57316 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 189 / Friday, September 30, 2005 / Notices Dated: September 22, 2005. 2. Chairman’s Report. ADDRESSES: Caspian Sea littoral states Mark R. Johnston, 3. Executive Director’s Report. wishing to provide information that may Director, Office of Special Needs Assistance 4. Financial Budget. allow us to lift this trade suspension Programs. 5. Public Input. may submit it by any one of several [FR Doc. 05–19298 Filed 9–29–05; 8:45 am] It is anticipated that about twenty-five methods: people will be able to attend the session BILLING CODE 4210–29–M 1. You may submit written in addition to the Commission information to Robert R. Gabel, Chief, members. Division of Scientific Authority, U.S. Interested persons may make oral or INTER-AMERICAN FOUNDATION Fish and Wildlife Service, 4401 North written presentations to the Commission Fairfax Drive, Room 750, Arlington, or file written statements. Such requests Sunshine Act Meeting; Agenda for Virginia 22203. should be made prior to the meeting to: board of Directors’ Meeting 2. You may hand-deliver written Larry Gall, Interim Executive Director, information to the Division of Scientific October 14, 2005, 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. John H. Chafee, Blackstone River Valley Authority, at the above address, or fax The meeting will be held at the Inter- National Heritage Corridor Commission, your comments to (703) 358–2276. American Foundation, 901 N. Stuart One Depot Square, Woonsocket, RI 3. You may send information by Street, 10th Floor, Arlington, Virginia 02895, Tel.: (401) 762–0250. electronic mail (e-mail) to 22203. Further information concerning this [email protected]. The meeting will be open except for meeting may be obtained from Larry Gall, Interim Executive Director of the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For the portion specified as a closed session further information pertaining to as provided in 22 CFR Part 1004.4(f). Commission at the aforementioned address. compliance with the special rule, 9:30 a.m.—Call to Order. Approval of contact Robert R. Gabel, Chief, Division the Minutes of the November 30, Larry Gall, of Scientific Authority, at the address 2004 meeting Interim Executive Director, BRVNHCC. above; telephone, (703) 358–1708; fax, 10 a.m.—President’s Report [FR Doc. 05–19562 Filed 9–29–05; 8:45 am] (703) 358–2276. For further information 11 a.m.—Discussion BILLING CODE 4310–RK–P on application procedures and 12 p.m.—Lunch requirements for threatened species 12:30 p.m.—Discussion and other permits, contact the Division of business. (Portions of this DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Management Authority, U.S. Fish and discussion will be closed to discuss Wildlife Service, 4401 N. Fairfax Drive, personnel issues, as provided in 22 Fish and Wildlife Service Room 700, Arlington, Virginia 22203; CFR Part 1004.4(f).) telephone, (703) 358–2104; fax, (703) 3 p.m.—Adjournment Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 358–2281. and Plants; Notice of Suspension of SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Jocelyn Nieva, Trade in Threatened Beluga Sturgeon On April 21, 2004, we listed beluga sturgeon as Acting General Counsel. (Huso huso) From the Caspian Sea threatened (69 FR 21425) under the [FR Doc. 05–19702 Filed 9–28–05; 11:40 am] Basin Endangered Species Act of 1973, as BILLING CODE 7025–01–M AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) (Act). Interior. We subsequently published a special ACTION: Notice. rule concerning beluga sturgeon (70 FR DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 10493; March 4, 2005) under section SUMMARY: We, the Fish and Wildlife 4(d) of the Act. The special rule, located Office of the Secretary Service (Service), give notice that we are at 50 CFR 17.44(y) of our regulations, suspending import of and foreign Blackstone River Valley National promotes the conservation of the species commerce in beluga sturgeon (Huso Heritage Corridor Commission: Notice by allowing the import, export or re- huso) caviar and meat originating in the of Meeting export, and interstate and foreign Caspian Sea littoral states of Azerbaijan, commerce of beluga sturgeon caviar and Notice is hereby given in accordance the Islamic Republic of Iran, meat, without threatened species with Section 552b of Title 5, United Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and permits otherwise required under 50 States Code, that a meeting of the John Turkmenistan effective immediately. CFR 17.32, from littoral states in the H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley This suspension includes shipments Caspian and Black Sea basins that National Heritage Corridor Commission that have been exported directly from demonstrate progress on measures to will be held on Thursday, November 17, these countries, re-exported through an protect and recover the species. The 2005. intermediary country, or transported as special rule requires countries wishing The Commission was established personal or household effects, and it to export beluga sturgeon caviar or meat pursuant to Public Law 99–647. The prohibits foreign commerce in the to the United States under this purpose of the Commission is to assist course of a commercial activity. We are exemption to provide, by September 6, Federal, State and local authorities in taking this action under the special rule 2005, copies of basin-wide cooperative the development and implementation of that was promulgated to control the management plans for beluga sturgeon an integrated resource management plan trade of threatened beluga sturgeon agreed to by all littoral states in the for those lands and waters within the (Huso huso) (70 FR 10493; March 4, Black Sea or Caspian Sea basin along Corridor. 