM ffidoH-N24pcs/N H M/202 o I s246 Date:23.11.20 ORDER ln reference to the recruitment notice no. CMOH-N24PGs/NHM1202012962, Dated 07.09.2020, the candidates of Annexure-A, B, C, has bejen selected category wise asStaff Nurseunder NUHM on purely contractual basis at a monthly remuneration of Rs. 17,2201- (Rupees Seventeen thousand, two hundred& twenty -ionsolidated) only and posted in place as mentioned against their respective names "Place of Posting". The candidates of Annexure-A (URcategory), Annexure B (SCcategory), Annexure C (STcategory) Annexure D (OBC-A category), Annexure E (OBC-B category), are hereby engaged as per the terms and condition mentioned below:- 1). The order of engagement will take effect from the date she joins the position. 2). The period of contact will automatically be terminated after expiry of 31.Q3.2021. 3). lf the incumbent proposes to cease his/her work without covering 1 month's notice period, his/her remuneration will be deducted accordingly. 4). The period of contract may be extended further subject to approval of the position in the next financial year and satisfactory performance of the personal. 5). The service may also be terminated by one month's from either side. 6). The candidates are directed to report for joining for the position to the Commissioner, df concerned Municipal Corporation and the Chairman of concerned Municipalities. Theconcerned Commissioner of Corporation and concerned Chairman of Municipalities in turn are requested to direct the Staff Nurse to report to the concerned UPHCs under their control. The concerned authority of respective Municipal Corporation and Municipalities will send joining report of Staff ,Nurses immediately (within 2days of joining) to the CMOH for maintenance of HR database. : 7). The candidate should join within 05thDecember 2020. 8). Any person failing to report to designated office within stipulated period, may not be allowed to join later and his/her engagement stands cancelled after that period. 9). No TA/DA is admissible for joining. 10). The candidates are instructed to bring three copies of joining letter on the date of Joining at the office of the Commissioner/ Chairman of concerned Municipality/ Municipal Corporation. 11). The candidates are instructed to bring lD proof on the date of Joining at the office of the Commissioner/ ChairmanofconcernedMunicipalCorporation/Municipality. 12). The Candidates has to produce a Medical Fitness Cerlificate from the registered Medical Practitioner (holding MBBS) in the enclosed proforma attached herewith(Annexure-F) A IfuA,\UW Chief Medicol Officer iffiAofh #r-4 North 24 Porgonos page 1t2 Memo no: CMOH-N24PGslN HMt2}ZOt i246 Dote: 23.11.2020 copy fonnrarded for information & necessary action please to the: : 1. The Mission Director, NHM'& Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal, Swasthya Bhawan, Kolkata-91 2. The District Magistrate, N-24pGs 3. The Programme officer-l/ll, NHM, swasthya Bhawan, Kolkata-91 4. ]!9 lommissioner of Bidhannagar MC with a request to accept the joining of Staff Nurse unde.r NUHM and requested to send her joining report for disbursement of salary. 