2018/19 SESSION of the BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 22 March 2019 Sitting number 18 of the 2018/19 Session (pages 1369–1474) Hon. Dennis P. Lister, Jr., JP, MP Speaker Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 22 March 2019 1369 BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 22 MARCH 2019 10:05 AM Sitting Number 18 of the 2018/19 Session [Hon. Dennis P. Lister, Jr., Speaker, in the Chair] be taking place in here. And I will ask all Members, if you have any personal items that may be in your desk PRAYERS or around your seat, to secure them before the reno- vations start. [Prayers read by Mrs. Shernette Wolffe, Clerk] PARLIAMENTARY SEMINAR The Speaker: Good morning, Members. The Speaker: Thirdly, in the fall of last year, we had [Gavel] talked of doing the Parliamentary Seminar. It was postponed from last fall until this spring. And, as you will see on the Order Paper, it is scheduled for the 1st CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES nd [Minutes of 13, 15 March 2019] and 2 of May. Full notification has been sent to all Members. And we would expect full participation from th Members for that seminar, which is to strengthen the The Speaker: Members, the Minutes of the 13 of March and the 15th of March have been circulated. parliamentary process. Thank you. Are there any amendments or omissions, cor- rections that need to be made? MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE There are none. The Minutes are confirmed as printed. The Speaker: There are none. [Minutes of 13 and 15 March 2019 confirmed] PAPERS AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS TO THE HOUSE th The Speaker: The Minutes for the 18 of March have been deferred. The Speaker: As anyone may have taken a note of the Order Paper this morning, you can see that we MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR have quite a few papers and communications today. There are some 10 on the Order Paper. The Speaker: There are none. The first is in the name of the Premier, but I believe that the Deputy Premier is going to do it for ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SPEAKER him. OR MEMBER PRESIDING Hon. Walter H. Roban: Yes, Mr. Speaker. APOLOGIES Deputy. The Speaker: The Speaker: There are a few announcements this morning. Hon. Walter H. Roban: Good morning, Mr. Speaker, First, I would like to acknowledge the indica- and good morning to Bermuda. tion that we have been given from Members who will be absent today: Minister Burch; MP Leah Scott; the The Speaker: Good morning. Deputy Opposition Leader; the Opposition Whip, Ms. Jackson; and MP Tinee Furbert have all given their INFORMATION COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE indication that they will be absent today. ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Mr. Speaker, I have the hon- HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY RENOVATIONS Hon. Walter H. Roban: our to attach and submit for information of the Hon- ourable House of Assembly the Information Commis- The Speaker: Also, as you know, today is the last day of the sitting for this period. During the time that we sioner’s Office 2018 Annual Report. are away from here, we expect that renovations will The Speaker: Thank you, Honourable Member. Bermuda House of Assembly 1370 22 March 2019 Official Hansard Report Actually, the first three are in the Premier’s Authorisation (Temporary Importation of Vessels, Air- name. Would you like to do the other two, as well, craft and Transport Containers) Amendment Notice Deputy? 2019; and Revenue (Simplified Entry Inwards) Hu- manitarian Aid Amendment Notice 2019; Customs Hon. Walter H. Roban: Yes, I would like to, Mr. Duty (Bermuda Tourism Authority) Remission Order Speaker. 2018; Revenue (Customs Traveller Declaration) Amendment Notice 2018; Customs Duty (FryDays The Speaker: Continue on. Bermuda Limited) Remission Order 2018; and the last one, Exchange Control Amendment Regulations INFORMATION COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE 2018. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEAR ENDING 31 MARCH 2016 The Speaker: Thank you, Junior Minister. And, as you note, all of those additional ones INFORMATION COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE were done under one standing just now. So, we have FINANCIAL STATEMENTS done all 10 of the papers and communications that YEAR ENDING 31 MARCH 2017 had to be introduced. We will now move on. Hon. Walter H. Roban: Mr. Speaker, I have the hon- our to attach and submit for the information of the PETITIONS Honourable House of Assembly the Information Commissioner’s Office Financial Statements for the st The Speaker: There are none. year ending 31 of March 2016 and the Information Commissioner’s Office Financial Statements for the st STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS year ending 31 of March 2017. AND JUNIOR MINISTERS The Speaker: Thank you. The next is actually in the name of the Junior The Speaker: There are five Statements on the Order Minister. Paper this morning. The first is in the name of the Junior