CBQCAUO HUBUNE, s*i» BMaowwawa. TII-WEEIE.Lt AND WEEKLY. VUE ARE JUST IN RECEIPT EMIT V 7 ora jpllce, .to. SI Clark Street. I.IKS& msie.T)isnT jijjjf* 0 1 TEB CBJCA.QO TBISUK7. w.v,. i*jv*rec titi(p#rweeri- ... 25 ‘ it -OF- “•• “ *k <p«r quarter) $3.25 tccaS snbfcribcra, om year ,|I2.UC 'u, y. EA , 6-l'C MVeeßj.peryer 6.i»C -1 DIES’ BASKETS, Pliy,eek!y. finsie mbKxibcre(6 mo’* fLOO). *ot •> 4 cop'.et.—s.ffo •* 1C ooplw , 15.0C TRAVELING BASKETS. • 18 oopiet. and Ito getter-cp of __ tint *o.w ** •*w FANCY BASKETS. VBT Honey itBolsteredLetters may nr fir* t cooes, Which «i! oiler very cheap ta thaTrada, *K l*ae rtunttonte iotcJUM mnau, m all fc e mad-*. si ok* tnne. VOLUME IVIiL ij *• lIL CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST ,I7 IBH4. iV WLttWiv. 43, A-ldret* CHICAGO TRlßUyß.’^ghicago1 PEUGEOT’S WHOLESALETOY HODSC^ t 1 . The Campaign in Indiana, side. Their batteries and iron-olads fired made a capital speech. The audience called of turned out, however, she was the were almost 108 Lake Street. Cobmtg. pcrfcriiing the duties free and enlighten- that simply dred persons, that children w-r*k -V •o'.Jri ,j Hon. Schuyler Colfax without cEssation until (he of aul&-ocs.4iaet is making a vigor- NEWS BY TELEGRAPH nearly noon, bat on the Governor, who responded inhis usual ed cltiicns, are welland successfully engaged detained by her owner. It isalleged that eying thirst, and that he would himsult ous canvass of his district, in which he is without an alarming effect. responding Georgia is now the bena fideproperty of Mr. willingly pay the expenses of a steamer to A cf our men were but eloquent manner, thesoldiers to Is canning on both day and night schools. coolly THE AUGUST 17, 180L again, notwithstandinghis objections to few struck, our Bates, by whom she has been pat in thorough land thepassengers, he was and Imlif- BEST c 3n- wild his telling points with great enthusiasm. The present post commander is encouraging leaving the charge tlnuing in official a THE WAR IV VIR- soldiers grinned at the shooting. repair, and wu* about Liverpool for erentlytold by subordinate in THE NEWS. life, candidate for re- Workingparties on the canal did not tor an Gen. Oglesby closed in a speech that mine these enterprises. Some of the adjacent Lisbon under a charter to the Portuguese that “nothing could be done until to-mor- military cbess board, election to Copgress. All is activity onlbc He has the following instant lay aside thepick, shovel or wheel- the old capital ring again with the plaudits plantations, notwithstanding the dangers Government to carry troops to the west row; it was Sunday.’* CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS movement has just been appointments: GINIA. barrow. Half of the consists ne- coast of Inhumanity highly important force of of hia hearers. irom raiders, are scientific missionary labor Africa, and the malls betweenLis- In pleasing contrast to this by the corps of the Armyof the Peru—Saturday nest. groes. who wereparticularly cooland steady. bon and the Azores. was theconduct of officers Nesbit and Sulli- Is the market, are manufactured by pbuted 2d lucky |[Seven thousand dollire of United States fchools. One on a plantation south of Vi-* Gen Hancock, which has Ackron, Fulton County—Monday. A shot from a 100 pounder Parrott In It was alleged that theNiagara waitedout- van, ot the harbor police, who showed every jtomac, under theCrow’s Nest battery stocks were sold at the First National Bank dalla, Miss JennieHollidiy forty side the Mersey Georgia, was possible the famishing people, Knox, Stark Count}— Tuesday. entered an embras- where has for the hut it * attention to & Foster’s force, previously Recent , joinedit with Gen Pleasant Grove, Fulton County—Wednes- Highly Important ure ofiherebel fort at Qawlett’s Souse, in thiscity, on Saturday and Monday. Sttle children, is remarkable fur its order contradicted. and at considerable trouble and theexpense 0. M. HENDERSON 00, r«c the North bank of the Potomac. The day. and dismounted a gun, alter which that Jacob Shilling of this city has manufac- The jftmM* city article says advices from of a ducking to one of them, procured a ind discipline. Not. 4, 6 £ 8 Lake Street, i; ovement ie to protect and take advantage Fulton, Fulton County—Thursday. work slackened fire. Our own iron-eltds tured a rope fdr the Alton and SL Louis Frankfort mention! that under pressure of cask of water for their use. At last, onre- Union Movements. the day. ! [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune,! some sales on account, the authorities, operation now in progress by Gen. Mr. Turpie, Mr. opponent, is ma- scarcely fired any during Railroad in length American the prices quest from Custom House OPPOSITE TBS ADAMS HOUSS, CHICAGO. of the