Regional Radio Networks, Bagwell, group VP Represented by Southern Spot KIUN Pecos, KDWT Stamford, KIKZ Seminole, KXOX Sales. Sweetwater, KKIK Waco, KGKL San Angelo, KNEL News Services Brady, KOXE(FM) & KBWD Brownwood, all Tex. Hqtrs: Tennessee Radio Network -Comprising WLIC Box 3610, San Angelo, Tex. 76902. (915) 944 -1213. Adamsville, WSLV Ardmore, WYXI Athens, WBIN Ben- Roddy Peeples, farm & ranch dir & own. ton, WVST Bolivar, WOPI Bristol, WBHT & WTBG Brownsville, WRJB -FM Camden, WRKM -AM -FM West Virginia Radio Network (Mountainet)- Newport, KDRS Paragould, KCCL Paris, KOTN Pine Carthage, WHLP & WIKA -FM Centerville, WDOD -FM Comprising 57 stations throughout the state. 201 W. Bluff, KTPA Prescott, KSER -FM Searcy, KWAK Stut- & WDXB, WMOC Chattanooga, WABD Clarksville /Ft. Washington St., Lewisburg, W Va. 24901. (304) tgart, KRLW Walnut Ridge, KWYN -AM -FM Wynne, all Campbell, WCLE Cleveland, WYSH Clinton, WMSO 645 -6466. Paul Rose, gen mgr. Arkansas; WXAN -FM Ava, WILY Centralia, WDQN Du Collierville, WKOM -FM Columbia, WHUB -FM Wisconsin Educational Radio Network (State of WKSI -FM Macomb, WBBA- - Quoin, Eldorado. WJEQ Cookeville, WLSB Copperhill, WKBL -FM Covington, Wisconsin -Educational Communications Board). AM-FM Pittsfield, all Illinois; WFUL -FM Fulton, Ken- WCSV Crossville, WREA Dayton, WDKN Dickson, Comprising WERN Madison, WHAD Delafield, WPNE tucky; KCKW & KJNA Jena, KAPB & KWLB Marksville, WTRO & WASL -FM Dyersburg. WEMB & WXIS -FM Er- Green Bay, WLBL Auburndale, WHRM Wausau, WHSA KPAL Pineville, KXLA Rayville, KBYO -FM Tallulah, win. WCPH & WMCC -FM Etowah, WIDD -AM -FM Brute, WHWC Menomonie /Eau Claire, WHLA KMAR -AM -FM Winnsboro, all Louisiana; WHAY & Elizabethton, WIXC Fayetteville, WAGG Franklin, LaCrosse, WHHI Highland, all Wis. Hqtrs: 732 North WMPA Aberdeen, WROX Clarksdale, WCLD Cleve- WHIN Gallatin, WGRV & WOFM -FM Greenville, WJZA Midvale Boulevard, Madison, Wis. 53705. (608) 266- land, WVIM Coldwater, WBSJ Ellisville, WEPA Europa, Harriman, WHHM Henderson, WMLR Hohenwald, 0036. Tony Moe, exec dir; Paul Norton, deputy dir, ECB. WOST -FM Forest, WFTO Fulton, WBAQ -FM Greenville. WHMT Humboldt, WJAK Jackson, WDEB -AM -FM WGRM Greenwood, WKYC Grenada, WBKH Hat- Jamestown, WJFC Jefferson City, WJJT Jellico, Wisconsin Farm Broadcasting Network -Com- tiesburg, WNLA -AM -FM Indianola, WMSI & WJDX WKPT(AM) Kingsport, WIVK -AM -FM & WSKT Knox- prising WBEL Beloit, WDMP Dodgeville, WTSO Jackson, WXTN Lexington, WQMA Marks, WMLC ville, WEEN Lafayette, WLAF Lafollette, WDXE Law- Madison, WOMT Manitowoc, WCCN Neillsville, WPRE Monticello, WMYO -AM -FM Newton, WOOR Oxford, renceburg, WBLC Lenoir City, WDXL -FM & WJJM -AM- Prarie du Chien, WCOW-AM -FM Sparta, WTTN Water- WKOR -AM -FM Starkville, WELO Tupelo, WKYV -FM FM Lewisburg, WDXL -AM & WZLT -FM, Lexington, town, WXCO Wausau, WRDB Reedsburg, WDUX Vicksburg, WONA -AM -FM Winona, WJNS -FM Yazoo WLIV -AM -FM Livingston, WTHJ -FM Loberville, WZZI Waupaca. Hqtrs: 6208 Schroeder Rd., Madison. Wis. City all Mississippi; KCRV Caruthersville, KCHR Madisonville, WCMT -AM -FM Martin, WKTA -FM 53708. (608) 274 -1440. John B. Zimmerman, gen Charleston, KDEX Dexter, KBXM Kennett, KMAL & McKensie, WAKI McMinnville, WWEE Memphis, mgr. KTCB Malden, KLID Poplar Bluff, KSIM Sikeston, KSD WKBJ -AM -FM Milan, WAZI-FM & WMTN Morristown, Wisconsin Network Inc.