Kabul Times (October 28, 1964, Vol. 3, No. 197) Bakhtar News Agency

Kabul Times (October 28, 1964, Vol. 3, No. 197) Bakhtar News Agency

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 10-28-1964 Kabul Times (October 28, 1964, vol. 3, no. 197) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (October 28, 1964, vol. 3, no. 197)" (1964). Kabul Times. 725. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/725 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i .-".. :.. -..... • "0 __ .' - --- '. ~ .. " ..' '.- . -,: -:: .. , --'~ ; - - .., ; -. , . , - ..- . ;.. , - '\," " , , " " .. ' , " . .' .:. NEWS :STALLS':' .:-, : -~ 'tHE WEA1'HKR . Hotel; KabUl Hotel; :.8iiat~,- .:: ...., . Max. + 19°C. Minimum +2°C. Naw Dead'uk Cinema; &aIt1il. '. : .- P{\:GE 4 KABUL TIMES OCTOBER 27, 1964 Sun sets today at 5.14 p.m. International AJ.rPQrt:",·. .,'.' . Sun rises tomorrow at 6.11 a.m. ' , Kab.ol TiineS- t. ava1bbJe: d:.. '~.' --, . -Forecast by AIr Ailthortty Kh$be,r Restaur.uit; S~r.__. Home News In Brief '. Pakistani Artists Arrive In ·Kabul Today I YaterdaTI Tempen&unii Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear .... KABUL, Oct 27.-A team of . , \. $, German engineers sent ·to Afgha­ : .- nistan under; the German Federal VOL. III, NO. 197 KABUL WEDNESDAY'" OCTOB ER. 28. 1964: CAQRAS6:1S43;"S.H.L :~:._. :. ~~ . .; ~, .: ". ·PRICE AI: 2' .' - -' . government te.chnical.' asistance , - '. .. '. ..-. '. ..' .....:----'=:-;7-'~.....:~--':--'-'--~'-~~;..-- . programme aCCDmpame-d by. the : .-.... ChIef of Plannmg of ihe MinlShy.· .GATT .To ·~Qebci~e· .." .U'~K~'~WQrns So·uth.:Rhoaesici··~· ." of CornntupicatlOns, left. Kabul PARK CINEMA: . .Their. Majesties King, Queen for Nangarhar Province ·yester· At 4-30, 7 apd 9 p.m. American New~. B~itisit": .... .': O~ilaterat.De·clar~no~ ·::<·· .' .. day to survey and make plelim:­ film; ABSENT MINDED PROF.,. Will Leave For Ch'ina On State ·.:·0·... nary plans for seHmg up the starring: Freo Mac Mux:raY,.Na.ncy C"rner .System telephone Imk Olson and Keenan ·Wynn. E~ono"'~ic ·:Mov~:· ~ ~d~pe~d«i·nee.·:Wal· B~· fa~~ : At9:00·a~m.· .- .f .' :-.... '. " belween Kabul. Sarobi. Jala:abad KABUL CINEMA: .' VisitTomorrow and the eastern area. At 4 and 6-30 p·.m..Paklstanl KABUL, Oct, 28.-on the invitation of Mr. LiuoShao·Cbi, Pre- GEr{EVA, Get. 28c (Reuter).7 :. _.: - -' . LONDON, :OetOller, 2S;. (APJ;~ ..- ,~.:._ ," f filril; ISHQ PER ZOR NAmEN. / . sident. of the People's Republic of China., Their Majesties B~itain's' temporary ~15 per ce-nt· .:~~ British;govenilnent. ,!anied. RhOd:esi~ o~~at-it .wOuleL ..~ ':: ":.. ~' KABUL. Oct 27 -A Ira.ninJ BEHZAD CINEMA: . the King and Queen will leave Kabul on a state visit to China import s!!rcharge.wilt_be'. discuss- '. -. be. pllty of· treaso.n-.and rebellion if It uilila~ridly'~,- '. - "".:.. ceJUrse' for <:ommunity leadel:s In At 5 and 8 p.m. PakistanI film; tomorrow at 9-00 a.m. On this 14-day trip, His Majesty will ed'at,a meeJing ~f the~Counc~lof .- 'its Independence:.' : '-.- .. _.'. .... : ,,:. ..:,~::. '.' __ ,,'_ Noonstan and Darrah-Paich Rural OLAD.. Represen.tatives of. the',,' General . - A. strongly wonted staiement' from' io ..DoWniDl' Skeet. --'. _:_~- be aeeomp.anied by the lollowing persons: Tr.