Colfax’s It is demonstrated that the rebels cannot three hundred feet and Vicksburg, Aug, 6, via Cairo, Monday Ang. 15. ot United States bonds gave way tor some theRevenue cutter came off to take- all to Sutler, of digging a canal at Dutch Gap, or king speeches more equivocal than the longest much disj lace the lodgmentat Dutch Gap Should nine inches in diameter. It is On Tuesdayof last week Sergeant Moore, days until quotations were only two per Castle Garden, and this being known, was They I are in store the largest strek of Eastern work 5-athcr widening and deepening a channel those of McDonald, the Democratic candi- they try it again, we shall be ready with more rope ever made in Illinois. Company D, 72d Illinois infantry, hearing cent above New Tork, but such is the eag- the signal for a long and joyous shout; mtbe Weit, bra.ht In 'fayami June, beftra Eutler’s Canal Project we to-day. erness of »he German to their one soon on board, the advance »advnl! fell many styles indy lull at high water in the James river, date for Governor, coming oat unreservedly guns than had Major General Palmer was in this city yes- ofa purchase of a quantity of stores, with- public Increase Every was leaving the lower thau Eas;era ptioea. Richmond to-day announce that we investments that, as soon as pressure of luggage that had saved ■which, when completed, will save, for “peace.” papers terday, and left for his home thismorning. - out 'proper permits, at De Soto, the been until the uest at Dutch Gap. are cutting a ditch at Dutch Gap, and hope promptly theexceptional operations was removed, a day, in the Sullote. ILSO, A LARGE STOCK J.iy a cut off 300 feet long, a seven miles State, son of the ex- pursued OF Important to onr Lake marine. wc will completeit, since It will be of great J. C. Carlin, of tlhls the smugglersabout fivemiles.west, recovery took place of more than three per CaptainsMooreand Panno were unwearied l irentt of the river. Onr email map dee The new law of Congress regulating nav- value when the war Is over, and be some Governor .who was Imprisoned at Alton for and captured and brought Id a party of two c<Tit. Thereason of the renewedfurore con- in their self-denying attentions and kindness Hoccassins and Sboa a was sists in the word Boot Pack. for. .Vhcrc will save half column of description withan entirenew set system STRATEGY compensation for the destruction we have treason and escaped from there, arrested women and one man, with wagon and team, peace having been to those committed to their charge, and igation and of BRILLIANT OF inflictedupon the State. mentioned in the last telegraph. many were acknowledgments of this lumbermen. of Dutch Gap. Our dispatches are very full on to-day in Morgan County. and the goods they had proposed running It the that aul7-p4swv*st cet-tf lights, takes effect the Ist day of Septem- New York, Tuesday, August 16.—The is added, thit the estimate of heard from thegrateful passengers, who 3i6 to of thistransfer troops, , £30,- we the details of ber ISC4- It is close at baud, and an HANCOCK'S CORPS. Washington special Han- into the rebel lines. These consisted of 000,000 sterling as the total on in the expressed so next, Con.vurciaTs Bays FROM of those leaving cutter, their col- ■which was conducted as to be thoroughly important change, theold law being in force cock was to moveyesterday to thenorth side boots, shoes, coats, &c., to the value of one securities absorbed m Germany and Holland lective sense of this by giving three hearty WEBEB, WILLIAMS & FITCH surprise to already, up certainly is ii the rebels, and had up to the last day of August. Masters, Prison- of JamesRiver, and to the left of the rebel Tlic Chicago Excursion motor*—Dis- ■ hundred dollars. ' The prisoners were de- below theactual amount. The cheers for both. We much regret toadd that Xo so well os to Wo Capture 500 lines. graceful Outrages ofa Mob* following is stated to be the bails of peace serious complaints are made a number of JOBBERS OX Ittest advices, succeeded Mates, and owners ebonld post themselves taineduntil this morning, when the proper- by If - between Denmark, Prussia, and passengers, .and other s>ring Gen. Foster’s now not inconsiderable eis and 7 Guns successful, this movement will necessi- ty was duly Austria: the that their clothes np with the requirements of the law. Copies tate eitherthe evacuation of or [Special Dispatch tothe Chicago Tribtme.] conQeeated and parties dis- Lunderg, Schleswig and Holstein'arc to be things had been stolen from them on board force within sine miles of Richmond and Richmond merchant who ofit, in pamphlet form, can be obtained by Petersburg, as Grant wijl then be in a posi- Mokkna, Will Co., 111., Tuesday.
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