¥ xv S>uToV"C T he Coast Advertiser (Established 1892) r Fifty-Third Year, No. 7 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1945 Single Copy Four Cents THE Window Breakers Sailboats to Race Local Draft Board Given Sentence Here Sunday Inducts Eleven Beach Improvement Bonds Outside Column Climaxing the window-smashing cru­ Sunday afternoon, weather per­ Men inducted into the armed forces, sade by Belmar boys, last winter, final By m t . McK i n l e y mitting, some 12 Or 15 sailboats Friday, June 22, by local Board No. 6 disposition of the matter has been will sail a race ovor a triangular all entering the army include: Sold at a Low Rate 1 . 6 % made so far as two of the youths are course o|n Shark river. It is to be The Rising Generation . concerned when brothers were placed a “free for all” race for all types Robert Calvin Denbigh, 37 Board­ The issuance of bonds to the amount way, Ocean Grove; Robert Donald YOUNG AMERICA is often heard on probation Saturday by Judge Ed­ of sailboats and anyone owning a DATES FOR TAX APPEALS of $150,000 for boardwalk, beach and to remark that opportunity, as it ex­ ward Knight, in Freehold. This was boat is invited to enter. Haven, 218 Baltimore boulevard, Sea building repairs, advertised in the done after the recommendation of Girt; Daniel Holman, 144 Sylvan ave­ The date for making tax appeals isted in the time of their fathers and The starting time has been set Coast Advertiser, resulted in three John L. Montgomery, of the Mon­ nue, Asbury Park; Quentin William grandfathers, is a thing of the past. as 1:30 p. m. at a marker off the .for this area will be Monday, Aug. bids. These bids were opened at Tues­ mouth county juvenile court. Jones, 137 Abbott avenue, Ocean Instead, never in the history of the site of the old Belmar Yacht club 20, at 9:30 a, m. at the Belmar day’s meeting of the Board of Com­ world, was the young man and young The youngsters and their parents Grove; Joseph George Nuzzi, 1332 missioners with the result that the building near Heroy’s pond. borough hall. The area is com­ womain offered such great opportunity were represented by Robert Carton |Tenth avenue, Neptune; Edward J. lowest bidder was Allen & Co., 30 ‘ Never since the hey day of the for success as is virtually thrust upon Asbury Park attorney, who were told O’Neill, jr., 34 Ocean Pathway, Ocean posed of Belmar, South Belmar, Broad street, New York, at a rate of Belmar Yacht club has there been them today. And there ,are so few to by Mr. Montgomery that children j Grove; Harry Hilbert Pyle, 546 Old Spring Lake, Rrielle, Wall town­ 1.60, who received the award. so many sailboats on Shark river ■ Corlies road, Neptune; David Gordon accept these opportunities. must obey reasonable rules of so- ship, Manasquan and Spring Lake The two other bidders were the Bef- as there is this summer, and the i Reid, 208 Fourth avenue, Belmar; Vin­ Today, as ever before, success means ciety. mar National bank and B. J. Van In­ race Sunday will, no doubt, be but cent Anthony Schembri, 211 Atkins Heights. work and as ever before, there are so "If they don’t obey these rules,” Mr. gen and company. the first of several to be sailed avenue, Neptune; Richard Robert few who are willing to make the ne­ Montgomery said, “our only recourse The Board of Commissioners was this season. It has been many Trotter, P . O. Box 707, Manasquan and cessary sacrifices to attain it. is the .State Home for Boys at James- thanked by members of the New Jer­ years since the racing of sailboats i Edwin Leroy Woolley, Box 1, Ram This is iniot a scold by an old fogy, burg.” Mr. Jaggard To Speak sey Association of Welfare Directors was a popular sport here. | Horn Drive, AUenwood. but is intended as a friendly chat that . Originally the boys were turned over At Presbyterian Church and Overseers of the Poor for the hos­ may be the means of aiding some to the juvenile court by Recorder Each boat entering Sunday is pitality shown at the annual spring youngster in seeing the world in its Thomas C. Madigan. They had been to carry a crew of at least two The First Presbyterian church of conference, held at the Evans-Belmar true light. accused of breaking windows in Bel­ but more may sail in a boat if the Belmar will welcome as their supply hotel last week. The communication There are many kinds of young­ mar and South Belmar and the dam­ skipper so desires. pastor for Sunday, Mr. Cedric H. Jag­ was sent by Mrs. Bertha Haberstick. So