THE BLACK P'"THRR. """0". J'"""V "' ,~, P'CF . ,J: Dr. Martin - II But there comes a time, that. peoPle get tired...tired of being segregated and humiliated; tired of being kicked about by the brutal feet of oppression. For many years, we have shown amazing patience. We have sometimes given our white brothers the feeling that we liked the way we were being treated. But we come here tonight to be saved from that patience that makes us patient with anything less than freedom and justice. "...If you will protest courageously, and yet with dignity and love, when history books are written in future genera- tions, the historians will have to pause and say, 'there lived a great peoPle--a Black peoPle--who injected new meanir:&g and dignity into the veins of civilization.' This is our challenge and our overwhelming responsibility." t.1 " --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery, Alabama 1956 With pulsating voice, he made mockery of our fears; with convictlon and determinatlon he delivered a Message which made us overcome these fears and march forward with dignity . ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE \'-'I'; ~ f~~ ALPRENTICE CARTER JOHN HUGGINS We commemorate the lives of two In the fall of 1968,Bunchy and John Karenga's men there, in Campbell of our fallen brothers, Alprentice began to participate in a special edu- Hall. This was intended to stop the "Bunchy" Carter and John Jerome cational program for poor Black and work and programs of the Black Pan- Huggins, who were murdered J anuary Mexican -American students at ther Party in Southern California. 'I 17, 1969, while organizing students on U.C.L.A. They believed that there, ~ the campus of the University of Cali- they could better educate other Black We lost two of our brothers (in fornia at Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.). students about; the need to serve the body) although the Los Angeles Chap- Black community by developing a ter of the Black Panther Party con- We cannot forget Bunchy, we cannot Black Studies program. ttnues to operate and serve. The or- forget John --they were revolution- ganizing and untiring work Bunchy aries; they were examples for us all. Ron Karenga, a Black m*n who and John accomplished will be re- The memories that members of the headed a non-serving orgariization membered by us all. None who knew Black Panth~r Party have of Bunchy called .'US", which was protected by him can forget how Bunchy's pre- and John are beautifulones, they were the Los Angeles Police Department, sence caused everyone to listen to beautiful human beings. conspired to take control of the and respect him. No one who knew planned Black Studies program John can forget his way of capturing They personified the best of hu- by attempting to have one of his friends people with the great love he had for I manity , for they gave not only their selected as director. Karenga's front- humankind. We hope that John and lives,-their physical presence to the man was rejected for the key position Bunchy will be remembered by many struggle, but they gave love, patience, by the students of U.C.L.A. On Jan- people as great men, as great Black I understanding and were truly one with uary 17, 1969, after a meeting of the men. We salute their lives. , the people. They contributed much to Black Student's Union. Alprentice ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE the process of the transformation of ~.Bunchy.. 'Carter "nd John Jerome society into a new and better world. Huggins were shot doWn,murdered by -~- THE BLACK PANTHER, SATURDAY JANUARY 16.19'70 PAGE 12 A A ~ ~~: BUNCHY CARTER Karenga of a folded umbrella jOHN HuGGINS organlzatloo, the Black Con- gress, and close friend of Ka- renga, Bremond also worked for the federal government In Marln PATRICE LUMBUMHA theIr Interest. County several years before that ThIngs got worse for the Sam a. a Housing Authority admlnls- Yorty-Karenga coalItion as time trator. There were others, but There's nnthlng mystlcalor passed. The Black Panther party thls was the maIn group. Not mysterious In some of the eventS had begun programs serving the part of the advisory board, but In history that seem to repeat true needs of the people and part of the design to rlp off wasn't on theIr payroll. When the people, was also Cannon's The EmpIre of the United vubu, Molshe Tsombe -to nsme themselves. Similar cIrcum- Bunchy and johnHugglns entered old gIrlfriend, Mary jane Hewltt, State. has been for some time the msln ones -and of course, stances can produce simIlar re- the sacred territory of the head of UCLA's government now sophisticating and refining Dr. Ralph Bunche then Under suits, Pat rice Lumumha was college cannpus In the fall of funding projects for the poor Its method. and tactic. of keeping