.... __ .. • .. ,... ,.· A HoaE! & Sons Jac Book Bindery .'- SprinE!port, Mi 49284 492 -, WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 Publl<aUonNu","" USPS~ Vol. 114,No. 27,ThreeSections, 26Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12,1983-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN THIRTY CENTS Northville 'Board of Education ap- board members that in compliance nor William Milliken on December 16. discuss the possibility of a summer tax next year's teachers' salaries. The Board members noted that the bond proved a resolution Monday night to with PUblic Act 333, the district was re- Bell emphasized that a decision on collection. teacher contract signed in January, Issue would most likely come right on hold a publlc hearing to determine qUired to pass a resolution before whether to collect school property taxes In a brief discussion before approving 1982,puts Northvllle teachers' salaries top of the summer tax collection - whether to impose a summer property Februal1' 1 stating their intentions to In summer has not yet been determin- the resolution, Bell told the board that it at a level comparable to those of 17 which could have an adverse effect on • .ax levy of half Its annual school pro- collect taxes In summer . ed. was premature to make a decision on other school districts. Bell pointed out the proposal should taxpayers be faced perty taxes. Public Act 333 enables school "It would not be appropriate for us to the summer property tax levy because that five of those 17 school districts with a cash flow problem. , . The public hearing will be held at 7 districts to Impose a summer property make a decision before Wednesday'S of several "unknowns" In next year's have not yet signed contracts for the While the board will be examining p.m. January 24 prior to the board's tax levy of one-half or all of Its annual meeting or before the public hearing," budget. 1982-83school year. several options over the next few meeting at Silver Springs Elementary school property taxes if township or ci- Bell noted. School administrators will Among those "unknowns" are Board members also pointed out that weeks, Bell said he hopes to have a School. ty governments refuse to do so. The act be meeting with city and township of- several uncertainties about next year's a~ments L'l both the city and more concise idea about next year's School Supertindent George Bell told was signed into law by former Gover- ficials at 7:30 p.m. tonight to further program. township are leveling off, making it budget. Bell said among the proposals he In· even more difficult to make revenue "Can we do all the things we want to tends to bring to the board sometime predictions for the coming year. do without a summer tax collection?" before September is a revision of the Recognizing that the collection of Bell asked the board. "I'd like to go on high school graduation requirements school property taxes In July may record as saying 'I don't know'." and a change In the number of course cause a significant cash crunch for Bell proposed summer school proper- , hours for sophomores and juniors at the some taxpayers, board vice president ty tax collections to city and township' high school. ' Karen Wilkinson proposed the board officials last August In the hopes of: • He predicted such revisions, if ap- examine the option of collecting sum, reducing Interest expenses that, he: proved, most likely will mean addi- mer taxes in July, 1984,rather than this' says, have totaled nearly $1.8 million: I, tional staffing at the high school next summer. over the past decade. : September - which also means addi- Among the board's other concerns is "Our tax dollars are going to finan-: tional funding. the possibility of a bond issue proposal cial Institutions," Bell said, "rather: He pointed out the uncertainties with for the high school renovation this fall. than to our regular program." • Planners- request PBO data By STEPHEN CVENGROS Nino was not opposed to the concept The consultant Insisted that an ,as a whole. In fact, he told the plan com- "owner will have to face that floor p~ Northville City Planning CommIsSion mission, "It makes good sense to allow blem or go to the Board of Appeals for Ii " will evaluate floor space In existing reslaential use co-mingling with variance" should the commission structures before maklng.a recommen- business." follow his advice. dation regarding res~de tlal housing In . Aside from upholding the square foot But Nino indicated he did not believe the. city's downtown 'lness area, it requirement, the consultant urged the a presentation before the Board of Ap- was_~ecided at las week Tuesday'S planners to "discourage outside peals is as major a stumbling block as m~g of the commtssion.. •~talr1!