ALL-AREA WRESTLING: THREE STATE CHAMPS LEAD OBSERVERLAND'S BEST sports. B4 A GANNETT COMPANY O b s e r v e r 2nd Chance Prom Dress Sale SUNDAY, MARCH 23, 2014 • hometownlife.com Dems forum intended to spur action th a t and put o ur differences ticians out o f your doctor's aside," said David Hecker, offices." She mentioned one p resident o f the A m erican group, Michigan Women Are Mobilizing d iverse political Federation of Teachers of W atching, th a t plans to cam ­ movements under one um­ M ichigan. paign against certain law­ brella, D em ocratic clubs in H ec k er w as am ong five m akers. Canton and Plym outh hope to panelists who implored Dem­ "O ur plan is to go a fte r the gain momentum for Novem­ ocrats to defend their party’s people who are continually b e r elections and beyond by ideals against what they view voting against our values," focusing on a platform that as attem p ts by R epublican she said during a forum mod­ includes worker rights, wom­ law m akers to dism antle gains e ra ted by D em ocratic blogger en’s issues, marriage equality m ade on key issues. C hris Savage. and public education. K arla Sw ift, presid en t of T hey ram ped up th e ir e f­ Blasting laws the M ichigan AFL-CIO, said fo rts by draw ing an estim ated Libby McGaughey, vice right-to-work legislation has 90-100 people W ednesday p resident of Planned P a r­ becom e "the m ost sym bolic” night to a tw o-hour public enthood of Michigan, blasted of efforts to dismantle unions forum , In terse ctio n s in Pro­ legislation she said has made in favor of corporate in te r­ gressive Politics, inside the it m ore difficu lt and costly ests. However, she said fewer A large crowd filled the room as panelists such as David Hecker, Canton Administration Build- fo r women to obtain an ab o r­ than 1 p e rc en t of M ichigan president of the American Federation of Teachers of Michigan, and tion even when rape is in­ Education Association teach- Emily Dievendorf, executive director of Equality Michigan, addressed volved. She said Democrats Democratic issues, bob mosher should w ork to “keep poli­ See FORUM. Page A2 Canton investigates Crossings furnaces Canton Township an­ nounced Friday it was in­ vestigating potential fu r­ nace problem s a t The Cross­ ings, a large apartm ent complex near Joy Road and I-27S on Canton's north side. Tbwnship Supervisor Phil LaJoy said inspections would be done after a con­ tracto r hired by The Cross­ ings management company found "at least" 62 furnaces that could possibly be faulty. “We’re just being proac­ tive and we’re going to go in there and figure out if there a re any (furnaces) leaking See CROSSINGS, Page A2 IK E A SHARKS VS. JETS expansion Park Players take expected on ‘West Side Story’ this fall n West Side Story, the Je ts and the I Sharks are rival gang m em bers on the violent stre ets of New York, Global home furnishings doomed by social conditions they retail giant IKEA has for­ can’t control. mally announced it plans a Despite the violence and despair, m ajor expansion of its the chief protagonist, Tbny, is a hope­ 311,000-square-foot Canton ful c haracter who is very free-spirited. store, confirm ing what the At least that’s how Plym outh High O bserver first reported in School sophomore Ryan Wagner sees February. him. W agner and the rest of his cast- IKEA intends to demol­ m ates brought Tony, M aria and the Riff (Travis Ealem) convinces Tony (Ryan Wagner) the dance with the Jets. ish the form er ABC Ware­ rest of the gang m em bers to life this house building it owns next weekend in th e Park Players’ produc­ door to accom m odate a tion of the legendary m usical at the The show is inspired by Shake­ westward, 44,000-square- Gloria Logan Auditorium in Salem speare’s Romeo and Juliet and the rela­ TAKING THE STAGE foot expansion. Construc­ High School. tionship beween Tony, a Je t, and Ma­ tion is expected to sta rt this What: Park Players production of West The show’s final perform ances are ria, the sister of the leader of the Side Story fall and be finished by Friday and Saturday. Sharks, is the key component. spring 2015. When: 7 p.m. Friday, March 28; 2 p.m. “Tbny is very hopeful,” W agner M adeline Klozik plays M aria, and and 7 p.m. Saturday, March 29 The effort to expand its said. “A lot of the other characters in believes her to be a “sweet, innocent" warehouse com es eight Where: Gloria Logan Auditorium, Salem the gangs have a lot of baggage weigh­ c h aracter who, like W agner’s Tony, is High School years a fte r the Swedish ing them down. A lot of the show is optim istic. A fter w atching a bevy of retailer opened its only Tickets: $12; may be reserved by email (Tony) anticipating w hat’s coming at paul.birdepccsmaii.net next. It’s fun to act that out.” See PLAYERS. Page AS See IKEA, Page A2 O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r ic I ©Theotsover&Ecceninc INDEX horn... con. M E D I A | Volume 39 • Number 79 Community Life .........B6 Homes ........................ C3 Services . .. Crossword Puzzle ...... C3 Jobs............................ Cl Sports.. Education ..................A4 Obituaries B8 Wheels . Home Delivery: (866) 887-2737 | Return Address: 29725 Hudson Dr., Novi Ml 48377 Health ...................... B9 I can help you save time & money. One agent for all your insurance needs saves time. And Allstate's multi-policy discounts ai money. For affordable protection for your home, car, motorcycle and more, call me first. C om bine & Save. Family Insurance Agency ^ (734) 738-0300 5972 N. Sheldon Rd. A llstate # + + s f o Canton, Ml 48187 Snyder touts international business at Bosch By Brad Kadrich Reaum e, in his third te rm as group commissioned that pro­ jobs related to international its robot, Neo. Team m em bers Staff Writer Plymouth Tbwnship’s supervi­ duced an appraisal of respons­ trade. praised Snyder for his support, sor, estim ated “probably eight es from 100 U.S. chief financial OFII President/CEO Nancy not only of STEM initiatives in Richard Reaume figures different countries" are repre­ officers about the business M cLemon applauded Michigan general, but of FIRST Robotics Plym outh Tbwnship has bene­ sented in the township’s busi­ clim ate in the United States. for steps such as elim ination of in particular. fited as m uch as any munici­ ness world, including Bosch. The OFII cited M ichigan for the M ichigan Business Thx, Michigan leads the nation in pality from investment from “We’re very supportive of its creation of 255,000 jobs developm ent of M ichigan’s robotics team s and Bosch - international companies. international investment and since D ecem ber 2010 and as talented w ork force and im­ which mentors Plymouth- That’s why when Gov. Rick the job creation that com es the state that’s recovered m ost pressive results from a high Canton's team - supports some Snyder cam e Friday to the w ith it," he said. from the Great Recession. priority on job creation. 40 team s around the country. township’s Robert Bosch, LLC, Snyder was a t Bosch for an Meanwhile, Washington is Included during Snyder's Snyder spent tim e with the plant on Haggerty to talk about event lauding the Organization recognized for setting a new visit was a tour of the plant and P-CEP team a t last year’s state the importance of international for International Investment, exports record earlier this a visit with the Plymouth-Can- com petition and vowed to do so investment, Reaume under­ which released findings of a year ($81.9 billion) and as a ton Educational Park’s FIRST again next month at the 2014 stood completely. study the W ashington-based state that counts one in three Robotics team , Team 862, and state meet. among some Republicans, lizing to investigate the situa- ings residents. FORUM religious groups and older CROSSINGS "We ju st want to make sure voters. Canton Township issued a th ere’s not any kind of health Continued from Page A1 H ea ste r W heeler, a ssis­ Continued from Page A1 statem ent Friday saying local and safety problem ,” LaJoy ta n t W ayne County CEO and officials had been made aware e rs have th u s f a r declined to fo rm er executive d irec to r of of the “potential issue” and keep paying dues. th e NAACP D etroit branch, that officials would ensure [email protected] Sw ift said it's difficult to drew the big g e st laugh of Canton’s building and public m easures are taken to protect 313-222-2238 assess th e im pact right-to- th e night when he scanned safety departments were mobi- the health and safety of Cross- Twitter QCantonObserver w ork will have because m ost th e audience and rem arked, union contracts, approved “I had no idea th e re w ere before th e law w ent into this many Democrats on this effect, haven’t expired.
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