2005). Interstate commerce in beluga with copies of national laws and The meeting will convene on sturgeon caviar or meat from the regulations implementing the November 17, 2005 at 7 p.m. at Caspian Sea basin that was legally management plans. Alternatives Unlimited, 54 Douglas imported into the United States before Import of and foreign commerce in Road, Whitinsville, MA 01588 for the the trade suspension is not prohibited. Caspian Sea beluga sturgeon following reasons: DATES: This notice is effective suspended. We have not received a 1. Approval of Minutes. September 30, 2005. management plan or copies of national VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:14 Sep 29, 2005 Jkt 205001 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\30SEN1.SGM 30SEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 189 / Friday, September 30, 2005 / Notices 57317 laws and regulations from any of the (Rev. CoP13)). Individuals should DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR littoral states in the Caspian Sea basin. maintain accurate records to be able to Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, demonstrate that their beluga sturgeon Bureau of Land Management Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, and caviar and meat were legally imported [AK–040–05–1610–DP–086L] Turkmenistan have therefore failed to prior to the trade suspension. meet the conditions of the special rule. Conditions for lifting of the trade Notice of Availability of the Ring of Fire As a result, beluga sturgeon caviar suspension. Under the special rule, if Draft Resource Management Plan and (including products containing caviar, the littoral states fail to submit a basin- Environmental Impact Statement such as cosmetics) and meat from these wide management plan for beluga countries are no longer eligible for the sturgeon, or if we are unable to confirm AGENCY: Anchorage Field Office, Bureau exemption from threatened species that all littoral states in the basin are of Land Management, Interior. permits provided by the special rule. signatories to the plan, we will ACTION: Notice of availability. Therefore, you may not import or re- immediately suspend trade with all SUMMARY: In accordance with the export, sell or offer for sale in foreign littoral states in the basin until we are National Environmental Policy Act commerce, or deliver, receive, carry, satisfied that such a management plan (NEPA), the Federal Land Policy and transport, or ship in foreign commerce exists. Likewise, under the special rule, Management Act (FLPMA), and the in the course of a commercial activity if the littoral states fail to submit copies Bureau of Land Management (BLM) any beluga sturgeon caviar or meat from of national laws and regulations that management policies, the Ring of Fire these Caspian Sea countries on or after implement the basin-wide management Draft Resource Management Plan and the effective date of this Federal plan, we will immediately suspend Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/ Register notice (see DATES section) trade with the given littoral states until EIS) has been prepared for public lands without a threatened species permit. we are satisfied that such laws and and resources administered by the Beluga sturgeon caviar or meat regulations are in effect. For us to Bureau of Land Management’s originating in these countries that has consider lifting the trade suspension, Anchorage Field Office The Ring of Fire been shipped on or after the effective the littoral states of the Caspian Sea Draft RMP/EIS will provide the date of this Federal Register notice (see basin must submit a basin-wide management guidance for resource DATES section) without a threatened management plan for beluga sturgeon, decisions on 1.3 million acres of species permit issued under 50 CFR agreed to by all littoral states in the fragmented BLM-administered lands 17.32 will be refused clearance upon basin. In addition, each littoral state spread from below the Dixon Entrance arrival in the United States, including wishing to export beluga sturgeon caviar in southeast Alaska to Attu Island at the shipments that have been exported and meat to the United States under the end of the Aleutian Chain. The Ring of directly from the countries listed above exemption provided by the special rule Fire RMP/EIS will revise management in this paragraph, re-exported through must submit copies of their national direction for approximately 10 percent an intermediary country, or transported laws and regulations that implement the of the lands covered by the Southcentral as personal or household effects.
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