Eighth6HULHV9ROXXXVI1R. 14 MondayM arch 1488 Phalguna 24, 1909 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ Tenth6HVVLRQ Eighth/RN6DEKD 9ROXXXVI CRQWDLQV1R1WR2 0 /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS [Eighth Serlea, Yolume XXXYI, Tenth Session, 1988/1909 (Saka)] No. 14, Monday, March 14, 1988/Phalguna 24, 1909 (Saka) CoLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions : 1-31 *Starred Questions Nos. 262, 264 to 266 and 270 Written Answers to Questions: 32-383 Starred Questions Nos. 263, 267 to 269, 271 to 279 and 32-54 281 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2800 to 2822, 2824 to 2889, 54-383 2891 to 2954 and 2956 to 3016 Papers Laid on the Table 390-392 Matters Under Rule 377- 392-396 (i) Need to open a sugar mill in Belgaum (Kamataka)- Shri S.B. Sidnal 392-393 (H) Hunger strike by college teachers in Bidar (Kamataka) for the non-payment of their salary- Shri Narsing Suryawanshi 393 (iii) Need to direct the Madhya Pradesh Government to provide electricity connections to the houses of Harijans and Adivasis- Shri Kammodilal Jatav 393 (iv) Need to open a Paper Mill and a Sugar Mill in Demeriaganj, district Basti, Uttar Pradesh- Shri K.J. Abbasi 393-394 (v) Need to review the decision to import cotton- Shri N. Venkata Ratnam 394 (vi) Need to direct Metro Railway authorities to clear the water bills of Calcutta Municipal Corporation- Shri Hannan Mollah 394-3" (vii) Need to construct a bridge over Yamuna near Vrindaban- Shri Manvendra Singh 395 *The Sign t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question wa. actually ask~ OD the ftoor of the House by that Member. Oi) COLUMNS (viii) Need to I18Dt citizenship rights to people who miarated from West Pakistan during 1947-48 and settled in Jammu and Kathua districts of Jammu and Kashmir- Sbri Janak Raj Gupta 396 Railway Budget, 1988-8 9-General Discussion- 396-430 Prof. N.G. Ranga 396-398 Shri V. Krishna Rao 398-401 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 401--403 Shri Manvendra Singh 403-406 Shrimati Basavarajeswari 406-409 Sbri Madhavrao Scindia 409-430 General Budget, 1988-89-General Discussion- 432-486 Shri C. Madhav Reddi 432-448 Sbri B.R. Bbagat 448-464 Sbri Vijay N. PatH 464-468 Shri Somnath Cbatterjee 468-485 Sbri Manoj Pandey 485-486 LOK" SABHA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 ; (b) if so, the details thereof and the Monday, March 14, 1988/Phalguna 24, places where these special courts will be set 1909 (Saka) up ; and (c) the details of such cases pending in The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock each State? [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS JAG DISH TYTLER): (a) and (b). The Central Board of Trustees, Employees' [English] Provident Fund had, at its meeting held on Special Courts for E.P.F. CaseCj 16th February, 1988 approved a proposal for meeting the expenditure on two Special *262. -;-SHRI BANWARI LAL Courts, which may be set up in West Bengal PUROHIT: for trial of offences committed under the SHRI V. SREENIVASA EPF Act and the schemes framed there- PRASAD: under. The Trustees had also decided that similar courts may be set up in Maharashtra Will the Minister of LABOUR be pleased and BiharJ where there was a large pendency to state: of cases. (a) whether Government have a proposal (c) A statement showing the details of to set up special courts for trying offences pending cases, State-wise, as on 31-3-87, is committed under the Employees Provident given below : Statement Name of the State Cases pending for default in payment of Provident Family Deposit Total Fund Pension, Linked Contribution Contribution Insurance Contribution (as on 31-3-1987) 1 2 3 4 5 Andhra Pradesh 365 128 118 611 N.E. ReJion 250 68 26 344 Bihar 5718 888 S18 7124 Delhi 52S 75 600 3 Oral AlUtNrs MARCH J4, 1988 Oral A.1ISwe,s 4 1 2 3 4 S Gujarat 849 280 417 1546 Haryana 1101 1101 480 2682 ICamataka 1498 1498 Kerala 213 169 132 514 Madhya Pradesh 1136 1136 Maharashtra 5606 2836 2576 11018 Orissa 1176 220 295 1691 Punjab 377 208 232 817 Rajasthan 241 36 91 368 Tamil Nadu 1214 407 326 1947 Uttar Pradesh 1823 944 2767 West Bengal 21864 7673 4370 33907 Total 43956 14089 10525 68570 (Translation] long to receive payment. There must be certain norms that the payment of the claims SHRI BANWARl LAL PUROHIT will certainly be made within a specific (Nagpur) Mr. Speaker, Sir, there are period after the retirement or death of the malpractices and too much corruption employee. prevalent in Provident Fund Department. I would like to inform tha t 68.570 cases are [English] pending against employers. There are two types of malpractices in the Provident Fund SHRI RANJIT