Marijuana Law and Policy BermanKreit_5pp.indb 1 7/1/20 12:58 PM BermanKreit_5pp.indb 2 7/1/20 12:58 PM Marijuana Law and Policy Douglas A. Berman Newton D. Baker-Baker & Hostetler Chair in Law The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Alex Kreit assistant Professor of Law Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law Carolina Academic Press Durham, North Carolina BermanKreit_5pp.indb 3 7/1/20 12:58 PM Copyright © 2020 Carolina Academic Press, LLC All Rights Reserved ISBN 978-1-5310-1037-9 e-ISBN 978-1-5310-1038-6 LCCN 2020936878 Carolina Academic Press 700 Kent Street Durham, NC 27701 Telephone (919) 489-7486 Fax (919) 493-5668 www . caplaw . com Printed in the United States of Amer i ca BermanKreit_5pp.indb 4 7/1/20 12:58 PM For my entire family, all of whom have shared wisdom in various ways about various aspects of law, policy and practice in this arena. — Douglas A. Berman For my father, Leonard Kreit, whose interest in the subject matter may not have always been, strictly speaking, legal. — Alex Kreit v BermanKreit_5pp.indb 5 7/1/20 12:58 PM BermanKreit_5pp.indb 6 7/1/20 12:58 PM Contents Table of Cases xix Acknowledgments xxiii Introduction xxv Chapter 1 • What Is Marijuana, How Is It Used, and What Is It Similar To? 3 A. What Is Marijuana? 3 Marihuana, A Signal of Misunderstanding, U.S. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse (1972) 3 Marijuana —­ A Short History, John Hudak, Brookings Institute (2016) 5 The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017) 11 Colorado Constitution, Article XVIII, Section 16 14 Notes 15 Arizona v. Jones, 246 Ariz. 452 (May 28, 2019) 18 Notes 21 Policy Problem 1-1 22 Policy Problem 1-2 22 B. How Is Marijuana Used? 23 Saying Yes: In Defense of Drug Use, Jacob Sullum (2003) 24 The Real Difference Between Smoking and Eating Marijuana, Olga Khazan, The Atlantic (July 24, 2019) 26 I Have a Cannabis Problem. I Still Think It Should Be Legalized. Mike Riggs, Reason (Aug. 22, 2018) 28 Marijuana for Moms, Lindsey Hunter Lopez, The Atlantic (Mar. 2, 2018) 31 The Ethics of Wine Drinking and Tobacco Smoking, Leo Tolstoy (1891) 34 C. What Is Marijuana Similar To? 37 Drug Abuse in Amer i ca: Prob lem in Perspective, National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse (1973) 37 vii BermanKreit_5pp.indb 7 7/1/20 12:58 PM viii Contents Making Sense of Drug Regulation: A Theory of Law for Drug Control Policy, Kimani Paul- Emile, 19 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 691 (2010) 39 1. Alcohol 46 Rethinking Marijuana, Campaign Lit er a ture for Nevada 2016 Campaign “Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol” 47 Notes 50 2. Tobacco 51 Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Facts (June 2018) 51 Smoking Pot vs. Tobacco: What Science Says About Lighting Up, Jennifer Peltz, Associated Press (Apr. 8, 2019) 52 Big Tobacco 2.0 —­ Big Marijuana, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) website (2019) 53 Notes 54 3. Other Drugs (Illegal and Legal) 55 21 U.S. Code § 812 55 Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction, National Institute on Drug Abuse (2012) 57 Notes 59 4. Transfat, Sugar, and Other Foods 60 Fiscal Policies for Diet and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases, World Health Organ ization (2016) 60 Notes 61 5. Gambling 62 Final Report, National Gambling Impact Study Commission (1999) 62 Notes 64 6. Prostitution 65 Why It’s Time to Legalize Prostitution, Cathy Reisenwitz, The Daily Beast (Aug. 15, 2014) 65 Notes 67 7. Guns 68 Firearms and Vio lence: A Critical Review, National Research Council (2004) 68 Notes 70 Chapter 2 • Perspectives on Marijuana Prohibition and Alternatives 73 A. Are Marijuana Crimes “Victimless”? 74 State v. Hoseman, 799 N.W.2d 479 (Wis. Ct. App. 2011) 74 Notes 79 BermanKreit_5pp.indb 8 7/1/20 12:58 PM Contents ix On Liberty, John Stuart Mill (1859) 79 Notes 83 The Collapse of the Harm Princi ple, Barnard E. Harcourt, 90 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 109 (1999) 83 Notes 93 Illicit Drugs: A Test of Joel Feinberg’s The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law, Douglas Husak, 10 Libertaria (2008) 94 B. Do Privacy Rights Protect Marijuana Users? 