5. The Chairman of all Municipalities under NUHM, N24PGs with a request to accdpt the joining of FTMO under NUHM and requested to send hisiher joining report to the undersigned for disbursement of salary 6. The state Nodal officer, NUHM, swasthya Bhawan, Kolkata-91 7. The Dy. cMoFl-l I lt I fit I zLo /DMCHO / DpHNo t DTotAo , N-24pGs 8. The Executive Officer/ Finance Officer of concerned ULBs under NUHVT N-24pGs 9. The Health Officer of all concerned Municipalities 10. DPMU, N-24PGS c hier Medic o I onrY,lln"u"nn No*n 24 Porgonos $,,y Page 212 Annexrre A Engagement of Staff Nurse under NUHM Father's Name Sex Caste - a Name of / Sl No. Husband's Communication Address (Male/F (uR/sc PIace of Posting Applicant Name/Guardian's emale) /ST / Bila, Satbankura, Garhbeta, 1 Sanchita Ghosh Chinmay Ghosh Female UR Bhatpara Paschim Medinipur, Pin- 721253 Patna, Chandipur, Purba 2 Modhusri Ojha Sambhu Charan Ojha Female UR South Dum Dum Medinipur, Pin- 721659 Pallishree, Bongaon, North 24 3 Priti Sarkar Sukha Ranjan sarkar Female UR Bongaon Pgs, pin- 743235 Gouripur, Polgustia, 4 Sucharita Das Suranjan Das fagaiballavpur, Howrah, Pin- Female UR Titagarh 7L1,414 Saridaspur, Pataspur, Purba 5 Manika Maity Rampada Maity Female UR Bhatpara Medinipur, Pin- 721434 Basirhat, Astana Road Near Late Bivash Chandra 6 Ishita Ghosh Pragati sangha, North 24 Pgs- Female UR Ba rasat Ghosh 74341L Vill+PO- West Kanchan Bari; Karan 7 Haripada Majumder Kumarghat; Unakoti, Tripura; PIN MALE UR Dum Dum Majumder 799288 Joka; Udaynarayanpur; Howrah; 8 Roy Srimanta Roy FEMALE UR Bidhannagar MC Jhilick PIN- 7Lt226 Vill+P0- Kathalia; PS- Jatrapur; 9 lahir Hossen Billal Mia Dist- Sepahijala; State- Tripura; MALE UR Bidhannagar MC PIN- 799132 Vill- Bhurkundi; PO- Markunda; 10 Malay De Manas Kumar Dey PS- Narayangarh; Dist- Paschim MALE UR Bhatpara Medinipur; PIN-721133 Vill+PO- Kakra; PS- Bhagwanpur; 11 Ananva Khatua Subrata Khatua Dist- Purba Medinipur; PIN- FEMALE UR Naihati 72L659 Vill- Katjuridanga; PO- Nabanita 1.2 Chiranjib Biswas Kenduadihi; PS- Bankura; Dist- FEMAI,E UR North Barrackpore Biswas Bankura; PIN- 722L02 Gopalnagar; Kolaghat; Purba 15 Tumpa Khanra Sudhanya Khanra FEMAI,E UR Bhatpara Medinipur; PIN- 721130 Vill- Sultanpur; P0- Sultanpur Swapan Kumar t4 Suvashri Sahoo Bazar; PS- Chandipur; Dist- Purba FEMALE UR Halisahar Sahoo Medinipur; PIN- 721659 Vill- Charandaschak; PO- 15 Shyamali Das Adwaita Charan Das Gourangachak; PS- Moyna; Dist- FEMALE UR Naihati Purba Medinipur; PIN- 721644 Vill+PO+PS- Chakdaha; Dist- 16 Debopriya Roy Deshprosad Roy FEMALE UR Kanchrapara Nadia-74L222 H q) &ea Vill- Kongsera; PO- Deobahar;PS- blr 1.7 Erena Barla Santosh Barla Thethaitangar; Dist- Simdega; FEMALE UR Bidhannagar MC bSo State- Jharkhand-83 5 2 2 6 Vill+PO- Hadra, City- Udaipur, s4 18 Kabir Hossen Ayet AIi Karkaban, Gomati, Tripura, Male UR Bidhannagar MC Eat 799105 €i ir EE :"4 Uttar Chatra, P0- Dakshin Chatra, Z 19 Ranita Das Ranajit Kumar Das Female UR North Barrackpore b PS- Baduria, N 24 PGS, 743247 Itr ia ()\ \o Subhadipa 20 Manoj Prasad Nalhati, Birbhum, 7 31220 Female UR Naihati Prasad -/^ $ v C Engagement of Staff Nurse under