Fuzzy Intersection, Theory and Applications Matteo Zanotto 1 Background classes young and old, leads to the following a = h + " 2 Old b = h − " 2 Y oung After being proposed by L.A. Zadeh in 1965 even when " ! 0, classifying two people with an [11][link] fuzzy set theory has been applied to a va- infinitely small difference in age as belonging to dif- riety of different fields. While debate is still ongoing ferent classes. about the rigour of this theory, several studies have Fuzzy set theory, on the other hand, guarantees been conducted on algebraic foundations of many- a smooth transition between adjacent classes al- valued logics (e.g. [5][link]) and many researchers lowing a continuous degree of membership ranging have converged to agree that, keeping clear the con- from 0, element completely out of the set, to 1, ele- ceptual distinction between many-valued logics and ment completely in the set, so that two contiguous probability theory, the subject can be approached sets overlap over a certain region in which elements with mathematical rigour. do not entirely belong to one of them. The concept The idea behind fuzzy sets theory is that of solving of degree of membership is central to fuzzy set the- some of the problems arising in the classical West- ory. For a given fuzzy set A defined over a space ern logic paradigm deriving by Aristotelian logic. X, with x being a generic element, the membership This logic proposes a binary truth value which leads function f (x) is defined as a function assigning to to the principle known as law of excluded middle A each element x its degree of membership µ (x) to which states that given any proposition either it A set A, so or its negation must be true. In terms of set the- ory this translates into a binary inclusion of ele- fA(x): x 2 X ! µA(x) 2 [0; 1] ments in a set so that given set A, either a 2 A or The ideas of degree of membership and member- a2 = A (and hence belongs to its complement). Such ship function will be widely used in the follow- a principle, though, gives rise to several well known ing sections. Further material on fuzzy set the- paradoxes generally grouped under the class of the ory can be found in the websites proposed in the Sorites paradox which suggests that if we accept \Websites" section. It is important to understand, the assumption that removing a grain from a heap though, that fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic are of sand does not cause it to loose its state of being a not trying to offer an alternative to probability the- heap, the successive removal of one grain at a time ory since they are modelling vagueness rather then makes us categorise one grain as a heap of sand uncertainty. Keeping in mind this distinction is unless we allow the removal of a specific grain to paramount to understand which one is more appro- trigger the change in classification of the quantity priate to model the aspects of interest (see [11][link] to \some grains of sand", which is unrealistic. An- for further details). other important aspect which fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic try to address is how to deal with the intrinsic vagueness of commonly used words such 2 Fuzzy Intersection as cold, high, big which cannot be defined in clas- sical (or crisp) set theory without introducing un- The concept of intersection in the fuzzy set frame- reasonable jumps in proximity of the boundary of work relies upon that of triangular norm (gener- the classes. As an example, it is clear that setting ally referred to as t-norm). A t-norm is a generali- a specific age (say h) as a boundary between the sation of intersection for lattices and can be defined 1 in different functional forms as long as the following fundamental properties are guaranteed: 1. Commutativity t(A; B) = t(B; A) 2. Monotonicity t(A; B) ≤ t(C; D) if A ≤ C and B ≤ D 3. Associativity t(A; t(B; C)) = t(t(A; B);C) (a) Minimum (G¨oedel-Dummett)t-norm 4. Neutrality of 1 t(A; 1) = A moreover in fuzzy logic the t-norm is also required to be a continuous function. Given these proper- ties, different types of t-norms have been proposed to implement the intersection in fuzzy set theory and three of them are by far the most important. The definitions are here given in terms of member- ship functions of x 2 X w.r.t. fuzzy sets A, B and (b) Product t-norm C = A \ B: 1. G¨oedel-Dummettt-norm fC (x) = min(fA(x); fB(x)) 2. Product t-norm fC (x) = fA(x) · fB(x) 3. Lukasiewicz t-norm fC (x) = max(0; fA(x) + fB(x) − 1) The results obtained using different t-norms on the (c)Lukasiewicz t-norm same application case can be found in some of the examples provided in a review paper by Isabelle Figure 1: Graph of different types of t-norms Bloch [3][link] regarding the application of fuzzy set (Source: [1]) theory in the field of image analysis, while some visual examples of their effects are shown in fig- ure1 where the horizontal axes represent fA(x) strict t-norm. and fB(x), and the vertical axis shows the resulting The t-norm originally proposed by Zadeh [11][link] value of fC (x). Apart from continuity, which can is the G¨oedel-Dummettt-norm (also known as the be separated in left and right continuity, t-norms minimum t-norm) and it is still the most com- can have other properties. A t-norm is said to be monly used in fuzzy sets theory. It is important Archimedean if 8x; y 2 (0; 1) 9 n 2 N such that to highlight that given this definition of intersec- tn(x) ≤ y where tn(x) indicates the application of tion and adding the corresponding definitions of the t-norm t for n times on x itself. Continuous the t-conorm used for the union operation (keep- Archimedean t-norms, then, can be divided in two ing the G¨oedel-Dummettframework for x 2 X classes: strict and nilpotent t-norms. The former and fuzzy sets A, B and C = A [ B we obtain is different from the latter having 0 as the only fC (x) = max(fA(x); fB(x))) and that of comple- nilpotent element. According to this classification ment (if c(A) is the complement of A in X we have Lukasiewicz t-norm is a nilpotent Archimedean t- fc(A)(x) = 1−fA(x)) most of the properties defined norm, while the product t-norm is an Archimedean for ordinary sets (such as De Morgan's Laws and 2 Distributive Laws of intersection w.r.t. union and background to fully understand them, the follow- vice versa) extend to fuzzy sets theory which is im- ing paragraphs are meant to give an idea of the portant for practical applications. Attention must practical use of the theoretical aspects previously be paid, though, since from the given definition of introduced. The reader is encouraged to read the complementation follows that A \ c(A) 6= ; since cited papers in order to get a detailed insight into an overlap between the two sets exists in those re- the actual implementations. gions where 0 < fA(x) < 1. This is a substantial difference from classical sets theory. 3.1 Mathematical Morphology Interestingly some work have even been proposed to extend the concepts of intersection and union Mathematical morphology is a well known theoret- to fuzzy sets defined on different universes [4][link] ical approach, mainly based on sets theory, which and the authors claim that all the usual properties allowed to create a series of techniques used in the still hold. analysis of images. Mathematical morphology had been originally formalised to work on binary (black 2.1 Extension to Logic and white) images, but has been subsequently ex- tended to grey-scale images [7][link]. While initially As for classical set theory, fuzzy set theory has this extension was based on crisp set theory, several a natural extension in logic. Therefore, the var- authors proposed to use fuzzy sets to deal more ef- ious concepts have been generalised to guarantee fectively with the grey levels which can be seen as the implementation of a structured logic. As an different degrees of membership to the black and example the degree of membership is extended to white sets [2][link][6][link][8][link]. As a result, the be the degree of truth of a proposition, intersec- original dilation and erosion in universe S of set X tion and union become and and or conjunctions, with structuring element SE and SEx representing the complement is turned into the negation of the its translation to x corresponding proposition. According to the defini- tion used for the t-norm, different propositional log- DSE(X) = fx 2 S; X \ SEx 6= ;g ics are derived. Listing applications of fuzzy logic ESE(X) = fx 2 S; SEx ⊆ Xg would leave the focus of this work on fuzzy inter- section, but plenty of literature can be found. It needed to be redefined, in fuzzy set theory, to be must be said, though, that papers rarely put much for all x 2 S attention on the formal theory and focus more on the practical aspects of applications (another rea- DSE(X)(x) = sup ft [fSE(y − x); fX (y)] ; y 2 Sg son why they will not be reported here).
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