• Not badly a Dog'. Life / The Weather roc/oy OAANGE. N.J. (JP}-A woman apololiled yesterday it 1M Ubrarlan a& Ute public library for the sad state of Increasing cloudiness. Showers and scat· • bIM aile was retllfninr' tered thunderstorms tonight. Roin and cool ne _1Iarraaaed younr lad, explained Mat ber pup­ '1 ... chewed up Ute book abe bad bonowed. tomorrow. High today near 80. Low to­ TIle IIook'. Utl_uHow To Train YOIlf Puppy." owal1. night 55. High yesterdaYI 66i low, 36. Established laSS-Vol. 80. No. 19G-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, May 8. 1945-Five Cents Noted Surgeon, ..Former SUI S~;~;Figh' White House Conferences Fail Professor, Dies In California Dr. Charles 1. Rowan Succumbs Develops Over To Head Off Railroad Strike After S-Week 'Chronic Illness' WASHINGTON {JP)-A day-IOni round oC While House confer­ Lilienlhal ences ye lerday tailed to produce a 10rmulll to head orr (he Ihr atcn .. Dr~ Charles J . Rowan, 73, former pro(essol' and ed rallroad strike. WASHINGTON i/P)-A senale Efforts To· Settle Negotiators were hunted in and out of the White Hou e on make­ beld of surgery at University hospitals, died about light developed rapidly Yesterday Rail Sirike shift schedules-all "without definite results." noon yesterday (CST) at St. Vincent hospital in over Pt'esident Truman's nomina­ Packing Strike Fail That was the way one ot President Truman's helpers . ummed Los Angeles, according 1.0 the Associated Press. tion of Director David E. Lilien- up the situation aller these developments: Or. Clarence J. Berne, attending physician and lhal and olher a10mic energy CHICAGO (JP)-Government ef­ AI AGlance 1. The heads or liJrt'e key J'all~ a fonner student of Dr. Rowan, said death was Clue commission members :for n full forts to settle the eignt-week-oLd road unions which have voted to By Tbe A oclat.ed Pre strike next Tuesday conferred 10 a "recurrance of a chronic illness." He did not term. meat packing strike apparenily Uel'4l are tbe DIAlo facts In the Rail Strike To Hit twice with John R. Steelman, the reveal the nature of this illness, but said Dr. Ro­ The argument came on a pro­ ran into anotber dead end yes­ threatened nationwide railroad president's labor trouble-shooter. wan had been ill about five weeks. posed bill which would let Mr. terday. strike: U. s. Food Tables The union men said thinis were Born Nov. 28, 1874, in Chicago, Dr. Rowan was Truman extend the present terms A panel of federal mediators in InVOlved-All tbe major rall- . just discussed "in a general way" the son of Peter J. and Mary C. Rowan. His fath­ of the commissioners only until Washington scheduled new peace roads and three rail brother­ CHICAGO (JP) - Preparations and that Steelman presented no er was a physician. talks for Chicago today. However, ho~n,.lneers, firemen and tor Tuesday's railroad strike formula for heading off ~ha He was married on April 29, 1907, to Maud B. June 30, 1950. enainemen and swUchmen. strike. Miller, now deceased· He remarried on Oct. 6, Senator McMahon (D-Conn.) represent tives of two of the "big DeadUn_The walkout Is set threatened to hit AmerIcan food 2. Steelman Instructed the rail- 1941, to Sophia Potgieter. called a news conference and ac- four" packers-Swift and com­ tor 6 ... m. local time Tuesday. tables a long range waUop today. roads to send their negotiating Dr. Rowan attended 51. Patrick's commercial cused baCkers of the measure, pany and Armour company-said l sauell-'A 30 percent pay raise­ Handltng of any new shipments committee to the White House "as demanded by the unlOlls; they morn~ academy In Chicago. He received his A.B. degree mostly Republicans, of dragging yesterday they would not attend. of perishable toods, poultry or early as possible" tomorrow reJeded a I5~~ cents bourly hIke from Sl Ignatius college in Chicago in 1895. In the atomic energy program into The other two big packers-Cuda­ livestock was refused under em- lng· The carriers' bargaining unit proposed by a lIresldential fad was in Chicago today. 