-l!d~ Development Projects was'opened Agreement on Tanffs and . _. ._ ,'. '." 0 ' o' . ',' .". " . - ZAINEB CINEMA: Mr. Ali Mohammad, the Minis-. at the Guizar .Trainl·ng Cen'tre of At 6-:30 p.m. Pakistani film; .(GA'IT) ope!1ing ,here. today. '. - _.. ',~m~aI. resi~~~ce of"Frime ~~r.B!m>ld W~p,~· ~~. ' .. the Rural Development P.roject tel' of Court; Mr. Noor Ahmad . About .50 cOllntries .are :exped- senous c«!~quenees "!opld fiow !1'0~ such an,ad. ',: .,". .-: DAMAN.. Etemad!, Secretary,;General of '. on Satu'rday The ceremo:lY was­ ea tQ attend .the meeting, rang-ed .: -..... ...' _ ~_" . A decl.aration <01. ip~~~ence. .. _ .: ,.!tended by 2\11' Abd'tll Samad Ba­ the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Chou CommentsOn n~v.: 'SWJ"Ss~Gov'e'rnm" ~~.:the ~: Izvestia On 40 th Professor Khalilullah Khalili, before Bntain·s. .Labour. gov- e-nt·· >},<hi.e-ruled. Afncan cownY-.7: -, .. khshl. ChIef of the Rural DevE'­ : ernment ·announced last 1VI.onaay _ _. '. \\~5u1d ~ an act of defiail.ee- and .'..' .' "_ .' press advisor to His Majest-.f; Mr. lopinent Department and h<:al'a Anmversary off USSR its plans to solv~,the natioil's.ecO: . r·eoelli.orj:.'? the state-ment ,~. ~ / . Sultan Mahnioud Ghazi, chief of Hikita Khrushchoy· D'". "d' -:: 'T'.' E·" l' c'::'. ..':. well ·as foreign eXHerts. The t\\o- I nomic pr.obleins. ..' _. " .. - ~and".It. \fo.uld'. be. tr.easo~. to .' '. ~ "_. And French Relations . the Afghan Air Authority, and eeJJ es· O' xpe week tramIng cOlJrse IS bemg ~ , MOSCOW, Oct. 27, (AP).-·The R~signation .Britain- has' ,tbld GAIT it-·. is: '. -, . ,- take steps to .give ejIect <to-I~ . '. " ",tie-nded by 62 vlllager-s l~aGers. L Mrs. Alia Mahmoud' Ghazi; Mr. ... ready.' to consult witn. ~he. -.63-' 1lJi;: ~, " 'd 17]",,::1 --, .' :Th~ w·ariIipg.~canie.:lUst ~.few Soviet. newspaper Pravda noted AttaulIa Nasser Zia, chief of _~efSat';.a' :::nd elders.·of Noonstan and Monday .the 40th anniversary .of. merpber organisation "at an' ear.lY· lUOI.lan,me:. lUulJeE ,hoUrS after Rhodesian Darrah·Paich ProJects. who are protocol of .the Ministry of Foreign 'TOKYO,' Oct. 28, CReuter).- date" and to' an~wer ~ que~~ions .::. .. sp€<:lal g~th~g in Rhod~ an-__ '.' ' establishment of Franco-Sovlet. : Affairs; Mr. Noor Mohd Zekria, Chou en-Lai; Chinese Prime' Mi- aOout .its balance of . payments ". B.ER~. ()<;t. 28~ (.Reu~er).--:1'he nounced ,they. were- In favour. .of, ':'Iso members of the y-j·llage coun-. " diplomatic relations and called (', 1~. The course IS desJ'glwd . to' gentleman-in-waiting; Majori'Ge;. nister, views Khrushchov's re- prebleIlls and tlie' policies, it :n- ..sw~ss: governm!!~t-:- has _. decrd~ ..ind.ependence for... their' countrY.. for more ·'businessh.ke coopera­ neral·Mohammad Orner, first-aide­ ~.pel Mq~a.nF:nad Khi.~,-: ~ ~-:.._ Increase the kno\~·ledge. -develop'" tIOn" between the two countries, slgnatlQn as favourably. a!f.ecting tendS tOopurs'ue to,solve'them. - to. ·triuIer 'white Jufe. .. ". p~actlcal de-camp; Dr. Abdul Fattah Najm, the world as a whole 10 tne f\l- . ,This readiness to consult with genal). Opposlt}o.n ~adeI' J,D: eXile, .. ',The BritfSh .aovernment.:"ean-· . skLlls and change . the' . the News Agency Tass repolted. mel'l.lali1y of the partlcIP9nL~. '.' as physician; Lieutenant Colonel ture. J apane~ correspondents ra- GATl: was. conveyed:in <I rm:;sSage b.