. JHi %1^ ANI xtmtlt HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, SKPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATE!' VOK 42. NEW YORK, JANUARY 23, 1886, NO. 1,074. ^itiattcial. ^ittaticial. ^itiattcial. AMERICAN John Howabd Latham. Fbidsrick W. Pikbt J. H. Latham & Co., Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS UNITED BAIfK BUILDINa, 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, No. 3 ITAI.!. STREET, NEUT YORK. NEW YORK. City, County, State, Railroad, District of Columbl* Alfred H. Smith & Co., Bonds and ForelKn Bzchan^e. Buftlnean Founded 1795* Correspondence Solicited. iMorporaled uoder L*wi of St»le of K«w Tork^ 1969. Rcorffanlxcd 1479. IMPORTERS, Encraveks and Printers op 182 Broadwaj', Cor. John Street Fanshawe & Milliken, BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES of the UNITED STATES; and for Foreign Governments. BANKERIS AND BROKERS, ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, BANK NOTES »IUAKE CEKTIFICATE8, BONDS No. 43 NEW STREET. FOB COVEH>MF,\T8 AND COKI'ORATIONS, DRAFTS, CHECKS, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, GORHAM M'fg Co., STAMP'S A<?M In the fluent and Inoiit artlstio Btjle FUOM STEEL PLATES, SIETERSMITHS, Stocks and Bonds Bought for Cash 9 Wllk BPniAL SAtCca AKDS la PRFVENT COraTIiUFElTlSO. t4iv«lal pap^n. manufactun-il eKcIuBlveljr for on Margin. utr lit tb« Conipmn}'. BROADWAY AND NINETEENTH ST. SAFETY COLORS. SAFETY PAPEKS. AND 9 UATDEN LANE. Work Ficeutcd In Fireproof Bundlnsn, Henry S. Ives & Co., UTHOORAPHIC AND TYPB PRINVHQ. KAILWAY TICKETS OF IMPROVED STTI-ES. BANKERS, Show Cardii, Lubetit, Calendars. BLANK BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. No. 25 NASSAU ST., NEIV YORK* ALBERT G. GOOOALL. President Houghton Bros. & Co., P. O. BOX 1.423. VICE-PRESIDENTS : B AN KBRS, J. MACDONOUGH, A. D. SHEPARD, miliWAUKEE, \ris. Transact a general banking business, Inelndlngth* W. M. SMILUE. TOURO ROBERTSON. purchase and sale of securities Usted at the New COLLECTIONS made In any part of the country a. H. STAYNER, Treai. at lowest rates. Accounts of Banks. Merchants and York Stock Kzchange, or in the open market. THEO. H. FREELANO. Secty. others solicited. Refer to— Receive deposits subject to check at sight and Asa p. Potter, Pre»'t. J. W. Wobk. Caahler' Merchants' National Bank and Bank of North Amer- allow interest on dally balances. ica, New York ; Merchants' National. ChicaKo; Mav- erick National, Boston. Ooreniment, State, County, City and Railroad Maverick National Bank, bonds constantly on band for sale or exchange, and Members N. Y. and Philadelphia Stock Bxohanges. BOSTON. particular attention given to the subject of inrest ments for institutions and trust funds. OAPITAli, --•.•. 9400,000 L. H. Taylor & Co., SUHPLUS, •••..... 400,000 BANKBR8 Accounts of Banks and Bankers solicited. Lamprecht Bros. & Co., Collections made upon favorable terms. 8. W, Cor. Third and Ohestnut 8U., BANKERS, OoTernment Bonds bought and sold PHILADBIiPHIA. No. 137 SVPERIOR STREET, Deposits received subject to oheck at slKht, and CLEVELAND, OHIO. Interest allowed on Floyd-Jones & Robison, daily balances. Transact a eeneral banking business, and DBAL Stocks, Bonds, <lc.. buUKbt and sold on oommlsslon IN TOWN, COUNTY AND CITY BONDS. Lists In Philadelphia and other dtles and prices furnished on application. Write us If you BANKERS AND BROKERS, Particular attention Kl^en to information regarding wish sell. Refer, by permission, to Society Investment to buy or Ho. 2 Exchange Court, York. Securities. for Savings, Savings X Trust