E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2004 No. 134—Part II Senate TRIBUTES TO RETIRING served with my father briefly, and over women to screen themselves for breast SENATORS the last 24 years we have served to- and cervical cancer. Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I know the gether in this Chamber. I have not had Over the past few years he spoke hour is getting late and others want to the pleasure of serving with FRITZ HOL- forcefully about the dangers facing this be heard, but I briefly want to express LINGS, except once on the Budget Com- country due to the outsourcing of jobs. some thoughts about our colleagues mittee for a few years. Senator HOLLINGS has always been a who are leaving this wonderful body. We have become very good friends strong and loud voice against fiscal ir- Today we have heard some very com- though. We have traveled together. We responsibility in our Government and pelling speeches, particularly the one have spent a lot of time together. I in favor of creating American jobs. given by my good friend, TOM DASCHLE have been to his State. I have gone to FRITZ is an American original. The of South Dakota, our Democratic lead- South Carolina at his invitation to Senate is not likely to see his like here er. speak to South Carolinians. Inviting again. Whatever else you may have I was pleased to see so many of our this swamp Yankee from Connecticut thought, he was direct and forceful, colleagues remain on the floor to listen to come south of the Mason-Dixon line and spoke with great passion about the to the departing Democratic leader. was a source of tremendous joy and things he believed in. It is the kind of The words he expressed about his pleasure, especially to be with FRITZ public service and the kind of steward- State, his staff, his colleagues, his feel- HOLLINGS, his lovely wife Peatsy, and ship in this body that others could du- ings about the country, and the future, their constituents not too many plicate in years to come. They would are instructive. I know it can sound re- months ago, on a St. Patrick’s Day do well to follow the example of FRITZ petitive when people hear us talk about event in Charleston, SC. HOLLINGS, a wonderful Senator, a de- our colleagues this way, but I think it FRITZ HOLLINGS has done a remark- lightful friend. I shall miss his service is important for the public to note that able job for his State of South Caro- here, but I am very confident I will see while they might hear only about the lina, as well as for his nation, begin- him over and over again in years to bickering, the part that you do not ning with his career in the military, come. And I wish, as my colleagues often see is the deep respect, affection, serving in North Africa and in Europe have, that he, Peatsy, and his family and caring that goes on among the during World War II. He was awarded have many years of joyful retirement. Members of this body. This affection the Bronze Star and seven campaign BOB GRAHAM comes despite the differences that exist ribbons; elected to South Carolina’s BOB GRAHAM is also leaving the Sen- in red States and blue States, or being House of Representatives at the age of ate. I would like to recognize him and strongly conservative or strongly lib- 26, the youngest Governor in that State the State of Florida for sharing BOB eral. in the 20th century; and during his 4 GRAHAM with us. He served for 18 years There is this weaving of a common years as Governor, balanced the State in the Senate. Prior to his election to denominator through each and every budget, dramatically improving South this body, he served as a Governor for one of us, particularly after years of Carolina’s economy. 8 years in Florida, and served pre- common service in this remarkable in- He was elected to the Senate in 1964. viously in both the Florida State Sen- stitution we call the Senate. There is a His resume included an incredible list ate and the House of Representatives. deep and abiding respect for those who of legislative accomplishments. Any- He is without a doubt one of the most have come here, those who have served one who would have accomplished any respected and popular public figures here, those who have tried to make a one of these things could have consid- who have ever represented the State of difference for our country. ered their career a successful one. He Florida. He is well known in Florida It may seem like it is inside discus- was the author of the Women, Infants for working over 400 days alongside his sion, but I hope the public understands and Children Program, the WIC Pro- constituents, as others mentioned this how deeply felt these comments are gram. During my early years in the afternoon, giving him a unique perspec- about colleagues who will no longer Senate, I had the pleasure of working tive on the issues and problems they have the pleasure of spending each and with him on the famous Gramm-Rud- deal with each and every day. every day in this Chamber, but whose man-Hollings Act in 1985, which was But not only was he doing it for Flo- friendship and collegiality will con- called by the Brookings Institution one ridians, those 400 days he spent work- tinue in the years ahead as we encoun- of the most significant pieces of legis- ing along with others became a na- ter each other in different walks of life. lation in the 20th century. tional symbol of someone who went out ERNEST HOLLINGS He wrote the first law designed to of his way to understand and learn how First, FRITZ HOLLINGS has now served protect our coastal wetlands, and initi- other people work and live every single with two generations of my family. He ated a nationwide effort to encourage day. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11595 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:43 Nov 21, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G19NO6.145 S19PT2 S11596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 19, 2004 He has been a tireless advocate for those goals during his 18 years of serv- He spoke of our moral obligation to priorities that affect Florida’s citizens, ice. honor hard work, to lift Americans out including prescription drug coverage He is a wonderful example of what of poverty, expand health care, break for seniors, and preservation of the Ev- Senators need to do if they are going to down racial and economic barriers, to erglades and the Florida coastline. I be successful. If I could offer any words enact fair tax policies to make sure have been privileged to work with him of advice to the incoming class of Sen- that all Americans pay their fair share. on several occasions. I particularly ap- ators who will be arriving on January He spoke honestly and directly about preciate his work for the people of 4, it is to follow the model set by JOHN some of the widening gaps in our soci- Haiti. BREAUX. I don’t care what your politics ety. America listened, paid attention, Since the attacks of September 11, are, if you want to succeed, if you want and rewarded him their respect. Senator GRAHAM has shown an to help your State, if you want to I certainly believe he would have unyielding and passionate commitment make a difference for your country, been an asset to his country had he to making our Nation stronger, safer, then find out ways to work with people stayed in the Senate. I am sorry he is and far more secure. In particular, he across the political aisle. If you do not, not going to be here. He made the deci- has spoken out forcefully and candidly you may enjoy your service here but sion when he sought the Presidency to in favor of reforming our intelligence you will accomplish very little. leave the Senate. I believe JOHN ED- agencies. JOHN BREAUX accomplished great WARDS would have made a tremen- As chairman of the Select Committee things because he understood the im- dously fine Senator in the years ahead on Intelligence during the previous portance of reaching out to people, peo- had he stayed here. He has decided to Congress, he was the primary author of ple with whom he disagreed but he take another path. I am confident, as I sections of the USA Patriot Act that would constantly seek them out if said a moment ago, he will find a way require greater information sharing there were some common ground about to continue to be heard. among intelligence and law enforce- which they could agree. As a result, his I also want to take a moment to ex- ment agencies. He has been outspoken accomplishments were significant. press my best wishes and those of my about what our Nation could have done Many times the accomplishments don’t wife Jackie to his wife Elizabeth. before 9/11 to protect itself, and how it bear his name. You might not find America knows and deeply appreciates is just as important that we do every- JOHN BREAUX’s name on the bill, but Elizabeth.
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