Minister, would you like to lay yours? Deputy Premier. Honourable Member, Minister. CUSTOMS DUTY (BELCO NORTH POWER STATION) REMISSION ORDER 2019 GOVERNMENT’S POLICY DIRECTIONS REGARDING THE SALE OF BELCO CUSTOMS TARIFF STANDING AUTHORISATION (TEMPORARY IMPORTATION OF VESSELS, Hon. Walter H. Roban: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. AIRCRAFT AND TRANSPORT CONTAINERS) Mr. Speaker, I rise to inform Honourable AMENDMENT NOTICE 2019 Members and the general public of the policy direc- tions that I have provided to the Regulatory Authority [RA]. REVENUE (SIMPLIFIED ENTRY th INWARDS (HUMANITARIAN AID) AMENDMENT Mr. Speaker, on January 28 of this year, the NOTICE 2019 Ascendant Group, which is the holding company that owns BELCO, announced that in its examination of CUSTOMS DUTY (BERMUDA TOURISM strategic alternatives for the future, it was considering AUTHORITY) REMISSION ORDER 2018 the sale of the group. This news is a once-in-a- generation moment, where we can either simply wit- REVENUE (CUSTOMS TRAVELLER ness events unfold, or galvanise our position on what DECLARATION) AMENDMENT NOTICE 2018 is best for Bermuda and continue to drive positive change in this essential public utility. CUSTOMS DUTY (FRYDAYS BERMUDA LIMITED) Mr. Speaker, built into Bermuda’s legislation is REMISSION ORDER 2018 the requirement that the regulator and the govern- ment, which oversee the utilities, only agree to that EXCHANGE CONTROL AMENDMENT change in control if that change provides benefits to REGULATIONS 2018 all stakeholders, not just the shareholders. Among those things normally considered regarding changes Hon. Wayne L. Furbert: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. in control or ownership are the nationality of the pro- I have the honour to attach and submit for the spective buyers, and their financial stability and fitness information of the Honourable House of Assembly the to engage in the business of providing a national elec- following: Customs Duty (BELCO North Power Sta- trical service. tion) Remission Order 2019; Customs Tariff Standing Bermuda House of Assembly Official Hansard Report 22 March 2019 1371 Mr. Speaker, I am permitted under section 8 ricants, replacement parts and the like. That capital of the Electricity Act 2016 (the Act) to give directions would instead be retained on Island, and hopefully to the Regulatory Authority “with due regard to the circulating in the local economy. Energy independ- purposes of this Act.” Additionally, section 9 of the Act ence is good for both the economy and the environ- allows me, in formulating Ministerial directions, to set ment. priorities in a way that, in my opinion, will best serve d) To seek to provide sectoral participants and the public interest, taking into account Government end users with non-discriminatory intercon- policy, the purposes of the Act, any public comments nection to transmission and distribution sys- and any available technical analysis. tems. Mr. Speaker, for the benefit of Honourable This prevents any monopoly on the generat- Members and the general public, I will outline the poli- ing subsector and ensures that other market partici- cy directions given to the Regulatory Authority which pants are allowed to interconnect to the grid, and it are imbedded in the purposes of the Act as described ensures that end users are not denied service without in Section 6, namely— just cause; a) To seek to ensure the adequacy, safety, sus- e) To seek to protect the interests of end users tainability and reliability of electricity supply in with respect to prices and affordability, and Bermuda so that Bermuda continues to be the adequacy, reliability and quality of electric- well positioned to compete in the international ity services. This is self-explanatory. business and global tourism markets. f) To seek to promote economic efficiency and We must ensure that a stable energy platform sustainability in the generation, transmission, is maintained. Our stable electrical supply and grid distribution and sale of electricity. Economic have played a part in establishing Bermuda’s “elite” efficiency in these areas translates to lower reputation among all other island jurisdictions in the costs for customers. region. Safety is paramount, as well, again setting Mr. Speaker, I wish to assure the general pub- Bermuda quite apart from others in the region. This lic that, as noted in the Electricity Act 2016, we will piece cannot be over-emphasised in an environment require any prospective new owners, and indeed the where cost and quality are almost entirely proportional current owners, to adhere to the Integrated Resource in that, where electricity is inexpensive in our region, it Plan (IRP), once complete. While the IRP is being is usually also not nearly as reliable and safe as that developed by the Regulatory Authority and not this in Bermuda. Government, we can state quite emphatically that we b) To seek to encourage electricity conservation look forward to more renewable energy—for example, and the efficient use of electricity.
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