THIS GOOD ' .M0RNING A MONTH FOR WEEKS. NEXT IOWA GOVERNOR . FRANK ABOUT FRANCE. and t',e People of 10[(;0 FINAL EXAMINATIONS. low Clly. Iowa. W@n diiy. June 4. 19511 by '___ Don Mitchell~~-, lIaU, •• ., •• " ... a,t •• ~"U.r ITEMS TO FILE for those who ke41p their files full. June is well into Baking Soda Bath Month, Dairy Month, a· tiooal Ragweed Control 10nth and De Gaulle To Algeria; portable Radio Month. Today is Old Maids Day and June 23·29 Is In­ ternational White Bread for Energy Week. Interspersed in there somewhcre Parliament Vacations are Flag Day and Fathers Day and S a f e Boating Week. These are New MITCHELL the cream of the crop but there are dozens of others Know/and, States Rights Are L Ppow~rs according to the latest advertising promotions that {lood this and any • •• eave arls newspaper office. It's ironic but no June promo· Among Issues In 4 Primaries Calm, Quiet tions mention brides, June bugs, at in Con I Th aubern torial field w cut JUDe Is Bustin' Out All Over or in the . tate 10 two I than 90 minute after Salan Visits Capital; How To Consolidate the Old Christ· in primary ell'Clions that held an I ai latun·. the !lOlls cI d with th conce ion mas Bills. important bearing on the future of I harina interc I with th Know· of one candidate. Military Backing Seen • • • Sen . William F. Knowland I R· , land·Brown cia h and the Ch v z I Stat· Rep. Ch rle Lacey can­ MY NOMINATIONS for local Cali!.I . III Lo Angell' Dodgl'r Ral'ine referendum w a thr e· c(d d th r ct'. I IlYing the field PARIS UP! - Chllrle De Gaulle r lind thc 0 'mocratlc party in Ala· 'Way fight ror th .S. nllle nomi· 10 Ally, Gen. PhlJ Sound r and began wleldlni Tue day the crC1lt, weeks, which would be officially ! barna, n tion tx,tw~ n RepublicM GO\·. Lt. Gov. Roy Houck in the batUe est pow rever ve ted In a Premrer proclaim d in a forward looking I community : Chop Down Poison Ivy At take wt're Ilubernatori I nom· Goodwin J Knii ht, layor G or,e for th GOP nomination to UCCt· d in !lOstwar Francl.'. The army and Week. to be immediately follow ed CONSTRUCTION ON HIGHWAY 6 from tho wut s de of town to the 1_. Avenue briclt. "..red com. ination in Al abama, South 0 kat . Chri!'topher I.R I of :In FrancISCO World War II lorine flying ce n:l~dor~ty o~hin~a~ . g lure Of ptetion Tuesdav. Workm.n, worklnll from the wut, have n_ completed two I.nes of tne four Ion. rooel Iand C:lIlfornla In Montana in. nd R p. CI Ir Engl ID). IJoe Fos. a Governor. by Recreational Riverbanklng to the Intersection of towo avenu., C, M, Fisher, ,oaldent .",In", CHI the proj.ct, sold tnot tho roael cumb nt n: 1ik Man.'n!d In AI bamo . State AUy. Gen . Fa . wa not ellgibl to run for H... tackled the problem or the Week, .. lo be extended by public should be open bV Jun. 21. - Dolly towen Photo by Bred B.th.y. ught the Democratic . natoriat John . Patter on. apparently swept a third l rm ..but wa .unoppo d Insurllents in Algprla, where crl i8 demand ... nomination againsl two IIghtly·re· to victory Tue. day n l ~ht In th for the R~pubhca~ nom.Inolton for was born In the uprising or May 13. • • • Iaurd'd a pont'nts IrunoH D mocratlc primary for Congre 10 Ihe First OJ trlcl. He He ummon d the French troop TAVERN TATTLERS are get· Fall Election I C If . K' I d th S Ga l' rnor ol'('r cirCUit Judge Geor, e will conI t R p. Georg McGov. commander from Algiers, Gen. tina chucks out of this one to go Successful Exam SC h e d U I e n a 10n'la. now an . n· W lIace. ern. South Dakota' nr t Dt'mocra· Raoul Salan. ~ Gllulle hlmself with Erskine Caldwell's book, now , Ilte .Rl'Publicon L~ ader. wa pltt('d I Democratic vot ... r • who. nom. tic Conllr 5 man in two d cades. in will ny to AlII ria Wednesday. in movie form at the local {lickers. Lineup Given Amid. t th cramble of nolt' and ag ID I 0 mocrallc Attorney G('n·l ln('. or a url'd ('I ctlon in the November. Parliament. havln, IIlven him Political campolgnlng took on rch s ~hroullh the t . I (III.'