THE OSKALOOS IIERALD. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 1907 5 GOII. CUMMINS' NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. Items Of Interest Gathered By Her- MAKES 1 REPLY ald Correspondents. SKUNK Xmas Free RIVER. Gifts ANBWERS DOLLIVER BY DECLAR- ING HIS CANDIDACY. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all. All this week with each 25c MOT BOUND BY WHAT WAS SAID Mrs. Stacia Coffin is said to be im- purchase of our proving in her late illness. Teas, Coffees Charlie Ferree and bride visited at and Spices. Letters and Statements Published the Isaac erree domicile Sunday. When Running For Governor has SEE OUR WEST WINDOW. Not Intended to Stand Af- Roy Sawyer a new saw and Is sawing today. ter Race Was Won. wood for J. E. Padgett Isaac Ferree has been a great suf- Des Mollies, Dec. 16.—Governor ferer from neuralgia of the face and & Cummins Tea Co. replied eyes. W. to the D. has Dolllver and Torbert letters by announcing his Ollie Padgett and Clif- candidacy against Senator Allison in Miss Essie spent We carry the largest assortment of fancy In Thousands oi Men ford Sunday at the James Pad- 1908. his statement he admits gett home. that he told Mr. Torbert when he was Chinaware in city. the , d 2 running for governor in 1905 that he Mrs. H. Bailey was royally enter- ‘did not expect to ever oppose Senator willreceive thousands tained while in town last week at the Allison,” but he explains that this Lewis home. does not hinder him now because at Walter Beal that time he expected "lowa’s Grand and family spent Sun- Old Man” of Ties day evening at the parental 1 homas to retire this for Christmas before time. home. The Governor’s Statement. Ferree The governor’s statement follows: Not a man will have a Tie more he wants. A new recruit from Holiness Uni- DOLLIVER GIVES ‘'With regard to an alleged con- It matters not what other things you give “him” at versity filled the appointment of Bro. versation with Mr. Torbert in the fall Davis at the church Sunday. I. M. REED of 1905, I have this to say: That while Christmas time, don’t, above all things, forget a The Moore family down on the road CUMMINS LETTER I have often spoken kindly of Sena- few Ties. tor Allison to Mr. Torbert, and inas- have given possession and M. S. Barr is moving to his acquired pro- much as Senator Allison had said to newly GOVERNOR’S ASSURANCES TO DU- AUCTIONEER me that he did not intend to follow BUQUE POLITICIANS. the example of certain senators, whom Neckwear a Frank and Jane Whitehead, Ernest My data* are kept at Oskaloosa HERALD OFFICE where arrange named, is Hobby he and remain In the senate Day, and Blunche, Samuel and Mary menta can be made tor my aervlcea or call me by Phone on Home after the impairment ot his strength Cruzen and the J. O. Oorsuch family WOULD HOT OPPOSE ALLISON. and vigpr, I undoubtedly told Torbert, of West-Center were entertained at Company's line. Secure yonr dates early. Itf as I told scores of other friends, that the Fred Coffin home at din- with us *' Sunday 1 did not expect to ever oppose Sena- ner. Mr. Torbert Says He Got Direct State- tor Allison. ment From Chief Executive The newest creations, beyond a doubt, are al- First, Colonel Redmon; then Mrs. “1 assert with the utmost directness When he Was ways shown here. McClure, have the ranks of the Candidate and emphasis that I never promised left For Third Term. Real Batata. W. R. Cowan, Pres. Mr. Torbert nor 'anybody else, either reporters, and we wonder who W'ill Loans, Aba raoia A. F. N. Hamblkton, Treas be next. Those two were the oldest and Insuranoe. F. H. Lobino, Sec’y directly or indirectly, that I would not Special Ties, Gloves, Washington, D. C., Dec. 14. —In an become a candidate against Allison. Boxes for in years of any of the staff, and now interview on the subject. Dol- I make this assertion broad enough to the writer hereafter will bear that Senator Mufflers, HandkercHiefs, Etc. when cover everybody and every day of distinction. liver said that in his speech at Cowan, Hambleton Loring Co. every year. Council Bluffs he made to 4 The many friends of Mrs., Eleanor reference "Respecting the Torbert letter, I assurances, given the friends of Sen- Kent, for many years a resident North of Court Houoo, up Stairs. (80-yli have this to say: 1 stated the exact You’ll find this popular store oi tor Allison by Governor Cummins dur- Madison, will extend sympathy to that truth in an exact way, and none save ing the latter's