- Comprising KFIZ Fond St. Louis, all Missouri; WTRO Dyersburg, WREC WMCT Mountain City, WMTS Murfreesboro, WWGM & du Lac, WGEE Green Bay, WCLO Janesville, WISO Memphis, WTRB Ripley, WJED Somerville, WSGI WJRB -AM -FM Nashville, WOBI & WOKI -FM Oak Madison, WKKB Manitowoc, WfSN Milwaukee, WRJN Springfield, all Tennessee. Hqtrs: Box 2000, Brown Ridge, WBNT -AM -FM Oneida, WTPR -AM -FM Paris, Racine, WJMC Rice Lake, WSAU Wausau, WBKV 61ág., Starkville, Miss. 39/b9. tbut) 324 -0949. Jim WUAT Pikeville, WMGL -FM Pulaski, WRGS West Bend, WFHR Wisconsin Rapids, all Wisconsin. Yancey, VP; Bob Ratliff, farm dir; Jeff Wilson, asst farm Rogersville, WORM -AM -FM Savannah, WSEV-AM -FM Hqtrs: 645 25th Ave. N., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. dir; Frank Howell, sis rep. Represented by Torbet Sevierville. WHAL & WICV -FM Shelbyville, WEDB 54494. (715) 424 -1300. R. Gennaro, gen mgr. Radio. Soddy, WUCR Sparta, WDBL -AM -FM Springfield. Jack WINE Trenton, WBGY -AM -FM Tullahoma, WALR -FM Radio Smiles Group- Comprising WKFT -TV Fayet- Union City, WVRY(FM) Waverly WAAN Waynesboro, teville, WPJL Raleigh, all North Carolina. Hgtrs: Box WCDT Winchester, WBRY Woodbury, all Tennessee. 622, Fayetteville, N.C. 28302. (919) 483 -1461. N.J. Hqtrs: 49 Music Sq., W., Suite 110, Nashville 37220. Radio and TV News Services Suttles, pres. Represented by Southern Spot Sales. (615) 327 -4033. Jim Chafin, pres; Dixie Farrell, sales Pay Sports Radio Network- Comprising 40 sta- mgr. ABC News -See ABC listing in section F. tions, all Virginia. Hqtrs: 2732 Williamswood Rd., TSN Agribusiness Network -Comprising 55 sta- ABNewsamerica NewsneL (Associated Richmond, Va. 23235. (804) 272 -9084. Bill Ray, pres. Satellite tions throughout Texas. Hqtrs: 7901 Carpenter Free- Broadcast News Service). 309 National Press Bldg., Rollins Inc.- Comprising KDAY Santa Monica, Calif.; way, Dallas 75247. (214) 688 -1133. Gene Ashcraft, Washington 20045. (202) 628 -6397. Robert Cody, WAMS Wilmington, Del.; WBEE Harvey, Ill.; WCHS- gen mgr; Ann Ranson, sales dir. Represented by Katz. mgng edit. AM-TV WBES(FM) Charleston, both W. Charleston. TSN Spanish Information Service- Comprising ABN serves cable -radio-TV via satellite & syndi- Va.; WRAP Norfolk, Va.; WEAR -TV Pensacola, Fla.; wkly newsmagazine FOCAL POINT and 24 stations in Texas. Hqtrs: 7901 Carpenter Freeway, cation. Offers WPTZ(TV) Plattsburgh, N.Y. Hgtrs: P.O. Box 647, Atlan- Dallas 75247. (214) 688 -1133. Gene AShcraft, gen segments therein: localized coverage of federal govt. ta 30301. (404) 873 -2355. mgr; Ann Ranson, sales dir. Represented by Katz and Africa News Service Inc. Box 3851, Durham, North Salsa 83 /La Gran Cadena Network -Comprised Caballero. Carolina 27702. (919) 286 -0747. Tami Hultman, exec of WOBS San Juan, WPRP Ponce, WORA Mayaguez. edit; Elmira Thacker, exec prod; Reed Kramer, pres. Texas State Network- Comprised of 159 stns, all Hqtrs: Box 13427, Santurce, P.R. 00908. (809) Services: A radio news magazine and shorter news Texas. Hqtrs: 7901 Carpenter Freeway, Dallas 75247. 