ESPOO 2003 VTT PUBLICATIONS 508 VTT PUBLICATIONS 508 VTT VTT PUBLICATIONS 490 Vaskivuo, Teemu. Software architecture for decentralised distribution services in spontaneous Päivi Parviainen, Hanna Hulkko, Jukka networks. 2003. 99 p. 491 Mannersalo, Petteri. Gaussian and multifractal processes in teletraffic theory. 2003. 44 p. + Kääriäinen, Juha Takalo & Maarit Tihinen app. 109 p. Requirements engineering. Inventory of technologies. 492 Himanen, Mervi. The Intelligence of Intelligent Buildings. The Feasibility of the Intelligent Building Consept in Office Buildings. 2003. 497 p. Requirements engineering 493 Rantamäki, Karin. Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Near-Field of a Lower Hybrid Grill. 2003. 74 p. + app. 61 p. 494 Heiniö, Raija-Liisa. Influence of processing on the flavour formation of oat and rye. 2003. Inventory of technologies 72 p. + app. 48 p. 495 Räsänen, Erkki. Modelling ion exchange and flow in pulp suspensions. 2003. 62 p. + app. 110 p. 496 Nuutinen, Maaria, Reiman, Teemu & Oedewald, Pia. Osaamisen hallinta ydinvoima- laitoksessa operaattoreiden sukupolvenvaihdostilanteessa. 2003. 82 s. 497 Kolari, Sirpa. Ilmanvaihtojärjestelmien puhdistuksen vaikutus toimistorakennusten sisäilman laatuun ja työntekijöiden työoloihin. 2003. 62 s. + liitt. 43 s. 498 Tammi, Kari. Active vibration control of rotor in desktop test environment. 2003. 82 p. 499 Kololuoma, Terho. Preparation of multifunctional coating materials and their applications. 62 p. + app. 33 p. 500 Karppinen, Sirpa. Dietary fibre components of rye bran and their fermentation in vitro. 96 p. + app. 52 p. 501 Marjamäki, Heikki. Siirtymäperusteisen elementtimenetelmäohjelmiston suunnittelu ja ohjel- mointi. 2003. 102 s. + liitt. 2 s. 502 Bäckström, Mika. Multiaxial fatigue life assessment of welds based on nominal and hot spot stresses. 2003. 97 p. + app. 9 p. 503 Hostikka, Simo, Keski-Rahkonen, Olavi & Korhonen, Timo. Probabilistic Fire Simulator. Theory and User's Manual for Version 1.2. 2003. 72 p. + app. 1 p. 504 Torkkeli, Altti. Droplet microfluidics on a planar surface. 2003. 194 p. + app. 19 p. 505 Valkonen, Mari. Functional studies of the secretory pathway of filamentous fungi. The effect of unfolded protein response on protein production. 2003. 114 p. + app. 68 p. 508 Parviainen, Päivi, Hulkko, Hanna, Kääriäinen, Jukka, Takalo, Juha & Tihinen, Maarit. Re- quirements engineering. Inventory of technologies. 2003. 107 p. 509 Sallinen, Mikko. Modelling and estimation of spatial relationships in sensor-based robot workcells. 2003. 218 p. Tätä julkaisua myy Denna publikation säljs av This publication is available from VTT TIETOPALVELU VTT INFORMATIONSTJÄNST VTT INFORMATION SERVICE PL 2000 PB 2000 P.O.Box 2000 02044 VTT 02044 VTT FIN–02044 VTT, Finland Puh. (09) 456 4404 Tel. (09) 456 4404 Phone internat. +358 9 456 4404 Faksi (09) 456 4374 Fax (09) 456 4374 Fax +358 9 456 4374 ISBN 951–38–6245–3 (soft back ed.) ISBN 951–38–6246–1 (URL: http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/) ISSN 1235–0621 (soft back ed.) ISSN 1455–0849 (URL: http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/) VTT PUBLICATIONS 508 Requirements engineering Inventory of technologies Päivi Parviainen, Hanna Hulkko, Jukka Kääriäinen, Juha Takalo & Maarit Tihinen VTT Electronics ISBN 951–38–6245–3 (soft back ed.) ISSN 1235–0621 (soft back ed.) ISBN 951–38–6246–1 (URL: http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/) ISSN 1455–0849 (URL: http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/) Copyright © VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 2003 JULKAISIJA – UTGIVARE – PUBLISHER VTT, Vuorimiehentie 5, PL 2000, 02044 VTT puh. vaihde (09) 4561, faksi (09) 456 4374 VTT, Bergsmansvägen 5, PB 2000, 02044 VTT tel. växel (09) 4561, fax (09) 456 4374 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Vuorimiehentie 5, P.O.Box 2000, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland phone internat. + 358 9 4561, fax + 358 9 456 4374 VTT Elektroniikka, Kaitoväylä 1, PL 1100, 90571 OULU puh. vaihde (08) 551 2111, faksi (08) 551 2320 VTT Elektronik, Kaitoväylä 1, PB 1100, 90571 ULEÅBORG tel. växel (08) 551 2111, fax (08) 551 2320 VTT Electronics, Kaitoväylä 1, P.O.Box 1100, FIN–90571 OULU, Finland phone internat. + 358 8 551 2111, fax + 358 8 551 2320 Technical editing Marja Kettunen Otamedia Oy, Espoo 2003 Parviainen, Päivi, Hulkko, Hanna, Kääriäinen, Jukka, Takalo, Juha & Tihinen, Maarit. Requirements engineering. Inventory of technologies. Espoo 2003. VTT Publications 508. 