. linol ('rol Fd.mund G I Pall Brown ~n ont' parly state, al 0 d cid d In The polilically faithful and a the powers he demanded, voted to "God's Litlle Acher: Billy Gra· Launching for added steam Tuesday a R publi­ weck bellIDs today at I. bo!h pnmafl fJl und r I the tate I Tu d3Y' runofr wht'tMr th party moll n'1mber of olh r lonlanan. take 0 vacotlon until Oct. 7 as he ham. " cans and Democrats found them­ EXAM SCHEDULE I unique ero . I na sy m. in thl. tall' will follow th nation I arou d by local contI.' l., lanor d I had Insl ted so he can run the • • • selve facin, each oth r rather TODAY Bro~n mo\' d aht'ad or Know. or State Rillht line in lhe nexl h avy raIns Tu day 10 vote for country withou t hindrance 80th OF THE BIG THREE headache than their own party members. • Cia s which meet (I·r t land 10 combln d vot ba. d on rour year.. th ·Ir party candidates for U" n· hou shut down. Eighth Alias •. m. arly fra am nwry r turn ' R I f am 2672 of Alab " t CancrA and at .. ·• offl • . pill firms which claim fast action. Line up for John on county of. on Monday. 8 SO ; ail cllon 11 22., .. I' urn r . ma a . ~.. .",r cc . The military rorces showed their all have television commercials CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (UPII fic will be : . Both Brown and Knowland wl're 3.332 boxes ea\'1' Polt r on 260.531 At take were Democratic and Ilinit behind De Gaulle Gen that produce headaches - for - The Air Force I'nt on eighlh tate representative - Scott 10 a.m. All cellon of Comm. handily wlnnina Ih('ir own parly \ otes to 2 .682 ior Wallace. 1R epublican nomination for the IIl'n~1 Lorlllot tepped d~wn a' people who don'l get them just intercontinental Atlas lhundering Swi her. D., \'1\. G. t Ludwla. R. 6!- :55 ; Core t1 :12 ; IE. 58 :22 . nomination. as am four mIllion Pa\t('rson, 36. and Wall ce, 038'1 ., -natt' ~ at of for hln affairs a d forces chief of tare In from watching anyway. and blazing over the Atlanlic Tues· Sh riff - William A. Kern, D., Educ. 7'70. I\'ot~r 9 went to th(' poil in fnlr ~ ar·old circuit juda'. ur\,i\' d a peclalist Mlk Man n Id and the rme P I I 1 p.m. All ectlon Comm. GG .24 : we ther throuehout California. 14·man fir t primary fi eld to 10 ICon gre ional seats of lh state's I [avor of GC~I f a~1 E:'d the r,Pe~ day to wind up th e first year of vs. Albert J . furphy. R. Y • • • flight lesting of the nation's big­ County Altorn y- Rolph L. Neu­ Comm. 68 : 145 ; 1ath. 22 3. 4,5.8" Brown and Knowland . both or into the runofe to choo~e 11 uCCt' · two rt'pr(' enlatives, Lee Metcalf ar arm t e , . ~ t~ res ~ I SUI STUDENTS should take the whom arl.' rlltl'd a potential prl'.' or to Go v. Jam s E. Fol~om . who pnd Le Roy Ander on . a a pro te agams e arres a gest missile. zil. D., VB. Charles A. Barker, R. French attitude toward the forth­ 3 p.m. Clas s which m t fir t Idential nomin CS, wert' h d d ror nnot u c ('d him ('If by low . Mon Ii Id, th Democr ts' n. two of hfS generals In the roundup Tho unopposed for county of- c I comln, state gubernatorial elec­ Thc launching appeared highly on Tue day, 10 :30. 'a runofr bailie In the No vember A liihL turnout or South Dokotu late Whip. fac d contractor J . M, or A~aulh~h~pport;:-st!n . France tion. Give Loveless and Murray successful. Th missile was be· fices were : 7 m Cia which me t fir t gt-neral el('('lion . \,olt'r cho. a R publican candi· Nlckt'y and bu . in sman Thomas m. ppe u yneau, lh e Iieved aimed at a target 600 or William L. Kanak, D.. County both the bird and demand De on Piond. ay '2'30 ' all sectiON of Th Ir baltl topped a long ballot Idat e for Governor and 0 Democr t· G. Stlmolz for hi party's nomIna. Mediterran an commander whO Gaulle. 700 miles southea t of the launch· Auditor ; Lumir W. Jan. a. D .• M E 58 30' . , which included race for aIm t all ie Congres lanai nomin ,IUon . had supported the AI,erlan army ing site. The Air Forcc did not County Trea ur r ; R.
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