ASM K Prcsldenl S. C. Debater* To 111 Win it« ii.i. Meet Tnlane I * The Santa Clara , Monday . April 20 111 Official Publication oj the /Ihociated Stuoents of the Unirertity ofSanta Clara II VOL. 17 NO. 24 ZfP SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1938 5 CENTS THE COPY Campus H.Davis, Leader Of Tulane, S.C. Players Will Santa Clara's Forensic Comber Postponed Official the of- Stage ASME Will Address Debate On word from Next Men fice Rev, W. C. S. Compete Tonight of Gianera, Ily "H<nm Bayley J., dean of faculties of the The Radio university, informed Santa Comedy Sophomores were the first depart to got R. (). T. ('., Saturday class- Engineering Society Clara students and In Foch Medal Debate es, and broken week-ends; all of New Orleans Team Tours menta heads yesterday that "Doctor Clitterhouse" to which may or may not have been West Coast; Meets mid - term examin a t i o n e, »Climax Clay Greene easy to Lak«. It is now reported Renowned Scientist In Steam Research To S. C. April 20 .scheduled for next week, wil I Spring Activities Annual Tilt With St. Mary's For Medal Hhat they win lie the first Supho not be held until April 5. more class to have a night out in Be Organization's Also set back is the dead- To Be Held In San Francisco Guest Monday SECTIONAL DEBATE essay the middle of the week; all 01 line of the prize con- LAUGHS COMING ■ - which couldn't bo .-hard to take. tests, entrants of which must Tonight, eight Francis Sanguinetei, '39; Arthur Meagh- It's Thursday, ami they're a min- Bringing a long and active year of campus enterprise to an un- KQW to Broadcast Tilt; submit pen-names t o the McKenna States Tryouts at o'clock, Hugh Smith, compete against St. Mary's college in the ute late at nine-torty-six. expected ollmiax, ehe Engineering society of Santa Clara next Monday Schools Meet For dean's office by next Satur- For Roles Open to er, '39, and '39, will be host day, March 26. library of the Alliance Francaise, San Francisco, in the third annual to Harvey N. Davis, president of the American Society oi First Time Student Body Mechanical Engineers Postponement of the mid- Foch debate. If Julio Chinramonte doesn't and third president of the Stevens Institute of erhnology terms was made to The contest is one of the most outstanding forensic events on the coast come hack from 1 of Hoboken, New Jersey. Word was received late Wednes- lengthen To complete the present program Sacramento with to Davis will society at day night Rev. Edward Borl- the present period, to termin- and is sponsored by the Alliance in behalf of the French government his intercollegiate middleweight addressee three o'clock Monday afternoon from for the Spring season, members of a conclave ate April 13, at the opening stimulate interest in French culture. A bronze medal commemorating crown still Hitting rirmly upon his in sponsored by the student branch of the ASME in the and, S. J., debate moderator, that Lounge gymnasium. the Ckiy M. Greent- players an- Ferdinand Foch, commander-in-chief of Allied forces of the head, it won't lie because he hasn't room of Seifert Santa Clara university will debate of the Easter vacation. Marshal nounced at their weekly meeting, World War, wiM be awarded by the trained—he's been lapping track A graduate of Brown university Tulane university on April 20, ov- local chapter of the Alliance Fran- men on Uyan field. and recipient of degrees from er the facilities of radio station held Wednesday night in the cake to the best speaker of the Harvard college, Davis won dis- KQW, San Jose. Lounge room, that a comedy, en- Dynamo This is the first Santa evening. BLOCKMEN tinction during the World War as time thait REDWOOD STAFF titled "The Amazing Doctor Clit- Nothing much has been SUBMIT said an investigator in the production Clara will have debated wibh the Established three year 3 ago as about it but the Sl.eptu.-ii M. White terhouse," wiH be produced lati of helium gas and as an aeronau- New Orleans squad, and the even; an annual competition between the Recalls Old society is in the hhroes of its-great- bhi.s semester in the university the- tical engineer in the science and is expected to prove an avenue to two schools, Santa Clara won the est debating MUST FINISH ater. season and doing STAGE go- SHOW FOR medals research division of the U. S. Air other debates with eastern and first two debates, the more than its -hare This litcht comedy recently en- in upholding service. southern schools. ing to Francis Cronin, '36, ami "Days the Uronco honor. joyed success in its run in New- greater TWO-MAN TEAM George Doll, '3B. The part of his researoh IN MAY