IJ_________________________ ^-------------- j ' "WftVyjnagiciicvalley.com-;— .65 ;3063£ --------------SMI 3S 1 2 / 1 6 / S o o i ' R K E_: 5 6 2 7 E VANiNDELI _______________ - - EL PASO • ■ TX 7 9 9 0 3 - 9-T ^ insEalls^: n m ifldahd/96ch=ycafrN l i fMe Tuesday, July 1 0 , 2 ------ e s ^ r a 5 = i Fudity— , 5 ^ Today: ILs stuid y '''i ay: P artly , sunnyn y a n d w a n n . ohnl.HiKWy ^ ‘ _ - jiot to proceed~wiviih a "fatal - If—thi the—motion ha'd bcMen The council would IfighSO h S .A _ flaw” analysis of thiiie controver* approve*ved, the council would lid then have OI"C sial Auger Falls p< id had to.choose an engineeringei dinance - chanct power plant have m<moved forward with the nceofathim- JWIm ii FALLS - The Cityty idea. he firm to .completei thi e stiidy. • - V zuerstorm tonight.t. LLow 5 8 .. Counc study - which’ could cost about ncil, in a narrow decision,in, . Council meinbeb ers G loria $25,000 1 ut • Three engineering firSn^ present-. r ICIf^ jp ' P ^ e A 2 optedd not1 to pay for a study that 0 to'start and would deter-er- ed their plans to the 1 lat ' Galan, Lance.Cloiow, How ard m in e whetherwl there are any e TOimdl ear-~ loveson^ wouldId have lopked a t th e feasi- fly lier this month, si- Allen and M ayor ElElaine Steele issues thattl would hinder con­ bilityy of• a power plant at thetie voted not to continue n- • But sevehd City Cd o c a l le. strucdonon of a power plant along l^ iH d l mOT- ' ' ' nriFT^'w- L AugeriT Falls] stretch cf the Snakeke Council members•s Trip Craig, the Augi ng b ers ex p ressed thleir e concern 1 pproposal f w ill g et r. nger Falls stretch of thele about jumping into Water worries: Statcate officials , Chris Talkington anda Glenda Snake,, aboqta four miles down- e council voted- 4^3 Mondayny Thompson voted to cc n- • . a s e c o i continue. stteam1 fromfr die Perrine Bridge. X)nd discussion ‘ discussed their somom etim es- Please see FFii « U .,P ^ 0 A 2 conflict^ perspectectiv es ab o u t iT.Huddy recharging the grad■adually TlnwNewi dwindlixigviratertatta b le in th e Eastern Snake Riveiv er P la in ' • • ' TWINN FFALLS - A new ordi* Aquifer Mondjy. V : . - .n an c e thatth« would ban public nudity am Page B l and, ultimately,'aU>iiude ' Wat:er iss s u e ; strip jointsints in town, will go on to a second discussiondh in about two ^ IP’ weeks, thedie City Coimdl deeded M o n e y ^ Monday. - ' • Seve_ral ____S'lBatgteeiKJRvin-Fi LraI^Council_members___ i-Falls busi-^— - — ------ • a g w d thatthai a second di<ftm«rfnn is n ^ leaders cookede d u p a p lan - .. warranted.ted. ■ to rec9gni2e attracti'ctiv e indus- ‘T d likQike two or three readings- try - Mid boost econ<onom ic if It is notiot at crisis situation nov^.' development. > said CouncilmanCl ChrTs PageC3 Talkington.ton. ■ Twin FaUsFal Police Departmettt- . Capt. Jimm MasseyN said th e reasQDl. .. C oN ffiri'iiasLS for the proposedpn ordinance com pl^ntsnts from residents abo^' & T E C H N O I , after-hours,<^^-nude stripping ic )L C X 5 Y r some local I Tech test: The Omnim iP a g e P ro “Theree werevi some dtizens of ' ,11 is ju st all you'd waw a n t in a n ' I .-the-commuimunity tharsald thet» ----- ■ opticd scanner. were someme bars with nude danc* ing,” Massassey told the coun^ PageA^ Monday. H6 addedded that' studies indicali^ that crime i S p o r ' i ^ ae increases while proik ' *= ertyvaluescies decrease around sexu^ - — rr-rrrrrr-alfa Orient»med-bosmessesrsuch-as— - I Strip dubs. I “ We figurigiu^d we’d make'a pre- I em p tiv e! stistrike,”.Massey said. 9 . “We wantIt tito protect the quality ' . I of life in our community." • ■ I Severalll acoundl members ques- I tioned iff tlithe ordinance woUld I include priviirivate parties, ' I I I City Anornom ey Frit2 Wonderlich 9 ' said the^ordinance or is geared i am sev ic I I - specificallyUy 1tovrard public places,------- I playedi^ a -m e m * I I such as barbars, theaters or other I venues open -OraWeWiihbledon fin al • pen to * e pubUc. ' - k: v ' — * - -- - It does8 nnot include private- —; MDO MBM/1W Ty Henton ihoots a strasm of barleyI Into a, truck from his • homes whenhere a bachekw or bach- I P a g e D l .J Is combine In a field south of)f .1Twin Falls on Monday. Begin elorette pan ■ TMrln Falls C«nat Co. will be^n>tfn redilcing doiivories by 2 0 p •ginning on WMfoetday.tfM party m ay be held Widi I percent. The timing of tho retreditcUon was picked lm at»e n udedandmring I ; veiitV is beginning. the pea and grain har- ■ “We haveive no control over pri- I _______ ■ • vate parties,^^"W onderlich said.