1898 he received his M.D. from the Rush Medical politics-a charge they quickly hy Packing company and Wilson bargo orders put into effect by 3. Immediately arter his second college In ChicilgO. denied. IIndtnr board and accepted by alld company-said they have not the carriers; 19 other unions ac­ six railroads last midnight.. At . conference with the union men, He was a fellow in Materia Medica at Rush in McMahon said their purpose is been invited. cepted tbe 15 !oS cents raise and least 34 other railroads have nn- Steelman called in W.T. Farley, 1899. He went 1.0 Europe in 1902, and took post­ to deny President Truman the I al'4l walcblnr the cunent dispute graduate work at the University of Vienna. The CIO Unlted Packinghouse nounced similar embargoes will be president of the Association ot right of making appointments as from the side lines; numerous in effect by today or Sunday. American ltailroads. He also had Dr. Rowan was instructor in surgery at Rush provided in exi~tlng law. This Workers union. whose 100,000 I rule. channl are sOUlbt by bolh These embargoes afe to prevent talked with that management rep- Irom 1904-06, and assistant prpfessor In surgery provides for terms ranging from memoers are \)n strike, said It Ute clU'rlers and tbe three broth­ resentative yeslerday. there from 1906-14. He came to UniverSity h~s­ one to four years lor the four would stand by for any call the erboods. cargoes from being stranded out t. The word went around tha~ pitals in 1915 as professor and head of surgery. He Dr. Charles J. Rowan commissioners and five years for on -the lines, and threatened with was professor of clinical surgery ---------------------- Lllienthal as director. mediators mIght make for an ap­ * • • spoilage, when the strike deadUne the White House, as 8 last resort, pearance of union representatives. arrives. is ready to ask for a 20-day post- during 1929-30. Senator Hickenlooper (R-Iowa), Mines To Shut Down ponement of the strike. One of In 1931, Dr. Rowan went to the World Government - Proposals by Churchill co-author of the proposed bill, Conciliation meetings were bro­ If the slrike is averted. no im­ ken off in Washington severat WASHINGTON (JP)-A shut­ the union chiefs said, howevel·, University of Southern Calilomia, disclaimed any poliUcal motives. down of the nation's railroads portant shortages are expected to that such a postponement was not days ago without any progress to­ appear because of the embargoes. as professor of surgery. He re­ "This blU," he said, "merely ex­ ward settlement. would bring an almost immediate discussed at ye~ terday' s confer­ mained in that position until 1939, tends the commission's present closini of most of the country's Stocks on hand or stIll In transit ences. Churchill Sees United Europe The strike slarted March 16 af­ wili tide consumers over at least when he was appointed professor terms for one year and 11 monthS, coal mines, John D. Battle, ex­ Present at the two meetings emerilus of surgery. after which, if it is found salis­ ter the union rejected an oUer of ecutive secretary of the National tor a few days. wero Alvanley Johnson of the factory, the staggered terms (one I! nine cents hourly wage boost. CoaL assoclalion, said last night. Instead of selting a general em­ Brotherhood o( Locomotive Engi .. He retired abou t two years ago The union asked 29 cents. and has been living in Laguna As Step To World Government to five years) wIll go into effect. Mines are dependent upon a bargo deadline, some rallroads neers, David B. Robertson of the Beach, calif. All who understand the bill know President Tl'uman sueady has day to day Clow of cars, Baltle have instructed their agents to firemen and enginemen, Arthur J. THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS it is not political." invoked the Taft-Hartley act to continue accepting perisha,bles on­ Dr. Rowan has held several po­ explained It no empties are mov­ Glover Jr., of the switchmen, and (JP)-Winston Ch urchill yesterday cope with the meat strike, but ed in alter Monday, he said, "the ly where delivery before the strike sitions in the professional world. Senalor Taft (R-Ohio), who op­ Steelman. urged immediate formation of a preme tribunal to protect funda­ posed the original nomlnallons o.f has made no steps to obtain an mines wlll go down almost im­ deadline is assured. Before their conference got He was attending surgeon at Cook United European assembly and mental democratic rights. injunction lo halt he work stop­ County hospital in Chicago, .from Lilillnthal, says he will go along mediately. R. W. Dobbins, general super­ started, however, Allorney Gen .. asked, European nations to sacri­ Denying that s u c h a council with \he onc year and 11 months page. After a facl-lindlng board • • • intendent of the railway mail era 1 Clark told reporters the pres­ 1904 to 1914. From 1907 to 1914, fice some measure of nalional sov­ reported in the case, he said he he was associate attending surgeon would conflict with the United plan if it is favored by the senate­ SET STRIKE DATE servi ce's sixth division at Chicago, ident has legal power to seize tho ereignty 1.0 permit eventual es­ Nations, Churchill reiteraled his house atomic energy committee. believed the disputants could lind SIOUX CITY, IA.
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