721 -4020. Alfredo R. deArellano, pres; Amado Mar- features designed to provide unique international (214) 688 -1133. Gene Ashcraft, gen mgr; Ann Ran- tinez, controller; Sebastian Robious, VP & gen mgr; affairs programing for commercial and non- commer- son, sales dir. Represented by Katz. Guillermo Bonet, dir engrg. cial broadcasters. Tichenor Southern Educational Communications Asso- Media System- Comprising KUNO(AM) Allied Press International Inc. 767 National Press Corpus Christi, KGBT -TV, KGBT(AM) & KELT(FM) Comprising. WBHM -FM Birmingham, Bldg., Washington 20045. (202) 638 -2749. RA. Miller, clation.- Harlingen, KCOR(AM) & KOXT(FM) San Antonio, all WLRH -FM Huntsville, WUAL -FM University, all in VP; Athena Adams, VP; M. J. Der, sec treas; E. von Texas. Hqtrs: Box 711, Harlingen, Tex. 78551. (512) Alabama; KASU Jonesboro, Ark.; WUFT Gainesville, Rothkirch, exec edit. 423 -3910. McHenry Tichenor, chmn of bd; McHenry T. Fla., WABE -FM Atlanta; WUNC(FM) Chapel Hill, N.C.; Reno, Nev. 89513: Box 5418. (202) 638 -2749. Tichenor, vice chmn; McHenry T. Tichenor Jr., pres; WSCI -FM Mt. Pleasant, WLTR -FM Columbia, S.C.; Hugh Fraser, mgng edit. Malcolm Kasanoff, exec VP: David Lykes, VP & gen WSMC -FM WETS -FM Johnson City, Rego Park, N.Y. 11275: Apt. 6 -G, 102 -45 62nd Rd. Collegedale, mgr. Represented by Katz Radio. WUOT -FM Knoxville, WKNO -FM Memphis, WMOT -FM (212) 592 -4913. Vijay K. Pandhi, assoc. edit. Murfreesboro, WPLN -FM Nashville, all Tenn.; WFPL- Tobacco Radio Network -Comprising stations in Haiti, West Indies: Box 2443, Port -au- Prince. Arthur FM Louisville, WKMS -FM Murray, both Ky.; KERA -FM Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Candell, edit. Dallas, KETR -FM Commerce, KUT -FM Austin, KUHF- Carolina and Virginia. Hqtrs: 711 Hillsborough St., Box Services: Syndicating 15 programs for radio and FM Houston, all in Texas; WHRO -FM Norfolk, WVTF 12800, Raleigh, N.C. 27605. (919) 890 -6046. Ray select TV film. -FM Charleston, W. Virginia. Roanoke, both Va.; WVPN Wilkinson, gen mgr; Paul Von Hagel, natl acct exec; American Medicine News Service. 95 Madison 5966, Columbia, S.C. 29250. (803) Hqtrs: Box Dix Harper, regional acct exec. Represented by TN Ave, New York 10016. (212) 685 -6767. Susyn 799 -5517, Virginia G. Fox, pres. Spot Sales. Schoops, mktg dir. The Southwest Agri -Radio Network- Comprising Viking Radio Network- Comprising KKIN Aitkin, Services: Weekly health and medical news reports. KCKY Coolidge, KCUZ Clifton, KZUL Parker, KFMM KASM Albany, KBMO Benson, KBEW Blue Earth, American Radio Service. 426 C St., N.W., Washing- Thatcher, Tucson, KBLU Yuma, KHIL Wilcox, all KTUC KROX Crookston, KDWA Hastings, KDUZ Hutchinson, ton 20002. Arizona; KJMB -AM -FM Blythe, KXO El Centro, both KLFD Litchfield, KEYL Long Prairie, KQAD Luverne, California. Hqtrs: Box 1501, Yuma, Ariz. 85364. (602) WMIN Minneapolis /St. Paul, KMRS Morris, KTMF New AMI News Bureau. 47 Kearny St., San Francisco 782 -1440. George Gatley, dir & sis mgr. Prague, KYMN Northfield, KRFO Owattona, KFIL 94108. (415) 982 -1441. John Hamilton, pres; Jeff Shaffer, exec prod; Rob Brown, stn rel. WYNE Appleton, WRPQ Preston, KCUE Red Wing, WCLD St. Cloud,
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