____ 1 ...... I - A" Twifiifi Falls ordinance ' addresses ac ^Farewell,' rainm aken^ £ v e . ............. PGpiM I s adult emerloiranerit Tf Co. del S. , ; . wage earner in the Ma livers neewsofR*eductio] - t e rdty y roles, adult enter- , V all^ should mourn L ■ By Jennifer;erSandmann ’ <company’s general mananager. It’s Eastern Sr tainmentt businesses-such-as-i-iii.bi ws writo'f________. J Snake River Plain thei potendal for injury,” ■Waller’s departure,.to tc d a y ’s' a 20 percent reducdbn1 inI deliv- Aquifer feeeeds the Twin Falls • ,” Alberdi bookstores,s, dancedt du b s and adult • - ery( timed to coin- said. editorial s£^s. company’s nat­ movie theateiatei 3 can’t exist within _ ' ^ . TWINF/FALLS - Irrigators sup- cidet with the end Steve Salisbury, a UnIniversity 2,500 feetet “of any existing I 8 plied by th< ural flows. of< Idaho extension agent Page A the Twin Falls Conal Co. of« the watering ‘( It In Twin ch u rch , sch<ichool, restaurant or will see waipvater deliveries reduced -s 'Gitys a r e ^ m g fo hervee Recent hot Falls,1 sdid late-season cro .season for grain weather has t tops such movie theateiater or within SOO feet lay below a full share. andn peas, he said. t/ o ^ t a v a th e in th e ir as beans, corn, potatoto es an d of any existingsting open space zoning N a^t t i o n / required the 1 the region, canal com- Tiie company,, beets will be vulnerable. district or residentialres zoning dis- ‘ (ptf . • panies arere cutting back deliver- v pianoQnmnt. ’ company to dip “Guys are going to havive to get trict widiin th Sending which waters' more heavily c 1 the d ty or the area of “ ies or even2n stopping them. A diy a 2 0 2 .0 0 0 creadve In their managegement,” dty Impact." — ^M |^^B-a4nes8{ a b o u t --------- =5tcvc-SalisbupU P j^ in to -----sto rag e----- S t." - • ■ '______ &sage:------------w atery eaniris toblamei . acres,a typically______ -Salisbury-said;^--------------- Hut torm?ei.5 er in -P »strict Ju d ge . • : dent-Bush - Jhe-Iwin/in Faiift-Ganal Cormnde------d ------than-prcdicted,-------— -Some-farmers-aru-ptcklW ng-ana------ DOlUel Hurlbu — Bnivcrsityuftclali Alberdi said. c ributt several years ago ’ looks: to ju m p announiuncement Monday after quartersq of a ’ - choosing which crops: geti the . ruled.that thetht code section was . i authorized the reduc- miner’sn inch. extension agengpj Rain this past water,v namely the ones wcworth the .- unconsdtudon start his leg- a ____ week has been n tional. WoijderUdi said islative i I a special meeting. The company most, he said. in an earlier:r interviewir that trying s S i M sp o tty and Meanwhile, Salmonn R iv e r to prohibit bil da. It will hold its regular hopesh the reduction wivill help insignificantmt to the company’s C : bikini dancing would oday. nursen its stored water su Canal Co. in Hollister shu;iut off its be impossible.ble. P supply to overall watere r picture, he said. w P a g e A3 " - ^ ^ 1Jeliveries will be scaled August,A when its share of)f natural How farm e water Friday - about two0 monthsi Twin Fallsills currently Has one b ac k from)m five-eighths of a fl Tiers will be affected early,e said Denise Allrc flows increases as grounmdwater depends up.ipon what they are ci red, the . • exotic-danringnng dub, “Hot Rocks,” m iner’s incnch to half a miner’s pumpersp above America:an Falls growing. company’s office manageger. The locatcd in diie ie !Southpark area. i inch,saidd Vince' Alberdi. the finishfi their watering scas< Lson. Tlie "There isi noni quesdon, tliere is _________ ^ s e see WATER, i S e c t i o n b y s r! ct C a iO N _ _ |. PageA2 Please seisee ORDINANCE. Page A2 Section A waho/wi Weather . .2 Dear Abb 1 ni ' ^ u m a ar\side 1 Idaho pilotI Nation . :34,6 Crosswoiword .. .4 ^ World...........5 Morning b i!fii= ,= o£s I helps F 0 S € ^ “ ^ i Technology .7 SectioU o n C ■ Opinion . ,. ,a9 Communilunity .1-2 D i a b e ttes e sufiferer sees reresearch as meaniIS to Idaho/West .10 MoneyI .___3-5 Ijpassen^igers _ ClassmeoSid';&ib “curergn[uadriplegic objecccts on moral groui[ I n 3 s ~ ^ ^ ^ H M The Aasociated Press[________ Section B .
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