OOuurr SSoocciiaall LLeeaarrnniinngg RReessoouurrcceess Apryle's Twitter List Tami's Twitter List Greg Lambert@glambert Clark Quinn@Quinnovator Law Librarian (BigLaw), Blogger, Learning experience design strategist taking geeklawblog, Competitive Intelligence, Natalie's Twitter List it to the ‘next level’ via a deep cognitive Social Media, Knowledge Management and broad technology background @ayeletter (KM), Speaker, not Adam (sorry) Legal knowledge manager and promoter Greg Lambert@glambert of usability Jeffrey_Brandt@jeffrey_brandt Harold Jarche@ hjarche @BlawgWhisperer Husband, father of 5, home schooler, Work is learning & learning is the work. ABAJournal.com Web editor and keeper of pinewood derby enthusiast, modern That's life in perpetual Beta (get used to it). the Blawg Directory. day digital alchemist working http://abajournal.com/blawgs w/lawyers, struggling to turn data & Jason Plant@nooption info into knowledge. What do I tweet about? A fair bit of Legal @JDSupra IT, tech & geek stuff, sport, occasionally JD Supra helps lawyers and law firms politics and yes maybe once in a while showcase expertise and increase visibility Kevin OKeefe@kevinokeefe what I had for breakfast! by publishing and distributing their written LexBlog CEO & Publisher. We're Jeffrey_Brandt@jeffrey_brandt work online. Join us! building the world's most powerful http://www.jdsupra.com/ legal network. 29 yr. lawyer, dad to 5 Legal IT@LegalIT great kids, husband of 31 years, @StephKimbro Breaking Legal IT news, expert Packers/Mariners fan. Attorney and Owner of Kimbro Legal commentary, jobs, events, and other Legal Services, a Virtual Law Practice in N.C. Technology information. Co‐Founder of VLOTech, a tech company LegalersWelcome Michelle Spencer@txmischief providing SaaS virtual law office software. @legalerswelcome Smart, witty, sarcastic, lifetime learner; UT http://www.virtuallawpractice.org. Social media evangelist for legal, social fan, WoW player, native Texan and world @VMaryAbraham biz development, helping bring legalers traveler; book, music and movie lover; law Knowledge Manager, Blogger, Corporate into the 21st century w/technology, firm IT trainer and semi‐geek speaker, traveler, wine lover, super Lawyer, Social Media Enthusiast, Personal mom. Patrick DiDomenico@LawyerKM Knowledge Management Coach, Twitter Chief Knowledge Officer at @GibbonsPC, Fan. Lawyer, KM, Social Media, Litigation @legalchatter Mashable@mashable Support, Apple, iPads, (see @iPad4Legal), Weekly legal chat every Friday at 11:00am Breaking social media, tech and digital Brazilian Jiu‐Jitsu Purple Belt ET. Moderated by @LegalersWelcome, a news and analysis from Mashable.com, legal technology educator and social media the top resource and guide for all VMaryAbraham@VMaryAbraham evangelist for the legal community. things web. Tami’s Favorite Hashtags http://legalchatinfo.wordpress.com/ #ilta @Law_Practice_News #legalit Follow us for Law Practice articles, blog #lrnchat posts, and related writings by lawyers, law #nglearn firms, and legal professionals. A @JDSupra law content feed. http://www.jdsupra.com/ Natalie's Favorite Hashtags #ilta #legalit #legalchat #lawstudentchat Natalie's RSS Lists www.readwriteweb.com ReadWriteWeb is one of the most popular technology blogs in the world, known for offering insightful analysis about each day's Internet Tammy’s RSS List industry news. Above and Beyond KM ‐ V Mary Abraham What Mary shares about law firm knowledge www.AboveandbeyondKM.com management can easily be applied by Learning What Mary shares about law firm knowledge and Development professionals in law firms. management can easily be applied by Learning and http://aboveandbeyondkm.com/ Development professionals in law firms. Compujurist ‐ Nerino Petro www.Legalitprofessionals.com Nerino is the Practice Management Advisor for the Legal IT Professionals is the leading international Law Office Management Assistance program of source of independent legal IT news, information, the State Bar of Wisconsin and blogs about and expert commentary. Practice Management, Legal Technology and similar items of interest for lawyers. www.Mashable.com http://compujurist.com/ Mashable is the largest independent news source Jane's Pick of the Day ‐ Jane Hart dedicated to covering digital culture, social media Jane is a thought leader for using social media for and technology. Mashable reports on the working, learning and marketing. importance of digital innovation and how it http://janeknight.typepad.com empowers and inspires people around the world. ILTA KM www.Lawsitesblog.com The ILTA KM blog is run by the Knowledge Tracking new and intriguing web sites for the legal Management Peer Group Steering Committee of profession.. the International Legal Technology Association. You see why we use acronyms. http://www.iphonejd.com/iphone_jd/ http://km.iltanet.org/ iPhone J.D. is a site for lawyers using iPhones and iPads published by Jeff Richardson, an attorney in Law Technology News New Orleans, Louisiana. The Law Technology site shares current legal technology trends. http://www.law.com/ jsp/rss/rss_lawtechnologynews.jsp Working Smarter Daily ‐ curated by the Internet Time Alliance Not really a blog, but a site that collects articles and posts that focus on how people can work better. http://www.workingsmarterdaily.com/ Apryle's Blogs Tami's Mobile Apps http://www.theorangerag.com/blog Flipboard Legal Technology Insider MobileNoter TweetDeck Apryle's Favorite YouTube Channels LinkedIn Excel is Fun Facebook YouTube Ted Natalie's YouTube Videos Apryle’s Mobile Apps Flipboard RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth Moleskin about what motivates us http://youtu.be/u6XAPnuFjJc Bento EasySign Learning to Change‐Changing to Learn FlightBoard http://youtu.be/tahTKdEUAPk GoToMyPC TripDeck Did You Know 4.0 http://youtu.be/6ILQrUrEWe8 Social Media Revolution 3 http://youtu.be/x0EnhXn5boM Natalie's Mobile Apps (Besides Words with Friends and Angry Birds) The Evolution of Communication OneNote http://youtu.be/ah8aHIsAJfc Zite Hootsuite TweetDeck FlipBoard LegalEdge (JDSupra) LinkedIn iAnnotate PDF Tami's Google+ Ivan Hemmans Natalie Huha Natalie's Google+ Gwynne Monahan Scott Preston Stephanie Kimbro David Hobbie Sean Brady Huma Rashid Patrick DiDomenico Sean Brady Jane Hart Jane Bozarth .
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