102 Ravin v. State, 537 P.2d 494 (Alaska 1975) 102 Notes 112 C. Marijuana Prohibition and Alternatives: Weighing the Costs and Benefits 112 Setting Goals for Drug Policy: Harm Reduction or Use Reduction?, Jonathan P. Caulkins & Peter Reuter, 92 Addiction 1143 (1997) 113 Considering Marijuana Legalization: Insights for Vermont and Other Jurisdictions, Jonathan P. Caulkins et al., RAND Corporation (2015) 119 Chapter 3 • History of Federal and State Prohibitions of Marijuana 137 A. Early History of Drug Prohibitions 137 The Forbidden Fruit and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of American Marijuana Prohibition, Richard J. Bonnie & Charles H. Whitebread II, 56 Va. L. Rev. 971 (1970) 137 Drug Enforcement in the United States: History, Policy, and Trends, Lisa N. Sacco, Congressional Research Ser vice (2014) 140 The Controlled Substances Act: How a “Big Tent” Reform Became a Punitive Drug Law, David T. Courtwright, 76 Drug & Alcohol Dependence 9 (2004) 145 Notes 151 B. Modern Federal Marijuana Prohibition 152 Marihuana, A Signal of Misunderstanding, U.S. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse (1972) 153 Notes 159 United States v. Kiffer, 477 F.2d 349 (2d Cir. 1973) 160 Notes 165 United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers’ Cooperative, 532 U.S. 483 (2001) 166 Notes 172 Gonzales v. Raich, 545 U.S. 1 (2005) 173 BermanKreit_5pp.indb 9 7/1/20 12:58 PM x Contents Notes 182 Investigations and Prosecutions in States Authorizing the Medical Use of Marijuana (Ogden Memo), October 2009 Memorandum for Selected United States Attorneys 183 Notes 185 Guidance Regarding Marijuana Enforcement (Cole Memo), August 2013 Memorandum for Selected United States Attorneys 186 Notes 190 Marijuana Enforcement (Sessions Memo), January 2018 Memorandum for All United States Attorneys 192 Notes 193 Chapter 4 • Marijuana Criminalization 195 A. The Scope of Marijuana Criminalization 195 The War on Marijuana: The Transformation of the War on Drugs in the 1990s, Ryan S. King & Marc Mauer, The Sentencing Proj ect (2005) 196 Notes 201 B. Race and Marijuana Prohibition 203 The War on Marijuana in Black and White, American Civil Liberties Union (2013) 204 Notes 211 C. Marijuana Crimes 212 1. Marijuana Possession 212 a. Defining Possession 213 State v. Hogue, 486 P.2d 403 (Haw. 1971) 213 State v. Fries, 185 P.3d 453 (Or. 2008) 220 b. Constructive Possession 225 Regan v. State, 350 P.3d 702 (Wyo. 2015) 226 Martin v. State, 804 So. 2d 967 (Miss. 2001) 231 State v. Thomas, 847 N.W.2d 438 (Iowa 2014) 234 Notes 247 2. Distribution and Possession with the Intent to Distribute 248 People v. Peck, 61 Cal. Rptr. 2d 1 (Cal. Ct. App. 1996) 249 United States v. Bobadilla- Pagán, 747 F.3d 26 (1st Cir. 2014) 250 State v. McLeod, 186 S.W.3d 439 (Mo. Ct. App. 2006) 257 Notes 261 3. Manufacture 263 a. What Constitutes Manufacture? 263 State v. Childers, 255 S.E.2d 654 (N.C. Ct. App. 1979) 263 BermanKreit_5pp.indb 10 7/1/20 12:58 PM Contents xi b. Counting Marijuana Plants 265 State v. Holsted, 370 P.3d 1207 (Kan. Ct. App. 2016) 265 4. Accomplice Liability and Conspiracy 269 State v. Wilson, 631 P.2d 362 (Wash. 1981) 270 United States v. Anaya, 727 F.3d 1043 (10th Cir. 2013) 275 Notes 279 5. Knowledge in Marijuana Cases 280 a. Knowledge of Drug Type and Quantity 281 United States v. Jefferson, 791 F.3d 1013 (9th Cir. 2015) 281 b. Willful Blindness 287 United States v. Heredia, 483 F.3d 913 (9th Cir. 2007) 288 Notes 298 c. Knowledge in Synthetic Marijuana Cases 299 McFadden v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 2298 (2015) 299 6. Proof of Identity of Marijuana 305 State v. McKee, 744 N.E.2d 737 (Ohio 2001) 306 Notes 309 7. Marijuana Paraphernalia 310 Village of Hoffman Estates v. Flipside, Hoffman Estates, Inc., 455 U.S. 489 (1982) 311 Notes 316 8. Driving Under the Influence 316 State ex. rel. Montgomery v. Harris, 322 P.3d 160 (Ariz. 2014) 321 Dobson v. McClennen, 361 P.3d 374 (Ariz. 2015) 327 Notes 331 D. Punishing Marijuana Offenders 332 1. Marijuana Sentencing 332 a. An Introduction to Sentencing 332 b. The Importance of Quantity in Marijuana Sentencing 342 United States v. Dossie, 851 F. Supp. 2d 478 (E.D.N.Y. 2012) 343 Notes 353 c. Marijuana Sentencing and Cruel and Unusual Punishment 356 United States v. Angelos, 345 F. Supp. 2d 1227 (D. Utah 2004) 357 Notes 367 d. Marijuana Sentencing in the Era of Legalization 368 United States v. Dayi, 980 F. Supp. 2d 682 (D. Md. 2013) 368 2. Civil Sanctions 373 a. Collateral Consequences 373 “Collateral Damage”: No Re- Entry for Drug Offenders, Nora V. Demleitner, 47 Vill. L. Rev. 1027 (2002) 373 BermanKreit_5pp.indb 11 7/1/20 12:58 PM xii Contents b. Immigration 377 Moncrieffe v. Holder, 569 U.S. 184 (2013) 378 Notes 386 c. Asset Forfeiture 387 Fines, Fees, and Forfeitures, Beth A. Colgan, 4 Reforming Criminal Justice 205 (Erik Luna ed., 2017) 388 E. Investigating Marijuana Crimes 389 1. Undercover Policing 390 State v. J.D.W., 910 P.2d 1242 (Utah Ct. App. 1995) 391 Notes 393 2. In for mants 395 Deregulating Guilt: The Information Culture of the Criminal System, Alexandra Natapoff, 30 Cardozo L.
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