hoist sails, my lads, and cast gard of Montclair. The title of his tqjk sters. Those who think in terms of age done by them is said to run into Sealed bids for the improvement o f off—hold to the course and may will be "The Rock”. destruction, such as smashing win­ large amounts. A and C streets were opened and the; the best boat (and skipper) win. Mr. Jaggard is a graduate of Dart­ dows, starting fires, entering buildings Patrolman Francis Vogt appre­ contract awarded to the lowest bidder, mouth college of the class of 1937 and and pilfering. Then there are those hended the boys, along with several Fred McDowell, whose bid was $9,- of Union seminary in 1941 where he who think in terms of helping build others, and stated that several hun­ 898.20. There was but one other bid­ received the degree of Bachelor of and making the world better for their dred windows had been broken in both der, Conover & Sutphen, whose bid Dentistry. The past month Mr. Jag­ having passed through it. The night private and public buildings and that was $10,546.35. The successful bidder $15,000 in War Bonds gard has completed the work for the prowler, bent upon destruction will the depredations practically stopped | has already begun the work on this degree of Doctor of Theology at the find this a pretty tough place in which with the apprehension of these boys. improvement and promises to push Princeton seminary. to live happily. It was promised that the damage Purchased by Wall it to rapid completion. The annual Vacation Bible scrool There happened, just the other day, would be paid for by the ‘boys them-1 The purchase of $15,000 war bonds for children of the community, oper­ The application of Irving Schiller ta an act upon the part of a Belmar selves, through work secured this in support of the Seventh war loan ated each year under the auspices of operate a rooming and boarding house youth of the sort which is almost sure summer. drive was authorized at the Wall the Sunday school, will begin this year at 201 First avenue has been passed, to be followed by a rich reward in the Reports must be made at stated in­ township committee meeting Wednes- ' on July 16. Mrs. Arthur Knight will upon and granted by the Board of life to come. Here is the story as it tervals by these youngsters . and un­ day night. The purchase brings the | once more act as superintendent. Mrs. Adjustment. This location is in the happened and was given to the writer less they obey the strict orders of be­ township total to $60,000. Credit was. Knight is well known in this com­ neighborhood of other like enterprises of the Outside Column by one who havior, sentences will in all probabili­ given to the Wall council, Boy and and since no objections were filed, munity for her interest in welfare gathered the facts: ty be carried out. Girl Scouts of America. the approval followed. “A-few days ago a little four-ye-ir- and youth activities. In view of the age of these boys The committee also ordered checks Commissioner Carl W. Schroeder old lad was ion his tricycle, at the 'their names are not published. drawn for the payment of $7,000 gen­ reported that cable wire had been Marine Basin fishing grounds, looking eral improvement bonds, and $6,000 shipped for the erection of additional for his ‘mommie’. The little fellow j Stitch and Chatter Club water department bonds, maturing lights on Ocean avenue and as soon was crying as though his heart would ASSOCIATION MEETS Has Covered Dish Social as the material reaches the Jersey break. Another boy, about 12 years of Members of the Belmar Rooming August 1, and a total of $1,258.75 in­ (4) With SC cut—WOUNDED MAN.. terest on both. A covered dish social was held by Central Power and Light company, age, who was there fishing, sensed and Boarding House association voted p f c . j a m e s p . McCo n n e l l , son Applications for the renewal of 11 the members of the Stitch and Chatter the work wil proceed. that the child was lost. He gave up to incorporate the association at a of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McCon­ club at their regular meeting held The Proctor company, who have the his fishing and told the little tot he meeting held June 14 at the public retail consumption licenses in the nell, 721 Eighth avenue, who was township were granted by the com­ Monday night at the home of Mrs. contract for the repair of the Six­ would take him to his ‘mommie’.
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