FALL 2012 NEWS AND STORIES FROM SOUTHWESTERN COllEGE CONTENTS VOL. 52 | NO. 3 | FALL 2012 3 | TOP OF THE NEWS FROM THE New faculty, new center, new doctoral program. center project is completed students and faculty in 4 | ALUMNI/STUDENT FOCUS Dear friends, our theatre program will prepare and perform in Alumni achievements, president The successful completion of travels to China, Natural facilities that are complete and properly support the college’s Great Performances Sciences Hall of Fame. teaching and performance. Capital Campaign has given the Tom and Mari Wallrabenstein have made a 5 | STILLSCAPES college two stellar facilities for leadership gift commitment for the project and we Jim Borger’s art combines performance: Richard L. Jantz have, in addition, received a number of generous gifts still lifes, landscapes Stadium and the Richardson Performing Arts Center. and pledges. We’ll be proceeding in phases as funds Although the campaign ended this past June 30, there become available. is still of bit of unfinished business concerning facili- I hope you will consider lending a hand. Check ties for the performing arts: completion of a planned out the story on page 7 for more information. technical theatre center. Thanks for all you do for Southwestern! Anyone who has been dazzled by a great theatrical drama or musical has felt the impact of costumes, sets, Best regards, props, and lighting. Our theatre program has mount- ed many amazing productions, but it has always had Dick Merriman, President to “make do” in inadequate facilities. When the tech 6-7 | ACT II Brandon Smith began his technical theatre work at SC. Now theatre tech is getting a new emphasis. As I start my 19th year at SC, I rock on the Mound at the Moundbuilding Ceremony. 8 -10 | ALUMNI NOTES must admit I love Southwestern. I love connecting with new transfer students and talk- I have many precious memories ing about the successful transition into Southwestern. 11 | HOMECOMING 2012 of activities that occur through- I love seeing the returning students as they reconnect out the school year, and it all with old friends and check out the new students. begins in August. The college It is a wonderful time to be a Builder either at the has spent the summer making sure we are ready for beginning of an academic career or at the start of a the fall semester. We’ve put in long hours of planning last year here. I love Southwestern and I know these and too-short weeks of intense preparation. But when new students will, too! that first car pulls up filled with dorm room stuff, we know this hard work has been worth every moment. Sincerely, There is something special and exciting about the anticipation of the new faces and the smiles of the returners. From the check-in process in the residence Dawn Pleas Bailey, Vice President for Student Life and halls to the reassuring hugs we give parents. From the Special Assistant to the President for Community Outreach amazing team-building experience at Builder Camp with the freshmen to the president tossing his 15th Southwestern College President Board of Trustees Dick Merriman David E. Smith, chair; Sue A. Hale, vice chair; Steve A. COVER McSpadden, secretary; Warren D. Andreas, Phyllis J. Bigler, Jim Borger’s stillscapes will be The Southwesterner Stanley A. Bowling, Courtney J. Brown, James S. Bryant, featured in a Homecoming art Sara Severance Weinert, editor; Susan Burdick, graphic exhibit. See the story on page 5. designer; Charles Osen ’94, news bureau; Terry Quiett ’94, David T. Burnett, Marilyn A. Corbin, James L. Fishback, Photo courtesy of Jim Borger. Web producer; Alyssa Harshfield ’12, coordinator of social media; Ben Foster, Michael J. Foster, R. Patrick Gaughan, Cheryl Susan Lowe ’95, director of alumni programs; Robin Crain, E. Gleason, R. Alan Haywood, Scott C. Hecht, Christopher SECOND COVER alumni notes coordinator. Pages 6-7 designed by Lael Porter ’92. L. Holt, Ronald W. Holt, Scott J. Jones, Rodney C. Kreie, Move-in day brought the Class of Published quarterly by Southwestern College, 100 College Eric J. Kurtz, Michael D. Lewis, Charles M. Madden, Rozia 2016 onto campus Aug. 12 for the St., Winfield, KS 67156-2499. Periodicals postage paid McKinney Foster, Florence Metcalf, Ron Molz, Joshua G. start of the fall semester. at Winfield, KS, and additional mailing office. Moore, Teresa Morrow, Danny J. Moss, Lynn R. Nichols, Photo by Jonathan Woon ’14. USPS #0612-560. Madeline J. Norland, Mitch Peterson, James L. Richardson, Postmaster: Send address changes to The Southwesterner, Kendall Utt, Thomas Wallrabenstein. 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156-2499. Photos in The Southwesterner are by Emeritus Trustees: Craig L. Anderson, Kelly B. Bender, Jonathan Woon ’14, Charles Osen Communicate with The Southwesterner: Grace M. Brooks, William D. Brooks, George M. Cole, ’94, Terry Quiett ’94, and Alyssa E-mail: [email protected] Keith M. Dial, Larry D. Eason, Yvette Ehrlich, A.J. (Jack) Write to: Sara Weinert Harshfield ’12, unless otherwise Focht, Margaret L. Gilger, Robert P. Jewell, Richard H. Southwestern College indicated. Stories by Sara Severance Leftwich, Allan J. Lundeen, H. Leon Mattocks, George R. Weinert and Charles Osen. 