Congressional Record-Senate. January 10

Congressional Record-Senate. January 10

986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY 10, CHANGE OF REFERENCE. tlorf-Astoria protesting against the American-valuation plan· to the Committee on Ways and Means. ' Under clause 2 of Rule XXII, committees were discharged 3435. By lllr. 1~.PPLEBY: Petition of the Quiet Hour Club of from the consideration of the following bills, which were re­ Metuchen, N. J., urging the United States Government to protest ferred as follows : against the withdraw:tl of the French troops at present protect­ A bill (H. R. 4933) granting a pension to W ... W. Cooper; ing the Armenians ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Committee on Invalid Pensions discharged and referred to the 343G. By Mr. DARROW: Memorial of the Philadelphia Board Committee on Pensions. of Trade, opposing the extension of the activities of the War A bill (H. R. 9147) granting a pension to William Lehman; Finance Corporation ; to the Committee on Banldng and Cur­ Committee on Pensions discharged and referred to the Com­ rency. mittee on Invalid Pensions. 3437. By l\Ir. GALLIVAN: Petition of Tel-U-Wbere Co., of A bill (H. R. 9759) granting a pension to Mary E. Hulen ; Boston, Mass., suggesting certain cash-an-delivery postage per­ Committee on Pensions discharged and referred to the Com­ mit plans; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. mittee on Invalid Pensions. 3438. Also, petition of the E. E. Taylor Co., of Boston, Ma s. prote ting against duty of 2 cents per pound on Cuban sugaif : PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, Ai~D MEMORIALS. to the Committee on Ways and Means. ' 3439. By l\1r. KISSEL: Petition of the 1 Tew York State L'l.X Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials cleparbnent, relati'le to House bill 9579; to the Committee {)n were introduced and severally referred as follows: Bankin-g and Currency. By Mr. BUTLER: A bill (H. R. 9799) to continue tw'til June 3440. By 1\Ir. MAcGREGOR: Resolution ndopt-ed at a session 36, 1923, the\Iilitia as a part of the Naval Reserve Force; of the cotmcil of the city {)f Buffalo, held on the 4th uay of to the Committee on Naval Affairs. _ January, 1922, relative to exce ive eoal prices; to the Com­ By Mr. DOWELL: A bill (H. R. 9800) to amend section 1 of mittee on InterEtate and Foreign Commerce. the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, and for other purposes," approved August 24, 1912, as amended; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Ro~ds. SENATE. By Mr. HICKS: A bill (H. R. 9801) for the acquisition of certain land as a site for a na al aviation station at Gal\eston, TvE DAY, J a1 um y 10, 19~f2 . Te:x:.; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. TlH~ Chaplain Uev. J. J. 1\Iuir, D. D., offereu th following By Mr. l\IADDEN: A bill (H. R. 9802) to increase the rate prayer : for the use of market spaces on the north ide of B treet along the south front of Center Market, 1\ a hington, D . C.; to Alrujghty God, from whom orne all ble ~ in<>' an<1 direction in the Committee on the District o:f Columbia. the great a ffnirs of life, we ·would humbly r In-esent before By Mr. APPLEBY: Joint resolution (H. J. Re". 252) propo ing Thee our neads and . eek from Thee guidance to-uay and every an amendment to the Constitution of the United States; to the day, ·o that we may li.-e ace ptably before 'rhee. 'Ve pray for Committee on Election of the Pre ident, Vice President, and direction H1i" morning. G:rant unto bim who a . sumes t{}-day Representatives in Congress. gra'\"e respon ibility the wisdom that corn th from above. l\fay. By Mr. ARENTZ: Joint resolution (H. J. Re . 25.3) extending he antl aU others in connection with this honorable as ·embly tl1e time for the performance of certain acts unue1· the act {}:f find it their higlH~st plea ure to do the wm of God and serve the Congress approved Februal'y 25, 1920, entitl-ed "An act to pro­ Nation_accordinrrly. We ask in .Je us Christ's name. Amen. mote the mining of coal, phosphate, {}i], oil shale, ga , and The reading clerk proceed(>(} to read the Journal of ye~er-.. sodium on the public domain," and for other purposes; to the day's proceed ing ~ , when, on request of Mr. Looo:n: .and by unani­ Committee on the Public Lands. mous con ~ eut. tbe nuther reading wa di. p n ed 'Tith and the By l\1r. FOCHT: Joint re olution (H. J. Res. 254) amending Joumal was_.approved. ection 764 of the act entitled "An act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia," approved March 3, 1901, as SE~ATOll J..JlO:hi PE~NSYLYANIA, amended; to the .Committee on the Di trict of Columbia. :\fr. LODGE. Mr. Pr ident, I pre e-nt t11e cred ntial of GEORGE WHABTON PEPPEil, a citizen of the , tate of ennsylvnnia, PRIVATE BlLLS AND RESOLUTIONS. appointed by the governor to Jill the existing \acan y in the Sen­ ate from that State. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions The VICE PRE ID~ ~T . Tbe r d the cre- were introduced and severally refen·ed as follow : dential . By Mr. DARROW: A bill :H. R. 9803) authorizing the Presi­ The ~\_:;sistant ecretary read as follow. : dent to appoint Philip P. Heron to the position and rank of l:\ THF. ~-DlEl A:\D DY ~t: T JIORT1..'Y OF TtrE captain of Quartermaster Corps in the United States Army; Co ~.DIO~WEALTH oF P.E.N::s-sn,~A:IliA, to the Committee on Military Affairs. · Ea:ecuti.,;c D partment. By Mr. KINKAID: A bill (H. R. V804) granting a pension To the Prcsid nt of 1116 Benaf;(, of Ute Unit d States: to Helen M. Holt; to th Committee on Invalid Pensions. This j. to ce r tif~ tbat pm:suant to the power vested in m by the Constitution of the United State anu .tbe laws of the State of l'enn­ syivnnia, I, Willia m C. Sproul, tbe governo1· of aid State, do hereby appoint GEonoE WHAllTO)l PEPPEu · a '~nator from said tate, to l'epre­ PETITIONS, ETC. sent said tate in the Senate of tbe Unit~d tates until the vacancy therein, caused by til€ death of tbe Hon. Boms PENROSE, is :filled by eJec­ Umler clau e 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers \Vere laid tion, as provided by Jaw. on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Witness: His excellency our governor, and our eal hereto a1Iixru a.t Harri burg, this ()tb day of January, in the ye:u: of om· Lord 192:l. .3431. By the SPEAKER (by request) : Copy of a r esolution [SEAL.] W' M. C. , PROUL, GOVCI"IIOr. adopted by the members and friends of the Kenwood Methodist Hy tbe governor : Episcopal Church, of Milwaukee, Wis., urging that nothing be BER)lAUD J. ::Un:ns, clone to weaken the eighteenth amendment-the Volstead Act, Secretaru of the Comm{)m.c alth. as strengthened by. the Willis-Campbell Act-and that full meas­ The VICE PRESIDE..~T. The <rreuentials will b plac (1 on ures be taken thoroughly to enforce the legislation m€Jltioned the files of the Senate. throughout the country; to the Committee on the Judiciar:y. l\lr. LODGE. l\lr. PEPPER is here n..ntl reutly to take the oath. 3432. By MI·. ANSORGE : ::-:esolntion adopted by the Republi­ The VICE PRESIDENT. 'l"'he , enator a11point d 'vill pr ent can Club of the seventeenth aldermanic disbict, :New York City, himself at the desk. protesting against the prospective Executive order authorizing Mr. PEPPER, escorted by l\1r. LoDGE, ell to th Yjce th~ removal of medical reserves from the ho pitals of the United President's de k, and the oatil prescribed by law having h en States and placing in their place and stead civilian employees; a.O.minist red to hiri:l he took his ·ea in tbe , nat . to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Conimerce. RE~TERMENT 0 SOLDlliT:. DEAD. 3433. Also, resolutions adopted by the employees of the New York Navy Yard, urging relief for employees of navy- yards The VICE PRESIDEi'-I"T laid before the enate a omJmmka­ who will be out of employment under certain conditions if the tion from the Acting Quartermaster General of the Army, hrig. Conference on· the Limitation of Armament is succes ful; to Gen. C. n. Krauthoff, Quartermaster Corps, tJ.·anAmitting li ts the Committee on Naval Affairs. of American soldier dead returnetl from overs as, to bg r in­ 3434. Also, copy of resolutions adopted by about 1,000 -men terred in Arlington National Cemetery, rl'hur day, Janunr;y. 12, and women at a dinner given undei' the auspices of the National. 1922, at ~.30 p. ru., whicb, with the nccompanylog paper , was Council of American Importers and Traders in the Hotel 'Val- ordered to lie on the table for inspection l>y Senator.. 1922. CONGR.ESSIONAL RECORD--SENATE. 987 PETITro_-s AND MEMORLlLS. bringing hardship and, indeed, actual want upon a certain class l\Ir. LADD presented a re olution adopted by the Alfalfa of employees, and I know that Congres · will not undertake to do Grange, of Grand new, Idaho, favoring the enactment of Senate such a thing.

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