AUCTION 232 Closing Tuesday April 21, 2020 397 396 1148 1615 1737 VIEW THIS AUCTION ONLINE AT WWW.AUCKLANDCITYSTAMPS.CO.NZ No Buyer’s Commission PO Box 99988 Newmarket Auckland 1149 NZ • Ph +64 9 522 0311 • Fax +64 9 522 0313 • Email [email protected] 14 16 25 Ex 38 Ex 52 Ex 41 57 142 Ex 152 153 316 341 342 359 363 362 360 361 365 364 391 388 389 439 461 474 480 479 496 497 502 626 Ex 664 Ex 665 - Plate 1 - 729 731 737 Ex 747 Ex 751 797 845 Ex 847 Ex 855 Ex 866 867 Ex 894 Ex 897 983 918 Ex 978 976 Ex 1001 1000 1123 1130 1151 1150 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1158 1157 1159 1147 1164 1172 1171 1170 - Plate 2 - 1173 1169 1168 1167 1166 1175 1176 1177 1178 1165 1181 1183 1184 1182 1185 1186 1190 1203 1220 1226 1232 1239 1240 1228 1238 1237 1248 1249 1265 1252 1264 1272 1287 1302 1283 1282 1304 1320 1330 1364 - Plate 3 - Welcome To Auckland City Stamps Auction 232 Welcome to Postal Auction 232 which contains 2568 lots of World & New Zealand Stamps & Covers and closes on Tuesday April 21, 2020. In World Stamps the highlights include Lot 363 Great Britain 1847/54 QV 10d Brown Embossed Used (Est $900), Lot 396 Great Britain 1867/83 QV £1 Brown-Lilac SG 129 Used (Est $900), Lot 397 Great Britain 1867/83 QV 10/- Greenish Grey SG 128 Used (Est $650) and Lot 729 Liechtenstein 1933 5f Arms Used (Est $1000). In New Zealand Stamps the highlights include Lot 1148 Imperfect FFQ 1/- Green SG 45 Mint (Est $2500), Lot 1158 Imperf FFQ 6d Grey-Black Mint (Est $2500), Lot 1184 First Sideface 4d Maroon Unhinged (Est $1000), Lot 1304 KGV 1/- Orange Brown Mint (Est $1000), Lot 1615 1966 4d Scout Jamboree Missing Gold Colour (Est $2000), Lot 1654 1968 28c Fox Glacier Yellow Colour Omitted (Est $2000), Lot 1753 1970 25c Hauraki Gulf Printed on the Gum Side & Orange Colour Omitted (Est $2000), Lot 1998 2004 45c Wellington Arts Festival CAL Used (Est $1250), Lot 2110 1996 Christmas Booklet Completely Imperf (Est $1500) and Lot 2291 1931 Arms 25/- Cowan Paper Used (Est $1250). In New Zealand Postal History the highlights include Lot 2448 1933 Hawkes Bay Flood Emergency Flight Cover (Est $250), Lot 2450 1933 Emergency Airmail Flight Blenheim to Wellington (Est $300) and Lot 2458 New Zealand Post Office London Crash Mail Cover & Ambulance envelope (Est $200). Scans of most lots are available – please contact us early with your requests. Our 19th Public Auction is being held in Auckland on Saturday August 15, 2020 and the deadline to receive consignments is approaching. Please contact David Holmes for a confidential appraisal. We are pleased to confirm that Auckland City Stamps and Campbell Paterson will have stands at the New Zealand 2020 FIAP International Stamp Exhibition from Thursday March 19 until Sunday March 22. We will have a great selection of New Zealand and World stamps and postal history, postcards, collections and some box lots. Do please contact David if you have specific wants and he will do his best to assist. Unless specifically arranged we will not have viewing of items in this auction at the show. David and Nigel also plan to be in London attending the International Stamp Exhibition to be held at the Business Design Centre in Islington, London from Saturday 2 May 2020 until Saturday 