OXENFOORD INTERNATIONAL SUMMERSCHOOL for singersand accompanists MALCOLM MARTINEAU SongRecital, Lieder & Accompanists ANN MURRAY Masterclass LINDA ORMISTON OperaScenes, Opera class & CabaretSong DAVID ROBLOU Baroqueto Bel Canto,Continuo studies & Accompanists PAUL WYNNE GRIFFITHS OperaScenes & AdvancedOpera Coaching ROBIN BOWMAN FrenchSong LORNAANDERSON Baroque& Classical JOAN BUSBY EnglishSong, Vocal Technique & EmotionalIntelligence FIONA DOBIE Voiceand Presence & VocalTechnique GARYMATTHEWMAN Early Lieder SUSANNASTRANDERS OperaCoaching WILLIAM VANN Cantata Coaches& Accompanists: Hester Dickson, Christine Gough, Alisdair Hogarth, Sam Hutchings, Fiona Macleod, Ingrid Sawers,Clare Sutherlandand Mary Wetherick 25th July - 2ndAugust 2009 Loretto School, Musselburgh,Scotland, UK Enquiries:Alexa Butterworth,Administrator,5Church Street, Greenlaw, TD10 6YE Phone/Fax:01361 810480 Email: [email protected]. Website:www.oxenfoordintemational.co.uk Oxenfoord International Summer School takesplace, this CLASS INFORMATION 2OO9 year,atLoretto School in Musselburgh,just a few miles east Applicationsfor advancedclasses marked with # mustbe supportedby of Edinburgh. an auditiontape/cd or teacher'sreference ifyou did not attendthe course last year. The school is set in spaciousgrounds and provides l. Masterclassfor singers (#) Ann Murray comfortable accommodationand excellent music facilities, This will include an evening session,open to the public on Tuesday 28ft July. with pianos and plenty practice and rehearsalrooms. 2. Song Recital class (#) Malcolm Martineau 2a. Open The summer school offers a rare opportunity for singersand Studentsmay work with Malcolm Martineau on any songs suitable accompanists,from the inexperiencedto those at the highest for a recital, and discuss the making up of a successful recital level, to study with renowned teachers. programme. 3. AdvancedLieder (#) Malcolm Martineau In general, studentsare actively involved in one or more of 4. Opera Scenes(#) Linda Ormiston their chosen classes every day. Between these timetabled Paul Wynne Griffiths sessions,there is freedomto practiseor to observethe various Various excerpts will be set. Details will be sent in time to be fully other classesin progress. memorised, ready for production rehearsals.The ensembles will also work with the coaches. Workshops on various topics will also be scheduled throughout the course, open to everyone. 5. Cantata class WilliamVann This class will cover all cantata repertoire outwith Opera and Lieder. Every moming there will be a vocal and physical wann-up 6. Baroque Lorna Anderson sessionbefore classesbegin. This has proved extremely 7 . Early Lieder Class Gary Mafthewman useful and popular with studentson previous courses. This is a non-advancedclass concentratins on Schubert,Schumann, Brahms, Faure and Duparc. Each evening there will be various performances,which are 8. French Song Class Robin Bowman 8a. Open open to members of the public. 9. Baroque to bel Canto David Roblou 9a. Open Sunday 26th July Student ShowcaseConcert 10. Accompanistscore-reading/continuo DavidRoblou Monday 27thIfly Student ShowcaseConcert 11. EnglishSong Joan Busby 12. OperaCtass (#) - Linda Ormiston Tuesday 28th July Masterclass- Ann Murray For the Opera Class and Opera Coaching, studentsmay bring solos and duets from all kinds of opera, including Gilbert and Sullivan and operetta. Wednesday29th July "Lollipops" concert with Linda Ormiston followed 13. Cabaret Song Linda Ormiston Studentsshould bring any item from the lighter repertoire to work by a Ceilidh on interpretation and performance - all types of song welcome - musical theatre.cabaret. American songbook etc. Thursday 30th July Student ShowcaseConcert 14. AdvancedOperaCoaching (#) Paul Wynne Griffiths 15. Vocal Technique JoanBusby Fridav 31st Julv Concert in the Chapel Fiona Dobie This offers a check-up on the basics of singing, plus ideas for Saturday lst August Opera ScenesPerformances developing greater ease,colour and intensity of sound. 16. Emotional Intellisence for Singers JoanBusby This class covers all repertoire, and explores the magic of true communication. 