25( The Lowell Volume 15, Issue 37 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, July 24,1991 City of Lowell and Vergennes Township will meet to discuss possible water/sewer formal agreement School's search for land crosses over into Vergennes Township Under what conditions 4iI will show them what would be in the southeast liw | r w • i would the City of Lowell and speed is," Vergennes Town- comer of the Township. The --A W' I \ 4.0m Vergennes Township enter ship Supervisor, Jim Cook extension of water/sewer lines into a written agreement to would be dedicated solely for Dora J. Cook said. "Gary Kemp, Assistant provide sewer and water if a Superintendent delivered the the use of the new high school. Property proposed high school site is letter to the Vergennes Town- ' The southeast corner has 283.28 selected in Vergennes Town- ship Board at its meeting on the most development, the ship? And if an agreement is July 16, and I hand delivered highest density zoning, and entered into how will the ex- our response on the morning the most growth. Therefore, tension of water and sewer of July 17;' there would some interest in into Vergennes Township be Cook said that under any water/sewer availability," paid for? conditions a formal agreement Cook said. Lowell School's adminis- could be reached with the city. The Township Supervisor tration now eagerly seeks and "Vergennes Township has no said he thought the two gov- awaits crucial answers to these economic desire to assess the ernmental entities (Township questions after learning Judge user (school)," he said. and the City) could overcome Dennis Kolenda's decision Would Vergennes be its petty disagreements of the was guided significantly by willing to pay all or any of the past and reach a formal agree- Shirley Cooper his perception the school did costs to extend water and ment. "1 think the common cause is too overpowering not Property not satisfactorily pursue the sewer into Vergennes Town- extension of sewer and water ship? Cook deferred on that to," Cook said. 156.69 COOK V <s lines into Vergennes Town- question. He did say, how Hie Vergennes Township ship. A much the school budgeted for Board appointed Cook, Roger Lowell Superintendent, possible extension in the bond Roberts and Allan Baird to Fritz Esch had letters deliv- issue would be a factor, as meet and negotiate with the ered to both the City of Low- would the site location and City. A meeting has been ell and Vergennes Township other considerations. scheduled for Thursday, July seeking a water and sewer The Vergennes Township 25th. agreement in a timely and Supervisor added unless the While the school seeks expeditious fashion. location of the new high school Land, cont'd., pg. 19 10'0 Gallery viewing bench created through desire Barber designs and ATTENTION! STAMP COLLECTORS constructs Stamp collectors should take special note of a recent viewing decision by the Postal Service to limit sales of philatelic items to a maximum sales time of two years starting September 20, bench 1991. This means all old stamp collecting kits that were previ- The Lowell Area Arts Gal- ously available for an unlimited period of time will be re- lery viewing bench named moved from sale September 20th. Stamp collectors interested Desire. in completing their collections will need to purchase before It isnX but it could have September 20th. been. Lowell Posunaster Sylvia Taylor stated Lowell has several It was the desire of the art old kits still for sale. Contact her at 897-9949 for infonnation gallery to find a bench for orpurchase kits at the Lowell Post Office at 120N. Broadway, seating. Lowell, Ml. It was the desire of Harry and Friends, a group of 15 COMMUNITY SWIM MEET THIS SAT. West Michigan water color Jeremy Barber designed and constructed this viewing bench for the Lowell Area Arts artists, and Matrix Services Gallery. There will be a Community Swim Meet at the "Y" pool at Inc. to pay for materials so a Recreation Park this Saturday, July 27 at 11 a.m. viewing bench could be con- which now sits as a fixture of Barber received education Barber drew from the wide There is a SI fee at the gate for participants. All ages structed. the Lowell Area Arts Gallery. in designing from Kendall range of design information welcome and certificates will be given. It was the desire of the "There wasn't a piece of College of Arts and Design. he attained from Kendall Col- Lowell Area Arts Gallery furniture readily available. But Hie 1986 Lowell graduate is a lege and cabinet-making ex- committee tocommission fel- VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL then the committee realized cabinet-maker by trade. perience in drawing up the low