Average Daily Net Preae Ron The Weather For the Week Ended Fereeost ef U. 8. Weather Oerow June 16. 1956 AUGUST *, 19W FACE TWEmY-FOUB Miowere or tliimdereheeren la iianrI;9Bt9r lEttFning ovenlag, Fhir, aomewlmt leas 12,065 humid tdalght mad Salwday. Lew Member ef the Audit tealgtit near dg, high antarmy Knudsen, S3, of New Haven,Nwere eight grandchildren. ••rved the Park Avenue Church. A Bureeu o f Ctrculation near 86. Damages Minor ^" Involved In an aecSdent at th r,^ Couple to Mark Wilcox, a Mason, Kiwanisn and Bay State Bastor graduate of the Harvard Divlnlt; MapcheBler— A City of Village Charm A bout Town tary at the Intersection of E. O ^ - a Knight of Pythias for d'’er 50 School, the Rev. Mr. Schadegg In Two Crashes ter and Main Sts. , Golden Wedding ytura, was owner and principal of At Center Church ordained by the Twin Citles^sen. T h « O r*n f* " ConventlonjCJom- N o damage was caused to Knud- the OonnecUbut Business Ck>llege, after having taught social^udies VOL. LXXV, NO. 265 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1956 (OlaMlfled Advertlalag ea Page 13) PRICE FIVE CENTS mlUM wiU maet tomorrow at aen's vehicle while Bertrand's car ilr. and Mn. George H. Wilcox ."nd conducted courses in Hart­ The Rev. Milton F. Schadegg, for seven years In the Central High T:»0 pjn. In ft * Orange Hall. Att Two minor acdtJefiU oecurrad sustained a very limited amount ford, New Britain and Manchester. School In MInneapolls/Minn That Interpret Tha yesterday afternoon on E. Centdr^ of Soupi Lyme, formerly Of Man­ pastor of the Park Avenue Con­ Oraagaman ot I/>L Ijt, 99 of damage. Patrolman Kenneth Mrs. Wilcox, the formef Jane gregational Church, Arlington, Wishes or The Family and 0># ladloa lodges are to meet St. in'll 20-minule period. No In­ Barker made no arrest. chester,'will celebrate their J50th Baldwin, Is a realtor at Point juries and very little damage was Mass., will be the guest' preacher at the HoW Statler in Hartford wedding anniversary with an open O’ Woods Beach. They are both at Center Church on Sunday. He at 6:S0 p.m. ^Stmday. Busses .will reported in both. JOHN B. BURKE ■ Talks in Second Year house at the It. B. Riding Club In Golden Sheaf Members of the will conduct all three services, 7:30, leave from Orania^all at 6 p.m. .^bout 3 o’clocK, two cars were Grange. involved in a crash east of Madison Middletown Sunday froni 3 to 6 8, and 10. and will preach at the FUNERAL HOME -■K Friends, relatives and neighbors St, A car operated by John Wlns- Geneva, Aug. 9 id*)—Ambassa­ p.m. latter two. • T E U MIS-SSSS Arm y Specialist *p ^ d Class of the couple are invited to attend > ^oiXTROSE j Philip A. Turkington, aohNof Mrs. ler. 66, of 22 Wadsworth St., re­ dor U, Alexis Johnson of the Mr. and Mrs. Wilcwx were mar- The Rev. Mr. Schadegg has been S7 BAST CENTER ST. United States and Ambassador the open house. The club is on in his present post for 10 years. a a r a T. Wallett, 133 WaVanoke ceived S25 damage when it struck riCu in Middletown Aug. 32. 1906. AMBULANCE SERVICE Canal Parley; a vehicle operated by Mrs. Julie Wang Ping-nan of Communist They have since lived in Worcester, Arbutus Rd.. off Randolph Rd., The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, pas­ M ., was "a member of a „ in Middletowm. demonstrating the 75 miniraetei ^A. Huleatt, 31, of West Hartford, China started their second year of Hartford, Wethersfield and South tor of Center Church, formerly "Skysweeper” antiaircraft jgiin at le latter's car sustained ISO dam- negotiations today on the deten­ Lyme as well as Manchester. They the recent Bolaho Count*’ Fair in tion of American civilians in Red lived in Manchester on Green Hill Vallejo, Calif. He is staUoned at Investigating Patrolman Allan China. St., from 1918 ti 1930. IVavis A ir Force Base, Calif. Smith ishucd a warning to Wifus The two ambassadors met for Of four children born to the ler for imprpper starting from a more than two hours, then decided couple, three are living. They are: Ih e Salvation Arm y will conduct parked positia to meet again Aug. 21. No other Mrs. Roy B. Warren. 127 Prince­ Information concerning today's ton St., George H. Wilcox Jr., of for Congress Aid in Crisis an open air Gospel service on Main Twenty minutes earlier, cars S t, tonight at 7:30. Bandsmen are operated by John Bsi^and. 78, of secret meeting.' the 55th in the' East Hartford ami Rodney B. W il­ The The X adted to bring their instruments. 25 Madison St.,- ands^John E. long series, was given. cox of Wethersfield. T.iey have 0 sharp edge sharp edge . DuUes Sees Nixon^ Stassen Cairo Seen o i EASY of €^all on Ike at '•.'