GONTENTS looding 2 Unlooding 5 Kodok Films 6 Setling The Shuiter And lens I Focus l0 Ronge Of Shorpness I I Toking The Picture 12 Ihe Simplest Settings 14 Flqsh Pictures 16 Portro Lenses 24, Core Of The Comero 25 PictureToking Around The Clock 26 Photo Aids 28 Deloils 32 www.orphancameras.com o You can be proud that you're now the owner of one of Kodak's finest cameras. Your new Kodak Signet 40 Camera rvill give excellent results - if you will spend a few minutes getting acquainted with it. As you're reading these instruc- tions, keep the camera handy; then practice each oper.ation as it appears in the manual. Before making any important pictures-a trip or some special event-shoot a magazine of film, including a few flash pictures. This gives you practice and provides a check on your equipment. Should you have additional questions, your Kodak dealer will be glad to give you a helping hand. T.II. Reg. U.S. Par, Of. EASY LOADTNG Never lood or unlood in bright, direct lighf. I Open tlie back by plessing the r-ercrr in the clilection of the allow,. 2 Push out the REwTNDKNoB with your thumb. Drop the film magazine in the recess ne\t to the knob. See pictule. Push in the re$/ind knob and turn it until it engages the magazine. 3 N{ove tl-re rrr-u ADvANCELEvER until the wide slot in the take-up drum is up. Note: In cose you con not move lhe film odvonce lever, turn the SPROCKETtoword fhe toke-up drum. 4 Drop the end of the film into the slot in the take-up dlum. Hold dorvn the edge of the magazine and move the film advance lever' until the slack is out of the film. z www.orphancameras.com 5 Close the back. N{ake sure it snaps in place. Move the film advance lever until it locks. 6 To rcrdv the film for tlre first e.rposrrr.e: o. Push and hold the nrx'rNo nnr,resn (on the bottom edge of the back of the camera) lvhile the film advance lever is noved one stroke. Let the release go and move the film advirnce lever until it locks. b. Push nnd hold the rer,vindrelease while moving the film advance lever one stroke. Let the release go and again rvind until it locks. FILM ADVANCE LEVER c. Advance the film for the thircl tirne until the fiLn advance lever. locks. The first frame is nou' in position, 7 Turn the nxposunr corrNTER dial in the direction of the alrow- until the index mark is opposite the led 20 for a 20-exposure magazine-the red 0 for a 36-exposure maga- zine. The counter r'vill move tr mark for each picture taken. 1l u;ill ahoays shou; tl'te num- ber of erposures remaining on the film. The exposure counter rvill not l,vork unless there is film in the camela. I Rotate the rrr,rr-rypE rNDrcAToRto bring the ntrme of the film opposite the index mark. Nole: To qdyqnce the film if o coble releose wos useC lo irip the shutter, or if the double-exposure releose on the bottom fronl of lhe comero wos occidenlolly tripped, do this: A. Pressqnd hold the rewind rereose, B. Move film odvonce lever one stroke. C. Let go of lhe releose ond qdvonce film until the lever locks. www.orphancameras.com UNLOADING THE CAMERA Never unlood in bright, direct light. After the 20th or 36th erposure. and before tlre lrat.kis operred.il is rrlcessaryto rewirrd the film into the magarzine.To clo this: 1 Hold the nurvrNn r,EvERmzrrked'iervincl" in the direction of the arrorv. 2 Continue holding the rewind lever ancl turn the rervind knob cneNr clockrvise until the film is completely rervound into the magi,rzine. The film is completely rewound u'hen rorr fecl a lcsseningof teniion on thc rertind crarrk. 3 Open the camera back; pull out the re- rr ind knob: tuln lhe camera over ancl let thc rnagazine fall into vour hand. 'l' I ,tI COLOR KodqchromeFilm-This is the favorite color film that is en- joyed by millions. The full-color transparenciescan be pro- jected in any of the easy-workingKodaslide Projectors. l Kodachrome Film is available in both Daylight Type (KlSs) and Type F (K135F for use with clear wire-filled flash lamps). Available in 20- and 36-exposuremagazines. KodqkEkrochrome Film-A fast colorfflm that you canprocess yourseHor have processedby your photoffnisher.Like Koda- "reversal" chrome, itk a processthat producesbrilliant color transoarencies. {" Ektachrome Film is available in Dayiight Type (E135) and Type F (E135F for use with clear wire-filled flash lamps). Available in 20-exposuremagazines. 