REPORTS ON DEPUTATION OF AUSTRALIAN CHURCHMEN TO MAINLAND CHINA TABLE OF CONTENTS Australian Churchmen Visit “Liberated” China 1 The Church, the Politics, the Life of Red China 3 China: “More and More Lovely Every Day” 6 China: Religion's Carefully Charted Path 9 Jackpot Question: Why Was China's Door Closed 12 “The Americans, of Course, Used Germ Warefare 15 How Much Longer for the Reign of Peiping? 18 How the Church in China Trains Its People 21 BY Alfred Francis James Managing Director Reprinted by the China Committee of the Division of Anglican News Service Foreign Missions through courtesy of the Episcopal Sydney, Australia Churchnews, 110 North Adams Street, Richmond, Va. FAR EASTERN OFFICE DIVISION OF FOREIGN MISSIONS National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, New York Render Unfo God' Australian Churchmen Visit Liberated' China An eight-member delegation of Our fears were allayed when we presence was likely to embarrass the of Anglican churchmen from Aus- were met at Shanghai railway station Church in China. tralia entered China last month for by the Presiding Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Chen dismissed the sugges- a 10,000-mile look-see tour behind T. C. Chen, and a welcoming party tion. which the Bamboo Curtain. This was the included other Chinese bish- “Before liberation,” he said, “I ops, clergy, lay first time since 1949 that a repre- and people. would not have dared even to meet sentative group of religious leaders A cortege of sleek limousines took you at the railway station. from outside the Iron Curtain had us to the King Kong Hotel in the for- “In a situation like this, it would visited Red China. The delegation mer French Concession. not have been safe. included Archbishop Mowll of Syd- Only the Primate and your corre- “But everything is changed now. ney; Canon Herbert Arrowsmith of spondent had any definite requests You will find that the student demon- the British and Foreign Bible Society; for places to visit. His Grace natural- strators are quite orderly, and very Canon Marcus Loane, principal of ly wished to re-visit Western China, proper in their approach. If they Moore Theological College in Syd- where he was a bishop of the Sheng knew who you were, they would treat ney; Dr. Geoffrey Cranswick, Bishop King Hui before he went to Sydney. you with every courtesy.” of Tasmania; Dr. Jcmes Housden, Your correspondent was interested in One refrains from comment, save Bishop of Rockhampton; Dr. W. H. the diocese of Yunkwei, which has to observe that “spontaneous” demon- Moline, Archbishop of Perth, and been without a bishop since Bishop strations of the current type do make Alfred Francis James, managing di- Hwang Kuei-Yuan left it in about for physical comfort, however dull rector of the Anglican News Service. 1950 and went abroad. they may seem by comparison with On these pages, ECnews presents We had driven from the hotel to those of other days. the compound of the Presiding the first of several exclusive dis- Bishop The next day, a Sunday, was a patches from Mr. James. thi'ough the middle of a student dem- memorable occasion in the story of onstration against the “wicked Brit- the Anglican Communion. It was the ish and French imperialists” who first time since “Liberation” that an SHANGHAI, November, 1956 were so brutally attacking the poor official group of visitors from outside A somewhat apprehensive Austral- Egyptians, with whose peaceful na- China had taken part in the worship ian Anglican delegation to the Chi- tional aspirations and determination of the Chinese Church. nese Episcopal Church reached here to rid themselves of the shackles of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai, last month by train after a two-day foreign domination there is universal has now been set apart as the national journey from Canton. Your corre- sympathy in China—including, it cathedral of the Chung Hua Sheng spondent’s portable radio had kept us seems, the Christian churches here. Kung Hui. It was formerly the Eng- in touch with developments in the In view of the international situa- lish center in Shanghai. The central Middle East, and we had learned of tion, the Primate told the Presiding offices of the Sheng Kung Hui are in nation-wide Chinese enthusiasm for Bishop that the delegation would of the Church House building which ad- the cause of Egypt. course retrace its way at once if its joins the cathedral. Half of it is used Bishops and clergy after the service in Holy Trinity Cathedral, Shanghai. (L. to R.) three Chinese clergy; Canon M. L. Loane; Bishop Chang Kwang-Hsu (Michael Chang) of Fuhkien; Archbishop Moline of Perth; Canon H. M. Arrowsmith; Bishop Ting Kwang-Hsun of Chekiang; Bishop Housden of Rockhampton; Bishop Cranswick of Tasmania; Archbishop Mowll of Sydney; Presiding Bishop Chen Chien-Tsun (Robin Chen) of Wan-Gan; Bishop Shen Tze-Kau, formerly Bishop of Shensi and now a professor at the Nanking Union Theological Seminary; Bishop Cheng Chien-Tsun, assistant bishop of Honan and General Secretary to the Standing Committee of the CHSKH; Bishop Mao Keh-Tsung of Kiangsu, and four Chinese priests. 