.A with thes^AAW, L O W No Call of ing TEACH YOUR Excellence.. a excellence • .T White House FOOD BUDGET .X Legislators Washington. Aug. 10 (/P)— Conference SHOPPING Washington, Aug. 10 (/P)— | Vice President Nixon and .... And a shara edge it is, this shows up in the to«v—because that's what it Secretary’ of State Dullfes said Harold E. Stassen called London, Aug. 10 i/Ph— NEW TRICKS ground meats you buy at takes to sell a food product today President Eisenhower separately at the White Egypt tonight challenged Pinehurst . successfully in today's com- House today but both refused Britain’s right to call inter­ petiUve market. called a .Sunday meeting with congressional leaders on the to say what might haVet come national talks to settle the fu­ Here at Pinehurst, we Suez Canal cri.sis. because the up there about Stassen’s ture of the Suez Canal. She havie strict quality controls AHEAD dump Nixon campaign. charged Prime Minister Eden to assure you of excellence ’’ resident “feels very strong­ However, Stasaen said afterward' is trying to undertime Presi­ AT MALE’S SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPT. In quality of all Pinehurst ly about sharing responsibili­ foods . Try Our. Lean Pinehurst ty with Congress, particularj,v his drive to replace Nixon with dent Gamal Abdel Nasser in Gov, Christian Herter of Mas­ the eyes of the Egyptian peo­ FRESH GROUND lETTY CROCKER if there should be any Fisk of sachusetts On the GOP ticket “ not CHUCK GROUND hostilities." only Is continuing but I am en-, ple. HALE'S Haters QwuiUtytiieats for your next cook-out, or Dulles said, however, " I don't oouraged.” The challenge and the acctiaatioa DATE BAN MIX for an extra fine meat loaf. SM anything'in the situation now The surprise White House visits were leveled in a statement Issued It won't taks long for you to discovor thirt, hors ot . Priced ijt which would aiiggest that a special came on the heel of a meeting la;)t by the E^iyptian embassy in Lon­ COFFEE Pkg. Q U A L I T Y seaaion of Gongresa would ^ re­ night of possible major political don. which emphasized Nasser's- Halo's, moots oro^ONSISTENTLY High Quality— quired." significance between Nixon, for­ government is determined to "up­ ond CONSISTENTLY Medorotoly Pricod! C O N T I D 50c lb., 2 lbs. 99c 82 Years Old Today ^ Wili/Meet with Dag mer New. York Gov. Thomas E. hold the freedom of narigatloii The. Secretaiy talked briefly Dewey and William P, Rogers, as­ through the Sues Canal" at aU '■x, ■ P IN E ] r Here At 302 Main Ex-Preeident Herbert Hoover, at thia desk In hia auity at tha times. UGHT WEIGHT, FOR LESS WASTC we are sure you will enjoy Mark Hopkina Hotel, San Franciaco, Calif., aayi proapecta of with reporters at Washington Na­ sistant attorney general. Nixon, who arrived firat, spent The statement isas riewed here “ O C E A N 5H” the fresh flavor . peace are ';better today than they were four yeara ago." Hoover tion's! Airport before tsMng off Where We Are Open prepared to celebrate hia 82nd birthday today with hia.cuatom- for New York to meet with Secre­ about an hour 4t the executive as an official Egyptian IndicaUon ary 12-hour work day. Not since 1836. when James Madison died, tary General Dag Hammarskjold mansion. 30 minutes of it with Gesturing former President Harry S. Truman walks with Adlai Stevenson as he arrived to at­ Egypt will boycott the Londoi^ BLO of the United Nations and U.S. President Eigenhower. Afterward tend Democratic national convention in Chicago. The MiBaourlan. who ahook hands with Stevenson, conference fixed for Aug. 16 under J n stj^ Water" has a former V.S. president lived to be .82. Only two lived longer BEEF RIB ROAST --John Adams, 90, and Thomaa Jefferson, 83. Both died July Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge the Vice Pi'ealdent told reporters proclaimed complete neutrality between top rivals for party's preeidentiai nomination, which Steven­ American -Britlah-TVench apqnsor- IS Thursdays and Fridays Til 9 4. 1826. ' . Jr. V ■ I they discpiised "primarily interna­ son hopes to gain again in 1956. 'ship. Prerioua bints to this effect, UmwMtMMd Ftifl Quart RUMRLE REE RRAND ^ TTie luncheon meeting was ar­ tional a/fairs" and that any politi­ however, had come from Cairo. SUNSVnECT FANCY WHITE MEAT AND WE HAVE ranged for a general diacuasion. of cal talk “ waa purely incidental." Rejects Rueeiaa Plaa YOU WILL FIND EASY PARKINS . - 'Staiuen arrived at the White C Middle Eastern problems includ­ Strong Britain earlier brushed aside So- CARRY OUT SERVICE TO YOUR CAR .
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