106 p. Keywords Requirements engineering (RE), RE methods, RE techniques, RE tools, system and software engineering Abstract The purpose of this publication is to describe existing systems and software requirements engineering techniques, methods and tools based on a literature study. This publication covers a wide range of requirements engineering methods and theoretical issues and thus provides a broad view of the field. Also, some RE tools are described. Requirements engineering is also described in general and RE processes introduced to provide background information about RE and help to understand the method descriptions. The main processes of RE as seen in this publication include: System requirements development, requirements allocation and flow- down, software requirements analysis and specification and continuous processes including requirements documentation, requirements validation and verification and requirements change management. Requirements Management (RM) activities are understood to begin before actual requirements engineering process phases (RM planning) and continuing during design, implementation, testing and maintenance phases. 3 Preface This publication has been drawn up during MOOSE (Software engineering methodologies for embedded systems), which is an ITEA project (no 01002). The project's main goal is to seamlessly integrate the different areas of product and software development into a common framework. The purpose of the literature study is to provide a comprehensive review of the current state of requirements engineering. As this publication is an inventory of existing requirements engineering methods, techniques and tools and contains the requirements engineering process definition, it serves as the basis for further research performed within the MOOSE project. More information about MOOSE project together with its goals and publications can be found from the project's web site, http://www.mooseproject.org. 4 Contents Abstract................................................................................................................. 3 Preface .................................................................................................................. 4 List of terminology ............................................................................................... 6 1. Introduction................................................................................................... 11 2. Requirements engineering processes............................................................ 12 2.1 System requirements development...................................................... 16 2.2 Requirements allocation and flow-down............................................. 22 2.3 Software requirements analysis and specification............................... 29 2.4 Continuous activities in RE................................................................. 34 2.4.1 Requirements documentation.................................................. 34 2.4.2 Requirements validation and verification ............................... 36 2.4.3 Requirements change management......................................... 37 2.5 Requirements management viewpoint................................................. 37 3. Requirements engineering methods.............................................................. 47 3.1 General methods.................................................................................. 48 3.2 System Requirements development..................................................... 52 3.3 Requirements allocation and flow-down............................................. 59 3.4 Software requirements analysis and specification............................... 61 3.5 Continuous activities ........................................................................... 72 3.6 Requirements management.................................................................. 78 3.6.1 Requirements identification .................................................... 78 3.6.2 Requirements traceability........................................................ 79 3.6.3 Requirements traceability models, methods and languages.... 80 3.6.4 Requirements change control.................................................. 87 4. Requirements engineering tools.................................................................... 93 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 93 4.2 Basic RM tool features ........................................................................ 94 4.3 Examples of RE tools .......................................................................... 95 5. Summary....................................................................................................... 96 Acknowledgements............................................................................................. 97 References........................................................................................................... 98 5 List of terminology The terminology of this publication is presented in the following. Allocation The process of distributing requirements, resources, or other entities among
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