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156-2499 McNeish, Michael T. Metcalf, Albert F. Mutti, David C. CHECK US Parsons, Candace J. Pettey, James R. Reed, Kelly J. Rundell, OUT Brilla Highfill Scott, William T. Seyb. John T. Smith. ON THE WEB Honorary Trustees: Bruce P. Blake, Harold W. Deets. Ed.D. program launches well outhwestern College’s new doc- tor of education degree enrolled S its first students during the sum- mer of 2012 in a program launch that administrators describe as highly suc- cessful. Two cohorts were on campus during June and July, and 30 educators currently are enrolled in the program. “There obviously was pent-up demand for this degree,” says David Hofmeister, education division chair and director of teacher education. “These students are highly motivated. Most are at a mid-level in their careers and ready to move to the next level.” Participants are mostly building or district administrators and come from a four-state area concentrated in western and central Kansas. “After the first summer residency we evaluated the program and im- provements are being made,” Hof- meister says. Last year, for example, entering students were required to begin their studies with the summer residency. One of the largest crowds in recent years participated in Moundbuilding 2012. This annual ceremony now takes place entirely at the Cole Now they can be admitted each se- Mound Plaza, where participants recognize individuals and groups that make up the SC tradition. mester and begin online classes as long as the residency is finished during the first year of the program. “The residency is a unique op- New faculty bring top credentials portunity to start the dissertation at etirements and departmental Carrie Lane, assistant professor of toward a Ph.D. in religious studies at will, and many of our students did just expansions led to several new psychology, Ph.D. in psychology from Southern Methodist University. He that,” Hofmeister adds. “Most began R faculty members at Southwest- the University of Texas at Arlington. was awarded the Schubert M. Ogden writing their proposals for dissertation, ern College for the fall semester. Her focus of study was the evolution Fellowship for Academic Excellence and some already are writing their “This is an outstanding group that of gender differences in adult crying. in Theology. second chapters this fall.” is joining our faculty,” says academic Lane had been associate professor of Zhu Chuanfang (Camellia), vis- The program is designed to be dean Andy Sheppard. “They have a psychology at Florida State University. iting scholar from Huangshan Univer- completed in two to three years. range of expertise and very impres- Li Liu, assistant professor of com- sity (HU), master’s degree in English For more information, contact sive credentials. They also have a lot of puter science, Ph.D. from the Univer- language and literature. She has pub- Hofmeister at david.hofmeister@ energy and are all looking forward to sity of Alabama in computer science. lished on the vagueness of vocabulary sckans.edu, 620-229-6115. helping our students make some great He has been an associate professor of in English advertising. intellectual discoveries.” computer science at Shandong Uni- Vital Voranau, Center for Jackie Glasgow, assistant profes- versity and had worked in research and Belarusian Studies visiting scholar, sor of education, Ed.D. from Wichita development at the Georgia Institute completing Ph.D. at the University of Green efforts State University. Glasgow has a wealth of Technology. Masaryk in the Czech Republic. He of public school experience and most Kurt Keiser, associate professor of has translated and published a number recognized recently has been serving as the assis- business and chair for the business divi- of works including the first translations tant superintendent for the Wellington sion, Ph.D. in economics from Colo- of The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh he American College & Uni- School District. Glasgow is a Kansas rado State University. Keiser has been and Waiting for Godot into Belarusian. versity Presidents’ Climate Learning Network coach. chair of the business department at Ad- Graeme Forbes, visiting scholar T Commitment (ACUPCC) has Jackson Lashier, assistant profes- ams State University where he engaged for theology, Ph.D in philosophy released its annual report, and South- sor of religion, Ph.D. in religion from in institutional and specialty accredita- from the University of Sheffield. His western College is among the 165 Marquette University. He is a Raynor tion processes. He has co-authored a academic interest is in contemporary colleges listed that have supported Fellow and a John Wesley Fellow.
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