NUHM Father's Name Sex Caste Name of / Sl No. Husband's Communication Address (Male/F (uR/sc Place of Posting Applicant Name/Guardian's emale) lsT / 58, Padmapukur Road, Dumdum, UR Baranagar 21. Surajit Pan Sibaprasad Pan Italgacha, Dumdum, North 24 Pgs Male 700079 Baruipur, South 24 Mousumi Dhapdhapi, UR Bidhannagar MC 22 Goutam Chakraborty Female Chakraborty Parganas, Pin- 743387 UR Halisahar 1) Debopriya Roy Deshprosad Roy Chakdaha, Nadia, Pin- 74t222 Female Ghatal, I Lachipur, Harinagar, Bhatpara Ghosh Panchkouri Ghosh Male UR 24 Subhajit Paschim MediniPur-72 1232 Anandapally, BandiPur (NorthJ, Khardah 25 Megha Srimani Gobinda Srimani Rahara, Khardah, North 24 Female UR Parganas- 700118 KH. Brahman Para, Munshirhat, Barrackpore 26 Swagata Porel Goutam Porel jagatballavpur, Howrah, Pin- Female UR 711410 Baramatkat pur, Be1da, Paschim aa Kumar De Male UR Bhatpara Malay De Manas Medinipur, Pin- 721133 PS- KeshiarY, Vill- Alinagar, PO+ Kamarhati 28 Oindrila Kar Tapan Kumar Kar Female UR Paschim Medinipur, 7 2LL33 58, Padmapukur Road, Dum Dum, Sibaprasad Pan Male UR Baranagar 29 Surajit Pan Italgacha, 700079 Ba rasat 30 Silpi Sardar Lt Gourango Sardar Aturia, Baduri a, 7 43 427 Female UR 29 I 5 I 13 Ranapratap Road, A Ashoke kr Dutta Female UR Bhatpara 31 Payel Dutta Zone, Durgapur-4 Sagar Dutta Hospital Staff QTR, Ayantika Ananda Mohan Kamarhati 32 Flat:B -2 I 6, Kamarhati, Belgharia, Female UR Samanta Samanta 700058 Uttar Baroj, Kayemgeria, Dum Bera Sankar Bera Female UR North Dum 33 Sucheta Bhupatinagar, Purba MediniPur, BanamaliPur, Near Jossore Road, Ba rasat 34 Lipika Debnath Mr Debnath Female UR Jogesh CanaraBank, Barasat, 7 00124 PO- 229/B Ashoknagar, Ashoknagar ?5 Sweta Kar Sambhu Kar Female UR Ashonagar, N 24 PGS, 743222 Susama Uttarayan (Paltal, Bengal North Barrackpore 36 Majumder Tarun Kumar Mallick Enamel, Noapara, N 24 Pgs- Female UR (MallickJ 743122 Action Area, Pin- Asit Chandra Newtown, UR Bidhannagar MC 37 Nikhil Chandra Das Male Das 700155 Barrister P Mitra Road, Luna 35/2/A UR Bidhannagar MC 38 Tapas Bhattacharya Female Bhattacharya Kol- 700035 -* ,K@ C&ief Medrcat S,ffi cer cf Jir: * Ii ir 4B* Northtl4"Farganas Engagement of Staff Nurse under NUHM Father's Name Sex Caste Name of / Sl No. Husband's Communication Address (Male/F (uR/sc Place of Posting Applicant Name/Guardian's emalel lsr / 5 No Panna Zhill, Napara Barasat, 39 Gouri Roy Tapan Kumar Roy Female UR Ba rasat Kol- 125 Bamandangr, Sendanga, Marium 40 Jahangir Khan Ashokenagar, North 24 Pgs- Female UR Ashoknagar Khanam 7 4327 2 Madhurima Kagas Road, Ahmadpur, Sainthia, 4L Champak Goswamr Female UR North Dum Dum Goswami Birbhum-73 L201, 7 No. Rajmohan Road, Uttarpara, 42 Gouri Show Ananda Show Female UR Kamarhati Hooghly- 712258 Rajballavpur, Habra, North 24 43 Rani Khatun Aziz Molla Female UR Habra Pgs- 743289 Champaberia, Bongaon, N 24 PGS 44 Priyanka Kundu Uttam Kundu Female UR South Dum Dum 7 +3235 1-0, Municipal office lane, SDDM, 45 Papiya Ghosh Ripan Saha Kol-700074, Motijheel, North 24 Female UR Baranagar Pgs. Mirzapur, Gonkar, Jangipur, 46 Rimi Dey Sima Sen Female
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