Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 5, 2014 OUR 124th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 23-2014 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Town Council OKs Modifications for Liquor Licenses By DOMINIC A. LAGANO voiced their opinions regarding this quired to make at least 50 percent Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ordinance. of their profits from food purchases. WESTFIELD — At its regular The ordinance allows for the four Councilman James Foerst, chair- public meeting Tuesday night, the restaurants currently holding con- man of the council’s Code Review town council voted to approve ditional liquor licenses in Westfield and Town Property Committee, ad- modifications to several municipal - Akai Japanese Sushi Lounge, dressed persons who he said were ordinances including amendments Ferraro’s Restaurant, Fujiyama “misinformed” regarding the ordi- to the town’s liquor ordinance. Mama Restaurant and Sweet Wa- nance. There was a public hearing before ters Steakhouse - to serve alcohol “The five licenses that are going the final council vote for these ordi- without having to serve a customer to change are not new. They cur- nances to solicit comments from food. rently exist…the number one thing the public. The final restricted license is not I think everyone needs to under- All of the comments from the currently active, but was transferred stand is that these are not going to public during the public hearing from Lazio, LLC (Acquaviva Delle be bar licenses. I would imply bar were related specifically to an ordi- Fonti) to UT Westfield, LLC in No- license would mean there is no food nance amending liquor licenses in vember of 2013. requirement.” town. Several council members also The restaurants would still be re- Mr. Foerst said the restaurants can be monitored by sales tax records. Mr. Foerst continued, “I think the other miscommunication here, or misunderstanding, is the time that it’s taken us to get here. The pro- cess of recodification, which is what David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader we are doing…started 10 plus years STATE CHAMPS...The Westfield High School Boys Varsity lacrosse team celebrates after winning the Group IV State ago,” he stated. “This is a culmina- Championship against Southern Regional, 10-6, in Somerville on May 25. See story page 11. tion of a lot of efforts. So if you’re new to the game, if you’re new to the issue, welcome. But it’s not the first time we’ve been talking about Garwood GOP Elects Piarulli it. Yes, it is in fact true, the first vote on this particular ordinance was two weeks ago and that’s the pro- cess. But the first discussion of this In Primary to Replace Mayor issue began in my committee 10 By BRIAN TRUSDELL the results with his wife and two of “I don’t know what to say. I just plus years ago, and with real vigor Specially Written for The Westfield Leader his children. “I was cautiously op- don’t have anything to say,” Mrs. about two years ago.” GARWOOD – Sal Piarulli beat timistic. For three months, walking Quattrocchi said. “I don’t want to Council members Frank Arena incumbent Pat Quattrocchi for the the streets, talking to people, tell- say anything I may regret later.” and JoAnn Neylan also voiced their Republican nomination for ing them my plan, I really feel help Mr. Piarulli won in three of the opinions in support of the ordi- Garwood mayor in Tuesday’s Pri- put me over the top.” borough’s four districts. Dominic A. Lagano for The Westfield Leader CHEERS…The Westfield Town Council voted to approve modifications to nance. mary Election, topping a sweep for Mrs. Quattrocchi was seeking a Mr. Mathieu, who won re-elec- several municipal ordinances including amendments to the town’s liquor ordi- Councilwoman Vicki Kimmins, Councilman Jim Mathieu’s conser- second term as mayor, having run tion to his council seat in Novem- nance at its meeting on Tuesday. There was a public hearing before the final the lone dissenting vote for the vative faction which also took con- and been elected with Mr. Mathieu ber, moved to take control of the council vote, at which time comments from the public were heard. ordinance’s first reading (covered trol of the borough’s GOP commit- four years ago. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 in May 22 edition of The Westfield tee by winning six of eight seats. Leader) also offered her opinion. Mr. Piarulli won 113 to 99, earn- MS Council Continues “This concerns me in Westfield and ing the right to face Democrat and Garwood Bd. OKs Use I do not think for the benefit of one former councilman Charles Debate On Size of Homes or two places that might be pushing Lombardo, who ran unopposed in this, whatever the reason is, I just his party’s Primary, in November. Variance, 4th Ave. Developer By KATE BROWNE the lot size which it uses to calcu- don’t see it. By MEGAN K. SCOTT the townhomes. The 5-2 vote on Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “I’m ecstatic,” said Mr. Piarulli, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader late the applicable FAR. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 who waited at Borough Hall to get May 28 came after nearly three MOUNTAINSIDE — The bor- Mayor Paul Mirabelli suggested GARWOOD – The planning hours of testimony – including from ough council continued an animated that the group take a “holistic” ap- board approved a change of use a site planner, traffic safety engi- discussion Tuesday night regard- proach and solicit input from John Lance Defeats Larsen In variance to enable construction of neer and architect – and concerns ing what size homes are most ap- Chadwick, the planner who is pres- nine townhouses on a lot zoned as from several residents about the propriate for the myriad of lot sizes ently assisting the planning depart- single-family residential on Fourth impact on traffic, property values in the community. ment with the revisions to the Moun- Primary In 7th District Avenue. The lot had been and the aesthetics of the neighbor- The present regulatory scheme tainside Master Plan. The Mayor By PAUL J. PEYTON cent, and Princeton University scien- grandfathered for commercial use hood. limits construction of residential noted that it was critical that homes Specially Written for The Westfield Leader tist Andrew Zwicker, 2,648 or around for the previous owner’s catering Planning board members Bruce single-family homes on a quarter be appropriately scaled for their lot AREA — Three-term Rep. 7 percent. The four-county district business - Five Star Catering — as Paterson and Robert Scherer voted acre lot to a floor area ratio (FAR) size and suggested that the council Leonard Lance (R-7th) defeated busi- includes Fanwood and Plainfield and a pre-existing, non-conforming use. no. Mayor Pat Quattrocchi and Bill of 3,375 square feet. members prepare a comprehensive nessman David Larsen, 13,362 to most of Scotch Plains in Union The meeting, designated as “bi- Nierstedt, a borough councilman, Councilman Keith Turner con- list of questions on the potential 10,764 votes, for the third time in County. Ms. Watson Coleman will furcated” by attorneys, considered were not permitted to vote because tended that the rules should be re- impact of any proposed changes for four years in Tuesday’s Republican now face Republican Alieta Eck in only the “change of use.” Detailed of their positions on borough coun- vised to link the size of the home to Mr. Chadwick to consider at the Primary Election. the fall campaign. drawings will be required to be sub- cil. the size of the lot. He noted that if council next meeting. Mr. Lance won in Hunterdon, In the race for the Republican nomi- mitted and approved at later hear- The meeting lasted so long that the present 2.25 percent FAR was The council heard a report on the Somerset, Union and Warren Coun- nation for U.S. Senator, Jeffrey Bell, ings. board members voted to suspend increased to 2.35 percent it would transfer of several liquor licenses ties while Mr. Larsen won Morris who has lived in Virginia for over 30 The owners are proposing to their bylaws and go past 11 p.m. allow the construction of a 3,535- and received an update on the po- County. Mr. Lance won Union County years up until a few months ago and spend more than $5 million to build CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 square-foot home. Mr. Turner ex- lice department’s efforts to obtain by a margin of 2,957 to 1,542. The was the GOP Senate nominee in 1978, plained that he had discussed the law enforcement accreditation from Congressman will now face the mayor led with 29.2 percent, and was the issue with three different builders the state. The accreditation program of the Town of Clinton, Janice winner over Richard Pezzullo of Free- who had advised that many buyers provides the department with a pro- Kovach, who was unopposed in the hold, who won the Union County wanted homes with a fourth bed- cess to systematically conduct an Democratic Primary, in the Novem- GOP organization party line on elec- room on the ground floor, which internal review and assessment of ber General Election. The 7th Dis- tion ballots at its convention, and could be done if the borough raised CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 trict includes Westfield, Cranford, who had 27 percent. Brian Goldberg Garwood and Mountainside.
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