9 May 2020. Any clients also attending who have any buying or selling requests and would like to meet to discuss them should please email David to arrange a time to meet in London. Finally, good luck with your bidding in Auction 232 – please remember to phone, fax, post or e-mail your bids. For those clients who email bids note that we will always confirm receipt of your email by return - so if you don’t hear back from us please email again or contact the office. Auction 232 closes on Tuesday April 21, 2020. David Holmes Nigel Shanks Public auction 19 AUGUST 15, 2020 At Our On Site Auction Rooms - Located at Our Specific Areas Of Interest Include 1 Ngaire Ave, Newmarket Specialised Deceased Estates Postal History Collections Deadline for Consignments June 19, 2020 Early NZ Errors Revenues Full Face Railway Material Life Insurance Queens Postage Dues Postal Fiscals Exhibitions Contact David Holmes Early Health Specialised NZ for a confidential appraisal. Arms PHONE +64 9 522 0311 Prestamp Disaster Mail Rare Covers WE WILL TRAVEL ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD TO VIEW SUITABLE MATERIAL Early Great Australia Asia Britain Pacific Islands Australian * 15% Vendor Commission British States *GST will be added to the commission rate for local vendors Commonwealth PO Box 99988 Newmarket Auckland 1149 NZ • Ph +64 9 522 0311 • Fax +64 9 522 0313 [email protected] • www.AucklandCityStamps.co.nz 2 LOT NZ$ LOT NZ$ WORLD STAMPS & COVERS 33 U 1937/49 10/- & £1 Robes Thick Paper SG 177/78 Fine 45 AFGANISTAN Used Cat £50 (2) 34 * 1937/49 10/- Robes SG 177 Good Mint Cat £50 (1) 20 1 ** 1983 50a Winter Landscape & 100a Camel SG 921/22 10 unh (2) 35 U 1940 AIF 3d & 6d SG 198/99 Fine Used (2) 15 AITUTAKI 36 * 1948 Arms 10/- Overprinted ‘Specimen’ SG 224bs 50 Good Mint (1) 2 ** 1982 Birth of Prince William 2nd Issue Min Sheet SG 11 37 U 1948 Arms Set SG 224a/d Fine Used (4) 30 MS424 unh (1) 38 U 1963/65 Navigators Set SG 355/60 Fine Used Cat 120 3 U 1984 Birth of Prince Henry 2nd issue Min Sheet SG 10 £110 (6) PHOTO-PLATE 1 MS517 Fine Used (1) 39 * 1963/65 Navigators Set SG 355/60 Good Mint Cat 125 4 U 1985 Christmas Appearance of Halley’s Comet Min 17 £120 (6) Sheet SG MS536 Fine Used (1) 40 C 1977 (9MR) Cricket Printed Cover for WA - The 1977 25 5 ** 1986 Halley’s Comet 2nd Issue Min Sheet SG MS540 11 Shield Winners Signed by Ian Brayshaw Acting Cap- unh (1) tain (1) 6 ** 1986 Royal Wedding Min Sheet SG MS548 unh (1) 13 41 * BCOF 1946 Overprints Set SG J1/7 Good Mint Cat 150 7 ** 1990 90th Birthday Queen Elizabeth II Min Sheet SG 25 £190 (7) PHOTO-PLATE 1 MS614 unh (1) 42 U Revenue 1930’s On piece - 1/-,5/-,10/-,£2 (damaged) & 50 8 U 1992 Christmas Min Sheet SG MS646 Fine Used (1) 16 £5 Relief Tax Overprints tied (5) 9 ** 1992 Christmas Min Sheet SG MS646 unh (1) 13 43 C Revenue 1988 Passenger Ticket with Australia A$20 20 10 U 1993 Coronation Strip of 3 SG 650/62 Fine Used (3) 18 Departure Tax label and $5 Immigration Fee label (2) 11 U 2000 Queen Mother 100th Birthday Min Sheet SG 15 44 C Revenue 1990’s Passenger Ticket with Australia $27 20 MS711 Fine Used (1) Departure Tax label & NZ $20 Auckland International 12 U 2000 Queen Mother 100th Birthday Sheetlet SG 25 Airport Ltd $20 International