~ause of "illegal 1>01j9<;a1,. a.c-. ,n~l. beheve ·.that ~once- the "conse--'. : '. -: director of PohaDy Theatre Commentator Uiri· Zhukov wrcr . Shah Wall, aide-de-camp; Mr. ported m dIspatches to Tokyo which ];~ai'.Cohea,.: Biitain's t!\uty:"· .. , .... '., .. ,; Quenc5 have been'made clear the,:~ '.- '. '..'" '.KABUL. Oct.· 27.-A group ·today. te that French and Soviet views SHiBERGHAN, OCI '2,7:-llhe 01 film artists .ot Pakistan Mi. W'ahiduddin' and Ziau· and a number of Afghan ar­ Mohammad Ali Amir, a member Tuesday. 'permanent.representative, handed t I~ .!Uso rU~d Monday .f1~,:shoUJ~ governnieEt lind:people 'of South-:.:: .";... - rec~ived were identical on·a number' of foundation stone of one or ili~. arrived in KabUl tciIlay to take ddin Atunad are the head of tists the Pakistaili of the directorate-general of fo­ T?e r~rts quoted Chou as· to' Eric Wyndham White GATT I be gr~ne~d s~f~ con~uet ,to al- ern Rhodesia will take an irrevCF' ... _; gr()up of artists. Here they issues and. that this agreement reign Affairs and in-cllarge of the say.lO~ thiS .M~nday. ~o. a ;Tapa~ese EXecutiVe" Secretary and which ·Iow.: h~ to Vl~lt Ge~ev~ .~er~ cable step of this kind."..the Stat~. .,'-: bUildings In .Ihe. new town.of part ·in the festival of PaJtis· this 12-man group which Will could provide the' basis for c1qser are pictured at the airport. section&>r the Far East and MI'. SOCIalIst mISSIon V1S1ti~, Peking. GATT rele'ased.last ~ight. ....'. ....he 1S.-1Dvolv~ tn .le.gaI .actiDns. " m('nt. sait!o . .. .. ~.~. '..... .',.' \1ang-achak 111' JO\il1:Jan 'Province .tan movie Iilfus ·which· will be stay in Kabul for'one -week. ~ relat\ons. &'ifurrahman Qateer Ziyaee, a CommentlOg o~ ?Un~ s Ji!st· .., .. '.. " ,Kliide!, fo~~r S~tary~~ .' "The'decisiotF to gr.ant inili!Jle!1~'" . - , ... \\as laid by. Engj.neer AhmaClulla. on'show"forone'week as from At the ,ai.rport Mr. Besid, "There IS real ground for Cl)­ th(: provlhclal Governor Oll Sun- , -- -_._...:.....~"......-~,.--...,....'-'-..,......- .member of the department of nucIear !est. he SaId It.was carned '. _. ".- . • :.'.. ". r~l <:>f the Rulmg Natio!lal L,ibera- dence: I:esbi entiFely ~ ,wi.$. .the. -:. ::.. operation' whIch may be verY East ·EUropean affairs in the Mi­ ~ut t~e Unite~ tlO~ Front,~~'un,l~tAlg,mala~ L~rge rr~n.ce's .agamst States - Italian COmmu'nist Party British government' and Parna::'" :--,. da" AccordlOg to plan:;. the ne\': ,"ALb'o'ud' D.-ss·o·Ives 'Sudanes'e Jirga CondeDlDS Important, considering. nistry of of Foreign Affairs. Chma eontatnment-poljc~'. they '. ~'~'" "_ sprlOg when- Pre~ndent Ahm,eQ ment and they gave a sOlemn dutY~_ ~ :- 101m will be built In an area of U . Pakistan Interference important role in solVlOg lOter­ An announcement from the Mi­ reporte~. Delept~on ~o~ow.. ~ella ~efus,:d- 'allo~" ,:~. acr~s ..,. In Ben to hIm to- be satisfied that i;efore grant';' --': '.J' 160 and \\ It! inClude gov- is'' . C· .- Of A'd' KABUL. Oct. 27.-A report from, n<rtlOnaJ, .

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