17. Voice and Presence Fiona Dobie In the Voice and PresenceClass, balanced,,dynamicand enjoyable ways of developing skill, confidenceand trust through working with breath, body, voice and presenceare offered, covering any song or aria. 18. Course for accompanistsand repetiteurs (#) This can be arranged, according to the particular emphasis preferred by the student, calling on the expertise of Malcolm Martineau , Robin Bowman and David Roblou. There will also be a chance to study advanced continuo; how to accompanyrecitative on piano or harpsichord; how to adapt piano reductions of orchestral accompaniment in opera and oratorio. Accompanists should bring preparedworks to study with the tutors of their choice, ideally as a duo with a singer.Links with singerson the course can be arranged.Accompanists will be encouraged,if they so wish, to play for singersin rehearsals,classes and concerts, at the discretion of the teacher. FEESAND GENERAL INFORMATION Per day of Per night of Whole 5 days attendance attendamce course (4 nights) Resident f90 f,40 s7t5 f550 (includes lunch (Bed & Breakfast) (save25Vo) (save20Vo) & dinner) Non-resident f80 N/A f4s0 f360 (includes lunch) (save20Vo) (savel0Vo) A depositof f200, (which is non-refundable if you are acceptedonto the course) should be sent with the application form. The balancewill be required to be paid on or before6 JULY 2009. Bursaries will be available this year, varying in amount. Tfavel: Please enquire on application, with a covering letter Rail travel is to Edinburgh Waverley. From there there are explaining your circumstances. many busesand trains to Musselburgh. Buses will take you virtually to the school gates. AII the rooms at Loretto are study bedrooms,for single use. Trains will bring you into Musselburgh train station that is There are a limited number of 4 berth dormitories, which either a 20 minute walk or a short taxi ride. may be available for a reduced fee. Air travel is to Edinburgh airport. All bedding is provided, however you will needto bring your A private direct coach will be available to take people to own towel andtoiletries. Loretto School from Edinburgh airport (Saturday 25'hJuly There are kitchens in the Housesfor our use. @ 3pm) and back again from Loretto to EdinburghAirport. (Sunday2nd August @ 9.15am). There is a Common Room in Seton House and anotherone in Pinkie House which will be used as a bar in the evenings. There are several pleasant seating areasin both houses,as Instructions and a map giving directions to Loretto School, well as the bar/common room in Pinkie House. Musselburgh,will be sent out before the course,along with details of the prograrnmefor the week. Non-residents may purchaseevening meal tickets @ f10. Lunch is included. Applications forthe Masterclassand the O,peraScenes should be received by 4 APRIL 2009. Parts for the opera scenes will then be allocated in time to be studied and memorised. The town can offer convenient accommodation, including hotels,guest houses, B&B, flats and a caravansite. Further details may be obtained from the local Tourist Information All other applications with balance of payment, should be Offlce. received by 6 JULY 2009. Observer fee: f.t2 per session(either morning or afternoon). To ensure you get your preferred selection of classesand accommodation,it is advisableto apply as early as possible. Lunch tickets available @ f6. Placeswill be allocated on a "first come, first served" basis. SUMMER SCHOOL STAFF Malcolm Martineau, director of Oxenfoord Intemational Summer School, is one of the world's leading accompanists,was born in Edinburgh, read studied at the Royal Lorna Anderson was born in Glasgow and studied at the Royal Scottish music at St Catherine's College, Cambridge and Parsons,Kendall Academy of Music and Drama with Patricia MacMahon. Her many College of Music. His teachershave included Geoffrey many of the world's leading awards and prizes included First Prize in the 1984 Peter Pears and Taylor and JoyceRathbone. He accompanies America, and at the Aix- Overseas League competitions and in 1986 in Aldeburgh she won the singersin concertsthroughout Europe and North Edinburgh Festivals. He coveted Purcell-Britten Prize for concert singers. She has appeared in en-Provence,Vienna, Hohenems, Salzburg and BarbaraBonney.Angela opera, concert and recital with major orchestrasand festivals throughout hasrecorded with BrynTerfel, Simon Keenlyside, Europe. Her numerous recordings include Purcell's "The Fairy Queen" Gheorghiu, SusanGraham, Della Jones and SarahWalker. under Harry Christophers, Haydn Masses under Richard Hickox and General Junior for Hyperion she has recorded Britten Folksong settings with Malcolm Gary Matthewman is the current holder of the Legal & has performed as Martineau, Handel's "L'Allegro" with Robert King. Fellowship at the Royal College of Music. Abroad, he Switzerland, Spain, Recent plans include Bach cantatasin Vienna with The King's Consort, a song and chamber music recitalist in Germany, In the UK, Gary works Mahler 4 with Newbury Symphony Orchestra and a recording of the Belgium, South Korea, Canada and the USA. and makes regular Haydn Folksong settings with the Haydn Trio Eisenstadtin Austria' frequently with singers as a recitalist and coach, 3 As a renowned performer of the baroque repertoire , Loma has conducted a broadcastsas an accompanistfor BBC Radio ' number
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