Palestine (gazette NO. 1646 THURSDAY, 12TH FEBRUARY, 1948 103 CONTENTS ^ // Page ORDINANCES CONFIRMED V: O-:;• ־ Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 43, 49 and 50 of 1947 - - 105 GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointment of Vice-Consuls of United States of America at Jerusalem — Amend­ ment of Notices ------ 105 Board under the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Ordinance, 1944 — Appointment of Secretary !06 ־ - Appointment of Magistrate to act as Judge of the District Court 106 Obituary - - - - - - 106 Appointments, etc. - - - - - - 106 Palestine Law Examination, 1948 — Amendment of Notice - - 106 Cancellation of Medical Licence ----- 106 List of Bearer Bonds drawn by Lot not presented for Redemption - - 107 Adjudication of Contracts ----- 109 ־ ־ Citation Orders 110 Notices of the Execution Office of Tel Aviv - - - - 115 RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - 116 Statement of Coins and Notes in Circulation at the 31st January, 1948 - 117 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - 118 NOTICES OF INCORPORATION OF PRIVATE COMPANIES, ETC. - - 120 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement iVo. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Urban Property Tax (Rates of Tax) Order, 1948, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - - - 163 Direction under the Roads (Width and Alignment) Ordinance to the Director of Public Works to remove a Structure erected in contravention of an Order - 163 Notice under the Rent Restrictions (Dwelling-Houses) Ordinance, 1940, nominat­ ing certain Persons to be eligible to act as Chairmen and Members of the Rents Tribunal in the Lydda District - 164 Haifa Municipal Commission (Authorisation of Loans) Order, 1948, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - - - 165 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, re­ garding Acquisition of Land by the Municipal Corporation of Jaffa - 165 Holon (Prevention of Noises) By-laws, 1948, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 166 - - ־ - ־ - 1941 Ramat Gan (Entertainment Charges) By-laws, 1948, under the Local Councils Ordi­ nance, 1941 - - - - - - 167 Ramat Gan (Social Welfare Charge) By-laws, 1948, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 - - - . - - 171 Order No. 1 of 1948, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, fixing the Limits of the Kefar Sava Town Planning Area - - - - 176 Order No. 2 of 1948, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, fixing the Limits ־ - of the Ra'anana Town Planning Area - - 177 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, nominating certain Persons to be the Local Building and Town Planning Commission for Ra'anana Town Planning Area - - - - - 178 (Continued) PRICE: 90 MILS. CONTENTS (Continued) Page Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Detailed Schemes, and Modifications of Detailed Schemes, within the Haifa, Hadera and Kefar 'Ata Town Planning Areas and the Haifa District Regional Planning Area - - - - - 179 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into . Force, and to modify, Detailed Schemes within the Haifa District Regional Planning Area - - - - - 182 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Parcellation Schemes within the Haifa District Regional''Planning'Area 184 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of -De­ tailed Schemes within the Nathanya Town Planning Area - - •:186 Notice of Posting of Valuation Lists in respect of the Urban Area:vof Nablus, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - - .187 Notice under the Customs Rules, approving a Warehouse as a General \ Bonded ־ - :Warehouse - - - - 187 -Notices under the Press Ordinance, changing Particulars in Permits for Public­ iJ87 - ־ - - ation of Newspapers ^Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting, and changing Particulars in, Permits J88_ - ־ - - - to keep Printing Presses Notice under the Municipal Corporations (Duration of Municipal Commission) (Jaffa) Order, 1947, prescribing the Date on which the Duration of ithe •Muni- l cipal Commission of Jaffa shall terminate - - - - . ;189 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, appointing •a•.Coun­ cillor of the Municipal Council of Jaffa to be Mayor of the Council - ,190 rNazareth (Increase of Number of Councillors) Order,. 1948, under the (Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - - - - 190 the Municipal ״-Jlural Property Tax (Industrial Buildings) Order, 1948, under: Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - 191 SUPPLEMENT No. 4. REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS, PATENTS, DESIGNS, ETC. 11 '105 ־.12th February,: .1948 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1646 CONFIEMATION>OF ORDINANCE S: I. The Secretary of'State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that :His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his powers of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 43 of 1947 entitled "Courts (Amendment) Ordinance, 1947". H. L. G. GURNEY 2nd February, 1948. Chief Secretary. (J/164/47) IT. The Secretary- ofc State for the- Colonies has notified the High ^Commissioner• that His Majesty will .not be advised to exercise his powers.of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No.. 49 of 1947 entitled "Land Courts (xAmendment) Ordi­ nance, 1947". H. L. G. GURNEY .Chief Secretary 19481״ ,2nd February (,T/5/46) III. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that-His :.Majesty will not be advised to exercise his powers of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 50 of 1947 entitled "Contempt of .Court (Amendment) Ordinance, 1947". H. L. G. GURNEY 29th January, 1948. Chief Secretary. (J/216/47) NOTICES. I. IT IS NOTIFIED that the notice of appointment of Mr B. Franklin Brannon as Vice-Consul of the United .States of America at Jerusalem, which appeared in the Palestine Gazette No. 1641 of.the 15th January, 1948, is hereby amended to read' as follows : "TheHigh.Commissioner directs it to be,notified for general information.that Mr B. Franklin Brannon has been appointed by the Government of the United States of America.as Consul of the United States at Jerusalem and• that he has been recognised provisionally by His Excellency in that capacity pending the issue of His Majesty's Exequatur." By His Excellency's Command/ H.^L. G. GURNEY 4th February, 1948•;. Chief Secret dry: (N/13/41) II. IT IS NOTIFIED., that.the-notice of appointment of Mr Bobert B. Houghton as Vice-Consul of the United States of America at Jerusalem which appeared in •the* Palestine .Gazette No.. 1641 of. the 15th January, 1948, is hereby amended to read., as follows :— /'The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that Mr. Robert B, Houghton has been appointed by the Government of the 106 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1646. 12th February, 1948 United States of America as Vice-Consul of the United States at Jerusalem and that he has been recognised by His Excellency in that capacity." By His Excellency's Command, H. L. G. GURNEY 4th February, 1948. Chief Secretary. (N/13/41) NOTICE. With reference to the Notice regarding the appointment of a Secretary to the Board under the War Loan (Bearer Bonds) Ordinance, 1944, which was pub­ lished at page 61 of the Gazette No. 1550 of the 16th January, 1947, it is hereby ־—notified for general information that the High Commissioner has appointed Mr A. S. Banks to be Secretary to the Board with effect from the 1st February, 1948, in place of Mr N. E. Moubarak who ceased to be Secretary to the Board with effect from the same date. H. L. G. GURNEY 5th February, 1948. Chief Secretary. (F/41/45) NOTICE. IT IS HEEEBY NOTIFIED for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(b) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed Shukri Eff. Muhtadie, Magistrate, to act as a Judge of the District Court, from the 1st day of February, 1948, for a period of one month. E. G. FITT 2nd February, 1948. Chifif Registrar. Mr H. ZEUGER, Technical Assistant Grade OBITUARY. II, Department of Civil Aviation, to act as Administrative Assistant, with effect from the The High Commissioner announces 21st January, 1948, until further order with regret the death of: — ABDUL RAHMAN EFF. AL LABADI, Educa­ CORRIGENDUM. tion Officer Grade IV, Department of Education, on the 1st January, 1948. The date of the appointment of Miss A. G. NAIF EFF. MURAD, Education Officer HALABY, Secretary Stenographer, Secretariat, Grade IV, Department of Education, on as Administrative Assistant, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1626 of the 30th October, the 1st January, 1948. 1947, as the 1st July, 1947, should read "2nd February, 1947". APPOINTMENTS, ETC. NOTICE. APPOINTMENTS. The Notice regarding the Palestine Law The High Commissioner has appointed: — Examination, 1948, published in Gazette No. Mr A. W. HAYES, to be Signals Officer, De­ 1645 of the 5th February, 1948, at page 82, partment of Civil Aviation, with effect from should be amended as follows: — the 4th December, 1947. Paragraph 2. Delete the expression — Dr J. SCHATTNER, to be Medical Officer, De­ "Monday, 29th March, 1948 Mejelle." partment of Health, with effect from the 11th and add after the expression — November, 1947. "Wednesday, 7th April, 1948 Ordinances" the expression — Mr S. CYTRYN, Structural Engineer, Depart­ "Thursday, 8th April, 1948 Mejelle" ment of Public Works, to be Civil and Struc­ tural Engineer, with effect from the 4th March, 1946. NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Mr T. M. LINDSAY, to be Control Officer, De­ partment of Civil Aviation, with effect from Licence No. DR/1469 dated 1st January, the 25th November, 1947. 1934, to practise medicine granted to Martin Schwartz has been cancelled on account of the Mr E. 0. EGGINS, Administrative Officer, death of holder. District Administration, Lydda District, to be Assistant District Commissioner, with effect K. S. KEIKOEIAN from the 13th October, 1947. 2nd February, 1948. for Director of Medical Services. 12th February, 1948 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1646. 107 NOTICE. It is notified for general information that the Government Bearer Bonds enumerated hereunder which were drawn by lot prior to the 1st January, 1948, have not yet been presented to the Accountant-General for redemption.
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