York and was enthusiastically re- APPROVAL work has been conducted in the The Tulane representatives are by The question under contention FACULTY San ceived Franciscans djring To those who vast a skeptical making tour coast Relic Machine e.v.i- field of thermodynamics, and a a of the western a performance by the this year is: "Resolved, that Now at l/he fate of The script for the revived Block WPA. tin- I'assion I'lay in number of inventions have been and will be in San Jose on the Group Pictures France has contributed more than stage production ap- Taken; TRYOUTS SLATED '.T;), merely hucniiwe upwards o f ■Si' has been 20th, broadcasting with Santa Cla- Guinea Pig In accredited to him as a result of According to Professor J. Fen- England to world culture." St. three hiuulred out proved by J. Kenton McKenna, di- Dummy of five h.indre I e.-.flnustive experiments with steam i-i in one of tihe leading radio com- Planned Mary's will uphold the affirmative ri'dir o-f dramatics, and has toet-'i ton McKenna, a schedule of try- Laboratory in the student bcly will be needed apparatus. petitions of the year among the negative. to out- for the play will be posted to- side, Santa Clara the " |! submitted it on, it ui'i'il only be poln' - Rev. J. 11. Strehl, S. colleges. Having let the contract for 1 1 Davis was one of a group that coast morrow', and The Foch medal, cast ed out tihat the ■I., minister of the university, for printing and engraving the 1938 rehearsals will be in the Santa Clara's science museum dramatic groim organized a conference i n steam Pour men, two from each I' school, ' he'd immediately following the French mint, is adorned with a ii.ii.- i.o be successfully putting ifii'ily review, it was disclosed to- Redwood to the San Francisco in the department of physics con- invest igalron at Cambridge, which will make up the contest. The final ra»Ur>g. bas-relief image of the command- on a three-act day. firm of Strehl ami Olivier last tains an oM-time electric' dynamo spring play while was the lindens of the now rap- question under fire will be: "Re- siniifllautously Citing for t|ie play will begin Thursday, the staff of the lately McKenna also that aii er-in-chief, commemorating "the which powered the first street car sponsoring a one idly growirg steam research pro- solved, French has • that culture mo.ii'bers of body man who was not only act pluv early next week, according to rescued year-book is under full the.student ar'- an able in San Jose and was the second contest, caring for a gram if the ASME. In recen: had a greater influence on Louisi- eligible general wet!.l, "Dooley" Bert villi, president of steam, working rapidly to pre- for parts in the play and but an ardent Catholic, dynamo to be thus used in the radio, program, and inci l years the li'ock-men, be has been the author >f ana than Spanish culture on Cali- are urged to attend the coming .setting an example in spite of his dental \j Jn'ic play readings, lec- before he left for pare the book for its publication United States. several papers and has fornia." tryouts. war labors by untiring I. is Angeles with the Bronco bas'?- technical the tfoird week of May. an devotio.i The valuable machine is enhanc- tures, and card sales. published widely known books deal- in liall Ftpjad. Rehearsals will be Sometime'in April, Santa Clara Individual and group photo- PLAYERS BUSY to the sacraments." ed with a particular significance (Continued on page 4.) schedule! as soon as speaking will go to the University of Cali- graphs, athletic pictures, can- The production is to have twelve at this time, for by April 15 all George Artzz, of the law school, and )iarts are distributer!. fornia too contend against a co-ed did s+iots of student life are being major roles and will consist o f street car lines in San Jose anl helped coals of fire on the unre- RAFI/E RESULTS team from the Women's Debating collected and chosen for engrav- t'irev a.ts of approximately two Santa Clara will be replaced by speotaHe- heads of his respective House Hears Result* of the Block chub's raffle Frosh Argue society, it was also reported. ing. Tom San Francisco rep- scenes each. their streamlined successor, the manugei s. After tricking him in- HHI, of a football autographed by the RYLAND DEBATE MAY 2 ress c;utive of the Metropolitan At present the players are work- bus, and the trolley coach of tho to Higning a contract by which he Sugar Bowl champions was won On March ihe lower chamber .Engravers of Los Angeles ani en- ing on their weekly radio program Initial Mixed old days will be no more.
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