BRADLEY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HEALTH SCIENCES JOAN L. SATTLER, DEAN BRADLEY PDS PARTNERSHIP POST SPRING 2014 EARTH DAY SCIENCE SAVE THE DATE! AT VALESKA HINTON On Friday, November 7th, During spring 2014, eight pre-service teachers in Michelle Edgcomb Friday’s and Pat Franzen’s Science 301 course planned and implemented the Illinois Association of a four-day instructional unit for Valeska Hinton first grade students in Tami Teacher Educators (IATE) French’s and Lynn Robinson’s classes. The Earth Day unit targeted environ- Fall Conference will be held mental education focused on observation and description skills. Two pre- in Bradley University’s service teachers planned and led each day’s instruction. On Westlake Hall! Day 1, led by Jenna Gordon and Sara Esposito, first graders PDS NEWS studied plant growth and devel- opment by observing the size, Spring Celebration 2-3 shape, and color of different seeds and making predictions Peoria Chiefs Baseball 4 about their growth. Students also observed sprouting plants’ KONu at Trewyn 5 roots, stems, and leaves before Clinical Experiences at 6-7 making their own chia pets! Bradley PDS Sites May 6th was a great day for baseball! (continued on page 4) Read more on page 4. Dietetic Interns in 7 Springfield Kaboom! NPR in Education 8 13 practicing teachers and administrators St. Mark Fine Arts Fair 9 4 community members 5 Bradley LEHC graduate students edTPA is Coming! 10 3 Bradley nursing students Girl Scouts and STRETCH 11 9 Bradley pre-service teachers Literacy Fiesta 12 15 Bradley novice teachers 10 Bradley student teachers, and Move It! 13 26 Bradley faculty/staff members Karen Henderson wins presented at the 2014 Spring Celebration! a door prize at the Read more on pages 2 and 3. Spring Celebration. PAGE 2 BRADLEY PDS SPRING CELEBRATION: A TIME FOR GROWTH BY SAMANTHA BURCH On April 24th, I attended the Bradley PDS Spring Celebration and learned so much! Currently, I am a junior at Bradley in the education department. I am just getting ready to novice teach. I feel that through this experience I have not only learned but was Miguel Alvarez able to collaborate with current teachers and and Steve fellow students. Reczek present Through this I feel a poster about that my experi- Bradley’s ence with novice teaching will be America Reads enhanced. Tutoring When I Program. arrived I was given a bingo game card to fill out for door prizes. Then I was on my way to the poster sessions, many of which were being hosted by my fellow classmates. Through these sessions I was able to gain knowledge about topics ranging from bully- ing to art projects currently being conducted Senior nursing student Jenny at some Peoria Public Schools. I enjoyed the Lapke discusses her poster poster sessions because I was able to get “Utilization of a Therapy Dog information from many relevant sources. for Animal-Assisted Activities Next on my agenda were the roundtable discussions. There were numerous choices in a Grade School.” Dr. Hwa Lee discusses her poster on topics. The first discussion I attended was “Bullying: Facts and Strategies.” Here, we discussed various statistics about “Assistive Technology Service to bullying, how we have been impacted by bullying, and ways to prevent Students with Disabilities: How bullying. My second roundtable discussion was about learning centers for are we Doing?” young children. Here, we talked about various classroom set ups and benefits to certain layouts. It was great to have current teachers at our tables to discuss set ups that have and have not worked for them. The Spring Celebration helped me grow as not only a future teacher but as a human being. It gave me topics to think about that I might never have considered on my own. I will definitely be attending all future Bradley PDS Partnership events! Jessica Altshul, Elizabeth Rosenblatt, Kellie Evanish, Meghan Dennison, and Kayla Darby showcase sensory boards for students with autism. SPRING 2014 PAGE 3 I had a wonderful time! I learned a lot and 2014 enjoyed the hands-on experiences. ~ Brittany Door Prize Venner, Student Teacher, Whittier Winners Abi Halberstadt Alyce Shatto Amber Bradley Ashley Horton Beth Liszewski (Above) Susan Schafer and Carol Faklaris, with Dr. Noreen Dillon, Bonnie Arsinow present a poster on St. Mark’s Bonnie Grierson Safe School Ambassador Anti- Briana Minogue bullying Program. Carole Faklaris (Below) Natashia Coan and Caroline Reardon Colby Tapling Sharon Reed, Shanica Davis, Ryan Reed, Crystal Ashleigh Koch lead a roundtable Radovanovic, and Joy Quezada display student discussion entitled “Best Practices Debbie Fischer artwork during “Arts Integration at Glen Oak in Teaching: Social Media Safety.” Jenny MacGregor and Harrison Community Learning Centers.” Jessica Altshul Jessica Stanton It was a well- organized, Johnica Haynes educational Joy Quezada conference which Julie Moll was comparable Karen Henderson to a prestigious Karen Hohimer international/ Katie Carson national confer- Kelli