1 for government offices—the entire God, or are they not? structure was so used at one stage, “Christ spoke little in regard to after it had been taken over to satisfy social conditions, although he was retrospective “taxes” imposed by the vividly conscious of them. He evaded Communist regime shortly after “Lib- political questions. He did not con- eration.” Finding it quite impossible, demn, as our Gospel for this 23rd like most industrial concerns, to pay Sunday after Trinity reminds us. the “taxes”, the Church here simply “Everyone who accepts the advan- handed the building over, and was tages of the rule of the State is bound subsequently rewarded by being al- to discharge his just obligations to lowed to use part of the structure for the State, but ‘render unto God the its own purposes without charge. things that are God’s’. If we seek first The morning’s service of Thanks- the Kingdom of God and His right- giving for the coming of our delega- eousness, then everyone else will re- tion was set in a Eucharist at which ceive his due,” the Archbishop said. the Primate of Australia preached. “If the Church had been more The capacity of the cathedral, we faithful in her witness; if Christ’s were told, is just over 600. There were teaching on brotherhood had been ap- no seats left, and small groups of Chi- plied more adequately, would we have Bishop Housden of nv./v:khampton chats nese worshippers stood here and social injustice and war in the world with Bishop Michael Chang. Left back- there. Many of them followed in the today? If His example of service had ground is Archbishop Mowll of Sydney, wake of the procession, having waited been followed more faithfully, would Australia. outside to see us enter. we have the selfishness of our modern life? Our failure in carrying out the Christ than we had seen at the morn- A ‘Moving Spiritual Experience’ task entrusted to us is due to those, ing Eucharist. The quality of the service, which in every land, who call themselves “There have been many changes in was fully choral, left an extraordi- Christians but to whom the Kingdom China, and in the Chinese Church,” he narily vivid impression with the dele- of God has become little more than an said. “But I hope we have not forgoL gation. It is not hard for anyone with abstract phrase.” ten our tradition of showing respect a little experience to detect anything In the evening we survived the and honour to our guests. in the way of a false or superficial ordeal of a dinner of 13 courses given “Although we sometimes fail to note in a service of this kind : not us by the Standing Committee of the understand the needs of our guests, even the formal beauty of our liturgy General Synod of the Sheng Kung I do assure you that we make a very can hide insincerity from the prac- Hui at the Ho Ping (Peace) Hotel. sincere effort to do so. ticed eye. In a speech of welcome to the Dele- “I say this because many visitors, Your correspondent can only record gation on behalf of the Chinese when they return home, say that the that the delegation unanimously re- Church, the Presiding Bishop said Church itself in China has not yet garded this morning’s service as a that he could not imagine a better been liberated. deeply moving spiritual experience. way of expressing our fellowship in “The fact is, of course, that the The only extra-liturgical note was Church here is still in a period of a short welcoming address from the reconstruction. We realize that the Alfred Francis James, the author of Presiding Bishop. Otherwise, the C.H.S.K.F. is a relatively young service followed the pattern of the this article, was able to confirm branch of the Anglican Communion. 1662 Book of Common Prayer. last month that the Rt. Rev. Kimber We need very much the advice and the We were struck by the zest of the Den, former Bishop of Chekiang, help of others, and we believe that congregational hymn singing, and by had been released from a four-year your visit will be of great value to us. the w'ay they sang the rest of the prison term and is now living in “In the past few years, our church service.
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