Departure Tax label (2) 707/10 Fine Used (1) AUSTRALIA CINDERELLAS ANGOLA 45 C 1938 QSL Radio Card ‘ZL 4FB’ with Australia’s 150th 50 13 U 1951 2a Bird SG 465 Perfined ‘BA’ Used with light 5 Anniversary/W.I.A. NSW Division, Amateur Radio Con- creasing (1) tests/VK-ZL DX Contest Greem/Yellow/Brown large ARGENTINA Cinderella label tied. Fine Item (1) PHOTO-PLATE 4 14 U 1858 Imperf 15c Blue SG 3 Pair Fine Used Cat £320 200 46 * 1940’s 1d Lady Gowrie Red Cross Appeal label 2x dif- 20 (2) PHOTO-PLATE 1 ferent blue shades. Good Mint (2) 15 U 1858 Imperfs Set SG 1/3 Very Good Used Cat £240 (3) 150 47 ** 1940’s 6d War Savings Stamp P11 Block of 4 Un- 40 16 U 1864 15c Blue Imperf SG 15 Very Good Used with 3 750 hinged (4) Margins. Very Scarce Cat £4500 (1) PHOTO-PLATE 1 48 ** 1940’s 6d War Savings Stamp P11 in a Block of 6 60 17 U 1864 5c Red Imperf SG 24 Fine Used with close mar- 40 Unhinged (6) gins. Cat £80 (1) AUSTRALIA OFFICIALS AUSTRALIA 49 U 1915/28 Roo 10/- SG 051 Fine Used Cat £75 (1) 50 18 U 1915/20 Roo £1 Grey 3rd Watermark SG 75 Telegraph 50 50 U 1929 3d Airmail SG 0119 Fine Used (1) 20 Punched Hole Used Cat £350 (1) 51 U 1930 Sturt Pair SG 0121/22 Fine Used (2) 15 19 C 1918 (21JE) 1d KGV Printed Cover Posted at 100 52 U 1931 Kingsford Smith Pair SG 0123/24 Fine Used (2) 75 Kalgoorlie addressed to ‘British Prisoner Of War No PHOTO-PLATE 1 1176 Private Walter Stagles, Squad 123 11th Battalion 53 ** 2005 Qantas Airbus 380 3x $7.20 Sheetlets all different 30 Australian Imperial Force, Germany Cl- Australian Red (3) Cross Commissioners, 54 Victoria St London. Has AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC TERRITORY Opened By Censor PW985 White Tape. Fine Item (1) 54 ** 2013 Mountains Set & Min Sheet SG 224/MS228 unh 40 PHOTO-PLATE 4 (4+M/S) 20 U 1918/23 KGV 4d Blue SG 65 Perfined ‘BP’ Used (1) 10 21 U 1927 1 1/2d Canberra SG 105 postmarked with First 10 BECHUANALAND Day Cancel Fine Used (1) 55 * Revenue (Stelleland) 1884 6d,1’6,2/6,5/- & 10/- Arms 100 labels Barfoot 1,3,5,6 & 7 Mint No Gum with light age- 22 U 1931 Kingsford Smith Set SG 121/23 Fine Used (3) 10 ing Cat £230 (5) 23 * 1931 Kingsford Smith Set SG 121/23 Good Mint (3) 10 24 * 1932 1/- Lyrebird SG 140 Good Mint Cat £45 (1) 25 BELGIUM 25 U 1932 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge SG 143 Very Fine 250 56 ** 1975 Themabelga International Thematic Stamp Exhi- 16 Used Cat £200 (1) PHOTO-PLATE 1 bition - Traditional Trades Set SG 2411/16 unh (6) 26 U 1934 MacArthur 3d & 9d SG 151/52 Fine Used Cat 40 BERMUDA £68 (2) 57 * Cinderella WW2 1940’s Red Cross Green/Blue/Red 20 27 * 1934 MacArthur 3d & 9d SG 151/52 Good Mint Cat 40 label Mint No Gum (1) PHOTO-PLATE 1 £55 (2) BOPHUTHATSWANA 28 U 1935 1/- Anzac SG 155 Fine Used (1) 30 58 ** 1985 Definitives Set SG 124/42 unh (20) 20 29 U 1935 2/- Jubilee SG 158 Fine Used Cat £48 (1) 35 BRAZIL 30 U 1936 1/- South Australia SG 163 Fine Used (1) 10 59 U 1850 300r Black SG 23 Fine Used with Close to Good 50 31 U 1937 3d & 9d 150th Anniv NSW SG 194/95 Fine Used 13 Margins Cat £65 (1) (2) 60 U 1850 600r Black SG 24 Fine Used Cat £100 (1) 100 32 * 1937/49 £1 Robes Thick Paper SG 178 Good Mint Cat 60 61 U 1850 Imperf
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