Finsley ence run by a Kora Johnson learned society! ideas for my ideasfuture classroom! my for ~Ashley ~ Dr. Hwa Lee gain to was It excellent an opportunity Liz Norris Horton, Student Teacher, Whittier Whittier Horton,Teacher, Student Liza Decoteau Molly Drenckpohl Noreen Dillon Rachel Medland Raeleen Hart-Rhoads Rose Halpin Sam Kintop Samantha Burch Sarah Van Doren Susan Schafer Sam Kintop and Emily Roth lead a roundtable discussion entitled Teresa Biddison “Love and Support for Children and Teens who Need it Most.” PAGE 4 BRADLEY PDS LEARNING SCORES A HOMERUN AT TREWYN, ST. MARK, ROOSEVELT, AND MANUAL BY DR. BOB WOLFFE For nearly 300 students at four Bradley PDS sites, education was a hit this spring through the use of baseball. Learners from Trewyn K-8, St. Mark School, Roosevelt Magnet School, and Manual Academy engaged in learning activities that use America’s favorite pastime as a theme. Using materials Liann Walgenbach, student teacher in provided by the Peoria Martha Willi’s third grade class at Trewyn third graders (above) and St. Mark Chiefs, students in grades St. Mark, sits with some of her students. seventh graders (below) enjoy the game. three through eight experi- enced lesson plans designed across grade levels and disciplines. The culminating activity was attendance at a Peoria Chiefs game on either May 6th or May 16th. While taking in the game and eating a classic meal of a hot dog, chips, and a soda, the students also experienced learning activities that use information that is generated each inning. Thanks to support from the Peoria Chiefs and the William T. Kemper Foundation- Commerce Bank, Trustee, learning scored a homerun for many students this spring! EARTH DAY SCIENCE (CONT.) Day 2, led by Trish Wojcik and Brittany Barron, focused on describing plant characteristics, especially herbs. Student pairs engaged in an activity where the “plant expert” described a picture of an herb to the “plant detective” who had to identify the actual herb from a selection in the classroom before describing additional information about it, such as texture and scent. Next, Keva Coates and Lauren Lemanski read aloud an Earth Day book and students classified recyclable and non-recyclable materials they had brought from home before making crafts using their recyclable materials. On Day 3, led by Anna Taylor and Madelyn Brandt, first graders observed red earthworms’ burrow tracks by viewing “worm condos” and learned that earthworms help aerate soil, move water through the soil, and break down plant material. The class held worm races, and the Science 301 class provided the first grade classes with an indoor compost bin. On Day 4, an Earth Day Celebration was held. Inside, students enjoyed making (and eating) soil cup treats, newspaper hats, and bracelets with UV light sensitive beads. Outside, they participat- ed in a plant growth (dress up) relay, a scavenger hunt, and pollen tag (freeze tag.) Science 301 aims to engage pre-service teachers with actual students so they can gain hands on experience and ideas for their future teaching. Thank you to the first grade teachers and students at Valeska Hinton for being great Earth Day partners! The mission of the Bradley PDS Partnership is to promote academic and professional development for P-12 students, pre-professionals, practitioners, and professors. SPRING 2014 PAGE 5 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS COLLECT ITEMS FORTREWYN K-8 SCHOOL BY DR. KENDRA BRANDES While temperatures early in the fall semester remained seasonably warm, predictions for an unusually cold and snowy winter sparked conversation among students in the Bradley chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu (KONu), a national honor society for Family and Consumer Sciences and other human service fields. The discussion brought to light the fact that “teaching supplies” often include basic items like dry socks, gloves, and other cold weather items. After discussing the idea with Trewyn K-8 Principal, Ms. Renee Andrews, a service project took shape as students planned to collect needed items to donate to teachers at Trewyn. Ms. Andrews discussed the fact that a wide range of items are needed throughout the school year and can include personal hygiene items like combs and toothbrushes as well as long sleeve t-shirts that can be worn under uniforms for warmth. The service project, organized by senior Rebecca Bucklin, began during the fall semester. Fellow KONu member Jessica Moehling assisted Rebecca by contacting members of Bradley’s Greek system for donations. Other KONu members manned tables in the student center to collect items from the student body. A small Christmas tree placed in the Family and Consumer Sciences office also served as a collection point and was decorated with donated mittens, gloves, socks, and hats. The collection process progressed well until November 17th when tornadoes destroyed homes and businesses in several area communities.
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