6 www.orphancameras.com i- BLACK AND l^/HITE Kodok Ponqtomic-X Film-Ifere's a new, modern film rvith micro-fine grain and high resolution. For those r,vho rvant zuper-size enlargements r,vith crisp, brilliant tone renclering. Available in 20- and 36-exposure magazines. Kodqk Plus-X Film-This is a moderately fast film to use for average lighting conditions. Its pan seisitivity smooths out skin texture-ideal for nost outdoor ancl incloor.shots. Avail- able in 20- or 36-exposuremagazines. Kodok Tri-X Film-You'll like this ultr.a_speed film having medium contrast, moderate graininess orr.l *id" ""por.,r." latitude. It's ideal for sports pictures and other snaipshots where adverse lighting conditions ar.e encounter"d. S"" page 26. Available in 20- and B6-exposure magazines. SETTING THE SHUTTER AND N-EN5 Shutter speeclsare used to valy the length of tin-rethat the shutter stays open u'hen the shutter release lever is ?ressed. Ihe slorvestshutter speed is 5 (1/5 seconcl)-the fastest is SHUTTER "B" 100 (I/400 seconcl).Atthe setting, the shutter rvill stay s p E E D s opcn ts tong irs 1ne snUtteTIetciLse Iever rs lrcl(t clown. Shutter speeclsand lens openings iue set to produce colrect exD0sule. The lens opening controlsthe amount of light that passes through the lens,The iensopening is smallestand letsin the L E N s leastamount of light wherrset at22 (.f/22). The lensopening (t P E N I N G s islargestanclletsinthegreatestamountoflightu,hensetat 3.5 (f13.5).The r-nNsopENrNG porNrER can be set bet$'een openings.Thepointerhas..clickstops''ateachmarked openirrgand at the red dot. www.orphancameras.com Shutter Shufter Cocking Speed To set the shutler,lurn the knurled speed control LEYCT Pointer ring uniil lhe SHUTTERSPEED pOtNTER is or the desired setling. Do nol sel pointer befween.two shutler speeds. Ifre shuiler must be cocked for o/l "8." speeds ond To do this, push down the SHUT- TERCOCKING LEVERuntil it cotches.Use c triood "B" for ihe sefting. T** Never oil the shutter. 5 ts ti * 6 4 1..s P'r To sel lhe lens opening, move the |ENS OpENING POINTERulong the scole until it click stops st the desired sefting, The opening l6 lefs in twice qs much light os 22i 1I twice os much os 16, ond so on. The exposure guide on the rewind knob gives the correrl lens openings at 1/50 second lor lhree Kodqk films. See poge I6 for informotion obout LensOpening Pointer flosh piclures. You odiust focus by moving lhe focusing lever with your finger' The rongefinder imoges ore linl- ed in confrosfing colors for eosy, occurule focusing. Sight through the eyepiece in the back of the camera. In here you seethe combined rangefinder and viewfinder. Con- centrate on the triangle. When the camera is n.of focused, trvo images of your subject appear in the triangle. When the camera is focused, these images are superimposed to form a single image. Select a vertical line or edge in your subject and locate it directly under the peak of the triangle, 10 www.orphancameras.com RANGE OF SHARPNESS The subiect focused on will be shorpesi in the pic- ture. Ofher obiects in lhe piclure oreo, however, both in front of ond beyond the subject focused upon, will olso oppeor lo be in focus.This is known os lhe ronge of shorpness. The ronge of shorpnessscole is directly obove the focusing disfqncescole (see illustrotionto fhe right). On lhis scole you will find two sets of lens opening numbers,one set on eoch side of fhe dis- Neorest Focusing Forthest tqnce scale pointer. The scole is used like this: ln Dislonce Dislonce Dislonce ihe illusfrotion. the comero is focused ot lO feet. About l0Feet Aboul 6 Feet ond the lens opening setot l/1 l. Opposite the red | 50 Feet I I on eqch side of fhe pointer, /t\ find the distqnce 4 Ronge of Shorpness cn the focusingscole. These dislonces ore the neor ond fqr limits of shorp focus. When you focusol l0 feel ond set lhe lensooen_ Disfonces ore meosured from lhe ing al l/11, then oll obiects from obout 6 to 50 film plone to the subiect, The film ':ei will be shorp. plone indicolor * on fhe top of lhe comero, locoies the film plone. 11 Load the camera-but never in bright light. Heie are the stepsto follow for making pictures in bright sunlight. I Set the shutter speedpointer to the red 50. Move the lens opening pointer to the red dot between 5.6 and 8 for Kodachrome Film Daylight Typ" - to 11 if you're using Kodak Ektachrome Film Daylight Type. 2 Cock the shutter by pressingthe cocking lever down. 3 Focuson the subject;then composethe picture. a Hold the camerasteady; then pressthe shutterrelease leoer all the aay doun with a slow squeezingaction.
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