Secretary of the UnIted Nations assassinated on J anuary 17,1%1, 1968 and began talking to the (such as EOP). the peoples of the world's various and Special United Nations Re- at the hands of hls own people, Black Students there, It was These people tried to whlp to- communities under Its absolute presentative In Leopoldvllle. The as such. Part of a United States reslly bad. UCLA had already gether during that school break control. The uprising", re- point was (Is) that the tactics plot to maIntain domination and been progrannmed to funnel a Black Students' Union. A few bellIons and revolution. by the of greedy men. particularly the an attempt to crush or queU United State. government funds misguided fools, students there, world's people. against United rulers of the United States Em- all efforts on the part of the through Its various agencies Into lIstened to them. And together State. domination have given rise pIre, are not limited to white people for freedom and Inde- a government project known as they produced a Dr. Charles to entIre organization", unit" and people. That Imperialism Is not pendence. Alprentlce 'Bunchy' the "Compton Complex". The Thomas and presented him as sub-structures of the main or- a color and In fact employs the Carter and John Hugglns were Compton Complex was a progrann the Black Student-Black com- ganIzed crIminal United State. dIrect or Indlrecr aid of people assassinated on J anuary 17, 1%9, to bring new buildings, busl- munlty choice to head a Black of all colors. He pointed out that at the hands of theIr own people, governing body, organization" nesses and federal money Into the Studies program at UCLA. Plans whose sole existence Is to quell, through the work of the United as such. Part of a United States predomInately Black Southern were foIled only over a small crush, defeat or take-over such States Central IntelUgence plot to maintain domination and CalIfornia community of Comp- quarrel as to what Thomas' efforts of the people. The United Agency (CIA) a black man, an attempt to crush or ",aU ton. salary would be --oho Students State. requIre", that as the threat working In the Interest of hls aU efforts on the part of the CertaInly any strong, black In- thought the offered $16,000 was of loss of Its rule Increases, people to throw off the dIrect people for freedom and Indepen- fluence upon tho UCLA admlnla- sufficient; tho advisory board the action on the part of such rule of Belgium and IndIrect rule dence. - trators would be able to dictate wanted $23,000. This brought the agencies or Individuals must In- of the United States, was assas- It was Interesting that the class tho whole Compton Complex whole thing Into the open by the crease In proportion. Whether slnsted by other black men. took place at UCLA and such a operation. This, of course, meant time the oew school quarter be- the soft-touch, Indirect ruletac- One partIcipant was J oseph Mo- discussion arose between Bunchy In turn a stronghold on tho gan. tics of such government butu, current President of the and Larry Stlner. Karenga'sfol- economy and therefore the poll- The black students, outraged, personalities as John Kennedy, Congo and former Sergeant In lower .Stlner several weeks later tlcs and people of Compton (the and otter many meeting" In early or the open, crude and direCt the Force Fubllque under tbe took part In Bunchy's assas- clasest community south ofWstts january, fInaUy, on january ISth, moves of a Johnson or Nlxon are Belgians, who was well knownas sInatIon on January 17th. But --even sometimes calledWattS). "aid they would control theIr used Is only a question of need the CIA's maIn man In the Congo. Stlner was just a tool of the There was a lot at stake and Black Studies program, had no and style. The goal remain" the main traitor -Ron Karenga. And the UCLA Black Students Union need for the so-called Com- same --maintain control of the Bunchy poInted out that the argument was reaUy begun Union had fallen apart by De- munlty Advisory Board and world's wealth -the world. Tshombe was so much In the some tIme before that day. cember, 1%8. Anyone with an eye literally boo-ed Karenga,andthe On a winter day In early employ of tbe Belgium -UnIted SpeclflcaUy Karenga (for- to keepIng the lid on hot SoUth- approximately fIfty followers States coalition In the Congo, merly Ron Everett)hadbeendls- January,I%9aheateddlscusslon Central Los Angeles would cer- (some armed) he had brought to was talclng place on the campus that even after Lumumba's covered by the local pIg talnly want control (wIthout cer- argue hls poInt, out of the bulld- of the University of CalIfornia assassInation, he recaUled authorities (lIke Mobutu was dIs- talnly anyone knowing) of that Ing.
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