SINGH GAEKWAD Department. Firstly, the Government Sir, Half-an-Hour discussion is necessary. Officials in conaboration with the employers [Translallon) cootioue to give them extension of time for payment of EPF resulting in undue sufferings MR. SPEAKER Let him reply the to poor workers. Claims of poor workers first question. temain unsettled for years. Their claims can Dot be settled unless they pay somethi ng SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER : Sir, as to the officials. Cases remain pending for regards default in payment, there are years. I have also raised several such 43,956 cases. Out of this, about 29,974 matters. I would like to know from the cases are prosecution cases. hone Minister the number of cases pending [English] in the courts and the number of the cases decided out of these 68,570 cases. Secondly, This is a total figure. Every month 497 I would also like to know whether there is cases are being filed. I would like to inform any time limit for the settlement of the cases the hon. Member that in J 986-87, 5.49 per as the cases remain unsettled for three to cent of the claims were settled and a sum of four years? Are there any norms regarding Rs. 335.1 3 crores was authorised for pay- tbe settlement of such cases? Due to delay ment. Eighty nine per cent of the claims, and DOD-payment, many workers do Dot live which became due for settlement, have been 5 PHALGUNA 24. 1909 (SAKA) 6 settled after excluding the claims which were SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: Govern- returned for rectification. Out of these, ment has written several times to the State S 1 .46 per cent were given within twenty regarding setting up of special courts but days after the retirement, which is general1y still some doubts are there in the minds of supposed to be given to everybody. During the people. Special courts are under the 1986-87, 16.64 per cent of the claims were control of States and such cases are to be returned because the entries were not filled decided by these courts. The Government properly. This was due to the failure to wants early settlement of all these cases. include vital information which was needed for settlement of claims, or for want of SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT necessary documents .... What about Maharashtra ? [Translation1 SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER Govern- ment wi]] take steps to see that these cases, SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT be in Maharashtra or Bihar, are settled at an This is no reason. early date. [English] SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER How can claims be settled unless papers are submitted SHRI DINESH GOSWAMI This properly as required? I would like to assure question has come up on earlier occasions tbat the process will be speeded up. After and Members have expressed concern about taking over the charge the first step I it. I would like to know whether the proposed was to streamline the system and Government proposes to desist from giving to make payment of the claim according to any assistance to those defaulting firms, and the rules immediately after the retirement of supposing, a person who is entitled for the the worker. Provident Fund, is given the amount at a later date, whether that provident fund will SHRI BANWARI LAL PUROHIT : be added reasonable interest for the default- Unless they are paid, officers do not proceed ing period. Does the Government have sucb with the case. a proposal? SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: I have SHRI JAGDISH TYTLER: Govern- informed that in all there are 1 crore 40 lakh ment does not have this proposal because we accounts and 1 lakh 69 thousand establish- do not know what could be the reasons. I ments which are required to submit returns just quoted figures that within 20 days over every month. That is why we are going to SOper cent of the claims have been settled. computerise the accounts. After that we I think you will feel happy to know that an would be able to know as to how much amoun t of Rs. 335 crores was settled in one money is due to a worker. He will not be year and over 51 per cent of the cases were required to visit the office again and again settled within 20 days. My endeavour is to as tbe figures would be available with the see that jf the form comes properly within computer. Certain unions are opposing com· 20 days, the cases should be settled so that puteriS8tion; we are dicussing the matter the poor worker should get his due which he with them. We will be able to sort out tbe bas earned throughout hb life.
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