~lls.:' .', , in some communities. P.lan Consultant Ronald Nmo sug- <'·Nlnoqueried Follmer as to why a dif- Nino classified· Northville's appeals. .: ..jeSted that the planners make their ferent"standwd should exist for housing board as "lenient" when compared. de«:lsion on minimum square foot re- In the PBO district. Follmer countered, with similar bodies In other como' qulrements regardless of what current- "because these are existing bUildings." munities. ly exists In Northville business struc- That thought followed the stated con- Commissioner William Demray o tures.' cerns of most plan commissioners and But both Council Member Burton DeRusha. Continued on 5 I., DeRusha, lIalson':tofthe· ~ommlssion() ::r:;:"~ -, ""',.. _~".'->=' ....~~.;,.:..~. " • _ ~and Car!:-Follmer ot Fo1lmer, Stone" C ,- !' I h - I· ."dASsoc!~~~~stre.ssed.~theplannersthe: ySIS need to recognize exiSting floor space. "oun,CI" '. ears ;ana "i, Nino pointedly told the plan commis- f . ., , sion ,that mlnimtim floor space re- quIrements for zoning classifications 0 CIty. sewer system' •• (i.e. 500 square feet to qualify as an effi- . J Record pholo by STEVE FECHT clency~ 650 square feet for a one- Th~ Thomas family - Diane, Mark, Jesse and newborn Jennifer bedroom;etc.) should be maintained In Final step In an evaluation of the City final summation anUanswer questions. , reaching a reco.rpJl1~ndation regarding of NorthvUle's sewer system and its The facilities plan was Initiated In the ProfessloniUlBusiness/Offlce facUlties planning was taken Monday late 1979as a result of the Huron Valley (PBO) District. Tlfe'request to permit night as a pUblic hearing was held In ci- Wastewater Control System FacUlties Jennifer takes First Baby title residential use above commercial and ty council chambers to fulfill Federal Plan recommendation that com- office In the PBO district was the sub- requirements. munities from Plymouth Township I ject of the discussion. After studying the entire city, north to Commerce Township, in- When Jennifer Lee Thomas starts her The Thomases have been married shoes for Northville's newest citizen However, Follmer countered that evaluating areas with on-site sewage cluding the City of Northville, conduct first day of school, in about, oil say, five three years. Mark is maintenance from Del's, a baby arrangement of their own Sewer System Evaluation • such a decision "would mean any disposal systems and actual sewers years from now - she will find herself supervisor at Innsbrook Apartments, fresh flowers from IV Seasons, a building that is there would have to be within the city's sanitary sewer system, Survey. contending with being near the bottom where they reside at 18689Innsbrook. special gift for Northville's first mother torn down - because I don't think any the engineers' report concluded that it of the rollin alphabetical order, Diane is a computer supervisor for a Presently, it was pointed out, the from FreydI's and a haircut and blow are 500 feet." He added that it was his is In the best Interests of the city not to Wayne County interceptor cannot han- But in 1983,Jennifer Lee led the way Detroit law firm. dry for the new mother from Fashion belief that most of the existing rehabilitate its sewer system at this Cellar. dle the now which it receives. This is to gain The Northville Record's title as Jennifer was delivered Lamaze and buildings along Main and Center time. primarily due to the excess flow, in the first baby of the year. Mark was excited about his new Other prizes include a $10 gift cer- Streets did not have more than 400 The hearing before-city council was form of infiltration/inflow which enters tificate from The Little People Shoppe, square feet available on floors above attended only by city engineer Jack Jennifer's parents Mark and Diane daUghter, telling The Record, "I got to the Wayne County system. 10 half-gallons of milk from Guernsey street level, the focus for residential McNeely. \ welcomed their new daUghter bright hold her before they took her to the nursery." Farms Dairy, a $10 gift certificate for zoning In the business district. The consulting engineering firm of The city sewer system, the engineers and early last Saturday, January 8 at baby and mother from D &: C, two DeRusha told the commission, "I'd Finkbeiner, Pettis & Strout, Limited, of explained, was evaluated to determine 3:30 a.m. In Grace Northwest Hospital. Jennifer Lee ThOmas takes the title pounds of homemade chocolates from like to see you folks examine the 450 Toledo prepared the plan. Project whether it is more economical to Jennifer, who has a brother Jesse, 2, from Kevin Alexander Kless, who Village Sweets 'n' Treats, a Burlington square foot (reqUirement) and deter- engineer Richard Engle and assistant rehabilitate the sewers and remove the • weighed in at eight pounds·151h ounces. celebrated his first birthday January 4.
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