campaign a year ago, most worthy lady in the death those who are hunting an opportunity better equipped than ever before of her he was so well satisfied that such as- mother, at whose bedside at her old to pervert my meaning can flnu in it surances were given and that the fact home in Pennsylvania she ...A. W. MALONE, AUCTIONEER... a pledge that 1 would never oppose to fill your Christmas had been was so well known to people in lowa wants. a watcher for the past seven weeks. Mr. Allison. It it pledged me to Alli- that he never dreamed that the gov- OSKALOOSA, IOWA. The son for 1909, it would, I suppose,pledge venerable lady, Mrs. Elisabeth ernor would deny having given them. Aber, passed to her Dec. I have me for 1915, if he lives until then, and reward lU, On account of the governor’s denial graduated from Jonos’ National School of Auctioneering; and 1907, 5 aged am prepared to conduct all classes of Fine so on during his natural life. It is ab- at o'clock p. in., 86 years. and notwithstanding his reluctance to Publlo Sales, Real Batata, WALTON’S Mrs. Kent left the old homestead Stock, Merchandise, House and Farm Sales. surd to put such a construction upon become involved in any question of near Pittsburg morning, it, and no fair minded man will do it. Friday ar- veracity with the governor in defense TERMS REASONABLE. PHONE 4SQ. Leaves Dates at Herald Office. "The letter was written in April, Open Evenings riving at Oskaloosa Saturday morning. of his own word he at once sent a 1906. I was not a candidate for the Mrs. Kent has truly passed througn letter to Willard H. Torbert. merchant senate. I was a candidate for gover- the deep waters of affliction in the at Dubuque, lowa, as follows: nor. A year passed and still I was last few months. Dolliver’s Letter. J. F. LACEY, W. R. LACEY, not a for the Allison suc- VIOLET. Washington, D. C., Dec. 9, — Attorney and Counaailar. Attorney and Counsellor. candidate For boys past the Tlth birthday and 11:00 —Papers. WOOD 1907. cession. I A.M. Mr. Willard H. Torbert, Dubuque, la. under the 19th. “How to a Seed “For the last three months I have Prepare Bed for —My Dear Mr. Torbert: In a speech Penn College Scholarship Class. Corn” —John Moore S. F. LAW OFFICES OF been thinking seriously of becoming V. Hill and SEEVERS. I made in favor of the re-election of Open to all persons of the county F. Everett, a candidate, and have said I expected r Charles Conklin and John Hodge Senator Allison at Council Bluffs Nov. outside of Oskaloosa, who are under r Discussion. to enter the primary; but until now left Seevers last Friday for Everett. 25 I said, referring to Governor Cum- twenty years of age and of sufficient Music—Oskaloosa High School. the matter has not been absolutely t John A. Belt in Fri- mins, "He denounced in scathing & scholarship to enter Penn’s Prepara- Friday—l:oo P. arrived Beacon F. W. R. LACEY M. settled. This incident brings the sub- day afternoon, Dec. 13.».He is the terms the report which was in circula- tory Department, and have never at- Music—Oskaloosa Christian College. ject to a conclusion. guest of Bowden for tion that he sought to supercede Alli- Attorneys as a any college. P. George a few and Connsellors-at-Law “My enemies announce the proposi- tended student 1:15 M.—Papers. days. son as a malicious falsehood set afiont lOTIHlgli Av«. West, Oskaloosa, lows. tion that 1 cannot, with honor, be a Thursday—9:3o A. Nl. “What is the Most Profitable Thing by his enemies to injure him with the The funeral of David Edwards, who candidate. I accept the issue, and it Music. to Feed With Corn for a Balanced Ra- people. He asked the support of Sen- shall be submitted to the republican Invocation. tion to Hogs?”—Clark Terrel, Wm. died Friday morning. Dec. 6, took ator Allison's nearest friends upon We practice in all courts of the State and the United Btaies. Con- voters of lowa. I am quite willingto Music. Reed. place at the miners' hall Monday af- written assurances over his own signa- tested casei of all kinds in the State and Supreme Oour; and the ifhitad States Supreme insurance have them say who is of bad 10:30 A. M.—Papers. Discussion. ternoon at two o'clock. Rev. W. H. ture that he favored the senator’s re- Court; and Bankruptcy cases; Probate, Do- guilty mestic and Foreign Patents in parts and Failures in Our Coun- Hill Band, 1. M. Reed Popplewell of the Christian church con- and that reports to the con- secured.
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