committee member, Jer- we had someone who was ca- "1 was excited about get- shape and design of the view- emy Barber to draw up a de- pable of drawing up a design ting the opportunity to do "Marketplace Ministry" First Baptist Church of Lowell, ing bench. sign for approval and con- and then constructing a piece something original and of diis August 5-9 (Mon. - Fri.) 6:15 - 8:30 p.m. Open to all children "The design of the viewing struction. of furniture for us," Lowell size," Barber said. "The con- entering kindergarten thru sixth grades. bench is very contemporary." You see, desire had a lot to Area Arts Gallery spokesman, struction part was a chal- Main St, cont'd., pg. 21 do with the viewing bench Dave Davis said. lenge." Barber, cont'd., pj;. 2 The Lowell Ledger • Wednesday, July 24,1991 - Pige 2 The Lowell Ledger - Wednesday, July 24,1991 - Page 3 nephews. Mrs. Hanna had children, Judy and David worked at the Children' s B iWe Wekenman of New Mexico, Hour and shared her ministry David Hill of Ada, Jon and FMB's Rockford Obituaries through the Chaplaincy of the Florence Hill of Belmont, Joe Kent County Jail. Services Hill of Ada, Dennis and Lynda oming Events were held Monday at the Heri- Hill of Grand Rapids, Dean branch plans tage Baptist Church, with The and Bridget Hill of Novi, Ml; FORSTROM—Mrs. ert Griffin Jr.; sisters-in-law, Rev. Scott McCurdy and The six grandchildren, three broth- Faye Anderson and Dor- can Legion and Auxiliary I oreiui Ruth Forstran. aged Delores (Jack) Marks of Ada, Notices in The Ledger's day evening at the Lowell EVERY SUNDAY Museum - Across the Cov- Rev. Clifford Owens officiat- ers, David Hill and James Hill othy Randall. Sponsor: annual family picnic will be 76. of Lowell, formerly of Norene Griffin of Grand Rap- free picnic "Coming Events" are free Congregational Church EVENING: Royal Rangers ered Bridge from ing. Interment Rosedale Me- of Ada, Woodrow of Grand Alice Baut. held at 6 p.m. at the Herron Waterford, Ml, passed away ids; several nieces and neph- of charge to any non-profit basement. Corner of for the boys. Missionettes Fallasburg Pari, 1 to5 p.m. morial Park. For those who Rapids many nieces and neph- FMB State Savings Bank, The branch is also run- cottage. Murray Lake, July 20, 1991. She was pre- ews. Mr. Griffin was a farmer organization in the Lowell Spring and Hudson Sts. for the girls for kids kinder- Saturdays, Sundays and wish memorials may be made ews. Memorial contributions Rockford Office, is having a ning a special incentive for Ada, Alto, and Saranac Holidays. 4 miles north of MON., AUG. 19: Clark-Ellis 119114 Mile Rd.,Newslet- ceded in death by her hus- and worked at Ada Beef for Weigh-ins at 5:45 p.m. garten and up. Christ Am- to the Forgotten Man's Min- to Hospice of Greater Grand free summer picnic for all their kids. All children under 12 area. We prefer such no- Lowell in eastern Kent Post No. 152 of the Ameri- ter will be in the mail. band, George. She is survived over 20 years. Funeral Ser- bassadors for the youth (7 istry or the Children's Bible Rapids would be appreciated. neighbors on Thursday, July years of age will receive a tices to be kept brief and to thru 12 grades) Christian County by William and JoAnne vices were held Saturday at 2ND WEDNESDAY: Men's Hour. Funeral Services were held 25, from ll;30a.m. to8 p.m. certificate worth $5 to deposit k be submitted by mail, but Clubs to help our children Schreur and Family of Roth-Gerst Chapel, Rev R.P. breakfast at Lowell Senior Thursday at the Metcalf & The community is in vited into any new or existing sav- will accept notices by grow through the means of FRI., JULY 26: Picnic at Lowell; Uncle George (Mar- VanDonkelaar officiating. Center, 314 S. Hudson St. Jonkhoff Funeral Home, to enjoy hot dogs, chips and ings account. "We think the phone at 897-9261. the Senior Center, at 5 garet) Graham of Saranac, an Interment Bailey Cemetery. Call 897-5949 for reserva- achievement programs, HILL—Sam Hill, aged Msgr. Ernest E. Schneider of cookies and register to win $5 offer for children is a great p.m. Balloons, music, etc. Aunt, Marguerita Baril of AZ; Memorials may be made to tions. special activities, crafts, 82, life long resident of Ada, St Roberts of Newminsterof- great prizes such as a gas grill way to promote the positive All seniors welcome. and several cousins. Funeral the Lowell Wesleyan Church. FIRST MONDAY EACH and basic moral leaning. </ ficiating. Interment Chapel and Coleman cooler. aspects of savings," stated Services were held Monday passed away Monday night at MONTH: The South Kent EVERY FIRST WEDNES- For more info, call Lowell Hill Memorial Gardens.
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