Co. and National Banka New Private wire to New Vork.Baltlmore and other places of Cleveland, Ohio. Stoclu, Bonds and U. 8. Sovemment Securities BouKht and Sold on Commission. WALSTON H. BBOWN. WlOOi, A. BBOWV. HXRBSBT P. BBOWH, W«. C. FLOYD-JONrjl, WILEIAM ROBISOX N. W. Harris & Co., Members New V'ork Stock Exchange. Walston H. Brown & Bros INVESTMENT BANKERS, Andrews, Adams & Kelloffg, tc Monroe St., (Jfontank Block) BANKERS AND BROKEKS, BANKERS, 115 IIT 78 * 80 Broadwar, New York. Adjoining First National Bank Bnllding, Bull of Kzchanite and Cable Transfers on the Union NO. 30 NASSAU STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Bank of I^ndon. BBT and Sell Stocks and Bonds for Inrestment or NEW YORK. City and County Bonds, and Investment Seoarltlei I on Margin. Correspondence Solicited of a high grade a specialty. , Walsh & Floyd, Correspondence solicited. |: llMnkersNew York Stock Excbanse. STOCK BROKERS, W. T. Blackwill, Pres't. P. A. WU-sr, Cashier 'TINKER A. WESTON, No. 26 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. The Bank of Durham, BANKERS AND BROKERS, James W. Walsh, Jr., Nicoll FLorn, Jb. DVRHAm, N. C, Member N. T. Stock Bzctaange. N o , 3 EXCHANGE COVRT, Paj Special Attention to Collections. New York, P. Wintringham, FIRST-CLASS FAClLITiKS. BsmT C. Tr»KKn. Member N. T. Stock Ittch. New York Correspondents.—The National Park Bank KufancLAEB Webto.v. J. and Seventh Ward National Bank. 36 Pin© Street, - - - - New York. STOCK BROKER. (Telephone—288 John.) GAS, INSURAIVOK, BANK, CITY RR. W. H. Goadby & Co., Lansdale Boardman, TRUST CO. aud FERKY STOCKS. BANKERS AND BBOKEBS, HEW YORK, 80 BROADWAY & 6 NEW ST. A weekljr ]i»t nf lots of these securities offering on the market pnbltnhed Mondays with prices. TBOY, N. Y., No. 17 FIRST STREET. Copies on application. He. 34 BROAD STREET, Orders solicited to bur or sell on the Stock Bxchangee, or Bzch'ie membershlpi private wir«| all faculties at the weekly Auction Sales. R.W York. ; I HE CHKUJNIULE [Vol. XLII. ^oretfltt ^-echatifle. H^wrjeifltt gxcltatioje. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., Heidelbach, WAiL STREET, CORNER OF BROAD, BANKERS, Ickelheimer & Co;, NETT YORK. Noa. 19 & 21 Nassan Street. 29 W^ILLIAin STREET, CREDITS, available In ail ISSUE TRAVELERS' Cor. parts of the World, tbrouKh Excbange Place, NEW YORK. Drexel & Co., Drexel, Harjes & Co Messrs. N.^l* RotliHchild &: 8ons, Ijondon. FOREION BANKERS. de Rotlischild Bro»y., FariH. Cor. of 5th & Chestnut Sta. SI Boalerard Iluussmann, "" A, de RolbHchild i&° Sons, Frank- BUY AND BILLS fort o\iii DRAW OF EXCHANGE, PBILADEIiPHIA PARIS. S. Bl. deKothscliild, Esq., Vienna. MAKE CABLE TRANSFERS, ISSUE TBAVEU DOilESTIO AND FOREION BANKERS. AND THEIR CORRESPONDENTS. BRS' CREDITS. Bills of ExcbanKe on, and Cable Trans- ISSUE COMMERCIAL CREDITS, Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities Draw make AVAILABLE fers England, l?'rance and Germany. bouKbt and sold on conimi.ssion. Interest Hlmwed on to, IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, ON Deposits. Foreign Exchange. Commercial Credits. Cable Transfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, Messrs. C. J. Hambro & Son, London. alt parts of the world. Seligman Co., available in J. & W. & ArrORNKYS AND AGENTS OF BANKERS, meamn. J. S. nORGAN & CO., No. 23 BROAD STREET No. 22 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. fiewr York. Issue Letters of Credit for Trayelers, C. J. Walcott & Co., Brown Brothers & Co., On SELIGMAN BROTHERS, London. BANKERS AND BROKERS, SEUGMAN FREHES & CIE, Paris Phlla. TORK. Boston. SBLIG.V1AN &. t-TEi'THElMKR, I'rankfurt. No. 24 Pine Street, New York. NEW ALSBERG Gt)Ll)UEliG, Amsterdam. AND ALTMAN & STETTHIEMER, Berlin, Transact a General Banking Buslnegg. AI«BXANB£:R BHOIFN & SONS Payable in any part of Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus- BALTIMORE. tralia and America. Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on Commission, Draw Bills of Exchange and make Telegraphic Orders received in Mining Stocks, and in Unlisted Bny and Sell Bills of Exchange Transfers of Money on Europe and California. Securities. Collections made and loans negotiated. ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCE Dividends and interest collected. GERMANY, BELGIUM, HOLLAND, SWITZ- Deposits received subject to Draft. ERLAND, NORWAY, DENMARK, Interest allowed. Investment securities a specialty. SWEDEN AND AUSTRALIA. John Paton & Co., We issue a Financial Report weekly. Brancli Office, 320 Broadway, lasne Commerctal 6c Travelers' Credits SUCCESSORS TO IN STEBLIXG, JESUP, PATON & CO., Connected by Private Wire. Jos. C. WALCOTT, ( Available tn any part of the world, In Francs for Members of the New York Frank F. Dickinson, stock Exchange. ase in Martinique undGuadaloupe, and in dollars for 52 William Street, New York. i Qse in this and adjacent countries. Accounts and Agency of Banks, Corporations, JAUKS Whitelt, h. cbcokb oaklit, .nake Xeleg:rap1iic Transfers of Money firms and ii.dividuais received upon favorable terms. Matnard C. Btrs. Between tikis Country and Europe. Dividends and interest collected and remitted. HiNKT H. Dodos, Washington, D. C. MAKEt OI-L.ECTIONS OF DKAFTiS drawn Act as agents for curporations in paying coupons Wm. R. Travbks, Special Partner. abroad on all points in United States and Canada, and dividends; also as transfer agents. and of drafts drawn in the United States on Bonds, stocks and securities bought and sold on Prince & Whitely, foreign c*)untrie8 eommisnion, at the Stock Exchange or elsewhere. and their London house. Messrs. BROWN. SHIPLEY Sterling Exchange and Cable Transfers bought and No. 64 BROADW^AV, N£W YORK. receive accounts of American banks, sold. & CO., firms ^^ V\tth Ave., New York. and Individuals, upon favorable terms. DRAW ON BRANCHBRAvnr "l^"CB8J53gj5^jjat.,OFrrrKsJ THE UNION BANK OF LONDON Waahliurton,D.C. Bu7 and sell on comwlsBlon all classes of Railroad BRITISH LINEN CO. BANK, LONDON AND 8ecurltlea;also Grain and ProTlslons. & J. Stuart & Co., Private TeleKraph wires to Philadelphia, WUmlnK- J SCOTLAND. ton, Baltimure, WashtnRton, BrIdKeport, New Havea, 83 'NASS.»U street. BOBtOD and P i ttsburg. BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON Maitland, Phelps & Co., H. B. UULLINS. F. A. YZNAGA. FRANK C. HOIiLniB SiaiTH, PAYNE & SMITH'S, BANKERS BANKERS, LONDON H. B. Hollins & Co., AND nANCHESTER & COI7NTT BANK, BANKERS AND BROKERS, "LIMITED," COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Members New York Stock Exchange. MANCHESTER, PAYABLE IN LONDON; 74 BROADWAY. 22 & 24 Excbanse Place, ULSTER BANKINO COmPANV, Branch Office. 5 Vanderbllt Ave., connected by BELFAST, IRELAND; New York. private wire. AND ON THE Connected by private wire with E. W. Clark & Co., NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTI.4ND, bills of exchange, letters of credit, and mil & Kennedy, Philadelphia. EDINBURGH AND BRANCHES; telegraphic transfers of money ALSO, ON MEXICO, CUBA, &c., &c. A. Kohn & Co., CABLE TRANSFERS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT.
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